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Melanin Myth #2: Melanin Injections https://keyamsha.


Melanin Myth #2: Melanin Injections

This is part two in a ten part series on the myths being spread surrounding melanin.

Melanin is worth more than gold silver platinum palladium rhodium and
coltan combined!!!

Apparently, the need to inject melanin motivates melanin thieves. Well okay.
Technically, yes, you can take a hypodermic needle, fill it with melanin and inject it
into your body. But guess what? That won’t do anything. Anyone who does that will
fail to increase the amount of melanin in their skin. Melanin production in the skin is
an EXTREMELY complex process known as melanogenesis. Melanocytes produce
melanin in our skin. That is where melanin originates. Injecting melanin into
someone won’t change the amount of melanin in their skin. The science of melanin
doesn’t work that way…sorry.

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Melanin Myth #2: Melanin Injections

The pictures of people who are supposed to have injected themselves with melanin
actually injected themselves with a synthetic form of α-Melanocyte Stimulating
Hormone aka MSH or MELANOTAN-II to cause their melanocytes to produce more
melanin. FYI, MELANOTAN-II is considered carcinogenic and is not available for
sale in many countries. It can be bought over the internet.

Read our three part series on The Melanin Harvesting Urban Legend for more details.

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