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Ftonion Gur Coasr Universi ‘Stuvent Suocess & ENROLLMENT MaXAGEMENT July 12,2019 HAND DELIVERED: Dr. Wison Bishop Florida Gulf Case University RE: Notice of latent to Impose a Disipliary Acton (Notice) Dear. Bishop, “This eters to serve as notice of my intention terminate your employment with lida Gulf Coast Univer recently became aware tat you engagod in he epete, inappropriate ue ofthe University's P-Cird ame for personal beef. Subsequently, received scopy ofthe -Card Aut Summary Fom the Office of Procurement Services following thera of you PCard usage frm Februny to Nay 2019. Your actions ‘oltc the University’s standard of eondact nd warrant the imposition ofa dscipinay actin for the allowing lenses oulined in FGCU Policy 5.016, Disciplinary Action: 1) Unauthorized Ue of State Property, Equipment or Personnel.) and 2) Failure to Make Restttion of Debs 12). Accordgto University Policy 3.050, Appeal of Disciplinary Actions, if yu so chowe, you are provided en (10) calendar days om the dt of his Ntice wo espond to me ether in wring on pein epading the proposed -scipiry scion. I you desire to meet with me rgarding this Notice, pease contat my executive aersant, “Tarmy MeCasin, at (238) 5907910 to schedule esi Unt al decision is made andthe disciplinary ation, i any, is imposed, you are mmedinely paced on _sdminisvative lave with ay Dung the period you need vist campus please ontact Tammy McCaslin ‘aks necessary arangerens. You are alo decid ob pial avaible, a necessary. Fale tobe plysiclyavalable may rei deduction of leave ime from other aplicable andr avilable forme of eave ‘Sr placement on sick lene oan leave withost pay WEN Cro ‘Michel L. Cordova “Vice President for Student Succes and Enon Management 16: VeeH, Leonard, Vie resident and General Counsel ‘Andrew Cinoman, Associate Vice Preset, Academic Engagement Dolores Keser, Senior Diretor, Academic Suppor Programs and Services| Persomel Fle eof vie ria 108 cote ete sos ecu tauerssou: fr jr, ne 8S 655 {iuoasotis + eadooemnecse

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