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1 Which is TRUE of the historical development of the Philippines?

a. It has been an independent nation

b. It has not achieve full independence from the very beginning

c. It has been an independent nation ever since

d. It has evolved from a colony to a fully independent nation

Ferdinand Magellan came to the Philippines on March 16, 1521 and claimed the country for the
Spanish Crown. A colonial government was established in Manila in 1571. At the outbreak of the
Second World War, Japan occupied the country. In 1945, the Americans under MacArthur liberated the
country and granted it independence in 1946.

2. This year's SONA was focused on education and economy What is meant by SONA

a. Speech of the Nation Assembly

b. Speech of the Nation address

c. State of the Nation Advocacy

d. State of the Nation Address

The State of the Nation Address (abbreviated SONA; Filipino: Talumpatì sa Kalagayan ng
Bansâ) is an annual address by the President of the Philippines to a joint session of the
Congress of the Philippines.

3 Which statement is TRUE of the pre-Spanish Filipino government?

a. There was a court created by the datu to hear complaints

b. The datu exercised all power of government

C. Laws were formulated by a law making body elected by the community

d. Law were formulated by a law-making body appointed by the datu

Each barangay was ruled by a chief called datu in some places and rajah, sultan or hadji in others, he
was its chief executive, law giver, chief judge, and military head
4 With which are the words 'cha-cha' and"con-sis' associated?

a. Imposition of martial law

b. Return to dictatorial from the government

c. Amendment of the present constitution

d. Division between Senate and House of Representatives

Also called constitutional reform, Charter Change (Cha-Cha) refers to amendments or revisions in the
1987 Philippine Constitution.

5. The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform and cooperatives are ment to______

a. to improve the country’s literary rate

b. to make all citizen equal

c. bridge the gap between rich and the poor

d. eradicate poverty in the country

Republic Act (RA) 6657 or the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (CARL), was signed into law
by President Corazon C. Aquino on 10 June 1988 in response to peasants’ call for equitable
access to land. For a long period of time, the elite landlords brought by the feudal system during
the Spanish colonial government controlled the country’s agrarian system. Problems of
landlessness, massive poverty in rural areas and abuses of landlords led to the formulation of a
number of agrarian reform policies in the country.

6. When one company controls the supply of sugar, which term applies?

a. Economic Stability

b. Monopoly

c. Equilibrium

d. Inflation

A monopoly is a structure in which a single supplier produces and sells a given product. If
there is a single seller in a certain market and there are no close substitutes for the
product, then the market structure is that of a "pure monopoly". Sometimes, there are
many sellers in an industry and/or there exist many close substitutes for the goods being
produced, but nevertheless companies retain some market power. This is termed
monopolistic competition, whereas in oligopoly the companies interact strategically.
7. When parents decide to send their children to a private school and pay their tuition for instead of
sending them to the public school, they don't get their share in the Benet derived from the taxes they
pay. This is a case of

a. Social inequity

b. Double taxation

c. Social injustice

d. Double jeopardy

Social inequities are disparities in power and wealth, often accompanied by discrimination, social
exclusion, poverty and low wages, lack of affordable housing, exposure to hazards and community
social decay

8. Upon which is the claim that there is no single universal standard to be used to judge any culture

a. Cultural diversity

b. Culture shock

c. Cultural relativism

d. Ethical relativism

Cultural relativism is the idea that a person's beliefs, values, and practices should be understood based
on that person's own culture, rather than be judged against the criteria of another.

9. Of the following, who published “On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres" where he proposed a
heliocentric, or sun-centered model of the universe?

a. Ptolemy

b. Nicolaus Copernicus

c. Galileo Galilei

d. Isaac Nev

De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the revolutions of the heavenly spheres), written by Polish
astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543) and published just before his death, placed the sun at
the center of the universe and argued that the Earth moved across the heavens as one of the planets.
10. Of the following who founded the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) and likewise he is known as a "Soldier of

a. Francis of Assissi

b. Juan Nepomuceno

c. Thomas More

d. Ignatius of Loyola

The Society of Jesus (SJ; Latin: Societas Iesu) is a scholarly religious congregation of the Catholic Church
for men founded by Ignatius of Loyola and approved by Pope Paul III in 1540. The members are called
Jesuits (Latin: Iesuitæ).

11. Who printed the first complete edition of the Bible using the first printing press and printing inks in
the West?

a. Samuel Morse

b. Johannes Gutterburg

c. Eli Whitney

d. John Hargreaves

Gutenberg Bible, also called Forty-two-line Bible, or Mazarin Bible, the first
complete book extant in theWest and the earliest printed from movable type, so called
after its printer, Johannes Gutenberg, who completed it about 1455 working at Mainz,

12 The following are archipelagos, except:

a. Japan

b. Philippines

c. Indonesia

d. Korea

Korea is located on the Korean Peninsula in North-East Asia. To the northwest, the Amnok River (Yalu
River) separates Korea from China and to the northeast, the Duman River (Tumen River) separates
Korea from China and Russia.

13. Who was the Mongol leader, who ruled all of China, Korea, Tibet, and Vietnam and adopted a

Chinese name for his dynasty, the Yuan?

a. Genghis Khan

b. Ali Khan

c. Kublai Khan

d. Batu Khan

The Yuan Dynasty (1279–1368) was China's first foreign-led dynasty, in between the Chinese Song and
Ming dynasties. It was established by Kublai Khan, leader of the vast Mongol Empire, and fell into
internal rebellion after it lost touch with its Mongol roots.

14. Of the following African countries, which was called “The land of Gold” because of the great flow of


b. Nigeria

c. Egypt

d. Ghana

Ghana is historically famous for its gold - It was previously called the Gold Coast. Now, Chocolate has
probably taken over, with it being one of the key suppliers of Cocoa to the likes of Cadbury's. They also
have diamonds, Oil and are large producers of many types of Woods.

15. Which is the second largest continent, converting one fifth of all the earth's; and surface?

a. Africa

b. Asia

c. Antarctica

d. Australia

Africa is the world's second largest and second most-populous continent, being behind Asia in both
categories. At about 30.3 million km2 (11.7 million square miles) including adjacent islands, it covers
6% of Earth's total surface area and 20% of its land area.

16. The first caliph or successor of Muhammad was...

a. Abu bakr

b. Abu al-

c Harun al-Rashid
d. Salah al-din

After Muhammad's death in 632 CE, his friend Abu Bakr was named caliph and ruler of the Islamic
community, or Ummah. Sunni Muslims believe that Abu Bakr was the proper successor, while Shi'a
Muslims believe that Ali should have succeed Muhammad as caliph.

17. The following are found in Eastern Europe, except?

a. Poland

b. Hungary

c. Iceland

d. Russia

Poland, officially the Republic of Poland, is a country located in Central Europe. It is divided into 16
administrative subdivisions, covering an area of 312,696 square kilometres, and has a largely
temperate seasonal climate.

18 Which country lies on the vast Eurasian plain that starts from Europe and reaches the boarder of

a Sweden

b. Finland

c. Tehran

d. Baghdad

19. Constantinople, the capital of Byzantine Empire is now called?

a. Islamabad

b. Istanbul

c. Tehran

d. Baghdad

The city of Constantinople (modern Istanbul) was founded by Roman emperor Constantine I in 324 CE
and it acted as the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, or Byzantine Empire as it has later become
known, for well over 1,000 years.
20 Who led the French army against the English but later was taken captive by allies of the

English, tried for witchcraft and burned to death?

a. Isabela ll

b. Marie Antoinette

c. Joan of Arc

d. Anne Boleyn

The uncrowned King Charles VII sent Joan to the siege of Orléans as part of a relief army. She gained
prominence after the siege was lifted only nine days later. Several additional swift victories led to
Charles VII's coronation at Reims. This long-awaited event boosted French morale and paved the way
for the final French victory.

On 23 May 1430, she was captured at Compiègne by the Burgundian faction, a group of French nobles
allied with the English. She was later handed over to the English[6] and put on trial by the pro-English
bishop Pierre Cauchon on a variety of charges.[7] After Cauchon declared her guilty, she was burned at
the stake on 30 May 1431, dying at about nineteen years of age

21 The voyage of Ferdinand Magellan is considered the greatest single achievement in the history of sea
exploration and discovery because it_____

a. Made in Spain the mistress of the sea

b. Prove that the world is not flat

c. Marked the discovery of westward route to the East

d. Marked the first circumnavigation of the globe

Ferdinand Magellan (1480 – 1521) was a Portuguese explorer who is famous for leading the first
circumnavigation of the earth till it reached Philippines. Though Magellan died before the
circumnavigation could be complete, he created history by becoming the first person to reach Asia by
sailing west from Europe, thus discovering the westward route to the continent which Columbus and
others had failed to find.

22. The Code of Kalantiao which was allegedly written in 1443 gave the early Filipinos insights into____

a. The country’s educational system

b. Formal and informal systems of education

c. Families Characterized system of education

d. Personal and Social relations

The Code of Kalantiaw was a legendary legal code in the epic story Maragtas. It is said to have been
written in 1433 by Datu Kalantiaw, a chief on the island of Negros in the Philippines. It was actually
written in 1913 by Jose E. Marco as a part of his historical fiction Las antiguas leyendas de la Isla de
Negros (Spanish, "The Ancient Legends of the Island of Negros"), which he attributed to a priest
named Jose Maria Pavon.

23. The right to life, liberty, property as well as the pursuit of happiness are basic human rights

which are embodied in an international document signed by different countries on December

10, 1948. What is this document?

a. Us Constitution

b. Social Contract

c. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

d. Magna Carta25

Drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world,
the Declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December
1948 (General Assembly resolution 217 A) as a common standard of achievements for all peoples and
all nations. It sets out, for the first time, fundamental human rights to be universally protected and it
has been translated into over 500 languages.

24. Emilio Jacinto's literacy works were written in Tagalog and a small part in Spanish. The best of all of
his works was written on October 8, 1897. It was visibly an animation on Rizal's "Mi Utimo

Adios. What was the title of his poem?

a. Amor Patria

b. Ala Juventud Filipino

c. Ala Patria

d. Mi Madre

Jacinto wrote his masterpiece "A La Patria" (To My Fatherland) on October 8, 1897 in Sta. Cruz,
Laguna. The poem was almost surely inspired by Jose Rizal's "Ultimo Adios". Written in a neglected
second language and, thus, not literarily excellent, Jacinto's poem nevertheless brims with patriotic
sincerity and is said to equal Rizal's piece in nobility and loftiness of thought.
25. The principal legal forms of business organizations are____

a. Open shop, union shop, closed shop

b. Partnership, charter, single proprietorship

c. Single proprietorship, partnership, and corporation

d. Corporation, charter, stock company

There are three main types of business organizations: sole proprietorship, partnership and
corporation. A sole proprietorship is a business owned by one person. The advantages are: the owner
keeps all the profits and makes all the decisions.

26. Through the process of socialization, the individual is able to____

a. become an adult member needs and drives

b. Satisfy his personnel needs and drives

c. Learn to dialogue with peers and adults

d Function of a contributing member of the group

27. An aspect of Philippine culture that does much to promote interpersonal communication beyond the
community boundary is.__

a. Zarzuela

b. Election

c. Tagalong movies

d. Fiesta celebration

The fiesta, while not a uniquely Filipino tradition, is one of the main cultural and religious events in
the Philippines. The celebration of fiesta, which means feast, is one of the influences of Spain that has
taken root in the Philippines. Each barangay has a fiesta, which probably holds true for most
municipalities and cities (refer to the Philippine political subdivisions). The festivities mostly coincide
with the day of the Patron Saint of a particular place, although it’s on the charter day in some places.
28. In every society, certain positions are assigned to individuals on the basis of age, sec marital status
and similar other criteria. These patterns are__

a. Taught in school

b. Culturally defined

c. Universally accepted and practiced

d. Learned from parents

29. Mass society is described as being composed of anonymous individuals. The word "anonymous" is
used to convey the idea that the individuals involved __

a. Have little influence on decision making since they are not recognized

b. Are unaware of other individuals exposed to the same stimuli

c. Are known only to those who control the mass media

d. Re unwire that there are mass audiences

Anonymous means a person unknown. Alcoholics Anonymous takes its name from the fact that it's a
confidential group––people use only their first names and do not identify one another as members of
the group. Another related meaning of anonymous is to describe something that does not have any
special qualities

30. In the teaching of democratic beliefs in the classroom, which of the following is MOST consistent
with current educational thought?

a. The teacher should effectively lead the discussion on current affairs in the classroom.

b. Democratic belief can be taught based on respect for individual worth and faith in the ability of people
to govern themselves

c. democratic as the smoothest form of government is emphasized

d. democratic beliefs can be taught by assuring that celebrations are observed to honor national heroes

Definition of democracy. 1a : government by the people especially : rule of the majority. b : a

government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or
indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.

31. Of the following statements, the best example that represents functional illiteracy is___

a. Inability to comply with graduation requirements

b. Inability to apply basic communication skills in expressing ideas

c. Failure to pass a qualifying examination

d. Failure to graduate from high school

Functional illiteracy is reading and writing skills that are inadequate "to manage daily living and
employment tasks that require reading skills beyond a basic level".[1] Functional illiteracy is
contrasted with illiteracy in the strict sense, meaning the inability to read or write simple sentences in
any language.

32. One of the stages of moral development approach which is an instrument relationship is best
illustrated by?

a. Everyone is an instrument for good deeds

b. I will do what I think is right no matter what happens

C. Good work is rewarded and bad work is punished

d. You scratch my back and will scratch yours

Stage 2: Instrumental Relativist Orientation

In this stage, the person is said to judge the morality of an action based on how it satisfies the
individual needs of the doer. For instance, a person steals money from another person because he
needs that money to buy food for his hungry children. In Kohlberg’s theory, the children tend to say
that this action is morally right because of the serious need of the doer

33. The fundamental aim of the ASEAN as an organization of Southeast Asian Nations is to____

a. Safeguard the peace and prosperity of the region

b. Develop the natural resources of the member countries

c. Foster economic, social and cultural cooperation

d. Provide facilities for professional and technical training

The ASEAN Declaration states that the aims and purposes of the Association are: (1) to accelerate the
economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the region through joint endeavors in
the spirit of equality and partnership in order to strengthen the foundation for a prosperous and
peaceful community of Southeast Asian nations, and (2) to promote regional peace and stability
through abiding respect for justice and the rule of law in the relationship among countries in the
region and adherence to the principles of the United Nations Charter. In 1995, the ASEAN Heads of
State and Government re-affirmed that “Cooperative peace and shared prosperity shall be the
fundamental goals of ASEAN.”
34. The comprehensive Land Reform Program (CARP) provides a person, association, or corporation
cannot own or retain agricultural land which is more than how many hectares?

a. 10

b. 7

c. 5

d. 3

Comprehensive Land Reform Program

SEC. 6. Retention Limits. - Except as otherwise provided in this Act, no person may own or retain,
directly, any public or private agricultural land, the size of which shall vary according to factors
governing a viable family-sized farm, such as commodity produced, terrain, infrastructure, and soil
fertility as determined by the Presidential Agrarian Reform Council (PARC) created hereunder, but in
no case shall the retention by the landowner exceed five (5) hectares.

35. Without limiting the rights of parents to rear their children, the constitution provides compulsory
elementary education of __

a. Adult citizens and out-of-school youth

b. All children of preschool age

c. All Physically able individual

d. All children of school age

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9155 August 11, 2001



Section 2. Declaration of Policy. - It is hereby declared the policy of the State to protect and
promote the right of all citizens to quality basic education and to make such education
accessible to all by providing all Filipino children a free and compulsory education in the
elementary level and free education in the high school level. Such education shall also
include alternative learning systems for out-of-school youth and adult learners. It shall be the
goal of basic education to provide them with the skills, knowledge and values they need to
become caring, seIf-reliant, productive and patriotic citizens.
36 Who was the founder and first editor of La Solidaridad in Barcelona, Spain and was considered as the
greatest orator of the Filipino colony in Spain?

a. Mariano Ponce

b. Graciano Lopez Jaena

c. Marcelo H. del Pilar

d. Gregorio del Pilar

Graciano López Jaena (December 18, 1856 – January 20, 1896) was a Filipino journalist, orator,
revolutionary, and national hero who is well known for his newspaper, La Solidaridad.

Philippine historians regard López Jaena, along with Marcelo H. del Pilar and José Rizal, as the
triumvirate of Filipino propagandists. Of these three ilustrados, López Jaena was the first to arrive in
Spain and may have begun the Propaganda Movement which advocated the reform of the then-
Spanish colony of the Philippines and which eventually led to the armed Philippine Revolution that
begun in Manila in 1896. The Propaganda Movement was a key step towards a Philippine national

37. Which of the following teaching-learning process demonstrations the action learning approach to
value education?

a. Students engage in role playing of different characters

b. Teaching assigns groups to discuss different national moral issues

c Students and teachers participate in a community immersion program

d. Teacher and students debate actively on moral issues

Action learning is not one specific teaching method, but rather a philosophy and an approach which
encourages action within a team environment where learning is every participant’s job. All action
learning approaches are philosophically rooted in theories of learning from experience, as practiced
collaboratively with others through some form of action research.

Education scholars agree upon three principles that form the foundation of any action learning course:

a. Learning is acquired through action and dedication to the task at hand.

b. Knowledge creation and utilization are collective activities, wherein, learning becomes
everyone’s job.
c. Users demonstrate a learning-to-learn aptitude, allowing them to question the underlying
assumptions of practice.
38 Which of LEAST likely to be a function of a trade association?

a. Influencing government policy

b. Protecting the reputation of the of the industry

c. Encouraging competition

d. Standardizing size of product

Anti-competitive activity

Jon Leibowitz, commissioner at the Federal Trade Commission in the United States, outlined the
potentially anti-competitive nature of some trade association activity in a speech to the American Bar
Association in Washington, D.C. in March 2005 called "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Trade
Associations and Antitrust". For instance, he said, under the guise of "standard setting" trade
associations representing the established players in an industry can set rules that make it harder for
new companies to enter a market.

39 The benevolent assimilation on December 21, 1898 was the first official indication an American policy
regarding the Philippines. It is expressly indicated the intention of the United States to stay in the
Philippines by exercising the right of sovereignty over the Filipinos. Who was the American President

a. Wilson

b. Eisenhower

c. Roosevelt

d. McKinley

The term benevolent assimilation refers to a policy of the United States towards the Philippines as
described in a proclamation by U.S. President William McKinley issued on December 21, 1898.

40. The Katipunan in Cavite was divided into two factions –the Magdiwang and the Magdalo while the
Magdiwang in Cavite was led by Mariano Alvarez, who led the Magdalo?

a. Ciriaco Bonifacio

b. Daniel Tirona

c Baldomero Aguinaldo

d. Artemi Ricarte
The Magdalo faction of the Katipunan was a chapter in Cavite, mostly led by Ilustrados of that
province during the Philippine Revolution.

It was named after Mary Magdalene, patroness of Kawit, Cavite. It was officially led by Baldomero
Aguinaldo, but his cousin Emilio Aguinaldo (whose own Katipunan codename was "Magdalo") was its
most famous leader.

41. Which is the correct chronological order for the events in history listed below?

I. Execution of Dr. Jose Rizal

II. Declaration of the Philippine Independence

III. The EDSA Revolution

IV. World War ll

a. I, IV, II, III

b. II, I , IV, III

c. II, I, III, IV

d. I, II, IV, III

1896 - Spanish execute Rizal for instigating insurrection; public outrage spawns rebellion

1939 – World War II

1946 - The U.S. gave the Philippines independence and Manuel Roxas y Acuña is elected as the first
president of the new republic.

1986 - Marcos was officially declared winner in a presidential election beating Corazon Aquino amid
charges of fraud; demonstrations erupt; Marcos flees to Hawaii; Aquino is declared president and
forms a new government.

42 Who was known as the Tagalog Joan of Arc because of her exploits during the revolution?

a. Trinidad Tecson

b. Teresa Magbanua

c. Gregoria de Jesus

d. Agueda Kahabagan
Known in history as the “Tagalog Joan of Arc”, Agueda Kahabagan was the first
and only woman general in the armed forces of the Katipunan. Hence, her
contemporaries called her “Heneral Agueda.” This brave woman was from the
town of Sta. Cruz, Laguna.

43. What is the social scientist's explaination of the relationship of leader to history?

a. Had any great leader been different than he was, the course of history would have been different

b. Leaders are products of their time

c. History is a reflection of great leaders

d. Very great movements is the lengethened shadow of a great man

Situational theory also appeared as a reaction to the trait theory of leadership. Social scientists argued
that history was more than the result of intervention of great men as Carlyle suggested. Herbert
Spencer (1884) (and Karl Marx) said that the times produce the person and not the other way
around.This theory assumes that different situations call for different characteristics; according to this
group of theories, no single optimal psychographic profile of a leader exists. According to the theory,
"what an individual actually does when acting as a leader is in large part dependent upon
characteristics of the situation in which he functions.

44. Which dogma is an attempt to abolish private and nationalized the means of production and
distribution of goods and services?

a. Democracy

b. Capitalism

c. Communism

d. Elitism

In political and social sciences, communism (from Latin communis, "common, universal") is the
philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the
establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common
ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money, and the state.

45 Brothers and sisters are example of___kin.

a. cosanguineal

b. Fictive
c. Affinal

d. Adoptive

• Consanguineal kins:

Those who are related to each other by ‘blood’ are known as consanguineal kin or

cognates and the relationship based on blood-ties is called consanguineous (same blood) kinship.

There are three types of consanguineal kins. These are given below.

• Lineal kins who are the direct descendants of common progenitors in a vertical line,

for instance, grand father-father-son-grand son.

• Siblings who are the brothers and sisters i.e., the children of the same parent.

• Collateral kins who are not related in the single line and are related indirectly through

a linking relative, such as father’s brother or brother’s daughter.

46. Of the following, which one refers to a group of people who have similar level of wealth hence
exhibiting the same life styles?

a. Social status

b. Social class

c. Social aggregate

d. Social aggrupation

Social class is measured in terms of status; a person belonging to a particular class is said to hold
status similar to members of that class. So social class is defined in terms of the amount of status the
members of a particular class relatively have, in comparison with members of other social classes.

47. According to Webber, the following are the three related dimensions of stratification, EXCEPT?

a. Rank

b. Power

c. Prestige

d. Economic resource

Max Weber
Weber considered Marx approach to social classes too simplistic. He viewed social stratification as a
more complex interplay of three dimensions: (a) Economic Inequality, (b) Status Measures of social
prestige and (c) Power.

48. Which of the following principles in social stratification that anthropologist and sociologist do not
agree on?

a. It varies from one society to another

b. It shapes the lives of people

c. It involves not only inequality but also beliefs

d. It is universal

Stratification: refers to a system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy. Social
stratification is a matter of four principles:

(a) Social Stratification is a characteristic of society-

(b) Social Stratification persists over generations-

(c) Social Stratification is not universal but variable-

(d) Social Stratification also involves beliefs

49 Self-made individuals who have become very wealthy and have moved to the upper class are called?

a. Novoeu rich

b. Bourgois

c. Pauper

d. Proletariat

Sociologically, nouveau riche refers to the person who previously had belonged to a lower social class
and economic stratum (rank) within that class; and that the new money, which constitutes his or her
wealth, allowed upward social mobility and provided the means for conspicuous consumption, the
buying of goods and services that signal membership in an upper class.

50. Which is the lifelong process of interaction where an individual learns expectations and other
requirement for necessary for effective participation in social groups?

a. Enculturations

b. Accomodation

c. Development
d. Socialization

socialization is not only critical to children as they develop, it is a lifelong process through which we
become prepared for new social environments and expectations in every stage of our lives.

51. According to Freud, which is the mediator between the needs of the individuals and the world of
reality and strives to delay tension until the suitable environment exist.

a. Id

b. Superego

c. Ego

d. Self

Ego means I in Latin, the original German word Freud applied was Ich. In Freud's view, the ego
mediates between the id, the superego, and the external world to balance our primitive drives, the
moral ideals and taboos, and the limitations of reality. To successfully mediate between all these
parties and fulfill its function of adaptation, the ego must be able to enforce the postponement of
gratification of the drives and impulses of the id, until such time as the situation (reality) changes or a
socially acceptable way to satisfy the drive is found.

52. The following are the typical features of bureaucracy, Except?

a. Division of labor

b. Personalism

c. Primary

d. In-group

Bureaucracies have four key characteristics that make their resemblance to beehives all the more

A clear hierarchy - Bureaucracies have a firm chain of command. Every worker has his or her own place
in the chain, and everyone's work is overseen by someone on the next level up. Power flows down
from the top of the hierarchy and diminishes as it approaches the bottom. Just think of the beehive.
The queen bee stands at the top, and each worker bee or drone has its own place in the hive's chain of

Specialization - Everyone in a bureaucracy has a specific job to do and often becomes an expert at it.
Bees have specific jobs, too, collecting pollen, making honey, or populating the hive.
A division of labor - In a bureaucracy, nearly every task is broken down into its component parts, and
different people work on different parts of the task. Together they get the job done, just like bees in a
hive who divide their labor for maximum efficiency.

A set of formal rules - These so-called standard operating procedures are the clear, written instructions
for each specialized job at every level of the hierarchy. Workers who follow them can be sure that they
are on the same page as their colleagues and are doing their jobs properly. According to beekeepers,
bees, too, have a sophisticated system of communication that keeps their hives running smoothly.

53. Crowd masses and public are temporary groups, hence they are called?

a. Reference groups

b. Social category

c. Aggregate

d. Collectives

An aggregate is a collection of people who happen to be at the same place at the same time but who
have no other connection to one another. Example: The people gathered in a restaurant on a
particular evening are an example of an aggregate, not a group.

54. In president Quezon’s time, the country had the Philippine Commonwealth. What is TRUE about the
Philippine Commonwealth? The Filipino were __________.

a. Partially independent

b. Granted total freedom to course their destiny only on matter of education

c. Citizens of the United States

d. Fully independent

The Commonwealth was the culmination of efforts to secure a definitive timetable for the withdrawal
of American sovereignty over the Philippines.

Early on, at the start of the American occupation, the United States had established local governments
with local elected town and provincial officials. Afterward came a gradual expansion of national
legislative representation, beginning with the Philippine Assembly (or Lower House) in 1907.{{2}}

It was not until the Jones Law of 1916 that the pledge of eventual independence—once Filipinos were
ready for self-governance—was made. The Jones Law led to the creation of an all-Filipino legislature
composed of the Philippine Senate and House of Representatives. However, the position of Chief
Executive—the Governor-General—and what was considered the most important cabinet portfolio—
Public Instruction (precursor to the Department of Education)—were reserved for American officials
appointed by the President of the United States. Half of the Philippine Supreme Court was reserved
for Americans as well.

55. After the revolution, Macario Sakay went underground and established a republic based on the
ideology of the Bonifacio, Jacinto and Katipunan. What do you call the republic established by Macario
Sakay at his headquarters on tip Mount San Cristobal?

a. Republika ng Pilipino

b. Republiko ng San Cristobal

c. Republika ng Katagalugan

d. Republika ng Katipunan

General Macario Sakay, a veteran Katipunan member, established in 1902 his own Tagalog Republic
(Tagalog: Repúbliká ngg Katagalugan) in the mountains of Morong (today, the province of Rizal), and
held the presidency with Francisco Carreón as vice president.

56. The Philippine Constitution, recognizing the natural right and duty of parent in rearing the youth for
civic efficiency and developing moral character, mandates that this should be supported by the

a. Community

b. Schools

c. Church

d. Government

Section 12. The State recognizes the sanctity of family life and shall protect and strengthen the family
as a basic autonomous social institution. It shall equally protect the life of the mother and the life of
the unborn from conception. The natural and primary right and duty of parents in the rearing of the
youth for civic efficiency and the development of moral character shall receive the support of the

57. One of the strengths of the Filipino character is “pakikipagkapwa-tao”. This is manifested in all of the
following EXCEPT ________.

a. “Malasakit”

b. “Pakikiramay”

c.”Lakas ng Loob”
d. “Pakikiramdam”

Pakikipagkapwa-tao is manifested in a basic sense of justice and fairness and in concern for others. It
is demonstrated in the Filipino’s ability to empathize with others, in helpfulness and generosity in
times of need (pakikiramay), in the patience of bayanihan or mutual assistance and in the famous
Filipino hospitality. Pakikipagkapwa-tao results in camaraderie and a feeling of closeness to one
another. It is the foundation for unity as well as of the sense of social justice.

58. The Filipino wants to be accepted by his fellowman for what he is and to be treated according to his
status. He can achieve this by ________.

a. Offering his services for whatever form that suits him.

b. Participating in group activities that interest him

c. Being obedient to all demands that come his way.

d. Socializing with his fellowmen within the norms of society.

59. The presentation and development of Filipino culture should be one of the responsibilities of the
state as provided in the Constitution in order to promote ________.

a. International recognition

b. National identity

c. National interest

d. Historical awareness

Section 15, Article XIV of the Constitution states that arts and letters shall enjoy
the patronage of the State, and that the State shall conserve, promote, and
popularize the Nation’s historical and cultural heritage and resources, as well as
artistic creations;
The Philippine literature, written in different Philippine languages, is associated
with the history and cultural legacy of the State, and must be promoted among

60. An important factor which has contributed to the weakness in the internalization desirable social
values is the

a. Minimum recognition and appreciation given to teachers.

b. Lack of models among the very people expected to exemplify these values.

c. Lack of follow up systems from the one grade level to the other.
d. Use of approaches which are mainly cognitive rather than affective.

61. Of the following the statement that aptly describes a band is?

a. It is small group of household between twenty or a few hundred people at most who are related
through kinship.

b. It is a political grouping of permanently allied tribes and villages and one recognizable.

c. It is typically associated with horticulture and pastoralism.

d. Its element are people, territory, government and sovereignty.

A band society, sometimes called a camp or, in older usage, a horde, is the simplest form of human
society. A band generally consists of a small kin group, no larger than an extended family or clan. The
general consensus of modern anthropology sees the average number of members of a social band at
the simplest level of foraging societies with generally a maximum size of 30 to 50 people.

62. The following describes an individualistic political subculture. EXCEPT?

a. corruption is tolerated because politics is dirty

b. Politicians motives for running for office are based on self-interest and the desire to advance them

c. Political competition is partisan

d. Government advances the public interest

The individualistic political culture sees politics as a marketplace of competing individual interests who
use the political system to better their own causes. Politicians and citizens are not interested in
achieving a “good society” or furthering the common good, rather they are focused on private

63. Which term refers to a dry, barren region, usually treeless and sandy?

a. Tundra

b. Isthmus

c. Desert

d. Canyon
Desert emphasizes lack of water (though not specifically high temperature); it refers to a dry, barren,
treeless region, usually sandy: a high-altitude frozen desert. Waste emphasizes lack of inhabitants and
of cultivation; it is used of wild, barren land: a desolate waste.

64. Which term denotes equal days and nights?

a. Solstice

b. Equinox

c. Vernal

d. Centrifugal

equinox is commonly regarded as the instant of time when the plane (extended indefinitely in all
directions) of Earth's equator passes through the center of the Sun. This occurs twice each year:
around 20 March and 23 September. In other words, it is the moment at which the center of the
visible Sun is directly above the Equator.

The word is derived from the Latin aequinoctium, from aequus (equal) and nox (genitive noctis)
(night). On the day of an equinox, daytime and nighttime are of approximately equal duration all over
the planet.

65. The lnternational Date Line is the ______ meridian.

a. 90th

b. 270th

c. 180th

d. 30th

The International Date Line (IDL) is an imaginary line of demarcation on the surface of Earth that runs
from the North Pole to the South Pole and demarcates the change of one calendar day to the next. It
passes through the middle of the Pacific Ocean, roughly following the 180° line of longitude but
deviating to pass around some territories and island groups.

66 Who is the following is defined as the Father of History and Geography?

a. Tacitus

b. Herodotus

c. Christopher Columbus

d. Amerigo Vespucci
the 'Father of History' ! Herodotus was the first and foremost historian, and is regarded as the 'father
of history'. He placed historical events in a geographical setting; some of his writings are truly
geographical in character.

67. In which principle is the underlying free-market economics are based on?

a. Live and let live

b. Non-intervention

c. Balanced payment

d Laissez faire

Laissez-faire is an economic theory from the 18th century that opposed any government intervention
in business affairs. The driving principle behind laissez-faire, a French term that translates as "leave
alone" (literally, "let you do"), is that the less the government is involved in the economy, the better
off business will be—and by extension, society as a whole. Laissez-faire economics are a key part of
free market capitalism.

68. The market system in which individual rather than the government make the majority decisions
regarding economic activities and transactions is called?

a Market economy

b. Non-market economy

c. Trade liberalization

d. Free trade

A market economy is an economic system in which economic decisions and the pricing of goods and
services are guided by the interactions of a country's individual citizens and businesses. There may be
some government intervention or central planning, but usually this term refers to an economy that is
more market oriented in general.

69. In economic perspective, globalization means.

a. Trade monopoly

b. Intensive capitalism

c. Trade liberalization

d. Command economy
Economic globalization refers to the increasing interdependence of world economies as a result of the
growing scale of cross-border trade of commodities and services, flow of international capital and
wide and rapid spread of technologies.

70. Anthropologies prefer to call foragers.

a. Bands

b. Hunters

c. Food collector

d. Horticulturists

A hunter-gatherer is a human living in a society in which most or all food is obtained by foraging
(collecting wild plants and pursuing wild animals). Hunter-gatherer societies stand in contrast to
agricultural societies, which rely mainly on domesticated species.

71. Anything that is generally accepted as medium of exchange and supported by the state/government
is ___.

a. Barter

b. Legal tender

c. Promissory notes

d. Economic goods

Legal tender is a medium of payment recognized by a legal system to be valid for meeting a financial

72. Which terms refers to the trading of goods and services directly for other goods and services

without the use of money as a medium exchange?

a. Market transaction

b. Barter

c. Haggling

d. Social transaction

barter (derived from baretor) is a system of exchange where participants in a transaction directly
exchange goods or services for other goods or services without using a medium of exchange, such as
73 What does "presumption of innocence” mean as far as human rights is concerned?

a. Has the right to remain silent

b. remains innocent until proven guilty

c. is considered guilty until proven otherwise

d. has the right to a legal counsel

The presumption of innocence is the legal principle that one is considered innocent unless proven
guilty. It was traditionally expressed by the Latin maxim ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat
(“the burden of proof is on the one who declares, not on one who denies”).

74. What ‘development has taken place in our form of government from the pre-Hispanic Philippines to
the present?

I. We have come from a one-man rule to a government of the people by the people and for
the people
II. We began with a one-man rule ad have ended up with a dictatorial form government
III. III. We started with a dictatorial form of government that has developed into the present
democratic format

a. I and Il

b. lll

c. II

d. Only I

The Philippines came from a one-man rule in a government where in The datu exercised all power of
government to a fully democratic nation.

75. In connection with government transactions involving public interest, which policy adopted the
Constitution to assure the public of accountability and transparency?

a. Rural development and agrarian reform

b. Private enterprise and incentives to needed investments

c. Full public disclosure

d. Balanced and Healthful ecology

Public disclosure is any non-confidential communication which an inventor or invention owner makes
available to one or more members of the public, revealing the existence of the invention and enabling
an appropriately experienced individual ("person having ordinary skill in the art") to reproduce the

76. With the Batasang Pangbansa performing legislative and executive powers in the Marcos regime,
which form of government was implemented?

a. Monarchial

b. Parliamentary

c. Presidential

d. Dictatorial

Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin Marcos Sr. (September 11, 1917 – September 28, 1989) was a Filipino
politician and kleptocrat who was the tenth President of the Philippines from 1965 to 1986. A leading
member of the right-wing New Society Movement, he ruled as a dictator under martial law from 1972
until 1981.

77. As a result of EDSA II, the Philippines_____.

a. Changed its form of government into parliamentary

b. Intensified its participation in international affairs

c. Saw the impeachment of Joseph Estrada as president

d. Became known worldwide for its People Power Revolution

The People Power Revolution (also known as the EDSA Revolution, the Philippine Revolution of 1986,
EDSA 1986, EDSA I and EDSA People Power) was a series of popular demonstrations in the Philippines,
mostly in Metro Manila from February 22–25, 1986. There was a sustained campaign of civil resistance
against regime violence and alleged electoral fraud. The nonviolent revolution led to the departure of
Ferdinand Marcos, the end of his 21-year presidential rule, and the restoration of democracy in the

78. Rizal focused the “ La Liga Filipina“ to____.

I. Unite the whole country

II. Fight violence and injustice

III. Revolt against the Spaniards

a. I and III
b. II and III
c. I and II
d. II
The aims of La Liga Filipina are as follows:

 To unite the whole archipelago into one vigorous and homogenous organization;

 Mutual protection in every want and necessity;

 Defense against all violence and injustice

 Encouragement of instruction, agriculture, and commerce; and

 Study the application of reforms

79. which is TRUE of the Philippines?

a. It has been colonized by two European colonial powers

b. There have been attempts to change its government to a parliamentary form

c. It is only Christian and Asia

d. It has never been united as a nation

In his talk with the correspondents, Mr. Enrile said of the proposed charter changes, ''The new
formulation will combine the merits of both presidential and parliamentary forms. It will insulate the
presidency from political conflicts. We feel it will stabilize the country.''

Under the new system, a prime minister nominated by the president and elected by the present
Parliament will run the day-to-day functions of government, responsible both to the president and to

The new president will be responsible for defense, security and foreign affairs and for choosing the
Prime Minister, the Cabinet and the five-member Advisory Council that will serve as temporary
successor in the event of death or incapacity of the president. A Reduced Work Load

In response to a question, Mr. Enrile acknowledged that the new system will significantly reduce the
work load of President Marcos, but he denied that this was being done because the chief executive
was ill, as persistently rumored.

He said the new governmental form, which he described as similar to the French presidential system,
was devised to avoid the adversary nature of the American system or the instability of the pure
parliamentary form.
President Marcos now rules under provisions of the 1973 Constitution that make him both President
and Prime Minister with broad powers for an indefinite period while the country is supposed to adjust
to a parliamentary style of government.

Under these provisons, if Mr. Marcos wanted to rule after the transition, he would have to seek the
post of prime minister and would be subject to no-confidence motions in Parliament. The presidency
would be merely a ceremonial job.

Most of Mr. Marcos's opponents are on record as desiring a return either to the American-style
presidency or the pure parliamentary form, to be determined by a plebiscite supervised by a neutral
body after President Marcos leaves office.

80. The character of El Filibusterismo who is disposed of his land and becomes a banding chieftain
named Matanglawin is.

a. Tandang Silo

b. Placido Penitetnte

c. Cabesang Tales

d. Isagani

The character of Cabesang Tales from Jose Rizal's novel El filibusterismo took the word as his moniker
when he descended into terrorism and banditry after having been maltreated and denied justice by
the Spanish colonial government.

81. The following were accomplished by Dr. Jose Rizal in Dapitan. Exept?

a. He was able to recognize the visayan chapter of the Katipunan

b. He practiced medicine and many of his patience were poor

c. He put up a system of waterwork

d. He equipped Dapitan with his lighting system

Rizal had maximized his stay in Dapitan by devoting much of his time in improving his artistic and
literary skills; doing agricultural and civic projects; engaging in business activities, and writing letters to
his friends in Europe, particularly to Ferdinand Blumentritt and Reinhold Rost. His careers and
achievements in different fields were as follows:

§ As a physician, Rizal provided free medicine to his patients, most of them were underprivileged.
However, he also had wealthy patients who paid him well enough for his excellent surgical skill.
Among them were Don Ignacio Tumarong who gave Rizal 3000 pesos for restoring his sight, an
Englishman who gave him 500 pesos, and Aklanon haciendero, DonFrancisco Azcarraga, who paid him
a cargo of sugar. His skill was put into test in August 1893 when his mother, Doña Teodora Alonzo, was
placed under opthalmic surgery for the third time. The operation was a success, however, Alonzo,
ignored her son's instructions and removed the bandages in her eyes which lead to irritation and

§ As an engineer, Rizal applied his knowledge through the waterworks system he constructed in
Dapitan. Going back to his academic life, Rizal obtained the title of expert surveyor (perito
agrimensor) from the Ateneo Municipal. From his practical knowledge as agrimensor, he widened his
knowledge by reading engineering-related books. As a result, despite the inadequacy of tools at hand,
he successfully provided a good water system in the province.

§ As an educator, Rizal established a school in Dapitan which was attended by 16 young boys from
prominent families. Instead of charging them for the matriculation, he made the students do
community projects for him like maintaining his garden and field. He taught them reading, writing in
English and Spanish, geography, history, mathematics, industrial work, nature study, morals and
gymnastics. He encouraged his students to engage in sports activities to strengthen their bodies as
well. There was no formal room, like the typical classroom nowadays. Classes were conducted from 2
p.m to 4 p.m. with the teacher sitting on a hammock while the students sat on a long bamboo bench.

§ As an agriculturist, Rizal devoted time in planting important crops and fruit-bearing trees in his 16-
hectare land (later, reaching as large as 70 hectares). He planted cacao, coffee,sugarcane, and
coconuts, among many others. He even invested part of his earnings from being a medical practitioner
and his 6000-peso winnings from a lottery on lands. From the United States, he imported agricultural
machinery and introduced to the native farmers of Dapitan the modern agricultural methods. Rizal
also visualized of having an agricultural colony in Sitio Ponot, within the Sindañgan Bay. He believed
that the area was suitable for cattle-raising and for cash-crops as the area had abundant water.
Unfortunately, this plan did not materialized.

§ As a businessman, the adventurous Rizal, with his partner, Ramon Carreon, tried his luck in the
fishing, hemp and copra industries. In a letter to his brother-in-law, Manuel T. Hidalgo, he pointed out
the potential of the fishing industry in the province (as the area was abundant with fish and good
beach). He also requested that two good Calamba fishermen be sent to Dapitan to teach the fisher
folks of the new fishing methods, using a big net called pukutan. But the industry in which Rizal
became more successful was in hemp, shipping the said product to a foreign firm in Manila.

§ As an inventor, little was known of Rizal. In 1887, during his medical practice in Calamba, he
invented a special type of lighter called sulpukan which he sent to Blumentritt as a gift. According to
Rizal, the wooden lighter's mechanism was based on the principle of compressed air.

82. The following are features of a Presidential system of government. EXCEPT?

a. The real executive is the prime minister

b. There is a strict separation of power

c. there is no titular or nominal head

d. there is a system of checks and balances

A presidential system is a democratic and republican system of government where a head of

government leads an executive branch that is separate from the legislative branch. This head of
government is in most cases also the head of state, which is called president.

83. The following are crimes against persons. EXCEPT?

a. Homicide

b. Prostitution

c. Parricide

d. Murder

Prostitution is the business or practice of engaging in sexual activity in exchange for payment.[4][5]
Prostitution is sometimes described as sexual services, commercial sex or, colloquially, hooking. It is
sometimes referred to euphemistically as "the world's oldest profession" in the English-speaking
world.[6][7] A person who works in this field is called a prostitute, and is a type of sex worker.

84. Ferdinand Marcos thru Presidential Decree 1595 Filipinized the name of Spratly to?

a. Pag-asa

b. Rizal

c. Kalayan

d. Likas

Presidential Decree 1596

President Ferdinand E. Marcos created the Municipality of Kalayaan by signing Presidential Decree
1596[13] into law on June 11, 1978.[11] This established what the document described as "a distinct
and separate municipality of the Province of Palawan".

PD 1596 defined the boundaries of the municipality as follows:

From a point [on the Philippine Treaty Limits] at latitude 7º40' North and longitude 116º00' East of
Greenwich, thence due West along the parallel of 7º40' N to its intersection with the meridian of
longitude 112º10' E, thence due north along the meridian of 112º10' E to its intersection with the
parallel of 9º00' N, thence north-eastward to the intersection of parallel of 12º00' N with the meridian
of longitude 114º30' E, thence, due East along the parallel of 12º00' N to its intersection with the
meridian of 118º00' E, thence, due South along the meridian of longitude 118º00' E to its intersection
with the parallel of 10º00' N, thence Southwestwards to the point of beginning at 7º40' N, latitude
and 116º00' E longitude.
i.e. 7º40'N 116º00'E; west to 7º40'N 112º10'E; north to 9º00'N 112º10'E; NE to 12º00'N 114º30'E; east
to 12º00'N 118º00'E; south to 10º00'N 118º00'E; SW to 7º40'N 116º00'E.

85. The other name for the first Philippine Republic is____.

a. Japanese-sponsored Republic of the Philippines

b. Malolos Republic

c. Pugad Lawin

d. Commonwealth Government

The Philippine Republic (Spanish: República Filipina; Filipino: Repúblikáng Pilipino), more commonly
known as the First Philippine Republic or the Malolos Republic, was a nascent revolutionary
government in the Philippines. It was formally established with the proclamation of the Malolos
Constitution on January 21, 1899, in Malolos, Bulacan,[Note 1] and endured until the capture of
President Emilio Aguinaldo by the American forces on March 23, 1901, in Palanan, Isabela, which
effectively dissolved the First Republic.

86. Which of the following refers to the dominant religion of the society, with an elaborate formal
bureaucratic structure with its hierarchy of officials and well developed dogma and rituals?

a. Sect

b. Cult

c. Church


A religious denomination is a subgroup within a religion that operates under a common name,
tradition, and identity.

The term refers to the various Christian denominations (for example, Eastern Orthodox, Roman
Catholic, and the many varieties of Protestantism). It is also used to describe the four branches of
Judaism (Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist). Within Islam, it can refer to the
branches or sects (such as Sunni, Shia, and Ahmadiyya),[1][2] as well as their various subdivisions such
as sub-sects,[3] schools of jurisprudence,[4] schools of theology[5] and religious movements.[6][7]

The world's largest religious denomination is Sunni Islam[8][9] or Roman Catholicism.[10]

87. of the following, who is believed by Muslims as the one God?

a. Brahman

b. Judah

c. Allah

d. Yahweh

In Islam there is only one God and there are 99 names of that one God (al-asmāʼ al-ḥusná lit. meaning:
"The best names"), each of which evokes a distinct attribute of God.[7][8] All these names refer to
Allah, the supreme and all-comprehensive god.[9] Among the 99 names of God, the most familiar and
frequent are "the Compassionate" (Ar-Raḥmān) and "the Merciful" (Ar-Raḥīm).[7][8] Creation and
ordering of the universe is seen as an act of prime mercy for which all creatures praise God's attributes
and bear witness to God's unity.

88. Of which of the following is not a belief of Judaism?

a. Jesus is Lord and Messiah

b. There is one true and omnipotent God

c. God spoke through prophets

d. The poor and the needy must be helped

Judaism, however, does not accept the central Christian teaching that Jesus Christ is the Messiah
foretold in the Old Testament. This watershed point is made throughout the New Testament and
forcefully stated in Galatians 3:13-14, “But Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the
law. When he was hung on the cross, he took upon himself the curse for our wrongdoing. For it is
written in the Scriptures, ‘Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.’ Through the work of Christ Jesus,
God has blessed the Gentiles with the same blessing he promised to Abraham�”(New Living

89. of the following Roman Emperors, who encouraged the repid growth of Christianity whithin the

a. Constantine the Great

b. Diocletian

c. Augustus Caesar

d. Marcus Aurelius

During the reign of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great (AD 306–337), Christianity began to
transition to the dominant religion of the Roman Empire. Historians remain uncertain about
Constantine's reasons for favoring Christianity, and theologians and historians have often argued
about which form of early Christianity he subscribed to. There is no consensus among scholars as to
whether he adopted his mother Helena's Christianity in his youth, or, as claimed by Eusebius of
Caesarea, encouraged her to convert to the faith he had adopted himself.

90. Who said this: “ Veni, Vidi, Vivi” – “ I came, I saw, I conquered” after he announced victory?

a. Augustus Ceasar

b. Julius Caesar

c. Alexander the Great

d. Darius the Great

During the reign of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great (AD 306–337), Christianity began to
transition to the dominant religion of the Roman Empire. Historians remain uncertain about
Constantine's reasons for favoring Christianity, and theologians and historians have often argued
about which form of early Christianity he subscribed to. There is no consensus among scholars as to
whether he adopted his mother Helena's Christianity in his youth, or, as claimed by Eusebius of
Caesarea, encouraged her to convert to the faith he had adopted himself.

91. According to the Hindus, all actions of a person’s life affect his or her fate in the new life and this is

a. Moksha

b. Atman

c. Nirvana

d. Karma

Karma (/ˈkɑːrmə/; Sanskrit: करर, romanized: karma, IPA: [ˈkɐɽmɐ] (About this soundlisten); Pali:
kamma) means action, work or deed; it also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where
intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect). Good intent
and good deeds contribute to good karma and happier rebirths, while bad intent and bad deeds
contribute to bad karma and bad rebirths.

92. Of the following, which was the main reason why Egyptian pharaohs built the pyramids?

a. To have a safe place to store their jewels and other valuables

b. To provide shelter for people during disasters and calameties

c. to ensure a happy and comfortable afterlife

d. To display their engineering skills

The Egyptians believed the dark area of the night sky around which the stars appear to revolve was
the physical gateway into the heavens. One of the narrow shafts that extend from the main burial
chamber through the entire body of the Great Pyramid points directly towards the center of this part
of the sky. This suggests the pyramid may have been designed to serve as a means to magically launch
the deceased pharaoh's soul directly into the abode of the gods.[13]

93. Of the following, which is known as the land between the rivers, the Tigris and Euprates?

a. Egypt

b. Mesopotamia

c. Persia

d. India

Mesopotamia an area geographically located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Mesopotamia
means the land between two rivers. Mesopotamia began as urban societies in southern Iraq in 5000
BC, and ends in the 6th century BC.

94. Of the following, who issued the world’s first legal code?

a. Hammurabi

b. Hannaibal

c. Sargon of akkad

d. Mener of Egypt

The Ur-Nammu law code is the oldest known, written about 300 years before Hammurabi's law code.
When first found in 1901, the laws of Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC) were heralded as the earliest known
laws. Now older collections are known: They are laws of the town Eshnunna (ca. 1800 BC), the laws of
King Lipit-Ishtar of Isin (ca. 1930 BC), and Old Babylonian copies (ca. 1900-1700 BC) of the Ur-Nammu
law code , with 26 laws of the 57. This cylinder is the first copy found that originally had the whole text
of the code, and it is the world's oldest law code. Further it actually mentions the name of Ur-Nammu
for the first time.

95. Which of the following was first to happen?

a. Aguinaldo declared Philippine Independence

b. Guirilla-warfare against the US was initiated

c. The Philippines was ceded to the US by the Treaty of Paris

d. Aguinaldo was captured

June 12, 1898 - Philippine Independence from Spain is declared by Filipino revolutionaries, led by Pres.
Aguinaldo, in Kawit, Cavite.

December 10, 1898 - Spain and the U.S. sign the Treaty of Paris. Article III provides for the cession of the
Philippines to the U.S. by Spain and the payment of 20 million dollars to Spain by the US.

1899 - Filipino forces under Gen. Gregorio del Pilar defeated the Americans in an encounter in Quingua
(now Plaridel), Bulacan.

1901 - Pres. Aguinaldo is captured by US authorities in Palanan town.

96. you have to take extra care which you critique the work of a Filipino. Your negative comments may be
mistaken to be an attack against his/her person. Upon which Filipino trait is his advice based?

a. Bayanihan Spiritr

b. Sakop Mentality

c. extreme personalism

d. Adaptability

Extreme Personalism. Filipino view the world in terms of personal relationships, and the
extent to which one is able to personally relate to things and the people determines the
recognition of their existence and the value given to them.

97. Who was the Chinese communist leader who said “ Let as hundred flowers bloom, Lets the hundred
thoughts content.”

a. Chiang Kai-shek

b. Sun Ya Sen

c. Mao Zedong

d. Norodom Sihanouk

Let a thousand flowers bloom is a common misquotation of Chairman Mao Zedong's "Let a hundred
flowers blossom". This slogan was used during the period of approximately six weeks in the summer
of 1957 when the Chinese intelligentsia were invited to criticize the political system then obtaining in
Communist China.

let a thousand flowers bloom The full quotation, taken from a speech of Mao's in Peking in February
1957, is:
"Letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend is the policy for
promoting progress in the arts and the sciences and a flourishing socialist culture in our land."

98. The Khmer Rouge which established a reign of terror in Cambodia was led by____.

a. Ho Chi Minh

b. Ngo Dihn Diem

c. Due Khun Yew

d. Pol Pot

Pol Pot (born Saloth Sâr; 19 May 1925 – 15 April 1998) was a Cambodian Communist revolutionary and
totalitarian politician who led Cambodia as the Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea between
1976 to 1979. Ideologically a Marxist–Leninist and Khmer nationalist, he led the Khmer Rouge group
from 1963 until 1997 and served as the general secretary of the Communist Party of Kampuchea from
1963 to 1981.

99. The following are found in South Africa. EXCEPT?

a. Myanmar

b. Kenya

c. Ethopia

d. Botswana

Myanmar (formerly Burma) is a Southeast Asian nation of more than 100 ethnic groups,
bordering India, Bangladesh, China, Laos and Thailand. Yangon (formerly Rangoon), the
country's largest city, is home to bustling markets, numerous parks and lakes, and the
towering, gilded Shwedagon Pagoda, which contains Buddhist relics and dates to the 6th

100. The first president of a new democratic South Africa, who spent 27 years in prison for his ceaseless
campaign against apartheid is _____.

a. F.W. de Klerk

b. Nelson Mandela

c. Martin Luther Jr.

d. Lech Wallsa

Nelson Mandela , in full Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, byname Madiba, (born July 18, 1918, Mvezo,
South Africa—died December 5, 2013, Johannesburg), black nationalist and the first black president of
South Africa (1994–99). His negotiations in the early 1990s with South African Pres. F.W. de Klerk
helped end the country’s apartheid system of racial segregation and ushered in a peaceful transition to
majority rule. Mandela and de Klerk were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1993 for their

101. Which of the following is not an African state?

a. Lebanon

b. Kenya

c. Ethopia

d. Bangladesh

102. Of the following statements, the best example that represents functional literacy is___.

a. ability to comply with graduation requirements

b. Inability to apply basic communication skills in expressing ideas

c. Failure to pass qualifying examination

d. Failure to graduate from high school

103. One of the stages of moral development approach which is an instrument relationship is best
illustrated by?

a. Everyone is an instrument for good deeds

b. I will do what I think is right no matter what happens

C. Good work is rewarded and bad work is punished

d. You scratch my back and will scratch yours

Stage 2: Instrumental Relativist Orientation

In this stage, the person is said to judge the morality of an action based on how it satisfies the
individual needs of the doer. For instance, a person steals money from another person because he
needs that money to buy food for his hungry children. In Kohlberg’s theory, the children tend to say
that this action is morally right because of the serious need of the doer

104. The fundamental aim of the ASEAN as an organization of Southeast Asian Nations is to____

a. Safeguard the peace and prosperity of the region

b. Develop the natural resources of the member countries

c. Foster economic, social and cultural cooperation

d. Provide facilities for professional and technical training

The ASEAN Declaration states that the aims and purposes of the Association are: (1) to accelerate the
economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the region through joint endeavors in
the spirit of equality and partnership in order to strengthen the foundation for a prosperous and
peaceful community of Southeast Asian nations, and (2) to promote regional peace and stability
through abiding respect for justice and the rule of law in the relationship among countries in the
region and adherence to the principles of the United Nations Charter. In 1995, the ASEAN Heads of
State and Government re-affirmed that “Cooperative peace and shared prosperity shall be the
fundamental goals of ASEAN.”

105. The comprehensive Land Reform Program (CARP) provides a person, association, or corporation
cannot own or retain agricultural land which is more than how many hectares?

a. 10

b. 7

c. 5

d. 3

Comprehensive Land Reform Program

SEC. 6. Retention Limits. - Except as otherwise provided in this Act, no person may own or retain,
directly, any public or private agricultural land, the size of which shall vary according to factors
governing a viable family-sized farm, such as commodity produced, terrain, infrastructure, and soil
fertility as determined by the Presidential Agrarian Reform Council (PARC) created hereunder, but in
no case shall the retention by the landowner exceed five (5) hectares.

106. Without limiting the rights of parents to rear their children, the constitution provides compulsory
elementary education of __

a. Adult citizens and out-of-school youth

b. All children of preschool age

c. All Physically able individual

d. All children of school age

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9155 August 11, 2001



Section 2. Declaration of Policy. - It is hereby declared the policy of the State to protect and
promote the right of all citizens to quality basic education and to make such education
accessible to all by providing all Filipino children a free and compulsory education in the
elementary level and free education in the high school level. Such education shall also
include alternative learning systems for out-of-school youth and adult learners. It shall be the
goal of basic education to provide them with the skills, knowledge and values they need to
become caring, seIf-reliant, productive and patriotic citizens.

107. Who was the founder and first editor of La Solidaridad in Barcelona, Spain and was considered as
the greatest orator of the Filipino colony in Spain?

a. Mariano Ponce

b. Graciano Lopez Jaena

c. Marcelo H. del Pilar

d. Gregorio del Pilar

Graciano López Jaena (December 18, 1856 – January 20, 1896) was a Filipino journalist, orator,
revolutionary, and national hero who is well known for his newspaper, La Solidaridad.

Philippine historians regard López Jaena, along with Marcelo H. del Pilar and José Rizal, as the
triumvirate of Filipino propagandists. Of these three ilustrados, López Jaena was the first to arrive in
Spain and may have begun the Propaganda Movement which advocated the reform of the then-
Spanish colony of the Philippines and which eventually led to the armed Philippine Revolution that
begun in Manila in 1896. The Propaganda Movement was a key step towards a Philippine national

108. Which of the following teaching-learning process demonstrations the action learning approach to
value education?

a. Students engage in role playing of different characters

b. Teaching assigns groups to discuss different national moral issues

c Students and teachers participate in a community immersion program

d. Teacher and students debate actively on moral issues

Action learning is not one specific teaching method, but rather a philosophy and an approach which
encourages action within a team environment where learning is every participant’s job. All action
learning approaches are philosophically rooted in theories of learning from experience, as practiced
collaboratively with others through some form of action research.

Education scholars agree upon three principles that form the foundation of any action learning course:

a. Learning is acquired through action and dedication to the task at hand.

b. Knowledge creation and utilization are collective activities, wherein, learning becomes
everyone’s job.
c. Users demonstrate a learning-to-learn aptitude, allowing them to question the underlying
assumptions of practice.

109. Which of LEAST likely to be a function of a trade association?

a. Influencing government policy

b. Protecting the reputation of the of the industry

c. Encouraging competition

d. Standardizing size of product

Anti-competitive activity

Jon Leibowitz, commissioner at the Federal Trade Commission in the United States, outlined the
potentially anti-competitive nature of some trade association activity in a speech to the American Bar
Association in Washington, D.C. in March 2005 called "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Trade
Associations and Antitrust". For instance, he said, under the guise of "standard setting" trade
associations representing the established players in an industry can set rules that make it harder for
new companies to enter a market.

110. The benevolent assimilation on December 21, 1898 was the first official indication an American
policy regarding the Philippines. It is expressly indicated the intention of the United States to stay in the
Philippines by exercising the right of sovereignty over the Filipinos. Who was the American President

a. Wilson

b. Eisenhower

c. Roosevelt

d. McKinley

The term benevolent assimilation refers to a policy of the United States towards the Philippines as
described in a proclamation by U.S. President William McKinley issued on December 21, 1898.
111. The Katipunan in Cavite was divided into two factions –the Magdiwang and the Magdalo while the
Magdiwang in Cavite was led by Mariano Alvarez, who led the Magdalo?

a. Ciriaco Bonifacio

b. Daniel Tirona

c Baldomero Aguinaldo

d. Artemi Ricarte

The Magdalo faction of the Katipunan was a chapter in Cavite, mostly led by Ilustrados of that
province during the Philippine Revolution.

It was named after Mary Magdalene, patroness of Kawit, Cavite. It was officially led by Baldomero
Aguinaldo, but his cousin Emilio Aguinaldo (whose own Katipunan codename was "Magdalo") was its
most famous leader.

112. Of the following the statement that aptly describes a band is?

a. It is small group of household between twenty or a few hundred people at most who are related
through kinship.

b. It is a political grouping of permanently allied tribes and villages and one recognizable.

c. It is typically associated with horticulture and pastoralism.

d. Its element are people, territory, government and sovereignty.

A band society, sometimes called a camp or, in older usage, a horde, is the simplest form of human
society. A band generally consists of a small kin group, no larger than an extended family or clan. The
general consensus of modern anthropology sees the average number of members of a social band at
the simplest level of foraging societies with generally a maximum size of 30 to 50 people.

113. The following describes an individualistic political subculture. EXCEPT?

a. corruption is tolerated because politics is dirty

b. Politicians motives for running for office are based on self-interest and the desire to advance them

c. Political competition is partisan

d. Government advances the public interest

The individualistic political culture sees politics as a marketplace of competing individual interests who
use the political system to better their own causes. Politicians and citizens are not interested in
achieving a “good society” or furthering the common good, rather they are focused on private

114. Which term refers to a dry, barren region, usually treeless and sandy?

a. Tundra

b. Isthmus

c. Desert

d. Canyon

Desert emphasizes lack of water (though not specifically high temperature); it refers to a dry, barren,
treeless region, usually sandy: a high-altitude frozen desert. Waste emphasizes lack of inhabitants and
of cultivation; it is used of wild, barren land: a desolate waste.

115. Which term denotes equal days and nights?

a. Solstice

b. Equinox

c. Vernal

d. Centrifugal

equinox is commonly regarded as the instant of time when the plane (extended indefinitely in all
directions) of Earth's equator passes through the center of the Sun. This occurs twice each year:
around 20 March and 23 September. In other words, it is the moment at which the center of the
visible Sun is directly above the Equator.

The word is derived from the Latin aequinoctium, from aequus (equal) and nox (genitive noctis)
(night). On the day of an equinox, daytime and nighttime are of approximately equal duration all over
the planet.

116. The lnternational Date Line is the ______ meridian.

a. 90th

b. 270th

c. 180th

d. 30th
The International Date Line (IDL) is an imaginary line of demarcation on the surface of Earth that runs
from the North Pole to the South Pole and demarcates the change of one calendar day to the next. It
passes through the middle of the Pacific Ocean, roughly following the 180° line of longitude but
deviating to pass around some territories and island groups.

117. Who is the following is defined as the Father of History and Geography?

a. Tacitus

b. Herodotus

c. Christopher Columbus

d. Amerigo Vespucci

the 'Father of History' ! Herodotus was the first and foremost historian, and is regarded as the 'father
of history'. He placed historical events in a geographical setting; some of his writings are truly
geographical in character.

118. In which principle is the underlying free-market economics are based on?

a. Live and let live

b. Non-intervention

c. Balanced payment

d Laissez faire

Laissez-faire is an economic theory from the 18th century that opposed any government intervention
in business affairs. The driving principle behind laissez-faire, a French term that translates as "leave
alone" (literally, "let you do"), is that the less the government is involved in the economy, the better
off business will be—and by extension, society as a whole. Laissez-faire economics are a key part of
free market capitalism.

119. The market system in which individual rather than the government make the majority decisions
regarding economic activities and transactions is called?

a Market economy

b. Non-market economy

c. Trade liberalization

d. Free trade

A market economy is an economic system in which economic decisions and the pricing of goods and
services are guided by the interactions of a country's individual citizens and businesses. There may be
some government intervention or central planning, but usually this term refers to an economy that is
more market oriented in general.

120. In economic perspective, globalization means.

a. Trade monopoly

b. Intensive capitalism

c. Trade liberalization

d. Command economy

Economic globalization refers to the increasing interdependence of world economies as a result of the
growing scale of cross-border trade of commodities and services, flow of international capital and
wide and rapid spread of technologies.

121. Anthropologies prefer to call foragers.

a. Bands

b. Hunters

c. Food collector

d. Horticulturists

A hunter-gatherer is a human living in a society in which most or all food is obtained by foraging
(collecting wild plants and pursuing wild animals). Hunter-gatherer societies stand in contrast to
agricultural societies, which rely mainly on domesticated species.

122. Anything that is generally accepted as medium of exchange and supported by the state/government
is ___.

a. Barter

b. Legal tender

c. Promissory notes

d. Economic goods

Legal tender is a medium of payment recognized by a legal system to be valid for meeting a financial

123. Which terms refers to the trading of goods and services directly for other goods and services

without the use of money as a medium exchange?

a. Market transaction

b. Barter

c. Haggling

d. Social transaction

barter (derived from baretor) is a system of exchange where participants in a transaction directly
exchange goods or services for other goods or services without using a medium of exchange, such as

124. What does "presumption of innocence” mean as far as human rights is concerned?

a. Has the right to remain silent

b. remains innocent until proven guilty

c. is considered guilty until proven otherwise

d. has the right to a legal counsel

The presumption of innocence is the legal principle that one is considered innocent unless proven
guilty. It was traditionally expressed by the Latin maxim ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat
(“the burden of proof is on the one who declares, not on one who denies”).

125. What ‘development has taken place in our form of government from the pre-Hispanic Philippines to
the present?

IV. We have come from a one-man rule to a government of the people by the people and for
the people
V. We began with a one-man rule ad have ended up with a dictatorial form government
VI. III. We started with a dictatorial form of government that has developed into the present
democratic format

a. I and Il

b. lll

c. II

d. Only I

The Philippines came from a one-man rule in a government where in The datu exercised all power of
government to a fully democratic nation.
126. In connection with government transactions involving public interest, which policy adopted the
Constitution to assure the public of accountability and transparency?

a. Rural development and agrarian reform

b. Private enterprise and incentives to needed investments

c. Full public disclosure

d. Balanced and Healthful ecology

Public disclosure is any non-confidential communication which an inventor or invention owner makes
available to one or more members of the public, revealing the existence of the invention and enabling
an appropriately experienced individual ("person having ordinary skill in the art") to reproduce the

127. With the Batasang Pangbansa performing legislative and executive powers in the Marcos regime,
which form of government was implemented?

a. Monarchial

b. Parliamentary

c. Presidential

d. Dictatorial

Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin Marcos Sr. (September 11, 1917 – September 28, 1989) was a Filipino
politician and kleptocrat who was the tenth President of the Philippines from 1965 to 1986. A leading
member of the right-wing New Society Movement, he ruled as a dictator under martial law from 1972
until 1981.

128. As a result of EDSA II, the Philippines_____.

a. Changed its form of government into parliamentary

b. Intensified its participation in international affairs

c. Saw the impeachment of Joseph Estrada as president

d. Became known worldwide for its People Power Revolution

The People Power Revolution (also known as the EDSA Revolution, the Philippine Revolution of 1986,
EDSA 1986, EDSA I and EDSA People Power) was a series of popular demonstrations in the Philippines,
mostly in Metro Manila from February 22–25, 1986. There was a sustained campaign of civil resistance
against regime violence and alleged electoral fraud. The nonviolent revolution led to the departure of
Ferdinand Marcos, the end of his 21-year presidential rule, and the restoration of democracy in the

129. Rizal focused the “ La Liga Filipina“ to____.

I. Unite the whole country

II. Fight violence and injustice

III. Revolt against the Spaniards

a. I and III
b. II and III
c. I and II
d. II

The aims of La Liga Filipina are as follows:

 To unite the whole archipelago into one vigorous and homogenous organization;

 Mutual protection in every want and necessity;

 Defense against all violence and injustice

 Encouragement of instruction, agriculture, and commerce; and

 Study the application of reforms

130. which is TRUE of the Philippines?

a. It has been colonized by two European colonial powers

b. There have been attempts to change its government to a parliamentary form

c. It is only Christian and Asia

d. It has never been united as a nation

In his talk with the correspondents, Mr. Enrile said of the proposed charter changes, ''The new
formulation will combine the merits of both presidential and parliamentary forms. It will insulate the
presidency from political conflicts. We feel it will stabilize the country.''

Under the new system, a prime minister nominated by the president and elected by the present
Parliament will run the day-to-day functions of government, responsible both to the president and to
The new president will be responsible for defense, security and foreign affairs and for choosing the
Prime Minister, the Cabinet and the five-member Advisory Council that will serve as temporary
successor in the event of death or incapacity of the president. A Reduced Work Load

In response to a question, Mr. Enrile acknowledged that the new system will significantly reduce the
work load of President Marcos, but he denied that this was being done because the chief executive
was ill, as persistently rumored.

He said the new governmental form, which he described as similar to the French presidential system,
was devised to avoid the adversary nature of the American system or the instability of the pure
parliamentary form.

President Marcos now rules under provisions of the 1973 Constitution that make him both President
and Prime Minister with broad powers for an indefinite period while the country is supposed to adjust
to a parliamentary style of government.

Under these provisons, if Mr. Marcos wanted to rule after the transition, he would have to seek the
post of prime minister and would be subject to no-confidence motions in Parliament. The presidency
would be merely a ceremonial job.

Most of Mr. Marcos's opponents are on record as desiring a return either to the American-style
presidency or the pure parliamentary form, to be determined by a plebiscite supervised by a neutral
body after President Marcos leaves office.

131. The character of El Filibusterismo who is disposed of his land and becomes a banding chieftain
named Matanglawin is.

a. Tandang Silo

b. Placido Penitetnte

c. Cabesang Tales

d. Isagani

The character of Cabesang Tales from Jose Rizal's novel El filibusterismo took the word as his moniker
when he descended into terrorism and banditry after having been maltreated and denied justice by
the Spanish colonial government.

132. Who was the Portuguese explorer who reached India after rounding Africa?

a. Vasco de Gama

b. Ferdinand Magellan
c. Christopher Columbus

d. Vasco Nunez de Balboa

Vasco da Gama reaches India. Portuguese explorer Vasco de Gama becomes the first European to
reach India via the Atlantic Ocean when he arrives at Calicut on the Malabar Coast. Da Gama sailed
from Lisbon, Portugal, in July 1497, rounded the Cape of Good Hope, and anchored at Malindi on the
east coast of Africa.

133. Excluded in the list of South East Asian countries is___.

a. Pakistan

b. Brunie

c. Thailand

d. Indonesia

Pakistan, officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, is a country in South Asia. It is the world’s sixth-
most populous country with a population exceeding 212,742,631 people. In area, it is the 33rd-largest
country, spanning 881,913 square kilometres.

134. The ability to exercise ones will over the other is termed?

a. Prestige

b. Wealth

c. Power

d. Social Class

Definition by max weber - The ability to exercise one's will over another, even it they resist

135. Which attempted to establish The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere?

a. China

b. Korea

c. Japan

d. India
The term "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" is remembered largely as a front for the Japanese
control of occupied countries during World War II, in which puppet governments manipulated local
populations and economies for the benefit of Imperial Japan.

136. Who was the Conquistador of Mexico

a. Francisco Pizaro

b. Diego Velasquez

c. Hernan Cortez

d. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi

Hernán Cortés, in full Hernán Cortés, marqués del Valle de Oaxaca, also called Hernando Cortés or
Fernando Cortés, Cortés also spelled Cortéz, (born 1485, Medellín, near Mérida, Extremadura, Castile
[Spain]—died December 2, 1547, Castilleja de la Cuesta, near Sevilla), Spanish conquistador who
overthrew the Aztec empire (1519–21) and won Mexico for the crown of Spain.

137. In whose reign was Spain the wealthiest and the most powerful state in Europe?

a Ferdinand II

b lsabela

C Charles I

d. Philip II

In 1519, Charles increased his power even more by becoming the Holy Roman emperor, with domain
over much of central Europe.

His son, Philip II, became king in 1556 and increased the empire even more. He took control of
Portugal in 1580 and then the Philippine Islands.

Spain was the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world in the late 1500s. But the seeds of
decline already had been planted.

138. Which of the folowing is NOT an African state?

a Lebanon

b. Kenya

c. Ethiopia

d. Botswana
Lebanon, officially known as the Lebanese Republic, is a country in Western Asia. It is
bordered by Syria to the north and east and Israel to the south, while Cyprus is west
across the Mediterranean Sea.

139. The following are the found in South Asia. EXCEPT?

a. Myanmmar

b. Pakistan

c. Bangladesh

d. India

Myanmar (formerly Burma) is a Southeast Asian nation of more than 100 ethnic groups,
bordering India, Bangladesh, China, Laos and Thailand. Yangon (formerly Rangoon), the
country's largest city, is home to bustling markets, numerous parks and lakes, and the
towering, gilded Shwedagon Pagoda, which contains Buddhist relics and dates to the 6th

140. The right of equal protection from the law is an example of a ___ right?

a Political

b. Human

c. Economic

d. Civil

Civil rights are an expansive and significant set of rights that are designed to protect individuals from
unfair treatment; they are the rights of individuals to receive equal treatment (and to be free from
unfair treatment or discrimination) in a number of settings -- including education, employment,
housing, public accommodations, and more -- and based on certain legally-protected characteristics.

141. In the Hindu traditions, the doctrine of the nonviolence and reverence for all life is called?

a Nirvana

b. Zen

c. Ahimsa

d. Moska
The word is derived from the Sanskrit root hiṃs – to strike; hiṃsā is injury or harm, a-hiṃsā is the
opposite of this, i.e. cause no injury, do no harm. Ahimsa is also referred to as nonviolence, and it
applies to all living beings—including all animals—in ancient Indian religions.

142. Europe's first Fascist dictator was

a Benito Mussolini

b. Joseph Stain

c. Nicolai Lenin

d. Winston Churchill

The first fascist country, Italy, was ruled by Benito Mussolini (Il Duce) until he was dismissed and
arrested on 25 July 1943.

143. The following constitutional the Allied Power. EXCEPT?

a. Britain

b. Israel

c. France

d. United States

The major Allied powers in World War I were Great Britain (and the British Empire), France, and the
Russian Empire, formally linked by the Treaty of London of September 5, 1914. Other countries that
had been, or came to be, allied by treaty to one or more of those powers were also called Allies:
Portugal and Japan by treaty with Britain; Italy by the Treaty of London of April 26, 1915, with all three
powers. Other countries—including the United States after its entry on April 6, 1917—that were
arrayed against the Central Powers were called “Associated Powers,” not Allied powers; U.S. President
Woodrow Wilson emphasized that distinction to preserve America’s free hand. The Treaty of Versailles
(June 28, 1919) concluding the war listed 27 “Allied and Associated Powers”: Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil,
the British Empire, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Ecuador, France, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, the Hejaz,
Honduras, Italy, Japan, Liberia, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serb-Croat-
Slovene State, Siam, the United States, and Uruguay.

In World War II the chief Allied powers were Great Britain, France (except during the German
occupation, 1940–44), the Soviet Union (after its entry in June 1941), the United States (after its entry
on December 8, 1941), and China. More generally, the Allies included all the wartime members of the
United Nations, the signatories to the Declaration of the United Nations. The original signers of
January 1, 1942, were Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, the
Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Luxembourg, the
Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Poland, South Africa, the Soviet Union, the
United Kingdom, the United States, and Yugoslavia. Subsequent wartime signers were (in
chronological order) Mexico, the Philippines, Ethiopia, Iraq, Brazil, Bolivia, Iran, Colombia, Liberia,
France, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Paraguay, Venezuela, Uruguay, Turkey, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon.

144. The following were the Axis Powers, EXCEPT?

a. Germany

b. Soviet Union

c. Japan

d. Italy

Axis powers, the coalition headed by Germany, Italy, and Japan that opposed the Allied powers in
World War II.

145. Of the branches of the government, which has the responsibility to formulate law?

a. Cabinet

b. Executive

c. Legislative

d. Judiciary

The legislative branch is made up of the two houses of Congress—the Senate and the
House of Representatives. The most important duty of the legislative branch is to
make laws. Laws are written, discussed and voted on in Congress.

146. Of the following, who subjected the whole archipelago under Martial Law by virtue the
Proclamation 1081 21 September 1972?

a. Corazon C. Aquino

b. Ramon Magsaysay

C. Ferdinand Marcos

d Fidel Ramos
President Marcos imposed martial law on the nation from 1972 to 1981 to suppress
increasing civil strife and the threat of a communist takeover following a series of
bombings in Manila.

147. Of the following, this is known as the “Land of the Thunder Dragons and it is mountainous and land
looked Himalaya Kingdom?

a. Nepal

b. Bhutan

c. Maldives

d. Sri Lanka

Bhutan is called Druk Yul - Land of Thunder Dragon. Because of the violent and large
thunderstorms that whip down through the valleys from the Himalayas, Bhutan is known
as the Land of Thunder Dragon. ... The Druk is the Thunder Dragon of Bhutanese
mythology and a Bhutanese national symbol.

148 Of the following, which is the worldwide movement at the end of the 19" century for the return of
the Jews to Palestine?

a Fascism

b. Zionism

c. Exodus

d. Jihad

Zionism is the nationalist movement of the Jewish people that supports the re-establishment of a
Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel (roughly corresponding to
Canaan, the Holy Land, or the region of Palestine). Modern Zionism emerged in the late 19th century
in Central and Eastern Europe as a national revival movement, both in reaction to newer waves of
antisemitism and as a response to Haskalah, or Jewish Enlightenment. Soon after this, most leaders of
the movement associated the main goal with creating the desired state in Palestine, then an area
controlled by the Ottoman Empire.

149. Which term implies the supreme authority to govern?

a Police power

b. Sufrage
c. Sovereignty

d. Eminent domain

Sovereignty is the full right and power of a governing body over itself, without any interference from
outside sources or bodies. In political theory, sovereignty is a substantive term designating supreme
authority over some polity.

150. The folowing are classification of constitutional right. Except?

a Civil Right

b Assembly right

c. Right of the accused

d. Political night

CLASSIFICATION OF CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS 1. Political Rights – the power to participate directly or

indirectly in the establishment or administration of the government. 2. Civil Rights – a law which
secures private individuals for the purpose of securing enjoyment of their means of happiness. 3.
Social and Economic Rights – intended to insure the well – being and economic security of an
individual. 4. Rights of the Accused – intended for the protection of a person accused of any crime.

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