An Efficient Approach To Structural Optimization

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computers & Slrucrures Vol. 64, No. I-4, pp.

97-l 12, 1997

0 1997 Civil-Comp Ltd and Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Printed in Great Britain
004%7949197 $17.00 + 0.00
PII: SOO45-7!849(%)00123-X



K. G. Mahmoudt
Johannes Kepler Universitlt Linz, A-4040 Linz, Austria

Abstract-It is now widely recognized that structural optimization using mathematical programming
techniques c,an be employed efficiently only in conjunction with explicit approximate models. In this work
an efficient optimization methodology combining a finite element-based approximate analysis model, a
sequential quadratic programming algorithm incorporating an active set strategy and a direct method of
design sensitivity analysis is developed. The methodology involves the solution of a sequence of explicit
high-quality approximate problems subject to given move limits in the design space. A new technique for
constructing approximation functions with a high quality adaptive capability to the original functions is
proposed by using the values of the state variables (displacements and/or stresses) and their derivatives
at points obtained in the process of optimization. Other approximation techniques have been presented
and comparisons have been made using real-life automobile structures to demonstrate the power and
generality of the approximation concepts in structural optimization. 0 1997 Civil-Comp Ltd and Elsevier
Science Ltd.

1. INTRODUCTION Since the earliest applications of mathematical

programming methods to structural design [l], a
Structural optimization problems considered in this
variety of methods for attacking the structural
work consist of minimizing some objective functions
optimization problem, P, can be found in the
subject to nonliner constraints and bounds insuring
the feasibility of the structural design. Mathemat- literature. During the 1980s Schmit [2] and Vander-
ically such a problem can be expressed as follows: plaats [3] reviewed these developments. Extensive
review of finite element-based structural optimization
is given in Ref. [4]. All of the known structural
E’:F(p, x) = Min!, (1)
i optimization algorithms require a very large number
of evaluations of the relevant functions such as
subject to
displacements and stresses. These quantities are in
general implicit functions with a high degree of
hj (P, X) = 0.1 j=l,...,M.,
nonlinearity with respect to the control variables
(design variables). The evaluation of these functions
gj(P, x) Q 0, j=M.+l,...,M, requires a reanalysis of the structure for every move
in the design space. Moses [S] reviewed the rapid
x:<xt<x;, k= l,...) N, development of mathematical programming ap-
proach to structural design optimization and
XER~, (2) concluded that the application of mathematical
programming methods to the optimum design of
where F(p, x) is the objective function to be structural elements and simple components is a
minimized with respect to the design variables vector well-established and profitable technique. He indi-
x, h,(p, x) is a typical equality constraint, g,(p, x) is cates that a major effort in structural optimization
a typical inequality constraint, Me is the number of should be dedicated to reduce the number of
equality constraints, M is the total number of analyses.
constraints, p is the state variable vector (displace- For efficient structural synthesis, the approxi-
ment and/or stresses) and x1 and x” are side mation concepts method is widely used. Therefore, in
constraints which provide lower and upper bounds to this work, attention has been focused on reviewing
the N design variables based on various consider- and extending the approximation concepts approach
ations such as manufacturing limitations, physical which is used in structural optimization to reduce the
practicability and aesthetics. number of analyses.
In late 70s and early 80s approximate represen-
t Current address: AVL GmbH, Kleiststr. 48, A-8020 tations for constraints and objective functions were
Graz, Austria. generated using a first-order Taylor series expansion

98 K. G. Mahmoud

in terms of direct or reciprocal design variables [6-91. spirit of achieving convexity. The original idea set
More accurate approximations can be constructed forth to obtain a conservative approximation to the
using intermediate design variables and intermediate behavior constraints by restoring to mixed direct/re-
response quantities. The intermediate design vari- ciprocal variables in the linearization process [ 18, 191.
ables and response quantities ideas have been This constitutes the basis for the convex linearization
successfully applied [lO-141. Recently, Sepulveda and method proposed in Ref. [lo], where the method
Schmit [15] presented an optimization strategy for employs reciprocal variables in the linearization
structural synthesis based on approximation con- process, but also uses direct variables, depending
cepts. The approximate design optimization problem upon the sign of the first derivatives of the function
is constructed using first-order approximations of being approximated.
selected intermediate quantities in terms of intermedi- Fleury and Smaoui [20] discussed two methods
ate design variables. based on convex approximation schemes. In these
The research work reported in Ref. [16] was methods, the key idea is to replace the implicit
devoted to dealing with the linear constraints which problem with a sequence of convex explicit
may result from the constraints direct linear subproblems having a simple algebraic form. They
approximation. One important conclusion obtained described the “convex linearization” method (CON-
was that further research was needed to make the LIN) [lo] as well as the “method of moving
explicit constraints convex. The concept of hybrid asymptotes” (MMA) [21]. They successfully tested
approximation proposed in Ref. [17] and later these two approximation techniques on simple
exploited in Refs [18, 191, was rediscovered with the problems that can be solved in closed form. Mahnken






MSC/NASTRAN modules U Displacement vector
l* SQPNAS modules x’ Optimum design vector of
F Objective function the approximate model
G Constraints Vector (T stress vector
Fig. 1. Flow diagram for structural optimization using approximate model.
Structural optimization 99
range of coupling

one point

prescribed deformation (clearance)

Fz = 9.05 kN
Fig. 2. Load and boundary conditions.

et al. [22] presented a modified version of the MMA model based on quadratic approximation of the
by incorporating a line search into the global state variables and a region of trust in which the
iteration algorithm. approximate mode1 is still valid; (3) apply this
Recently Shih and Sandgren [23] coupled the finite methodology on real-life automobile structures to
element package NISA and the optimization software demonstrate the power and generality of the
package OPT and used the direct method of approximation concepts in structural optimization.
linear approximation to replace the original implicit After the mathematical background is given in
structural optimization problem with a sequence Section 2 the structural optimization methodolgoy
of explicit approximate problems. They used is described in Section 3. In Section 4 the
truss and frame structure examples to demonstrate approximation concepts approach is applied to
their approach and they recommended the extension real-life automobile structures and a comparison
of this work to include plate, shell and solid with the finite element analysis-optimization direct
elements to enhance the potential application of the coupling method, which is still commonly used, is
method. made.
The objectives of this work are as follows: (1)
develop an efficient structural optimization method-
ology based on replacing the actual design optimiz-
ation problem by a sequence of explicit approximate Most of the approximate structural analysis
subproblems based on efficient sensitivity analysis techniques are based on Taylor series expansions. For
method; (2) use a high-quality explicit analysis any function f(xk ) an infinite series about a known

Fig. 3. Uniform thickness subdomains.

100 K. G. Mahmoud

Fig. 4. Finite element model.

value f(xf) in terms of the independent variable optimization phase. The new proposed structure is
(Axk = xk - xj) can be written as then analyzed and the process is repeated until
convergence to an optimum is achieved. Direct linear,
df reciprocal linear, mixed linear and quadratic approxi-
flxk”+ Axk) = f(x: ) + -dx 1.y;. Axl,
mations are examples of the approximation tech-
niques which are used in structural optimization.

+Jq~o.!%+ . . . . (3)
dx; ‘h 2! 2.1. Direct linear approximation
This consists of replacing the structure measure
The design approach is based on performing a function by a first-order Taylor series expansion at
detailed finite element analysis and creating an the original design. Since all terms of order Vi and
explicit structural optimization subproblem. This higher have been omitted, the error in the
subproblem is based on the value and the gradients approximation is of the order V: . The error increases
of the function at the original design (x0). This with increasing values of (V.I. Of course, the
approximate subproblem is then used in the approximation is exact if the function is linear.

Table 1. Comparison of final designs for example 1

Trust region = 0.25 x x0 Trust region = 0.15 x x0

CPU 1:19:55 0:22:46 0:22:48 0:25:37 0:32:00 0:35:50 0:36:32 0~36120 1:04:40
NOC 25 7 7 7 10 11 11 10 18
F 12896.2 12920.4 12922.8 12908.7 12906.2 12916.1 12917.5 12916.2 12916.0
G msi -3.6 -2.50 -0.12 -0.240 -3.00 -0.06 -0.02 -2.2 -0.5
Design vector 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
5.70 5.62 5.61 5.68 5.67 5.64 5.63 5.66 5.63
5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
8.86 9.07 9.11 8.65 8.93 9.02 9.05 8.93 9.04
10.71 10.57 10.56 10.65 10.68 10.64 10.63 10.63 10.65
5.97 6.88 6.81 6.85 6.42 6.70 6.69 6.67 6.78
21.94 16.77 16.24 18.46 19.14 17.87 16.90 18.49 16.27
14.34 12.35 12.2 12.76 13.80 13.47 13.20 14.11 13.72
12.51 12.63 12.64 12.57 12.54 12.57 12.58 12.54 12.56
7.33 7.23 7.29 7.33 7.32 7.31 7.31 7.32 7.31
12.44 12.38 12.45 12.41 12.42 12.41 12.40 12.43 12.41
6.80 6.82 6.83 6.81 6.83 6.81 6.83 6.80 6.80
6.10 6.10 6.10 6.10 6.05 6.09 6.05 6.05 6.09
NOC = number of optimization cycles.
F = objective function (mm’).
G,., = maximum constraints violation x 10’.
DL = direct linear approximation.
RL = reciprocal linear approximation.
ML = mixed linear approximation (direct and reciprocal).
QD = quadratic approximation.
DC = direct coupling of the optimization model with finite element analysis,
Structural optimization 101

3.0 2.0

_..-.._.._..-..-. Constraint violations




Fig. 5. Optimization history using direct coupling, example 1.

2.2. Reciprocal linear approximation 2.4. Quadratic approximation

In this case the structure measure function is The structural optimization problem P may be
approximated in terms of an intermediate variable. approached by representing the state variables vector
This variable is defmed by the reciprocal of the design p(x) in terms of the design variables x using quadratic
variable. A typical example is the general form approximation, obtained using Taylor series.

yk=x:, (4) p(x) x p(x”) + AxTV,p(xO) + ;AxT~P(x~)Ax, (6)

where m is a predetermined parameter. The reciprocal

of X~is one of the popular intermediate variables [6]: where p(x) is the state variables vector, V.p(x”) is the
gradient of the state variables p(x) with respect to
design variables vector x and Vip is the second
Jk=$ derivative of the state variables vector p(x) with
respect to vector x. The use of the quadratic
The reason for this is that the displacement and stress approximation involves calculating the gradient and
constraints for determinate structures are often linear Hessian matrix or matrix of second partial deriva-
functions of the reciprocal design variables. tives, V:p(x). The gradients are calculated using the
direct method of sensitivity analysis which is
2.3. Mixed linear approximation incorporated in the finite element code (see Ref. [24]
It is important to recognize that reciprocal for more details). The most popular two methods for
linearization yields a convex approximation only if all computing the Hessian matrix (matrix of second
the first derivatives V&p, x0) are non-negative. This partial derivatives B = V:p) are the finite difference
feature cannot be controlled and therefore a hybrid method and the quasi-Newton formula. In this work
form of the direct and reciprocal approximations the Broydon-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS)
which is more conservative than either can be [25--291 technique is used to update the Hessian
introduced [lo]. matrix.
102 K. G. Mahmoud

It is worthwhile to note here that the state variables For the initial design, using the finite element and
(displacement and/or stresses) and not the structure design sensitivity results, the objective function,
constraints are approximated quadratically. If the constraints and their gradients are evaluated and then
latter is approximated and the active set strategy is an optimizer uses this information to improve the
incorporated in the optimization technique, the design. The new design variables are used for new
quadratic term (which is always positive) may change finite element and design sensitivity analyses and
the status of the constraint from active to nonactive. these steps are repeated until convergence is achieved.
This structural optimization methodology is still
commonly used.

In the structural optimization problem P, either the

objective function F(p, x) or the constraints h(p, x) 3.1. Convergence criteriu
and g(p, x) may be nonlinear functions of the design Because the structural optimization problem is an
variables vector x. This problem has been ap- iterative process, a set of optimization criteria are
proached using two optimization methods. In the first used to determine when the overall process has
approach, the optimizer is linked directly with the converged. The convergence criteria used in the first
finite element and design sensitivity analysis models. methodology, the direct coupling of the finite element

3.0 1.0

2.6 0.8

_..-..-..-..-.._. Constraint violations

2.2 0.6


2.6 0.8



5 10 15
Optimization cycle
Fig. 6. Convergence history (DL).
Structural optimization 103

3.0 1.0

2.6 0.8

_..-,,_..-..- .._. Constraint violations

2.2 0.6

1.8 0.4

“g 1.4 0.2
dX 1.0 0

g 3.0 1.0
2.6 0.8

2.2 0.6

1.8 0.4

1.4 0.2

1.0 0

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Optimization cycle
Fig. 7. Convergence history (RL).

analysis and the optimizer are the Kuhn-Tucker to constraint j and (x*) is the optimum design vector.
optimality conditions: As discussed in the previous sections, this approach
can create difficulties caused by too many finite
x* is feasible, (7) element analyses which result in a long computing
run time.
h&(X*)=0, and A,>O,j=M,+l,..., M, In the second approach, the structural optimiz-
ation problem P is solved by sequentially solving
subproblems F” which are generated by approxi-
mation of both the objective function f(x) and
the constraints h(x) = [h,(x), . . . , II,(x)]~ and
VF(x*) + 2 A,Vhj(X*) + 5 3,Va(x*) = 0, , gY(x)lT. In the sequel, the
,=I ,=M,+I g(x)=Lgu,+I(x),...
approximated functions are denoted by
(9) p” h’“(x) = [h?‘(x) , hticWI’ and g’“(x) =
Isi. + , (x), . . . , g&$, respectively. It should be
ijiOo, j=M,+l,...,M, (10) recognized that the approximation is in some
instances very gross and must be used with great
where Aj is the Lagrangian multiplier corresponding caution. One way to ensure the approximation is
104 K. G. Mahmoud

adequate is to impose limits on the accepted where

increments in the design variables. That is for each
subproblem in a region of trust should be x min = max(xf) - Axl!), XL), (13)
constructed. In this case the resulting subproblem is
written as x max = min(xf’ + Ax”’
k, x”)
k, (14)

Pen:P(p, x) = Min!, (11) Ax,$’= a(xl:” _ xt I’), (15)

subject to c( = is a move limit (0 < CI< 0.25). (lo)

h:“(P, x) = 0, j=l,...,M,, 3.2. Convergence criteria

In the second methodology there are two levels at
g:“(P, x) G 0, j=M,+l,...,M, which convergence is tested: the first level is the
optimizer level and this is the lower level; the second
x min < xl’ < x max k=l,...,N, level is the overall design cycles level, the global level.
k k ’
The convergence at the optimizer level is denoted
XER~, (12) “local” convergence and at the design cycles level is

3.0 1.0

2.6 ( Volume 0.8

-. Constraint violations
2.2 _..-..- ..-..-.. 0.6

1.8 0.4

-8 le4
2 0
X 1.0

i! 3.0



5i $i .\
1.0 iif. :1: ;. " ,G, ;-,, ,. A I I 0

.o 2 4 6 8 10 12
Optimization cycle
Fig. 8. Convergence history (ML).
Structural optimization

2.6 Volume 0.8

_.._,. -..-..- ..-. Constraint violations



2.6 0.8




2 4 6 8 10 12
Optimization cycle
Fig. 9. Convergence history (QD).

denoted “model” convergence. The local convergence these optimization methodologies, MSC/NASTRAN
criteria are the previously mentioned Kuhn-Tucker finite element analysis modules [30] are coupled with
optimality conditions and the model convergence the sensitivity analysis and optimization modules,
criteria are SQPNAS, developed in this work and the work
presented in Ref. [24].
As one can see from Fig. 1, finite element and design
(17) sensitivity analyses are performed at the beginning of
each design cycle. An approximate model is then
max(Izy)(x)) < e2, j = 1, . . . , Me, (18) constructed. This subproblem is then used in the
optimization phase. Once an optimum design for the
max&$‘(x)) l: ~2, j = Me + 1, . . . , M, (19) approximate subproblem is found, the new design is
submitted for another finite element analysis to deter-
where i is the design optimization cycle number; LI is mine the true response, thus marking the beginning of
the tolerance value (e.g. L, = 10e4); c2 is a tolerance the next design cycle. This cycle may be repeated as
value which is may be different from 6,. In both of necessary until “model” convergence is achieved.
106 K. G. Mahmoud

Table 2. Comparison of final designs for example 2

Trust region = 0.25 x xo Trust region = 0.15 x xo

CPU 0:19:55 0:24:02 0:20:06 0:23:31 0:35:46 0:32:40 0:23:40 0:35:25 1:18:20
NOC 6 7 6 6 11 10 7 9 22
F 72.6 72.6 72.5 72.6 12.6 72.5 75.8 72.6 72.9
G mrr 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Design vector 5.24 5.26 5.23 5.23 5.26 5.25 5.33 5.27 5.28
8.06 8.06 8.05 8.05 8.05 8.06 8.21 8.06 8.12
5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
9.00 8.99 8.99 9.0 9.00 9.01 9.10 8.99 8.99
13.60 13.60 13.61 13.63 13.61 13.60 13.58 13.60 13.56
8.81 8.77 8.77 8.78 8.76 8.82 9.92 8.77 9.22
28.16 28.90 28.88 28.67 28.72 27.89 19.66 28.92 23.48
18.56 18.62 18.64 18.57 18.60 18.55 18.29 18.65 19.35
15.72 15.75 15.70 15.68 15.74 15.75 15.84 15.82 15.89
12.57 12.56 13.67 12.67 12.56 12.61 12.16 12.56 12.53
22.00 22.00 22.00 22.01 22.00 21.99 22.03 22.00 22.00
8.18 8.18 8.18 8.16 8.18 8.18 8.37 8.18 8.14
7.18 7.07 7.17 7.21 7.07 7.10 8.98 6.95 6.96

4. TEST PROBLEMS AND RESULTS efficiency. The quality of the model is determined by
comparing the values of the structural measure
In the context of structural optimization, the function provide by the model to its exact value.
evaluation of an approximate analysis model should Efficiency is more straightforward. Efficiency can be
be assessed from two viewpoints: quality and estimated by testing the approximate model in the


-..- ‘-‘.-..-..-. Constraint violations



90 0.8

70 0.4

50 0
0 5 10 15 20 25

Fig. 10. Optimization history using direct coupling, example 2.
Structural optimization 107

150 1.0

130 Stress function 0.8

_..-..-..- ..-..-. Constraint violations

110 0.6

1 0.6

2 4 6 8 10 12
Optimization cycle

Fig. 11. Convergence history (DL).

optimization process and checking how well the 4.1. Example: unit injector rocker arm
structure is optimized. Figure 2 shows the loading and boundary
The structural optimization strategy described in conditions for a unit injector (U.I.) rocker arm that
Fig. 1 has been implemented by coupling the finite has been used elsewhere as an example [24,32]. This
element analysis-blased approximate model with the problem came from the company AVL-List GmbH
direct method for design sensitivity analysis and a (Graz). The two-dimensional domain of the rocker
sequential quadratic optimization algorithm [31]. The arm is divided into 13 subdomains; each subdomain
techniques discussed in the approximation techniques is assumed to have a uniform thickness, and the
section have been experimented on a large-scale thickness of each subdomain is considered as a design
automobile structure example. The tests are used to variable.
demonstrate the validity and the efficiency of the Figure 3 shows the 13 subdomains of uniform
approximation concepts approach for large-scale thickness, where the numbers given in the subregions
structural optimization and to compare between represent the component number in the design
different approximation techniques from one side and variables vector. Figure 4 presents the finite
between an approximation concept approach and a element model of the rocker arm. The domain is
finite element ana.lysis-optimization direct coupling divided into 396 QUAD4 and one TRIA3 elements,
from the other side. respectively. For a steel unit injector rocker arm,
108 K. G. Mahmoud

Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio are 110 GPa von Mises stress (2.50 MPa). In this example the
and 0.3, respectively. thicknesses of the design previously used by the
Two optimization test examples have been carried AVL-List are used as initial values of the design
out using finite element analysis-optimization direct variables:
coupling and four different approximation tech-
niques. The first example is formulated as follows: x = [12.0, 16.0, 5.5, 7.0, 14.0, 23.0, 10.0,

Minimize Volume (20) 17.0, 33.0, 26.0, 15.0, 25.5, 28.01T.

such that
Classically, the convergence history is presented in a
weight vs iterations diagram. In this study the
a, -l<O, j=l,..., NLM, (21) objective function and the sum of constraint
violations vs iterations/optimization cycles are pre-
5 mm < xk < 35 mm, k = 1, . . , N, (22) sented in graphs. The results obtained are also
presented in tables because graphs and numbers may
where: N is the number of design variables; NLM is give a better judgment.
the number of elements; cmaris a maximum allowable Table 1 shows a comparison between the CPU

150 1.0

130 Stress function 0.8

_.,-..-..-..-..-. Constraint violations

110 0.6

90 0.4

70 0.2

a = 0.15

50 m n” m f-.
” m
” r\
” m
” e” m


130 0.8

110 _ 0.6

90 _ 0.4

70 _ 0.2

50 Ii n m
” ”
m n



I I I 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Optimization cycle
Fig. 12. Convergencehistory (RL).
Structural optimization 109


Stress function 0.8

_..-..- .._..-..-. Constraint violations









0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Optimization cycle
Fig. 13. Convergence history (ML).

required to optimize this problem on a VAX 4000-60 parts-figures the upper part is produced at a moving
work station. The number of design optimization limit a = 0.15 and the lower part at a = 0.25. In case
cycles, NOC, the objective function values, F, the of linear approximation, one can see from Fig. 5 that
maximum constraints violation, G,.. , and the design the objective function reaches its minimum in about
variables vector in five different approaches: finite four iterations, at a = 0.25, and because of the
element analysis-optimization direct coupling; direct constraints violation the solution oscillates about the
linear approximation; reciprocal linear approxi- optimum. Better results are obtained at the lower
mation; mixed linear approximation; and quadratic moving limit, a = 0.15. Reducing the moving limit
approximation of the state variables are presented. overcomes the oscillation and improves the direct
Two moving limits (trust regions) are used, namely linear approximation convergence rate, but slows
E = 0.25 and tl = 01.15. At each optimization cycle down the convergence rate in the case of the other
finite element and structural design sensitivity approximation approaches. One can see this from
analyses are performed. Table 1 and Figs 5-9. One can also notice that the
From Table 1, one can see that there is no great quadratic approximation takes more CPU time than
difference between the values of the objective the other approaches for the same number of
function obtained in each of the previously iterations. This is due to the time used in updating,
mentioned approaches. In each of the following two saving and retrieving the Hessian matrix.
110 IL G. Mahmoud

In the second example, the objective is to minimize used in this example); umaris a maximum allowable
F,, where von Mises stress (250 MPa).
The initial design variables used in the previous
NLM example are also used here. The results obtained
F,= c (23) are presented in Table 2 and Figs 10-14. From
this table and these figures, one can see that
the quadratic approximation gives quite good
such that results in spite of the time required to update
the Hessian matrix. The hybrid linear approxi-
mation converge after seven iterations at moving
;;di-l<O, j=l,_.., NLM, (24) limit a = 0.15 to a design space near the design
space obtained by the other approaches (local
5mm<xk<35mm, k=l,..., N, (25) minimum). This can be seen from the values
given in Table 2. It is worth recalling that the
where N is the number of design variables; NLM is quality of the results and the efficiency of the
the number of elements; u, is von Mises stress of calculations are two conflicting factors that should
element j; go is a prescribed stress value (120 MPa is be considered in selecting an approximate analysis

150 1.0

Stress function 0.8

____._.,_,._____ Constraint violations

1 cr = 0.15
i I
u m ”n ”m ”r\ ”m ”n ”m ”r.

_ 0.6

_ 0.4
a = 0.25

” 0 _ 0.2
50 i 0 m m
" n m
" I I _ 0

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Optimization cycle
Fig. 14. Convergence history (QD).
Structural optimization 111

Table 3. Comparison of final designs for example 1 including restriction on the displacement
Trust region = 0.25 x xo Trust region = 0.15 x xo
CPU 012646 0:19:33 0:25:28 0:19:19 0:29:2 1 0~3556 0:35:58 31:57 1:25:06
NOC 8 6 7 6 9 11 11 9 24
F 201679.9 21089.0 21031.4 21030.0 20777.2 21007.0 21011.1 21021.0 21018.6
G mar -3.1 -3.10 -0.32 -4.2 -4.50 -0.03 -0.06 0.0 0.44
Design vector 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
5.60 6.11 6.5 6.41 6.75 6.15 6.12 6.35 5.94
5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
7.77 7.80 7.8 7.80 7.83 7.81 7.81 7.82 7.81
17.47 15.97 15.8 15.94 13.43 15.85 15.97 15.83 16.56
17.77 16.35 16.58 16.57 15.40 16.04 16.14 16.33 15.19
35.00 27.65 27.98 27.59 35.00 30.54 29.88 28.85 31.78
33.87 32.69 30.58 30.55 29.10 33.96 33.93 32.88 31.43
217.65 28.36 28.25 28.22 28.99 28.05 28.07 28.15 28.17
6.89 6.73 6.60 6.66 6.44 6.73 6.73 6.67 6.77
19.31 22.26 22.57 22.37 22.80 22.98 22.95 22.84 23.14
10.03 9.62 9.54 9.79 8.75 9.38 9.36 9.40 9.77
12.98 15.67 15.78 15.73 14.46 15.46 15.45 15.59 14.24

model. That is, better approximations are often coupling and the approximation concepts approach.
achieved at the expense of more computational effort. It is clear from both tables that the quadratic
In the previous two examples no restriction is approximation approach may be more expensive, but
imposed on the displacement at any grid point. is more robust than the others. At a move limit of
However, other nu.merical tests including restrictions CI= 0.15 the reciprocal and mixed linear approxi-
on the stiffness of the rocker arm, defined by eqn (27), mation converge to a local optimum far away from
have been carried out. The new constraint is: the optimum design space obtained by the other
approximation approaches.
SI’F > 56.5 N pm-‘,
In this paper an efficient optimization methodology
SFT = the Istiffness of the rocker arm, combining finite element analysis-based approximate
analysis model, a sequential quadratic programming
=- forceco.0WI algorithm incorporating an active set strategy and a
V,,“.r.)km1 + Vybdcr~
WI ’ direct method of design sensitivity analysis is
developed. Two design optimization problems from
Tables 3 and 4 summarize the results obtained in the automobile industry involving a mix of behavior
both examples using analysis-optimization direct constraints as well as alternative objective functions

Table 4. Comparison of final designs for example 2 including restrictions on the displacement
Trust region = 0.25 x xo Trust region = 0.15 x x0

CPU 0:23:08 26~43 0:29:01 0:24:09 0:19:15 0:13:26 0:13:20 3044 1:53:30
NOC 7 8 9 6 6 4 4 8 32
F 83.38 83.37 83.35 83.59 86.67 93.00 92.2 83.94 83.6
G nl*i -0.03 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.24 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.04
Design vector 5.91 5.91 5.90 5.90 5.87 8.48 8.48 5.89 5.85
8.33 8.32 8.32 8.33 8.44 8.38 8.35 8.36 8.34
5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
8.92 8.92 8.92 8.93 8.90 8.73 8.81 8.98 9.03
13.03 13.06 13.05 13.11 12.89 12.00 12.02 13.18 13.56
10.32 10.20 10.16 10.23 12.46 18.51 17.10 10.46 10.25
33.97 35.00 35.00 35.00 23.13 17.12 17.11 30.59 30.77
21.62 21.71 21.78 21.69 19.83 17.31 17.63 21.52 20.83
35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 33.40 35.00 34.50 35.00 35.00
9.92 9.94 9.94 9.97 9.85 18.36 18.36 9.96 10.01
26.75 26.73 26.80 26.7 26.30 20.39 21.60 26.77 26.26
8.37 8.36 8.36 8.34 9.43 13.05 13.05 8.38 8.33
9.00 9.03 9.00 9.03 10.56 14.62 14.62 9.28 9.78
112 K. G. Mahmoud

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