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Anthony Lazar, Amar Preet

CUIN – 3313
Professor Dogan
July 15th 2019

Exercise 4: Draft Video Script

Video Intro (15 seconds)


LinkedIn allows members (both workers and employers) to create "connections"

with each other in an online social network which may represent real-
world professional relationships. Members can invite anyone (whether an
existing member or not) to become a connection. This tool has brought a
significant change in corporate world specifically HR.

LinkedIn in the HR field (15 seconds)


While social media has profoundly changed just about every industry, few
platforms have been as disruptive as LinkedIn has been to human resources. As
a result of these changes, it’s clear that LinkedIn is an essential part of
every HR professional’s toolkit. From recruiting to vetting the potential
candidates, LinkedIn is useful in so many ways specially to the employers. But
how, specifically, should you use the platform to stay relevant and
competitive? Here are five key things to focus on.

LinkedIn Branding Intro (25 seconds)

** Show LinkedIn page and give example of a profile**


First, your profile, where you detail your experience, education, and skills.
Just be sure to craft your profile in a way that positions you well for the
work you want to do instead of just recapping what you’ve done in the past.
Second, adding media to your profile, articles and videos, where you can show
your audience what you do instead of just telling them about it. Third, status
updates, which allow you to share examples of your work and document your
interests. Fourth, LinkedIn’s publishing platform, which allows users to
share article-length content relative to their work. Finally, recommendations
and endorsements from others. What your connections say about you provides
highly credible evidence of your capabilities.

Pros of LinkedIn (35 seconds)


Many HR professionals, however, need to also make connections beyond their

existing network. That’s where LinkedIn Groups come in. With Groups, for just
about every interest, industry, and geographic area, there’s almost no limit
to who you can meet — from active job candidates to referral connects and
industry peers. LinkedIn’s membership gives you access to a database of more
than 300 million professionals worldwide. In addition, part of the genius of
LinkedIn is that it exposes the interconnections in your network, showing you
who is connected to whom.

Video Outro (5 seconds)


As we all know maintain your network is a key step in maintaining your career
and stepping towards a better and successful position every time. Take a few
minutes out of your busy schedules to interact with your network, share your
knowledge, promote your company, and learn from others and you will be well
equipped to keep pace with the changes.

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