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This is one day of both a complete cardiovascular and weight training workout for a 30-year-old male

with an intermediate fitness level. We used this website to create a SMART goal of increasing his VO2
max from 42.7 to 51.6 and his max pushups from 33 to 45. We will achieve this within 12 weeks and we
will measure the progress every 3 weeks using this test for VO2 max and this test for max pushups. This
goal is important to my client because he wants to live a healthier lifestyle, for this reason will do a full
body program and not a program that specifically targets improving pushups. To set up the basic layout
of frequency, intensity, time, and type for the workouts, will be using the FITT principle. To measure the
baseline and setup the target heart rate zones for the cardio workout we will use this website. We will
base the heart rate zone necessary, zone 4, to improve the VO2 max on this article. The sets, reps, and
rest used for weight training will be based on this website.



Exercise Duration Intensity

Rowing 5 minutes THR Zone 1

CONDITIONING: This will be a superset, where he will do one set of the first exercise followed by one set
of the second exercise.

Exercise Set Intensity Duration Rest

Air Assault Bike 5 THR Zone 4 30 seconds 60 seconds
Body Saw on TRX 4 THR Zone 4 30 seconds 60 seconds

COOL DOWN: During the stretches focus on deep belly breathing; 5 second inhale through the nose,
hold for 5 seconds, and exhale for 10 seconds through the mouth. Do 2 rounds of the stretches.

Stretch Duration
Quad Stretch 30 seconds
Standing Hamstring Stretch 30 seconds
Chest and Shoulder Stretch 30 seconds
Upper Back Stretch 30 seconds
Bicep Stretch 30 seconds
Seated Side Stretch 30 seconds
Triceps Stretch 30 seconds


WARM UP: Do 2 rounds of the warm up with no rest in between sets.

Exercise Reps
Box Jumps 5
½ Kneeling Bottoms Up KB Press 5
Band Stiff Arm Pulldown 10
Slow Split Squat 6

TRAINING: Exercises with the same number are supersets.

Exercise Sets Reps Rest

1a) Barbell Hip Thrust 2 20 60 seconds
1b) Pushup 2 20 60 seconds
2a) Neutral Grip 2 20 60 seconds
Inverted Row
2b) Step Up 2 10 each leg 60 seconds
3a) Farmers Walk 2 60 seconds 60 seconds
3b) Hammer Curl 2 20 60 seconds
3c) Triceps Extension 2 20 60 seconds

COOLDOWN: During the stretches focus on deep belly breathing; 5 second inhale through the nose, hold
for 5 seconds, and exhale for 10 seconds through the mouth. Do 2 rounds of the stretches.

Stretch Duration
Quad Stretch 30 seconds
Standing Hamstring Stretch 30 seconds
Chest and Shoulder Stretch 30 seconds
Upper Back Stretch 30 seconds
Bicep Stretch 30 seconds
Seated Side Stretch 30 seconds
Triceps Stretch 30 seconds

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