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Senior Software Engineer




Profile I'm a result-oriented professional with over 7 years' experience in application

development. I concentrate on design software based on Test-Driven
Development, refactoring and microservice-oriented architecture using stable
tech stacks. Throughout the time being part of the teams responsible for
proposing and developing software architectures from scratch has allowed me
to develop analysis capabilities to solve complex problems and to propose
scalable solutions. Also being part of interdisciplinary teams and seeing
different point of view has allowed to enrich my background and the capacity
to propose solutions and to find best solution for a specific problem.

I'm convinced with my work I can improve the life of others for better that´s
why I consider myself a self-educated professional willing to learn new
technologies to be prepared for the challenges it demands our society.

Professional Intercorp Retail - 05/2019 - To date

Experience Senior Software Engineer


Tunki – Senior Software Engineer

− I implemented the microservice-oriented architecture based in event-

driven microservice architecture.

− I implemented the archetype for the microservices using the following

tech stack:
o Java 8
o Spring Boot, Spring cloud Config, Spring Security, Spring
o RDBMS - Mysql
o Redis
o Gradle
o Axon Framework
o RabbitMQ
o HikariCP
o Swagger

− I implemented the integration with Firebase Authentication.

Belatrix Software Factory Peru - 02/2016 - 05/2019

Senior Software Engineer


BCP Innovation Center – Senior Software Engineer. 09/2016 - 05/2019

The innovation center is a new branch of the BCP which is leading bank’s journey
to the digital transformation with the fast delivery of new applications using the
latest tools and technologies. I was assigned as Senior Software Engineer with
the following accomplishments:

− I participated in the design of the micro-service-oriented architecture.

− I Implemented the archetype for the microservices using the following

tech stack:
o Java 8
o Spring Boot, Spring cloud Config, Spring Security, Spring
o Spring Security
o RDBMS - MariaDB
o Maven
o Hazelcast
o Hibernate
o HikariCP
o Retrofit
o Swagger
o Checkstyle, PMD and findbugs

− I Implemented the spring cloud config server.

− I implemented liquibase as schema migration.

− I implemented the integration with SonarQube.

− I participated in the migration of three monoliths applications to


− I refactored the integration testing application implemented in ruby.

American Online (AOL) – Senior Software Engineer. 02/2016 - 07/2016


− I participated in the implementation of the monolith application using

the following tech stack:
o Java 7
o Google Guice
o Swagger
o MyBatis
o Jersey
o RDBMS - Mysql

− I refactored the integration testing application implemented in python.

Graña y Montero Digital - 05/2013 - 12/2015

Analyst Programmer


Oficina de Normalización Previsional (ONP) - Analyst Programmer

The ONP is a government agency which manages the national pension system.
It currently has more than one hundred offices throughout the country.


− I participated in the migration of three legacy application from Java 1.5

to Java 7.

− I participated in the stabilization of a legacy application which registered

critical issues caused by the high concurrency of users. I used Apache
JMeter for Stress test to demonstrate the improvement in the
performance of the application.

− I implemented the monolith architecture using the following tech stack:

o Java 7
o JSF, RichFaces
o MyBatis
o EJB 3.0
o RDBMS Oracle 11g
o Jasper Reports

− I implemented the integration with IBM FileNet P8 to perform massive

loads and eliminations of documents.
− I participated in the implementation of seven monoliths applications.

Fundiciones Generales S.R.L (FUGUESA) - 02/2011 - 31/2012

Analyst Programmer

FUGUESA is a small business dedicated to the manufacture and

commercialization of forged taps.


− I implemented the monolith architecture using the following tech stack:

o Java 6
o EJB 3.0
o Mysql

− I implemented three monoliths applications for attendance control,

stock inventory control and sales.

Key Skills − Agile Frameworks:

o Scrum
o Kanban
− Programming Languages:
o Java Programming - Advanced
o Ruby Programming – Beginner
o Python Programming – Beginner
o NodeJS Programing - Beginner
− Frameworks:
o Spring Framework
o Spring Boot
o Spring Cloud
o Hibernate
o RxJava
o Retrofit
o Jasper Reports
o JUnit
o Mockito
o Power Mockito
o Flyway
o Liquibase
o Logback
o Jersey
o Hazelcast
o MyBatis
− Databases:
o MariaDB
o Mysql
o Sql Server
o Oracle
o Redis
− Automation Tool Build:
o Maven
o Gradle
− Apache JMeter for stress test
− Bamboo, JIRA, Confluence and Bitbucket
− Azure Devops
− Docker Containers
− Firebase
− Google Cloud Platform

Key Courses and − Lean Yellow Belt (09/12/2014 - 09/01/2015)

Training − Requirements Management with Use Cases (24/06/2014 - 26/06/2014)
− UML Fundamentals (27/06/2014)
− RUP Methodology and UML (24/09/2013 - 30/01/2014)
− SOA Fundamentals (23/05/2013 - 24/11/2013)
− Senior Java Developer (13/12/2011 - 16/02/2012)
− Java Developer (11/06/2011 - 11/09/2011)

Qualifications Bachelor in System’s Engineering
Universidad Alas Peruanas, Peru, 2012

Graduate in Computing and Informatics

Instituto Superior Tecnológico Peruano Manuel
Arévalo Cáceres, Peru, 2006

Languages English Good

Spanish Fluent

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