Teacher Tube Assignment

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Teaching Major: Business Technology

Video 1:

Examine Spreadsheet Components


Upon watching this video, I will create a simulation for students to learn these key steps to Excel. Excel is
used a lot in the Business world and is a key component used with technology. During the simulation it
will give the students three try’s per question. If the student doesn’t get it within three try’s then the
simulation will show them step by step how to do it. The student will then have to retry the question. By
the end of this assignment, the students should successfully know how to work Excel.
Video 2:

Upon watching this video, I would want to do an assignment in the computer lab. Each student would be
sitting down in front of a computer and I would have my computer linked to the projector. I will show
the students step by step how to create charts and graphs on Excel. I will do a problem and then they
will do it after. If they get it wrong after having watched this video and my doing it then they are to raise
their hand and we are to go over why their problem showed up incorrectly with the class. In the end
they will take a short quiz on how to do certain things pertaining to what was discussed to see how
much information they were able to contain. Excel is used a lot in the business world but also in
everyday life. Knowing how to make charts and graphs will help tremendously when it comes to staying

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