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Garrett McQuigg

Dr. Orr

CIED 1003

13 July 2019


Journal Article: “Biofeedback: Using the Power of the Mind–Body Connection, Technology, and Business
in Psychotherapies of the Future” by: Austad, Carol Shaw and Gendron, Michael S. (2018).

This article is about convincing psychologists that biofeedback possesses great potential to
benefit people. The idea behind Biofeedback is with better control over your mind, you can better
understand and control your health of your body. The article states it is good for patients because;
“Patients who learn to self-regulate, to increase control over their bodies, brains, and nervous system,
and to improve flexibility and physiological responding will improve health, learning, and performance”.
The more patients have practiced Biofeedback, the better they’ve been able to control their lives for the
better. The article later goes on to say that this method is good for psychologists because; “Biofeedback
can enrich the therapeutic repertoire”. This means psychologists will have yet another tool to use that
could potentially assist a patient through their problems. The article concludes that it is also good for
the health care system because its an effective short-term and cost-effective substitute for people
seeking psychological help.

Theses and Dissertation: “Data Quality Impact on Data Frameworks within Business Organizations” by:
Etwaroo, Seeronie Rosanna. (2019).

This dissertation is about how the quality of the data taken by a company effects the company
in a much more positive way rather than quantity, regarding frameworks. It is focused more on small to
mid-sized businesses rather than large businesses. The project states that data is a well-known
component of businesses, but some businesses overlook the importance of research and data. Data
quality has continued to be a priority for business institutions. The sheer volume of data a company sees
can be overwhelming and has left business leaders searching for better solutions; “Solving the dilemma
of data quality problems due to the growing data volumes within a company’s ecosystem has business
and technology leaders looking for answers and solutions”. The dissertation concludes that data quality
is a critical component for a business’s success.

Book: “Bad blood: secrets and lies in a Silicon Valley startup” by: Carreyrou, John. (2018).

This story is about Elizabeth Holmes, a Stanford dropout that started her own company that was
supposed to “revolutionize” the medical industry. She apparently had invented a machine that would
make blood tests much “faster and easier”, so she claimed, but come to find out the technology didn’t
even work.
Video: “Amazon Site Crashes on Prime Day” by: NBC News. (2018).

This video is a News piece about the company Amazon.

Reference: “Bill Gates” by Amy Tikkanen. (2007).

This reference is about who Bill Gates is and what he does.

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