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Dear Parents,

We are thrilled to share with you the updates and necessary information regarding your child’s class
retreat this year. What an opportunity we have as St. Michael the Archangel Community to provide
prayers, support and encouragement as these students will be offered beautiful opportunities to have
authentic encounters with Jesus Christ on retreat. Each retreat will align with the theology curriculum
your student will be studying that year and focus on encountering Jesus, community building, and
deepening authentic relationships. Each year, your child will participate in an overnight retreat with
his/her class. This retreat is considered a part of our school’s curriculum and we expect all students to

This year, your student’s class retreat will be held at Prairie Star Ranch in Williamsburg, KS. Students
will be expected to arrive to SMA the day of the retreat no later than 7:30 a.m. to check in. Please meet
in the gym for medication/bag drop off and prepare for Mass which will begin at 8:00 a.m. During
check in, students with medication needs will turn in their completed medication form and zip lock
bag to Ms. Polina. Any prescription or over the counter medication your child will need must be placed
in a ziplock bag in its original container with the child’s name on the bag and the medication form
(attached) inside the bag. We will load the buses and depart by 8:45 a.m. Our expected time of arrival
to Prairie Star Ranch will be at 10:15 A.M. Students will not need to wear their uniform; however we
ask that each student dresses in comfortable, warm, casual and modest clothing that can get dirty.

The boys and girls will have separate bunk houses with locking doors and faculty members who will
provide supervision. It will be necessary for each student to bring one sack lunch (for lunch on the
first day of retreat), refillable water bottle, pillow, bedding or sleeping bag, comfortable modest clothes
(no leggings, yoga pants, saggy pants, writing on the back side, tank tops) that can get dirty, two pair of
tennis shoes, toiletries (including shampoo/soap), a towel, Bible, Rosary, journal & pen, flashlight and
any medications they typically take.

To ensure a safe retreat experience for all, SMA faculty will check all baggage thoroughly before the
retreat begins. School rules will be enforced and cell phones, technology or valuables will not be
allowed on retreat. If your student has specific food needs, please contact the school nurse to make
arrangements no later than one week before the retreat. Your student may bring a separate cooler
with specific food needs if necessary.

We will need parent volunteers to help prepare/serve/cleanup meals during the retreat. If you are
able to volunteer to help with a meal, sign up here.

Please pray for us, and rest assured in our prayers for you! If you need to reach us while we are at
Prairie Star Ranch, please call (785) 646-5693 or Jana Burns directly at (816) 875-6607.

With Gratitude,

Jana Burns
Director of Community Life

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