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Fish Amido Acid


Group 1 and Group 2

Trishia Shane M. Umayam Jansen Pearl Lozano
Sheryn P. Ramirez. Haris Pabilao
Daniel Gabayan. Jake Platilla
Mark Olimon. John Lloyd Cantutay
Hazel Purification. Luvly Yasay
Ezequiel Domingo. Kriszel Ignacio

Fish Amino Acid [FAA] is a liquid bio-fertilizer produced by fermenting fresh

fish scraps such as bones, heads, skin, entrails and other fish parts using
either molasses or brown sugar. When mixed with water for animals, it
provides them with protein needs. It also lacto boost the animals
Fish scraps are freshly collected, cut into smaller pieces, and composted
preferably in an earthen jar with cover added with either molasses or brown
sugar to the mixture to help build up beneficial microbes, and to speed up
Fish Amino Acid contains various types of amino acids. This FAA can directly
or indirectly influence the physiological activities of the plants/ crops.When
sprayed directly on plants/ crops as liquid foliar fertilizer to boost their
Nitrogen needs, Fish Amino Acid provides the them with N-P-K ratio of 4-1-1.
When sprayed on the soil, Fish Amino Acid helps improving its micro-flora
thereby facilitating the assimilation of nutrients.

Materials are needed:

1 kilogram of fresh fish scraps

1 kilogram of Molasses or Brown Sugar.
Earthen Jar with cover
Glass bottle for FAA storage

Procedure to follow when making your own Fish Amino Acid:

1). Collect a kilogram of fresh fish scraps. Cut into smaller pieces.
2). Put the cut fish scraps in the earthen jar. Add 1 kg of Molasses or Brown
Sugar. Mix thoroughly.
3). Cover the earthen jar and place it in cool dry place indoor or outdoor. Leave
it there for 1-7 days to decompose and ferment.
4). After 20-3o days, separate the liquid [Fish Amino Acid] from the solid.
Transfer into clean/ sterilize glass bottles.

Using your Fish Amino Acid:

1). Observe Correct Dosage: For every 1 liter of Water, add 2 tablespoon of your
Fish Amino Acid.
2). Soil Drenching: Add the Fish Amino Acid in the tapsoil by drenching it near
the plants/ crops. This will supply Nitrogen to their roots. This will also boost
the beneficial microbe/ fungal population.
3). Foliar Fertilizer Spraying : Spray the foliar fertilizer on plants particularly
the underneath part of the leaves. This will supply the plants/ crops with the
needed Phosporous, Potassium, Amino Acid and Protein directly.

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