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Alexandria Engineering Journal (2018) 57, 3737–3745

Alexandria University

Alexandria Engineering Journal


Treatment of collapsible soils by mixing with iron

A.A. AlShaba, T.M. Abdelaziz *, A.M. Ragheb

Department of Construction and Building Engineering, College of Engineering and Technology,

Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Egypt

Received 12 August 2017; accepted 24 July 2018

Available online 6 December 2018

KEYWORDS Abstract Collapsible soils are meta-stable soils which present a potential for a large deformation
Treatment of collapsible and a complete change to the whole particle structure after wetting, with or without loading. Such
soils; soils can show high apparent strength in its natural state but collapse takes place as the bonds
Experimental study; between grains break down when the soil is wetted or loaded. There are several techniques for treat-
Iron powder; ment of collapsible soils such as chemical stabilization and dry mixing the soil with other material/-
Reduction ratio; materials which improve the soil’s mechanical properties. This paper discusses a new proposed
Soils suction technique for treating the collapsible soils by dry mixing with iron powder in a specified percentage
proportional to the weight (Ad). Experimental tests program was performed on collapsible soils
with/without the addition of iron powder. The analysis of results showed the effect of the initial unit
weight of soil cd, and the percentage of the weight-related additives on collapse potential (CP). The
testing program also presents the effects of the amount of induced rainfall water (Qw), the applied
stress on footing model (q), the ratio between depth of improved soils and the footing width (di/B),
as well as the degree of compaction (Rc) of the improved portion of collapsible soils. This study
presents the obtained results and shows in detail the positive effect of using iron powder for treating
the collapsible soils and subsequently reducing the expected collapse settlement.
Ó 2018 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction void-ratio, which is stiff and strong in its dry natural state,
but loses strength and undergoes significant settlement when
Collapsible soils are widely distributed in most parts of the it becomes wet.
world (e.g. United States of America, Brazil, Egypt, Ku- Collapse of the soil structure occurs upon wetting because
wait, South Africa and China). Collapsible soil is a common the suction of soil is reduced and the bonding between particles
geotechnical concern in arid regions with relatively high can be softened and weakened [1].
Generally, collapsible soil is usually associated with any
change that might take place in the groundwater or surface
* Corresponding author.
water. However, the greatest problem with collapsible soil
E-mail address: (T.M. Abdelaziz).
arises when the existence and extent of the collapse potential
Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
are not well recognized before the construction. A laboratory
1110-0168 Ó 2018 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
3738 A.A. AlShaba et al.

or field test is commonly used for the identification of collapsi- Iron powder is a waste material so this technique of soil
ble soils, and obtaining a quantitative estimate of collapse improvement is widely applicable and economic. In addition,
settlement. the achieved reduction ratio as a result is better than any other
Several trials have been conducted to predict the collapse existing technique of improving collapsible soil (e.g. marble
settlement under a specified stress including the overburden powder, compaction. . ..).
pressure and the increased stress caused by foundations. Some
of these trials suggest a value of collapse potential correspond- 2. Experimental work
ing to an applied stress of 200 KPa and it is used only as an
index to provide the engineer with a guide to collapse situation 2.1. Experimental device
which he/she may encounter. The other trials introduce a pro-
cedure to calculate the predicted collapse settlement with the
The used testing set up shown in Fig. 1 consists of soil bin,
use of a known soil depth affected by wetting [2].
water tank, and footing model. The soil bin was made of trans-
Hall et al. [2] and Azzam [4] have reported that different
parent walls machined from Perspex of 6 mm thickness and
studies have been performed to improve the engineering prop-
stiffened by steel angles. The bin base was machined from Per-
erties of earth materials; some of which used additives (admix-
spex of 12 mm thickness. The water tank was machined from
tures) such as lime, cement, fly ash, calcium chloride, olive
Perspex box of 3 mm thickness and a height of 100 mm. The
waste, asphalt, while others used geosynthetic materials and
tank’s base was adjusted perfectly in a horizontal position
compaction to improve soil properties.
and resting on the upper edges of the soil bin. In order to sim-
Despite the availability of several processes of stabilization
ulate rainfall water, the water tank base has thirty six holes of
(mechanical and thermal stabilizations, or by material addi-
1 mm internal diameter. A square steel plate, of dimensions
tion), the chemical technique of stabilization by salts has been
80 * 80 mm and 10 mm thickness used as a footing model,
recently adopted. Kaufhold et al. [5] and Shao-Chi et al. [6].
was placed accurately at the center of soil bin.
Researchers have considered different methods including
pre-wetting, partial replacement with compacted fill, dynamic
2.2. Used material properties
compaction of soils at natural moisture content, dynamic com-
paction after pre-wetting the soil, stone columns and chemical
2.2.1. Basic soil properties
Pre-wetting and compaction was used as an improvement The properties of the soil sample were determined experimen-
technique for the collapsible soil by [7,8] who carried out field tally and shown in Table 2.
load tests in Sao Paulo - Brazil to study the effects of soil com- The collapsible soil had a natural water content of 2.1%
paction on reducing collapse settlement. Other researchers and was classified as CL based on the unified soil classification
such as [9–12] have investigated the use of geosynthetic mate- system and as A-6 according to AASHTO soil classification
rial (geotextile and geogrid) as a reinforcement to increase system. The soil, which is collapsible in nature according to
bearing capacity and to decrease settlement for foundations value of collapse potential, was imported from Borg-Elarab
on layered soils. In addition, Jefferson et al. [13] have described city, 60Kms. south west Alexandria, Egypt. The grain size dis-
a case of using loess-cement cushions to treat loess collapsible
soils in building a nuclear power plant in Bulgaria.
The purpose of this study is to illustrate the possibility of
decreasing the collapse potential to an acceptable level as listed
in Table 1.
The paper presents the findings of a testing program per-
formed to investigate the effects of mixing iron powder in
order to stabilize the collapsible soil. The achieved test results
were used to study the effects of soil properties, such as the ini-
tial unit weight of soil ɣd; the percentage of additives by weight
(Ad), on the collapse potential and collapse settlement of the
natural collapsible soil. The collapse settlement of a square iso-
lated footing model is studied experimentally taking into con-
sideration the main parameters that affect the different aspects
of collapse behavior. The final target of the paper is to check
the validity of stabilizing the collapsible soil using iron powder.

Table 1 Classification of collapsible soil according to the

Egyptian Code of Practice [14].
CP (%) Severity of foundation problems
0–1 No problem
1–5 Moderate trouble
5–10 Trouble
10–20 Severe trouble
>20 Very severe Trouble Fig. 1 Complete Experimental set-up for Infiltration and
Treatment of collapsible soils 3739

2.3. Testing program and testing procedure

Table 2 Properties of collapsible soil.
% fines (passing sieve No. 200) 55%
Two series of experimental tests were conducted on collapsible
Liquid limit 30% soil samples with/without the addition of iron powder. The
Plastic limit 17% first series of tests was conducted to obtain the collapse poten-
Plasticity index 13%
tial (C.P.) of collapsible soils using the single Oedometer tests.
Specific Gravity 2.7
The second series of tests was performed to measure the col-
Maximum dry unit weight (standard proctor test) 19.2 kN/m3
Optimum moisture content 16% lapse settlement caused by wetting the soil with rainfall water
Minimum dry unit weight 11 kN/m3 beneath a loaded square footing model. The achieved results
were used to study the different effects of soil properties, such
as the initial unit weight of soil (cd) by means of relative den-
sity (Dr), the intensity of induced water (Qw), the applied
tribution curve of the soil was constructed and from which; stress on footing model (q), the ratio between depth of the
D10% = 0.0026 mm, percentage of fines (passing sieve No. improved soil to the footing width (di/B), and the percentage
200) = 55%, uniformity coefficient (Cu) = 40, and coefficient of the weight-related additives (Ad), on the value of collapse
of curvature (Cc) = 6.81. Atterberg’s limits were also deter- potential. The first part of series (1) simulated the collapse
mined as: liquid limit (wL) = 30%, plastic limit (wP) potential of natural soil without additives.
= 17%, and plasticity index (P.I) = 13%. These tests were
carried out following ASTM standard D422 and D4318. 2.3.1. Testing series 1
Formed in the soil bin, the soil was placed in six layers each Table 5 represents the obtained values of collapse potential
of 50 mm thickness and compacted using a steel tamper weigh- (C.P.) for the eighteen tests of series (1). Three single Oedome-
ing 20 N in order to achieve the desired relative density. The ter tests, according to ECP standards [14], were conducted to
upper surface of soil was adjusted in an accurately horizontal investigate the effect of the initial dry unit weight of soil on
level using a spirit level. The leveling of soil surface is very the value of collapse potential as listed in Table 5 correspond-
important to get a uniform distribution of water when the ing to tests (No. 1, 7, and 13). The Other fifteen tests were car-
water is allowed to seep. ried out to investigate the effects of adding iron powder to the
soil, as an improving material, on the value of collapse poten-
2.2.2. Chemical analysis of iron powder tial. Different percentages of iron powder (4%, 5%, 6%, 8%
Iron powder, sized between sieves No.8 to No.200, has been and 10) were mixed with the natural soil and single Oedometer
used in this study as a stabilizing material to improve the engi- tests were conducted.
neering properties of the collapsible soil through the homoge-
neous mixing of the natural soil with a specific weight- 2.3.2. Testing series 2
proportional ratio of iron powder. Iron powder is a waste pro- Tests of the second series were conducted using the experimen-
duct of iron workshop; the chemical analysis of such a powder tal testing setup illustrated in Fig. 1. Eighteen tests in the first
was performed on two random samples in COMIBASSAL part of series (2), in addition to twenty three tests in the second
International controller lab. The main chemical components part of series (2) were performed as shown in Tables 6 and 7 in
of the powder are given in Table 4.

Table 5 Testing results of series (1).

Test no. cd (kN/m3) Dr (%) Ad (%) C.P (%)
Table 3 Results of Constant Head Permeability Tests.
1 14 50 0 12.1
cd (kN/m3) Kav. (cm/sec) 2 14 50 3 11.1
Natural (no 6% 10% 3 14 50 4 10.8
additives) Additives additives 4 14 50 5 8.8
5 14 50 6 8.7
14 1.0E04 9.9E05 1.7E04 6 14 50 8 10.5
15 5.2E05 7.2E05 7.8E05 7 15 62 0 9.3
15.5 1.1E05 2.6E05 4.6E05 8 15 62 4 7.9
Where: cd: Initial dry unit weight of soil (kN/m3), Kav.: Average 9 15 62 5 6.9
value of soil coefficient of permeability (cm/sec). 10 15 62 6 7.1
11 15 62 8 8.5
12 15 62 10 10.8
13 16 73 0 6.7
14 16 73 4 5.8
15 16 73 5 5.7
Table 4 Chemical components of iron powder. 16 16 73 6 5.5
17 16 73 8 6.3
Fe % C% Si % Mn % p% S%
18 16 73 10 6.4
98.83 0.1207 0.084 0.5063 0.010 0.011
Where: cd = initial dry unit weight of soil,
soilþweight of Additive  100;
=weight ofweightof
Where: Fe – Iron, C – Carbon, Si – Silicone, Mn – Manganese, P – Additive
Ad Dr = relative density
Phosphorus, S – Sulfur. C.P = collapse potential.
3740 A.A. AlShaba et al.

Table 6 Testing results of the first part of series (2).

Test No. cd (kN/m3) Dr % Qw (cm) q (kN/m) di/B Ad (% by weight of additives) (Sc)natural (mm) (Sc)improved (mm) Rs (%)
1 14 50 2 100 0 0 42.25 0 0
2 14 50 2 100 1.25 4 42.25 33.19 21.44
3 14 50 2 100 1.25 5 42.25 32.23 23.72
4 14 50 2 100 1.25 6 42.25 31.86 24.59
5 14 50 2 100 1.25 8 42.25 32.25 23.67
6 14 50 2 100 1.25 10 42.25 32.57 22.91
7 15 62 2 100 0 0 10.8 0 0.00
8 15 62 2 100 1.25 4 10.82 8.5 21.44
9 15 62 2 100 1.25 5 10.82 8.35 22.83
10 15 62 2 100 1.25 6 10.82 8.06 25.51
11 15 62 2 100 1.25 8 10.82 8.11 25.05
12 15 62 2 100 1.25 10 10.82 8.45 21.90
13 16 73 2 100 0 0 7.6 0 0.00
14 16 73 2 100 1.25 4 7.6 6.02 20.79
15 16 73 2 100 1.25 5 7.6 5.33 29.87
16 16 73 2 100 1.25 6 7.6 4.95 34.87
17 16 73 2 100 1.25 8 7.6 5.77 24.08
18 16 73 2 100 1.25 10 7.6 5.79 23.82
Where: Rs% ¼ ðScÞnatural ðScÞimproved
ðScÞnatural  100, cd – Initial dry unit weight soil, Dr – Relative density of soil; Qw – Intensity of induced water
(cm3/cm2), q – Applied stress on footing model, di – depth of improved soil, B – Footing width, Sc – Collapse settlement after 7 days of water
infiltration through the soil, Rs – Reduction ratio of collapse settlement, Rc – Degree of compaction.

Table 7 Testing results of the second part of series (2).

Studied Test Rc cd Dr Qw q di/B Ad (% by weight (Sc)natural (Sc)improved Rs
parameter No. (%) (kN/m3) (%) (cm) (kN/m2) of additives) (mm) (mm) (%)
di/B 1 – 14 50 2 100 0.5 6 42.25 41.44 1.92
2 – 14 50 2 100 1 6 42.25 37.6 11.01
3 – 14 50 2 100 1.25 6 42.25 31.86 24.59
4 – 14 50 2 100 1.5 6 42.25 24.8 41.30
Qw 5 – 14 50 1 100 1.25 6 28.79 25.9 10.04
6 – 14 50 1 100 1.25 0 28.79 0 0.00
7 – 14 50 1.5 100 1.25 6 33.78 27.95 17.26
8 – 14 50 1.5 100 1.25 0 33.78 0 0.00
3 – 14 50 2 100 1.25 6 42.25 31.86 24.59
9 – 14 50 2 100 1.25 0 42.25 0 0.00
10 – 14 50 2.5 100 1.25 6 46.54 40.78 12.38
11 – 14 50 2.5 100 1.25 0 46.54 0 0.00
12 – 14 50 3 100 1.25 6 50.45 41.24 18.26
13 – 14 50 3 100 1.25 0 50.45 0 0.00
q 14 – 14 50 2 50 1.25 6 32.11 27.49 14.39
15 – 14 50 2 50 1.25 0 32.11 0 0.00
3 – 14 50 2 100 1.25 6 42.25 31.86 24.59
16 – 14 50 2 100 1.25 0 42.25 0 0.00
17 – 14 50 2 150 1.25 6 51.21 37.4 26.97
18 – 14 50 2 150 1.25 0 51.21 0 0.00
19 – 14 50 2 200 1.25 6 56.27 43.11 23.39
20 – 14 50 2 200 1.25 0 56.27 0 0.00
Rc 4 73 14 50 2 100 1.5 6 42.25 24.8 41.30
21 75 14 50 2 100 1.5 6 42.25 9.26 78.08
22 80 14 50 2 100 1.5 6 42.25 7.54 82.15
23 83 14 50 2 100 1.5 6 42.25 5.55 86.86

order to study the effects of the intensity of induced rainfall and the degree of compaction of the improved of soil (Rc),
water (Qw), the applied stress on footing model (q), the ratio on the value of collapse settlement (Scol) of the collapsible soils.
between depth of improved soil and footing width (di/B), The results of such tests have been recorded and analyzed in
Treatment of collapsible soils 3741

order to highlight the different effects of the prescribed param- 2.4.2. The Effect of Soil Relative Density (Dr) and Percentage
eters. Throughout the tests of the second part, the ratio of iron of Additives (Ad) on the Collapse Potential (C.P)
powder (Ad) was maintained at the optimal value (6%) for Figs. 2 and 3 show the relationships of collapse potential (C.P)
tests which were conducted on improved soil. versus percentage of additives (Ad) and relative density of soil
results from eighteen single Oedometer tests. The relationships
2.3.3. Testing procedure indicated that as the relative density (Dr) increases, the col-
During tests, the soil was formed of the required properties lapse potential decreases. So, it is expected that the compaction
and the footing model was placed accurately at the center of of collapsible soil affects its behavior and reduces the problem
soil bin and was loaded with a specified stress, then the of collapsibility. The results also confirmed that mixing the
required amount of water was placed in the water tank and iron powder with the collapsible soil improves its behavior
allowed to seep on soil surface to be induced through the soil and reduces the collapse settlement. It is interesting to observe
completely. The collapse settlement was observed with time. that the optimal ratio of additives (Ad) is ranging between 5%
and 6% of the weight.
2.4. Results analysis of testing series (1)
2.5. Results analysis of testing series (2) (First Part)
2.4.1. Introduction
The results reveal that mixing the collapsible soil with iron Series (2) of tests were performed to measure the collapse set-
powder reduces the collapse potential (C.P). Adding the iron tlement (Scol) caused by wetting the soil with rainfall water
powder reduces the (C.P.) from 12.1% to 8.7%, from 9.3% beneath a loaded square footing model after 7 days of water
to 6.9%, and from 6.7% to 5.5% and the reduction ratio infiltration through soil. The first part of series (2) of experi-
depends on the relative density (Dr), Table 5. Subsequently mental tests was also used to confirm the results obtained from
the severity of the scrutinized problem has changed from one the single Oedometer tests regarding the effects of the soil rel-
category to a less severe category, as reported in Egyptian ative density (Dr) and the percentage of additives (Ad).
Code of Practice (ECP) Table 1. Figs. 4 and 5 show that the collapse settlement (Scol) is
inversely proportional to the relative density (Dr) of collapse

Fig. 4 Relationship between Relative Density (Dr) and Collapse

Settlement (Scol) for Natural Collapsible Soil and different
percentage of Additives (Ad).
Fig. 2 Relationship between Relative Density (Dr) and Collapse
Potential (C.P).

Fig. 3 Relationship between Percentage of Additives and Fig. 5 Relationship between Relative Density (Dr) and Collapse
Collapse Potential (C.P). Settlement (Scol) with Additive (6%).
3742 A.A. AlShaba et al.

soil, (for both the natural collapsible soil and the improved col- lapsibility characteristics of soil. So, as a result, the final con-
lapsible soil). Also, it can be easily observed that the collapse clusion was a direct proportionality between (Scol) and (Ad).
settlement (Scol) for improved soil is considerably less than that To represent the improvement occurred in soil as a result of
for natural soil. To understand the relationship between the mixing with iron powder, the following formula can be derived
initial dry unit weight of soil (cd), in terms of the relative den- for the reduction ratio (Rs).
sity (Dr), and the resulted collapse settlement (Scol), it is well ðScolÞnatural  ðScolÞimproved
known that the collapse settlement increases as the depth of Rs% ¼  100 ð1Þ
wetting through the collapsible soil increases and in general
there are many factors that affect the water infiltration through The ratio (Rs) can be considered an indicator for the soil
the soil. These factors include the soil coefficient of permeabil- improvement. As the ratio (Rs) increases, the soil is more
ity (k), the soil suction and the elevation head of the infiltration improved and more reduction in collapse settlement (Scol)
water. Abdelaziz T.M. (2007) reported that as the soil relative takes place. The relationship between the reduction ratio
density increases, the coefficient of permeability and depth of (Rs) and soil relative density (Dr) for different studied percent-
wetting decrease but while, the matric suction gradient along ages of additives (Ad) was observed. Generally the ratio (Rs)
the wetting zone front increases. That means that the effect increases with the increase of (Dr), as a result of the positive
(k) is opposite to the effect of matric suction, and the obtained effect of additives is achieved (i.e. improving soil behavior).
results of the relationship between (Scol) and (Dr) showed that The relationship between the percentage of additive (Ad) of
the effect of coefficient of permeability (k) was greater than the iron powder and the reduction ratio (Rs) was also investigated.
effect of matric suction gradient for the studied cases. So, as a It is clear from the results listed in Table 6 that the optimal
result the value of collapse settlement (Scol) is inversely propor- additive ratio (Ad) is ranging from 5% to 6% for the different
tional to the relative density (Dr). studied cases. The maximum value of the reduction ratio (Rs)
Fig. 6 and Table 6 show that the relationship between (Scol) was 34.87% and it was corresponding to (cd = 16 kN/m3) and
and percentage of additive (Ad) is consisted of two parts, the (Ad = 6%). But it is expected, on the long run, that soil wet-
first part for low values of the improving material where the ting may cause iron rust. In other words, the chemical compo-
(Scol) decreases as the ratio of (Ad) increases. But the second sition, bonding efficiency and mechanical properties of the iron
part, larger values of additives, shows an opposite trend where powder may change. So, it is strongly recommended to do
the (Scol) increases with the increase of ratio (Ad). There are extra research about the long term effect of soil wetting on
two factors controlling the value of collapse settlement of the the iron powder and subsequently on the reduction ratio (Rs)
improved collapsible soil, the first one is the coefficient of per-
meability (k) and the second factor is the bonding effect of 2.6. Results analysis of testing series (2) (Second Part)
additives ratio (Ad). Table 3 shows that (k) is directly propor-
tional to (Ad), which means that as the ratio (Ad) increases, the 2.6.1. The effect of the ratio between depth of improved soil (di)
depth of wetting through the soil increases and subsequently and the footing width (B)
the collapse settlement is expected to be larger. On the other Fig. 7 illustrates the relationship between the ratio (di/B) and
hand, adding the additives with ratio (Ad) leads to an improve- collapse settlement of soil (Scol). It is well known that the upper
ment in the collapsibility characteristics of soil, so it is expected zone of bearing soil beneath the footing is the most portion
that the collapse settlement decreases. The obtained results subjected to wetting and applied stress. That means that the
illustrated in Fig. 6 and Table 6 may be attributed through majority of (Scol) is related to this portion of soil. So, when
the first portion of (Scol-Ad) relationship, the effect of improv- improving that portion, the effect of reducing (Scol) would be
ing the soil characteristics was more than the effect of increas- clear. The results showed that as the ratio (di/B) increases
ing (k). So, the final result was an inverse proportionality the (Scol) decreases.
between (Scol) and (Ad). Whereas, in the second part of the Results of the experimental tests showed that the collapse
same relationship, the effect of increasing (k) was greater than settlement (Scol) for the studied cases got reduced from
the effect of increasing the ratio of additive (Ad), on the col- (42.25 mm) in case of natural soil to (24.8 mm) in case of

Fig. 6 Relationship between different percentage of Additives Fig. 7 Relationship between the ratio (di/B) and collapse
(Ad) and collapse Settlement (Scol). settlement (Scol).
Treatment of collapsible soils 3743

expected that the infiltration velocity at wetting front also

increases and consequently (Scol) increases.
It is interesting to observe that although the improving pro-
cess resulted in additional increase in both the value of (k) and
the depth of wetted zone due to the increase of (Qw), but it is
still useful to use additives to improve the collapsibility charac-
teristics of soil which finally resulted in a decrease of (Scol) after

2.6.3. Effect of the applied stress on footing model (q)

Observing the tests results listed in Table 7 and Fig. 9, it is
clear that the value of collapse settlement (Scol) is directly pro-
portional to the value of the applied stress (q). It seems to be
Fig. 8 Relationship between the intensity of induced water (Qw) logical because the value of (Scol) is mainly affected by wetting
and collapse settlement (Scol). and stress increase. Also, Abdelaziz [2] stated that the matric
suction gradient is directly proportional to the value of the
applied stress (q).
improving the upper part of collapsible soil with ratio It is also observed that as the value of (q) increases, the
(di/B = 1.5). reduction ratio (Rs) increases; which might be due to the effect
As listed in Table 7 the reduction ratio of collapse settle- of the improving process on the collapsibility characteristics of
ment (Rs) is directly proportional to the ratio (di/B). The soil, in addition to the effect of decreasing (k) which was
reduction ratio (Rs), corresponding to (di/B = 1.5), is 41.3% caused by the increase of (q).
which reflects a good improvement of collapse behavior.
2.6.4. Effect of degree of compaction (Rc) of improved portion
2.6.2. Effect of the intensity of induced water (Qw) of Soil:
Fig. 8 illustrates the relationship of intensity of induced water Fig. 10 presents that the compaction of improved soil within
(Qw) with collapse settlement (Scol) and the reduction ratio the depth (di) with a degree of compaction (Rc), has a strong
(Rs), respectively. For both natural and improved collapsible effect on reducing the value of (Scol). The relationship between
soil, the value of (Scol) is directly proportional to the value (Scol) and (Rc) shows that they are inversely proportional. It is
of (Qw), but for any specific value of (Qw) the collapse settle- logical to achieve this conclusion because the compaction of
ment (Scol) of the improved soil is less than that of natural soil. improving soil (i.e. increasing the unit weight) and decreases
The effect of mixing the soil with iron powder is presented by the collapse potential as resulted previously from the single
means of the ratio (Rs) which ranged from (10.04%) to Oedometer test. Moreover, the compaction process decreases
(24.59%) for all studied cases. the soil coefficient of permeability (k) which improves the soil
Regarding the relationship between (Scol) and the amount performance. Such results agree with those obtained by [15].
of induced water (Qw), for natural soil, it is logically expected Table 7 shows that the largest reduction ratio (Rs) was
that (Scol) is directly proportional to (Qw) because the degree 86.86% and the value (Scol) decreased from (42.25 mm) to
of saturation of the wetted portion of soil increases upon wet- (5.55 mm) and this situation was corresponding to adding
ting and subsequently the coefficient of permeability (k) the optimal ratio of additive (Ad = 6%) in addition to com-
increases and therefore the wetted depth increases. In addition, pacting the improved soil (Rc = 83%). So, it is expected that
Abdelaziz [2] reported that matric suction gradient across the the ratio Rs may exceed more than 86.86% in case of reaching
wetting zone front increases as (Qw) increases. So, it is a degree of compaction Rc greater than 83%.

Fig. 9 Relationship between applied stress on footing model (q) Fig. 10 Relationship between degree of compaction of improved
and collapse settlement (Scol). portion of soil (Rc) and collapse settlement (Scol).
3744 A.A. AlShaba et al.

3. Conclusions

The main conclusions drawn from the reported study are given

 Mixing the collapsible soil with a specific ratio of iron pow-

der results in an improvement of the collapsibility charac-
teristics, and reduction of the collapse settlement upon
 Series of single Oedometer tests showed that the collapse
potential (C.P.) decreases with either increasing the soil unit
weight or adding iron powder with a specific ratio.
 Experimental tests using both Oedometer and laboratory
experimental set-up show that the optimal ratio of iron
powder that may be mixed with collapsible soil ranges from
5% to 6% of the soil weight.
Fig. 11 Relationship between Z (Rs/X) and reduction ratio Rs
 The reduction ratio (Rs = ðScolÞnatural ðScolÞimproved
 100 %)
resulted from the experimental tests ranges from 11% to
41.3% in case of adding 6% iron powder and the unit
2.7. Empirical equation of reduction ratio (Rs) weight of the improved portion of soil was the same as nat-
ural soil. Whereas the same ratio (Rs) ranges from 78% to
86.86% when adding 6% iron powder with compacting the
According to the recorded results, relationship between the
improved portion of soil.
Reduction Ratio Rs (%) and the different Studied Parameters
 The collapse settlement (Scol) of the natural collapsible soil
could be obtained from the derived formulae:
is directly proportional to the intensity of induced water
Y (Qw) and the applied stress on footing model (q) and inver-
x¼ ð2Þ
a þ b:Y sely proportional to the soil relative density (Dr).
where  The collapse settlement (Scol) of the improved soil, by mix-
ing 6% iron powder of the soil weight, is directly propor-
Y = Rs tional to the intensity of induced water (Qw) and the
x=X applied stress on footing model (q), and inversely propor-
a & b is constants tional to the soil relative density (Dr), the ratio between
depth of improved soil and the footing width (di/B), and
Consider (X) as a factor that represents all the studied the degree of compaction (Rc) of the improved portion of
parameters soil.
 The reduction ratio (Rs), which is an indicator of soil
Rc  Ad  Dr  ðdiBÞ improvement, is directly proportional to the ratio of

q  Qw (di/B), the soil relative density (Dr), and the degree of
compaction (Rc) of the improved portion of soil.
And subsequently, the relationship between (Z = Rs/X)
 The relationship between the reduction ratio (Rs) and the
and (Rs) is linear as illustrated in Fig. 11.
percentage of additives (Ad) has experienced two different
Rs behaviors, during the first portion of the curve – where
X¼ ð3Þ
0:0568 þ ð0:0051  RsÞ value of (Ad) ranges from (4% to 6%)- the relationship is
directly proportional, but through the second portion –
Then : Rs=X:0568 þ :0051Rs ð4Þ where value of (Ad) ranges from (6% to 10%)- the relation-
ship is inversely proportional.
 Relationship between the Reduction Ratio (Rs %) and the
Rc Degree of compaction of improved portion (%) different studied parameters may be expressed as:
Dr Relative density (%)
Ad Percentage of Additive (%)
di/B The ratio between depth of improved soil and the foot-
ing width x¼
q Applied stress on footing kN/m2 0:0568 þ ð0:0051  RsÞ
Qw The intensity of induced water (cm3/cm2)
This empirical equation may be useful to achieve a desired
reduction ratio (Rs) by controlling some of the parameters sta- Rc  Ad  Dr  ðdiBÞ
ted in Eq. (3), such as relative density (Dr) and the ratio (di/B) X¼
q  Qw
Treatment of collapsible soils 3745

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