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Research Tools Using Mullins Library

(Nonverbal Communication)

Journal Article:
• This article, by Paul A Soukup, is titled “Nonverbal Communication” and was written in
2019. The article mainly focuses on the study of nonverbal communication and how it
has evolved over the recent years. It mentions how even though nonverbal
communication focuses on the communication aspect, it is also takes place in
psychology and health as well as medical journals. This article even mentions the
struggles that still exist with nonverbal research, which is dualism of behaviors occurring
in multiple channels and having multiple outcomes or effects. Paul also talks about all of
the new methodologies and tools that are emerging with nonverbal communication
studies. With these new tools, they are able to prove that much more takes place
nonverbally than the human typically notices and observes. Some of those new tools
include video tools where they are able to record and analyze interactions with
computer analysis programs. They also mention in the article that with these
advancements in tools, that they are able to go back to past texts and draw conclusions
about behavior and see if humans have changed over the years.

Thesis and Dissertation:

NONCLINICAL YOUTH written in 2017 by Luke Seaver Habif Mason. This study was
conducted to examine how nonverbal communication impacts the social and emotional
aspects of anxious youth compared to normal children. In this study, he ended up taking
thirty-eight participants between the ages of 8 and 12 and were split into two sample
groups of clinical and nonclinical. The results were that the children with anxiety
disorders were at risk for social functioning impairments. Anxious youth are also at a
higher risk for problematic peer relationships. They state multiple times in the study
that a lot of research in the past has focused more so on the causes of social problems
in anxious youth. Few studies have looked into how a deficit in nonverbal
communication skills can impact a child’s social ability.

• The Relationship Between Verbal and Nonverbal Communication written by Mary R. Key
in 1980. This book dives into the sociology of language and the study of language in its
broadest sense.

• The importance of nonverbal communication by and was made in
2017. This video is in the Educational films genre.
• This reference is titled “Nonverbal Communication in Work Contexts” and is written by
Silvia Bonaccio, Jane O’Reilly, and Sharon O’Sullivan in the year 2017. This article is
about how nonverbal communication and nonverbal behavior relates to the work force.

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