Homoeopathy in Germany

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Homoeopathy at its than the disease', its palatable medicines

having almost no side effects and its

origins claims of treating chronic conditions.
Homoeopathy has its own views on illness,
its own diagnostic and therapeutic
approaches, as well as its own medicines.
Dr Harikumar Homoeopathic medicines are prepared
Sivanandan from a variety of sources, such as
The writer is an medicinal plants, minerals, animal
Indian physician materials, and are typically administered
and public in high dilutions. However, the claim of
health scholar, increasing potency with increasing dilution
who is working has also been the main point of criticism,
in the state of as it does not conform to natural logic and
Kerala, India as modern pharmacological tenets.
part of its Opponents argue that homoeopathic
primary health care system. medicines only have a placebo effect. In
addition, homoeopathic practitioners are
reluctant to test their methods in a
randomised controlled trial, which is
Homöopathische Behandlungen werden in considered the gold standard for
Indien kontrovers diskutiert. Oft wird determining the efficacy of a treatment
behauptet, dass Homöopathie in modality.
Deutschland, ihrem Ursprungsland, sogar
verboten sei. Dieser Artikel gibt einen Homoeopathy in India
Überblick der aktuellen Situation der
Homöopathie in Deutschland. Der Fokus Homoeopathy in India was officially
liegt dabei auf rechtlichen Vorschriften recognised as a form of alternative
und Regelungen, der Ausbildung sowie medicine from the pre-independence era
Kostenübernahme durch Krankenkassen. and continues to enjoy governmental
patronage. Homoeopathic education and
Homoeopathic practice in India has been practice is regulated by the Homoeopathic
plagued by controversies and often Central Council Act of 1973. The Central
alleged to be banned in Germany, the Council for Research in Homoeopathy was
country of origin of homoeopathy. This established as an autonomous
article attempts to give an overview of the organisation in 1978 under the
current status of homoeopathy in Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health
Germany with particular reference to and Family Welfare, Government of India.
regulation, training, and insurance With considerable governmental support,
coverage. India has become a world leader in
homoeopathy with a vast infrastructure of
Homoeopathy originated in the late 18 th hospitals, dispensaries, research
century when Dr Samuel Hahnemann, a institutions, medical colleges, registered
German physician disillusioned by the practitioners and pharmacies. Main-
methods of biomedicine, put forward his streaming of homoeopathy along with
doctrine of similia similibus curentur or traditional Indian systems of medicine is
'like cures like'. Since then, it has grown an official and prominent strategy to help
into a popular system of alternative strengthen the public health system as
medicine with its attractive holistic envisaged under the National Rural Health
approach of 'treating the patient rather Mission.
Similar to other countries, homoeopathic indication claims are made, the
practice in India has always been plagued homoeopathic medicinal product has to
by controversies. Apart from the usual undergo an authorisation procedure.
debates about the scientific validity of Homoeopathic products are treated as
homoeopathic principles and methods, medicinal products under Article One of
homoeopaths are accused of practising the European Council Directive 65/65 EEC
modern or allopathic medicine. They are and in Article Two of the German
also accused of misleading clients to Medicines Act (AMG). The legal and
follow ineffective treatments when better terminological framework for
choices are available. The homoeopathic homoeopathic medicinal products in
practitioners also campaign against Germany and the European Union is laid
modern medical practices such as down clearly in the German Homoeopathic
immunisation for prevention of diseases. Pharmacopoeia (HAB1), the European
There have been demands to subject Pharmacopoeia and the European Council
homoeopathic practice to the same Directives 92/73 and 92/74 EEC. According
standards as evidence-based modern to the BfArM website, there are 1,261
medicine to ensure effectiveness and registered homoeopathic medicinal
safety. One often heard argument against products available in the German market,
homoeopathy in India is that it has been in addition to a host of herbal and
banned in its country of origin, namely anthroposophic products. Homoeopathic
Germany. This article tries to provide a medicines are available in most
picture of the current status of pharmacies across Germany.
homoeopathy in Germany without going
into the debates surrounding it. Who practises homoeopathy in
Regulation of homoeopathy in
Germany In Germany, licensed medical practitioners
are allowed to practise complementary
Even though homoeopathy is not medicine if they undergo some training
separately recognised as a part of the and they may also opt for post-graduate
German healthcare system, it finds a place specialisation in complementary medicine.
under complementary and alternative Basic knowledge of complementary or
medicine. Homoeopathy is considered the alternative medicine is also part of the
most popular among the different types of standard medical curriculum. In addition
complementary medicine prevalent in Germany has the unique Heilpraktiker
Germany. In 2008, homoeopathic system. Introduced in 1939, the
medicines had a market share of 346 Heilpraktiker license allows those without
million US dollars in Germany, according a recognised medical degree to practise
to an article cited by the World Health medicine. Any German citizen aged 25
Organisation. It indicates that a significant years or more, who has undergone
proportion of the population depend on it primary school education, has a good
partially or completely. Homoeopathic reputation and is physically and mentally
drugs are registered by the fit, can obtain the Heilpraktiker license by
Complementary and Traditional Medicinal passing an exam testing his basic medical
Products division of the BfArM (Federal knowledge. They are not required to
Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices). undergo standardised training to
Homoeopathic medicinal products only undertake the exam, but most of them
need to be registered, provided that no undergo some form of training organised
indication claims are made for them and by any of the Heilpraktiker professional
that adequate quality is demonstrated. If associations. However, they are
specifically prohibited from practising in capabilities of modern medicine to rule out
specialised fields like obstetrics, dangerous conditions even as they
venereology and dentistry. There are an criticise the therapeutic options. Still
estimated 13,000 Heilpraktiker practising others rigidly follow the tenets of classical
in Germany, and they practise different homoeopathy and have a negative
forms of alternative medicine such as attitude towards modern medicine.
homoeopathy, naturopathy, acupuncture,
etc. Thus, in Germany, homoeopathy is Due to the absence of regulations for the
essentially practised by two categories: training and the continuing education of
the conventional physicians with Heilpraktiker, several associations have
additional homoeopathic training or been formed with the aim of quality
qualification and the Heilpraktiker. The management and standardisation in the
titles of 'Homoeopathic physician' and field of classical homoeopathy. Examples
'Heilpraktiker' are legally protected. of such associations include Bund
Klassischer Homöopathen Deutschlands
Conventional medical doctors can obtain (BKHD), Stiftung Homöopathie-Zertifikat
the additional designation of (SHZ) and the Verband Klassischer
homoeopathic physician by undergoing Homöopathen Deutschlands (VKHD).
homoeopathic training, which include These associations have set up standards
theory sessions, supervised practical for training, continuing education and
sessions and case seminars. In 2006, supervision of homoeopathic practise.
there were 6,073 medical doctors with Some universities also offer bachelor
additional qualifications in homoeopathy degree programmes in complementary
in Germany. The training is based on a medicine.
MusterWeiterbildungsordnung (MWBO
2003) or model training order and Insurance coverage for homoeopathy
guidelines from the German Medical
Association. The state medical Insurance coverage and reimbursement of
associations provide the additional homoeopathic treatment in Germany is a
designation after an internal review. The complex and heterogenous issue. It has
German Central Association of been argued that the practice of classical
Homoeopathic physicians (DZVhÄ ) also homoeopathy is difficult to sustain within
offers an additional diploma in the German public insurance system due
homoeopathy to those who fulfil certain to economic reasons. The economic
criteria for continuing education. Such pressures may force them to either open a
additional diplomas are claimed to result totally privately run practice or deviate
in better opportunities and remuneration from classical homoeopathy by adopting
through selective insurance contracts. The shortened case histories and combination
homoeopathic physicians use different drug therapies. However conventional
strategies in their medical practice to physicians who practice homoeopathy
integrate homoeopathy and modern often adopt a dual strategy of private
medicine whose conceptual differences payment for the lengthy case histories and
are very sharp. There are physicians who insurance coverage for follow-up
perform parallel practice of homoeopathy consultations.
and modern medicine by segregating
patients according to the diagnosis, prior In general, compulsory insurances do not
experience of therapeutic success and reimburse the treatment of a Heilpraktiker.
patients’ preference. There are others who However, it may be refunded if it is
predominantly practice homoeopathy and provided by a medical doctor and if the
complement it with the diagnostic national healthcare provider has a special
contract with medical doctors. It also
varies depending on the federal state the
patient and doctor live in. Private
insurance companies may refund
homoeopathic treatment provided by
Heilpraktiker and medical doctors with
varied terms and conditions. There are
maximum levels for refunded fees, both
per consultation and per annum with a
minimum annual amount to be covered by
the patients. Refunding for homoeopathic
treatment provided by Heilpraktiker is
limited compared to treatment provided
by medical doctors. The Beihlife, an
insurance system for German civil
servants covers homoeopathic treatment Source: filorosso.eu - Manfred Gerber /
by Heilpraktiker to a limited extent. pixelio.de

Thus, homoeopathy has its own place in

Germany's pluralistic medical system,
Dr Harikumar Sivanandan
even though officially it is seen as part of
complementary or alternative medicine.
Like in India, a significant proportion of
people use homoeopathic medicine for
treatment, especially for chronic
conditions and childhood illnesses.
However, the institutional mechanisms are
less formal and, a mixed system of
statutory requirements and voluntary self-
regulation by various professional
organisations is in place. Like elsewhere,
homoeopathic practitioners in Germany
are also trying to gain greater societal and
political acceptance by presenting
evidence adapted according to the
principles of homoeopathy, even though
they do not depend on such evidence for
their daily practise. The task remains, of
getting such adapted evidence accepted
in modern scientific circles.

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