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In The Hospital

A. Conversation

How do I Get to the Maternity Ward

Ms. Indah works in Information Center in Syekh Yusuf Hospital. Now she is serving Mrs. Rini who is
looking for the Maternity Ward.
Mrs. Rini : Excuse me, Miss?
Ms. Indah : Yes, can I help you, Mam?
Mrs. Rini : I wonder if you could help me?
Ms. Indah : I hope I can help you, what do you want to know, Mam?
Mrs. Rini : Yes, Could you tell me how can I get to maternity ward in this hospital?
Ms. Indah : Sure, maternity ward is in front of delivery room in the fifth corridor.
Mrs. Rini : In the fifth corridor? But, where is the fifth corridor?
Ms. Indah : Okay, let me explain to you, from here you just turn left then you will find an intersection
and you can turn left and go straight on, when you find another intersection, you just pass it.
And then you go through until next intersection. The maternity ward is right in front of
delivery room.
Mrs. Rini : Thank you, Miss.
Ms. Indah : You’re welcome.

B. Grammar Focus: Preposition of Place

Study the following picture that shows the position of the rabbit.

- The rabbit is behind the box.

- The rabbit is in front of the box.
- Etc.
Other important directions for place:

*on the corner : disudut *go along : lurus saja *cross : melintas
*opposite: berseberangan *turn : belok *right : kanan
*left : kiri *next to : disamping *near : dekat
*between : diantara *upstairs : di lantai atas *downstairs : di lantai bawah
*intersection : perempatan *three junction : pertigaan *go through/straight : lurus saja

C. Vocabularies: Name of Ward and Department in Hospital

Name of Ward and Department in Hospital

 Medical Ward : Ruang Perawatan Umum

 Surgical Ward : Ruang Perawatan Bedah
 Pediatric Ward : Ruang Perawatan Bayi
 Maternity Ward : Ruang Perawatan Ibu Melahirkan
 Emergency Room : UGD/IGD
 Intensive Care Unit (ICU) : Ruang Perawatan Intensif
 Admission Dept : Tempat Pendaftaran Pasien
 Information Center : Pusat Informasi
 Polyclinic : Poliklinik
 Dentistry Clinic : Klinik Gigi
 Pharmacy : Apotik
 Delivery Room : Kamar Bersalin
 Operating Theatre : Ruang Operasi
 Out Patient Dept : Klinik Rawat Jalan
 Long Stay Patient Dept : Klinik Rawat Inap
 Nurse Station : Ruang Jaga Perawat
 Doctor’s Lounge : Ruang Istirahat Dokter
 Nurse’s Lounge : Ruang Istirahat Perawat
 Nutrient Dept : Dapur Gizi
 Laundry Dept : Tempat Pencucian Linen
 X-ray Dept : Ruang Radiologi
 Laboratory : Ruang Laboratorium
 Corpse / Body Death Room : Kamar Jenazah

D. Let’s Speak Up!

Asking and giving directions:

Here are some expressions that you can use to asking about directions:
 Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to Pediatric Room?
 Excuse me, do you know where the Maternity Ward?
 Excuse me, how do I get to Admission Dept?
 Is this the right way for Laboratory?
Here are some expressions that you can use to give directions:

 It’s that way. (sebenarnya arahnya kesana)

 You‘re going the wrong way. (kamu sudah salah jalan)
 You’re going in the wrong directions. (kamu sudah salah jalan)
 Take this road. (ambil jalan ini)
 Go down there. (ambil jalan itu)
 Go straight. (lurus saja)
 Turn right. (belok kanan)
 Turn left. (belok kiri)
 Turn back/go back (putar balik)
 Take the first on the left. (belok ke belokan kiri pertama)
 Take the second on the right. (belok k belokan kann kedua)
 Take this road, keep going straight ahead and you will find the place. ( jalan lurus saja, dan kamu akan
menemukan tempatnya)
 Yes, it is not far from here. It’s next to Pharmacy. (iya, tidak terlalu jauh dari sini. Pas disamping

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