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Running head: IS EVERYONE EQUAL?

Is Everyone Equal?



Reflection: Is Everyone Equal?

The aspect of equality among human beings has resulted in different arguments

especially concerning some of the actions which tend to interfere with such equality. The

occurrence of acts such as discrimination and racism in society is considered as a disruption of

equality among human beings (Tatum, 2001). Even though people are born the same way, their

equality is based on various factors such as luxuries and opportunities. In some societies, the

issue of equality among human beings is dependable on factors such as skin color and race

(Henderson, 2016). Reflection on the aspect of equality requires a detailed review of the

relationship between different factors such as mass incarceration and slavery especially among

people of color. The issue of equality can also be analyzed based on the daily experiences of an

individual. This paper will be based on the reflection of the aspect of equality among people of

color; a detailed review of factors such as slavery and incarceration will result in the

understanding of the different ways in which equality is treated among various societies.

Connection Between Slavery and Mass Incarceration

Slavery is connected to mass incarceration in that both occurrences are characterized by

the same features. In the United States of America, mass incarceration is associated with black

individuals. These are the same victims of slavery especially in the past where Black Americans

used to be treated as slaves in the society. Most of the individuals who are the victims of mass

incarcerations in nations such as the United States of America are the black people (Henderson,

2016). Lack of equality especially in the societies of such individuals causes them to become

engaged in illegal activities such as drug trafficking and crime. Mass incarceration is considered

as one of the modern forms of slavery. This consideration applies when this occurrence is

associated with people from the same race or skin color.


The strong connection between mass incarceration and slavery has resulted in the

introduction of structural and systematic supports which are aimed at protecting individuals who

are affected by these occurrences. Structural support has required the members of the society to

develop the understanding that racism is a system which should be dealt with as a factor which

causes inequality in the community. Systematic support continues to occur in different ways such

as the coalition of Municipalities with the primary aim of ensuring that people from different

races such as the Black Americans are treated fairly. Programs have also been introduced to aid

such individuals and prevent them from engaging in activities which may result in mass

incarceration. Youths have been encouraged to participate in such programs and avoid engaging

in activities such as drug abuse. Most of these support features have reduced the aspect of mass

incarceration among such communities.

Impact of Racism on My Life

As a half black straight male who works in a school which is predominately rich white

people in Bellingham, the issue of racism tends to affect me occasionally. As a mentor of 5th

grader, some of the learners tend to question my ability to handle my situation in the school and

town due to the fact that I belong in a minority group. My skills as a mentor are questioned

occasionally, a factor which impacts my performance. Sometimes, I am required to remain

focused on my work to avoid any distraction which may affect me mentally since the issue of

racism tends to have psychological effects on the victims.

I can interrupt racism in everyday encounters by coming up with programs which are

focused on the promotion of equality. Such programs must be composed of people from different

races and cultural backgrounds. When these individuals relate with each other in the programs,

the understanding of equality can be enhanced in that they can learn the various ways of

respecting other people’s races and cultures. Such programs can be effective within my school

and town.

Effects on Young People

Most of the legacies and policies which have been introduced to protect people against

the issue of racism tend to have a massive impact on the lives of young people I mentor. These

individuals are provided with an environment where they can develop without being treated as a

minority group in society (Tatum, 2001). As a result, these individuals are capable of associating

with other members such as the White people since the issue of racism is discouraged within the

school and my town. The fact that I am black means that I can influence young people and

encourage them on how to treat each other equally. In my mentoring experiences, I am

occasionally forced to guide young people in various activities such as career development. This

requires me to treat all people equally to discourage various acts such as discrimination. I can

change my approach to mentoring by focusing on the groups which are the major victims of

racism to discourage this act in society.

Eliminating the impact of Racism

I can use mentoring dispositions to associate with my students and share on the issue of

racism and how it can be eliminated in society. Sharing information with students and other

mentees can enable me to appreciate the occurrence of the issue in society and in the process, I

can learn how to deal with this aspect (Tatum, 2001). Elimination f the impacts of racism and

classism can be achieved through the treatment of all people equally in various cases such as

assessments and allocation of resources.



Henderson, O. (2016). 13th Movie Review & Film Summary (2016) | Roger

Ebert. Retrieved 25 May 2019, from

Tatum, B. D. (2001). Defining racism: Can we talk. Race, class, and gender in the United States:

An integrated study, 100, 107.

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