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Carmilyn K.

Regellana XII-Mendeleev
Monarica J. Narul August 11, 2018
Fatima Shadeena A. Alih


A kitchen is a room or part of a room used for cooking and food preparation in a
dwelling or in a commercial establishment. Cooking is the practice or skill of preparing
food by combining, mixing, and heating ingredients. At the beginning we don’t know yet
what should we cook, but as the time goes by, we end up in making our Sizzling Chicken

For us, cooking is all about passion. Foods and nutrition is an important course to
participate in since it teaches you how to be clean, being healthy, how to make food and
teamwork. It teaches you how to clean your kitchen and cooking materials properly. So
you stay healthy and don’t get sick yourself, or anyone else using the kitchen utensils.
And so your food doesn’t like the last thing you cooked in the kitchen utensils. Cooking
also teaches us the important nutrition and the basic food groups and how to balance
them and how to stay healthy. When you cook the food you make, you will learn why it’s
important to have a healthy and balanced diet. While doing our cooking activity, we learn
how to work as a team. Learning how to cook is important since you need to know how
to make food for your own since you will not survive if you don’t eat. We also realized that
in preparing food, it is good to choose healthy and nutritious foods so that you won’t get
obesity and other food related diseases.

So as an evaluation of what we have said, it is that foods and nutrition is a good

and important aspects in cooking for we just do not cook foods for us to live but to make
a healthy lifestyle as well.

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