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In what instance may a mortgagee extrajtrdir,i:rlly 2OO5 BAR EXAMXNIITION

mortgage? 5o/o
foreclose a real estate

A mortgagee may extrajudicially foreclose a rctl (1) What is negotiable instrument? Give the
estate mortgagle when the right to foreclose extrajudlcially
chirracteristics of a negotiable instrument. (2o/ol
has been expressly stipulated in the deed of mortgage or
there is a special power in the real estate mortgagc
authorlzing it (Section 1, Act No. 3135).
(f) A negotiable instrument is an lnstrument in
xvr f,rrlting, signed by the maker or drawer, containing an
Unconditional promise or order to pay a sum certain in
Pursuant to awrit ofexecution issued bythe Regior rirl money, on demand, or at a fixed or determinable future
Trial Court in "Express Bankv. Don Rubio," the sheriff levit.rl tlme. It must be payable tci order or bearer. When in the
and sold at public auction 8 photocopying machin€s of f)orr
lorm of a bill of exchange, the drawee to whom the order
Rubio. Is the sheriffs sale covered Lry the Bulk Sales kl,vi' to pay is addressedmustbe named or otherwise indicated
therein with reasonable certainty. Otherwise stated, to
bc negotiable, the instrument must complywith Section
SUGGES?ED ANSIIER; I of the Negotiable Instruments Law (NIL).
No. The sheriffs sale is not covered by the Bulh It must be capable of being transferred from one
Sales Law. If the sale and transfer in bulk is made by u
publlc officer, acting under judicial process, as is true in Person to another, thereby transferring the title thereof
to the latter so as to make him a holder who is entitled
thls case, said sale or transfer is not covered by the Bulk to payment thereof. Another characteristic is that the
Sales Law (Sec. 8, BuIk Sales Law). lnstrument is capable of accumulating eontracts resulting
ftom indorsements at the back thereof.
(2.) Distinguish a negotiable document frorn a
negotable instrument . (2o/o)


{2) Anegotiable document is governed by the Civil

Code, while a negotiable instrument is governed by the
Negotiable Instruments Law. The subject matter of a
[egotiable docurnent is things or goods, while that of a
negotiable instrument is a sum certain in money.
Moreover, a negotiable instrument is c.apable of
accumulating secondary contracts resulting from
lndorsements at the back thereof, while a negotiable
document is not, especially conslderlng that indorsement

234 235
of the latter does not reeult tn llablltty of the ludorser
(lv) Itrarehouse rccelpts are not negodable
when the deposltary, llke the warehouseman, falle to tnrtrumentg, because thelr subJect matter ls tirngs or
comply with his duty to dellver the thlngs or goodc Ioods, and not a sum certaln in money as requlred by
aepos{tee and covered by the warehouse recelpt by thc Bcctlon I of the Negotiable Instnrments Law.
(v) Ileasur5r warrants payable from a speclfic
(3) State and explain whether the following ar(' fund are not negotlable instnrnents as they are payable
negouable instruments under the Negotiable Instmmettts out of a partlcular fuad whlch may or may not exist,
thereby 6nklrrg the order condlfional, ln contravention
of Section I of the Negotlable Instnrnents Law.
(i) Postal MoneY Order;
(ii) depositwhlch states 'Thls ls I rt
A certiflcate of time u
certi$r that bearer has deposlted in th'ts bank tlre
sum of FOUR THOUSAND PESOS (P4'000.00) (l) Dagul has a business arrzrngement with Facundo.
only, repayable to the depositor 200 days aftcr' The latter would lend money to another, through Dagul,
date." whose name would appear in the promissory note as the
{iii) Letters of credit; lender. Dagul would then lmmediately indorse the note to
(iv) Warehouse receiPts; Facundo.
(v) Tleasury warrants payable from a specillc funtl
(5o/ol Is Dagul an accommodation part5f Explain, (2%o)


t3.) (i) A Postal Money Order is not a ne$otlablo (f)Dagul ls not an accolnrnodaflon party. An
lnstnrment because of the condltlons appearing at tho lccommodation party Is one who slgns the lnstrument as
back thereof, thereby mqftln! the order condltional, I mater, drawer, or lndorser, without recelving any
contrary to Sectlon I of the Negotiable Instruments Law' vduable coasideratlon and for the purlrose ollspding his
(Phil. Education Co,, Inc' u. Soriano, 148-A Phil. 52r Drme or credit to another. (Sec.29, NIL)
l2.l a) Whatisacrossedcheck? Whatarettreeffects
(ii) Acertlficate of time deposlt ls anegotlablo Of crosstung a check? Explain.
lnstrument, because lt is an acknowledgment in w'rtting
by the $ank of the arnount of deposit wlth a promise to b) Distnguish an irregular lndorser from a general
rip.y the same to the deposltor or bearer thereof at u lndorser. (37o)
sp..iIic tlme. lCo.ltex u. C,A,212 SCRA 448 [1992tr)
(iii) A letter of credit ls not a negotlablo
lnstrument, because lt is not payable to order or bearer (2) a) A crossed chect ls a check wtth two (2)
lt doeg not comply
and ls generally conditlonal; therefore, prrallel lines, written dlagonally on the upper rlght
wtth Section I of the Negotiable Instrumcnts Law' oorner thereof. It ls a war-nlng to the drawee bank that
pryment must be made to the rtght party, otherwlse the
brnt has no authority to rtse the drawer's frrnds deposlted

236 237
with the bank. To be assured that lt wlll avoid any 6UGGES?ED A]VSWER:
mistake in paytng to the \prong party, banks adopted the
policy that crossed checks must be deposited in the (3) Seiorita Isobel can raise the personal defense of
payee's account. When withdrawal is made, the banks breach of trust against Pete that Brad's authority to filI
can be sure that they are paying to the right party. Later, up the amount of the promissory note was limited to
jurisprudence added to the development of crossed checks PIO,OOO.OO. Pete is not a holder in due course as he was
ln that the crossing becomes a warnlng also to whoever present when Brad asked Seiorita Isobel to sign the
deals with the said instrumeat to lnquire as to thc promissory note for PIO,OOO.OO. Hence, Pete was aware
purlrose of its issuance. Otherrrise, if somethlng wrong of the infirmity of the instrument. (Sec. 14, NIL)
happens to the payment thereof, that person cannot
claim to be a holder in due course. Hence, he ls subject III
to the personal defense on the part of the drawer that
there is breach of trust commltted by the payee ln not (I.) Under what conditions may a stock corporation
complylng with the drawer's lnstructlon. &cquife its own shares? (2olo)
b) An irregular ind,orser, not otherwise a party OUGGESTED ANSWER:
to the instrument, places his signature thereon in blank
before delivery to add credlt thereto. A general indorser (f ) The conditions underwhich a stock corporation
is a regular party to the instrumeut like a maker, drawer oan acquire its own share are: (a) that it be for a legitimate
or acceptorand he signs upon delivery of the instrument. lnd proper corporate purpose; arrd (b) that there shall be
W'hile an irregular lndorser signs for accommodation, a unrestricted retained earnings to purchase the sane and
regular indorser slgns for valuable consideration. (Sec. Itr capital is not thereby impaired. (Sec. 41, Corporation
64(2), NrL) Gode)
(3) Brad was in desperate need of money to pay his (2) Janice rendered some consultancy work for XYZ
debt to Pete. a loan shark" Pete threatened to take Brad's lifc Corporation. Her compensation included shares of stock
if he failed to pay. Brad and Pete went to see Sefrorita Isobel, therein.
Brad's rich cousin, and asked her if
she could sign a
promissory note in his favor in the amount of P1O,00O.00 to Can XYZ Corporation issue shares of stock to pay for the
pay Pete. Fearing that Pete would kill Brad, Seflorita Isobcl aervices of Janice as its consultant? Discuss your answer.
acceded to the request. She affixed her signature on a piecc l2o/o)
of paper with the assurance of Brad that he will just fiIl it up
later. Brad then {illed up the blank paper, making a prom EUGGESTED A.NSWER..
issory note for the amount of P I 00,00O.0O. He then lndorsecl
and delivered the same to Pete, who accepted the note as (2) The corporation can issue shares of stoak to pay
payment of the debt. lor actually performed senrices to the corporation, but
[ot for future senrices or services yet to be performed.
What defense or defenses can Seiorita Isobel set up (8cc. 62(3), Corporation Code)
against Pete? Explain. (3W

238 239
rv their credits and their respective maturities, and to
rubmit the affidavit to the buyer who, in turn, should
Divine Corporation is engaged in the manufacture ol notlfy the creditors about the trnqsaction he is about to
garments for export. In the course of its business, it was atrlt' conclude with the seller. (Secs. 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, Bulk Sales
to obtain loans from individuals and linancing institutions. Law)
However, due to the drop in the demand for garments in tltt'
If the transaetion was made to defraud the cred.itors.
intemational market, Divine Corporation could not meet its
the latter may have the contract rescinded. The creditors
obligations. It decided to sell all its equipment such rrs
sewing machines, perrna-press machines, high speed sewers,
may also file a petition for involuntar5r insolvency and
have the sale voided if it was made in fraud of creditors.
cuttlng tables, ironing tables, etc., as well as its supplies arrt I
materials toTop Grade Fashion Corporation, its competitor.
d) Top Grade Fashion Corporatlon may recover the
a) How would you classis the transaction? amount paid if the sale was made ln fraud of creditors and
lue for damages.
b) Can Divine Corporation sell the aforesaid items ttr
its competitor, Top Grade Fashion Corporation? What arr' v
the requirements to validly sell the items? Explain.
(l) a) Under what circumstances may a corporation
c) Howwould you protect the interests of the creditot'ri declare dividends? (20lo)
of DMne CorPoration?
d) [n case Divine Corporation violated ttre law, wtrirl
remedies are available to Top Grade Fashion Corporatiorr (1) a) Acorporation may declare dividends if it has
against Divine CorPoration? (5%) rrn restricted retained earnlngs. (Sectlon 43, Corporation
b)Distinguish dividend from profit: cash dividend
a) The sale is a sale in bulk, because lt is a sale of from stock dividend. (2%)
all or substantially all of the fixtures used in and atrout
the business of the vendor, a garments rranufacturer. $UGGESTED ANSI{ER;
(Sec. 2, Act No. 3952)
b) Prolits belong to the corporation, while divldends
b) Divine Corporation carr sell the aforesaid ltemr belong to the stockholders when dlvtdend is declared.
to Top Grade Fashion Corporation. But it must secure tho
approval of at least two-thirds of its stockholders and t A cash dividend involves dlsbursement of earnings
maJorlty vote of the members of its board of directors ns to stockholders, while stock divldend does not involve
this ls a sale of all or substanttally all of lts assets. rny disbursement. A cash divtdend affects the fractional
(Section 4O, Corporation Code) lnterest in property which each share represents, while
I Btock dividend decreases the fractional interest in
c) To protect the interest of its creditors, I wlll oorporate property which each share represents. A cash
require the seller to prepare an affidavit stating thc dlvldend does not increase the legal capltal, while a stock
narnes of all its creditors, their addresses, the a.mount oI dlvldend does, as there is no cash outlay involved. Cash

240 241
dividends are subject to lncome tnr, while stock dividends \TI
are not. Declaratlon of stock dlvidend requires the
approvalofboth the majority ofthe members of the board Jojo deposited several cartons of goods with SN
of directors and at least two thirds of the stockholders. Warehouse Corporation. The corresponding warehouse
In the declaratlon of cash dividend, the approval by a receipt was issued to the order of Jojo. He endorsed the
majority of the members of the board of directors wtll warehouse receipt to F^I who paid the value of the goods
sufflce. clcposited. Before E-l could withdraw the goods, Melchor
lnformed SN Warehouse Corporation that the goods belonged
c) From what funds are cash and stock dividencls to him and were taken by Jojo without his consent. Melchor
sourced? Explain why. {2oh) wants to get the goods, but EJ also wants to withdraw the
a) Who has a better right to the goods? Why?
Both cash dividend snd stock dividend may be
declared out of unrestricted retalned earnings. Pald-tn b) If SN Waiehouse Corporation is uncerLain as to
surplus can be declared stock dividend but not cash who is entitled to the property, what is the proper recourse
dividend, because a stock divldend merely transfers the ol the corporation? Explain. (50lo)
paid-in surplus from surplus to capltal.
A Korean national joined a corporation which is
engaged in the furniture manufacturing business. He was a) EI has better right to the goods. The goods are
elected to the Board of Directors. To complement its furniturt' Govered by a negotiable warehouse receipt which was
manufacturingbusiness, the corporation also engaged in tht' lndorsed to &I for value. The negotiation to &I was not
logging business. lmpaired by the faet that Jojo took the goods without the
Oonsent of Melchor, as &I had no notice of such fact.
With the additional logging activity, can the Korearr Moreover, &I is in possesslon of the warehouse receipt
national stiil be a member of the Board of Directors? Explafi r. lnd only he can surrender lt to the warehouseman.
(3olo) (Section 8, Warehouse Receipts Law)

SUGCBS"ED ANSI,ITER: b) Since there is a conflicting claim.of ownership

Or title, SN Warehouse Corporation should file a complaint
Yes. The Korean natlonal can still be member of ln lnterpleader requiring EI and Melchor to interplead.
the board of directors, if he has sufliclent equity to The matter involves a judicial question as to whose claim
entltle hlm to a seat. Slnce the corporatlon is only lr valid.
reguired to be at least 600/o owned by Filipino citizens, VTI
foreigners cau be members of the board of dlrectors in
proportion to their equity which cannot exceed 4oolr,. (l) Briefly discuss the doctrine of corporate
(Sec. 1, P.D. No. 715, amendiug C. A* No. Sec. 2-Aof C.A. opportunity. (2o/o)
No. lO8, The Anti-Dummy l"aw)
fNCIllE: The Foreign Inuestment Act is exclud.ed. in
the couerage of the 2OO5 Bor Exominationl (1) The doctrlne of corporate opportunity means

242 243
that if the director acguired for himself a buslness c) Assumingthataderivativesuitisproper, maytJ:e
opportunity that should belong to the corporatlon, he actlon continue if the corporation is dissolved during the
must account to the corporation for all profits he obtained, pendency of the suit? Explain. (5olo)
unless his act was ratlfied by at least two-thirds of the
stockholders. (Sectlon 34, Corporation Code) BUGG.ESTED ANSWER;

12) Malyn, Schiera and Jaz are the directors r:f Paticr (2) a) Sciera and Jaz violated the principle of
Investments, a close corporation formed to run the Patio oorporate opportunity, because ttrey used Patio
Caf€, an alJresco coffee shop in Makati City. In 2O00, Pati<r Inveetments to obtain a loan, rnortgaged its assets and
Cafe began experiencing linancial reverses, consequently, ured the proceeds of the loan to acguire a coffee shop
some of the checks it issued to its beverage distributors anrl through a corporation they formed. (section 34,
ernployees bounced. Corporation Code)

in October 2003, Schiera informed Malyn that strc b) It was proper for Malyn to file a derivative
found a location for a second cafe in Taguig City. Maiyr-r lult with a prayer for injunction, because Shiera and Jaz
objected because of the dire financial condition of thc dlverted the assets of the corporation for their own
corporation. porsonal benefit. (Ballentine on Corporations, Rev. Ed.,
P. s34)
Sometime in April 2OO4, Malyn learned about Fort Patio
Caf€ located in Taguig City and that its development was c) The case should be allowed to continue so
undertaken by a new corporation known as Fort Patio, Inc., that the assets and claims shouldbe administered for the
where both Schiera and Jaz are directors. Malyn also fourrd benefit of all concerned, as they should have been
that Schiera and Jaz, on behaU of Patio Investments, had ldministered before the dissolution of the corporation.
obtained a loan of P500,O00.00, from PBCom Bank, for tht: lBallentine on Corporations, Rev. Ed,, p. 338)
purpose of opening Fort Patio Caf6. This loan was securecl
by the assets of Patio lnvestments and personally guaranteerl vIu
by Schiera and Jaz.
Aaron, awell-known architect, is sulfering from financial
Malyn then filed a corporate derivative action before thc Itverses. He has four creditors with a total claim of P26
Regional Tlial Court of MakaU City against Schiera and Jaz, MtUion. Despite his intention to pay tlese obligaUons, his
alleging that the two directors had breach their fiduciary Current assets are insufficient to cover all of them. His
duties by rnisappropriattng money and assets of Patio 0leditors are about to sue him. Conseqtlently, he was
Investments in the operation of Fort Patio Caf€. Goustrained to file a petition for insolvency.

a) Did SchieraandJazviolate theprinciple of cr:rporate a) Since Aaron was merely forced by circumstances
opportunity. Explain. to petition the court to declare hirn insolvent, can the judge
properly treat the petition as one for involuntary insolvency?
b) Was it proper for Malyn to file a derivative suit with Explain.
a prayer for injunctive relief? Bxplain.
b) Aaron is declared an insolvent by the court, what
Would be the effect. if any, of such declaration on his
Gfeditors? Explain.

244 245
c) Assurning that At15i.y11 has guara. Lclr.s lor tris cltlttr;. SUGGES'ru,.D ANSWER;
are the g-uarantors releassd from their obligati<,lrrs .rrr.r.
Aaron is discharged from his debts? Explain. ( I) The irrevocable beneficiary has a vcsted interest

ln the pollcy, lncluding its incidents such as the policy

d) What remedies are available to the gluara,tors irr loan and cash surrender value. (Gercio o. Sun LiJe
case they are made to pay the creditors? Explain. (So/a) tLt.surance Compang of Conado, 48 phil. 5g If92EI)
SUGGESTED ANSWER; (2.) Jacob obtained a Iife insurance policy for P I Miliion
deslgnating irrevocably Diwata, a friend, as his beneficiary.
a) The petition cqnnot be treated as one ol r,Jttt:ob, however, changed his mind and wants Yob and Jojo,
involuntary insolvency, because it was filed by Aargrr ttls other friends, to be included as beneficiaries considering
himself, the debtor, and nql by his cred.itors (section 2O,
that the proceeds of the poUcy are sufficient for the three
Insolvency Law). To treql it a" one of involuntary frlcnds.
insolvency would unduly benefit Aaron as a debtor,
because he would not be srrbject to the limitation of timc
Can Jacob still add Yob and Jojo as his bene{iciaries?
within which he is subject in the case of voluntary Explain. (2olo)
insolvency for purposes sf discharge. (sectton 65,
Insolvency Law)
b) Actions for unsessled claims cannot be filed, (2) The insured cannot add other beneficiaries as
because the claims should be liled in the insolvency
proceeding (Section 6o, Insolvency Law). Actions for. thlg would diminish the interest of Diwata who is the
secured claims may be commencea *itt, leave of tht: lrrevoeably designated beneficiar5r. The insured can only
insolvency court. (Cu Unjisn g u. Mitchell, Eg phil. 476 do so with the consent of Diwata.
c) The guarantors ars not discharged, because thc (l) M/V Pearly Shells, a passenger and cargo vessel,
discharge is limited to Aarorr qnly. (Section Og, Insolvency
Law) Was insured for P4O,OO0,OOO.OO against "constructive total
loss." Due to a typhoon. it sank near Palawan. Luckily, there
Wcre no casualties, only injured passengers. The shipowner
d) Their remedy- to prove in the insolvency
proceeding that theypaid-tl_
the aeLt ana tnat they substitutc
rcnt a notice abandonment of his interest over the vessel to
for the creditors, if the creditors have not proven thelr the insurance company which then hired professionals to
claims. (Section 56, Insolveney Law) dloat the vessel for P900,000.OO. When re-floated, the vessel
Deeded repairs estimated at P2,000,000.00. The insurance
company refused to pay the claim of the shipowner, stating
IX that there was "no constructive total loss."
(i) What are the effec6 of an irrevocable designati,rr a) Was there "constructive total loss" to entitle the
of a beneficiary under the Insspsnce Code? Explaii. (2u,i,;
lhlpowner to recover from the insurance company? Fxplain.

b) Was it proper for the shipowner to send a notice of

lbandonment to the insurance company? Explain. (Syo)

246 247
(U &) ?here was constructlve total loss. When the Ricardo mortgaged his lishpond to AC Bank to secure a
vessel sank, lt was likely that lt would be totally lost Pl Million loan. In a separate transaction, he opened a letter
because of the improbabillty of recovery. (Arnold's Law o f of credit with the same bank for $500,000.O0 in favor of HS
Marlne Insurance andAverage, 16th ed., Yol.II, pp. 954, Bunk, a foreign banh, to purchase outboard motors. Likewise,
e55) [lk:ardo executed a Surety Agreement in favor of AC Banh.

SUGGES1[E]' AL1]ER.ffATTIZE AJVS}VER: The outboard motors arrived and were delivered to
Rlcardo, but he was not able to pay the purchase price
a) There was no constructive total loss. The loss is tltereof.
not more than 3/4 the value of the vessel which was
insured for P4O,OO0,OOO.OO. The cost of refloating ts a) Can AC Bank take possession of the outboard
P9OO.OOO.OO and the needed repalrs amount to ilotors? Why?
P2,OOO,OO0.OO, or a total of only P2,9OO,OOO.OO whlch
does not constltute more than 3/a the value of the b) Can AC Rank also foreclose the mortgage over the
vessel. flshpond? Explain. (50/o)


b) It was proper for the shipowner to send a aotlce a) If what Ricardo executed is a trust receipt, AC
of abandonment to the lnsurance company, because Bank can take possession of the outboard motors so that
there was reliable information of the loss of the vessel, It can exercise its lien and sell them (Section 7, Trust
(Section 141, Insuraace Code) Roceipts Law). If what Ricardo executed is a Surety
Agreement, AC Bank cannot take possession of the
2) a) When does double insurance exist? (2olo) Outboard motors, because it has no lien on them.


(2) a) Doubtre lnsurance erists where the same a) No. The opening ofa Letter ofCredit did not vest
person is insured by two or more lnsurers separately rrith Ownership of the outboard motors in the bank in the
respect to the snrne subJect matter and lnterest. (Sectlon lbsence of a trust receipt agreement. A letter of credit
93. Insurance Code) tl a mere financial device developed by merchants as a
Gouvenient and relatively safe mode of dealing with the
b) What is the nature of the liability of the sever;rl ldes of goods to satisfy the seemingly irreconcilable
insurers in double insurance? Explain. (2olo) lnterests of a seller, who refuses to part with his goods
tcfore he is paid, and a buyer, who wants to have control
'SUGGESTED ANSI{IER.. Of the goods before paying. (?Yans;fiel d Philippines, Inc.
U, Luzon Hgdro Corporation, 433 SCRA 3OZ [2OO4])
b) In double iusurance, tbe insurers are considered
as co-lnsurers. Each one isbound to coutribute ratably to
the loss in proportion to the anount for which he is liable
under his contract. (Section 94(e), lnsurance Code)

248 249

b) AC Bank can also foreclose the mortgage over a) The eomplaintagainstthedirectorsofHiYielding

the fishpond if Ricardo fails to pay the loan of Pl million. Corporation will prosper. Under Republic Act No. 6,426.,
the bank deposits of the depositors can onlybe disclosed
xII lf ttrey give their vrritten permission. (Intengan u. Court
qf Appeals, 377 SCRA 63 [2OO2l)
Hi Yielding Corporation filed a complaint against Iive ol
its officers for violation of Section 3I of the Corporation Corlt' SUGGESTED A.I\ISWER:
The corporation claimed that the said officers were guilty ol
advancing their personal interests to the prejudice of tlrr' b) No. Section 2 ofRep, Act No. 14O5 or the Bank
corporatitin, and that they were grossly negligent in handlinpi Becrecy Law covers only "deposits of whatever nature
its affairs. Aside from documents and contracts, tl rr' wlth banks orbanking institutions in the Philippines x x
corporation also submitted in evidence records of the officer:;' I", hence, cn'rnot be made to apply to foreign banks.
U.S. Dollar deposits in several banks overseas - Bostorr
Bank, Bank of Switzerland, and Bank of New York. ,S UCGESTED AL?ERNAAII{E ANSWER:

, For tlreir part, the officers filed a crirninal complainl b) There is no violation of Republic Act No. 1405.
against the directors of Hi Yielding Corporation for violatior r Under this law, abank deposit maybe disclosed if it is the
of Republic Act No. 6426, otherwise known as the Foreigrr lubJect matter of a litigation. (Sectiot 2, Republic Act
Currency DepositAct of the Philippines. The officers ailegcrl No.r4o5)
that their bank deposits were illegally disclosed for want ol
a court order, and that such deposits were not even tht, xIIr
subject of the case against them.
(1) Discuss the "kobrtsystem" in land transportation
a) Will the complaint fili:d against the directors of ttt lnd its legal consequences. (2olo)
Yielding Corporation prosper? Explain.
b) Was there a violatjon of the Secrecy of Banl<
Deposits Law (Republic Act No. l4O5)? Explain. (5olo) (1) The "kabit system" is an arrangement whereby
I person who has been granted a certificate of public
SUGGESjI.ED ANSWER; convenience allows anotherwho o\trns a motorvehicle to
operate under his eertificate for a fee or a percentage of
a) No. Section 2 of Rep. Act No. 6426,as amended, the earnings (Lim v. Court oJ Appeols, 373 SCRA 394
speaks of deposit with such Philippine banks in good I2OO21). The owner of the certificate of public convenience
standing, as may be designated by the Central Bank for tnd the actual owner of the motor vehicle should be held
the purpose, and is inapplicable to the foreign currency Jotntly and severally liable for damages to third persons
account in question. (Roberto S, Benedicto qnd. Hector It a consequence of the negligent operation of the motor
Riuiera u. Court oJAppeals, 364 SCRA 334 t22OU) Ychicle. (Vorgas u. Langcag, 6 SCRA l74llS62l)

Procopio purchased an Isuzu passenger jeepney
from Enteng, a holder of a certificate of public convenience for

250 25t
t-heoperalioir ol' publ-ic utility vehicle plying the calurn l )i r - 1..:, public was not inconvenienced by the lllegal arrargement
Barios route. while Procopio continued offeri,g tire jeeprr.y between Procopio and Enteag. lAbelardo Lim and
for public transport services he did not have the r.egiitriit i,,,, Esmad,ito Gunnabanu. Court oJAppeals, 373 $CRA 394
of the vehicle transferred in his n€une. Neither did te secr r r (. [2oo2])
for himself a cerLificate of public convenience for its operilti, r r

Thus, pert].e records of the l-anclrransportation Franchisir ryi (3) Baldo is a driver of Yellow Cab Company under the
and Regulatory Board, Enteng remained its registered owrrt'r bo u nd ary system. While cru isin g alon g the South Expressway,
and operator. One day, while tire jeepney was travelirrli Ilaldo's, cab figured in a collision, killing his passenger,
southbound, it collitled with a ten-wheeler tmck ownecJ lry [)letro. The heirs of Pietro sued Yellow Cab Company for
Emmanuel. Ttre driver of the truck admitted responsibiliry damages, but the latter refused to pay the heirs, insisting
for the accident, explaining that the truck lost iti brak*;. ttrat it is not liable because Baldo is not its employee,

Procopio sued Emmanuel for damages, but the lattr.r Resolve with reasons. {2o/o)
moved to dismiss the case on the ground that tsrocopio is rr,r
the real party in interest since he is not the register"d o*,,,., 8UGGESTED AI\TSIVER:
of the jeepney.
(3) Yellow Cab Company is liable because there
Resolve the motion with reasons. (30/o) orlsts an employer-employee relationship between a
Jcepney owner and a driver rrnder the boundary system
SUGGES"ED A]VST4IER: lnrangement iu accordn"ee with Article 1O3 of the
Revised Penal Code (Magboo u. Bento,rd.a, T SCRA 952
12) The motion to dlsmiss should be denied" Tht: lfg6ill). Indeed to erempt from llabillty the owner of a
rure eajoining the registered owner of the motor vehicle public vehlcle who operates lt under the "boundar5r
under ttre "kabit system,' from proving another person is tyetem" on the ground that he ls a mere lessor would be
the owner is lntended to protect third parties. slnce this not only tn abet llagrant vlolatlons of the Fublic Service
case does not involve liability of the registered owner to Law but also to place the ridtug publlc at the merey of
third parties, and it is the owner of the motor vehicle who teckless and irresponsible drivers reckless because the
is seekilrg compensation for damages, the rule is not Beasure of their earnings depends largely on the number
applieable" (Lim u, Court of Appeats, gZ3 SCRA $94 of trtps they mahe nnfl" hence, the speed at whlch they
t20o2l) drlve; and lrresponsible beeause most. if not ett of them,
lre in no position to pay thc dArnages they might c&use.
The motion to d.ismiss is misplaced. procopio Is
a real party in interest who stands to be benefited or (U On a clear weather, M/V Sundo, carrying insured
injured by the result of the action. Eveu if not the cargo, left the port of Manila bound for Cebu. While at sea,
registered ow'ner of, the jeepney, lt was he who was the vessel encountered a strong typhoon forcing the captain
wronged qnd was seeklng compe[sation for the damagc to steer the vessel to the nearest island where it stayed for
to hisvehlcle. Moreover, the case arose from the admittJa Beven days. The vessel ran out of provisions for its passengers.
negligence of Emmanuel's driver where representation Consequently, the vessel proceeded to Leyte to replenish its
with respect to the ownership and operatlon of the oupplies.
passengerjeepney wns uot neoessary. Besides the ridilL

252 253
a) Assuming that the cargo was damaged because ol 555 Cornpany cl:rirned frorn SLar Shipping Lines the
such deviation, who between the lnsurance company and tlrt' valtre of the rnissing goods, as well as the damaged goods.
o-rvrrer of ttre cargo bears the loss? E:rplain. Star Shipping Lines refused because the former faiied to
present a bill of lading.
b) Under what clrcumstances can a vessel properly
proceed to a port other than lts port of desttnaUon? Explaln. Resolve r,r.ith reasons the claim of 555 Company. (4olo)
(2) Star Shipping Lines should pay the claine of 555
(U al The lnsurancecorilpanychouldbearthc loes. Company. The rnere faet that some cartons were lost end
Since the devlatlon \ras caused by a strong tylthoon, lt the 98 cartons rnere damaged is sufficient proof of the
\ras causied by clreumstarrcee beyond the control of the fault of Star Shipping Lines {Larerlzo s,ll.:ipping Lines u.
captain, and also to avold a perll whether or not lnsured Chubb cnd Sons, fnc., 431 SCRA 266 [2OO5l). The fact
agatnst. Deviatlon ls therefore proper. (Sectlon 145(a), that 555 Company failed to present a bill of lading makes
Insurance Code) no difference, beeause it was the actual consignee (Eas tern
Shipping Lines,Ine. u. Court of, 19O SCRA 512
b) A vessel can properly proceed to a port other lf99o]). Moreover, under Article 353 of the Code of
than its port of destlnation ln the following cases: Qommerce, the surrender of the original bill of lading is
not a condition precedent for a common carrier to be
1. Ifihea causedby clrcumstances overwhlch dlscharged of its obligation. If surrender of the original
nelther the magter or the onmer of the shlp has any blll of ladingis not possible, acknowledgment of delivery
control; by signing the delivery receipt suffices. (Republic u.
Lorenzo Shipping Lines,45O SCRA 55O t2OO5l)
2. When neceeaaryr to complywtth ewsrrurty,
or to avold a perll, whethcr or not thc perll ls lngured xv
(I) S Development Corporation sued Shangrila
3. When made ln good falth, aad upon Corporation for using the "S" logo and the tradename
reasonable groundc of bellef ln the neceselty to "shangrila" . The former claims that it was the first to register
avold pcrll; the logo and the tradename in the Philippines and that it had
bee using the same in its restaurant business.
4. When made ln good faith for the purpose of
savlng hurnan Ufe or another vessel ln Shangrila Corporation counters that it is in an aJliliate
dlstress. (Sectlon 124, Insurance Code) of an international organization which has been using such
lngo and tradename "shangrila" for over 2O years.
(21 Star Shipping Lines accepted IOO cartons ol
sardines from Master to be delivered to 555 Company ol However, Shangrila Corporation registered the
Manila. Only 88 cartons were delivered, however, these werc tradename and logo in the Philippines only after the suit was
in bad condition. flled.

254 255
a) Wlrich of the two corporations has a bctter right tu witlr things. Witir lhc rnzrt-crials and parts of thc car, ttc was
use the logo and the tradename? Explain. irllk to invent a gas-sa\,ing device that u,ill enable cars to
consurne less gas. F rancis, a co-worker, saw how Cezar
b) How does the international affiliation of Shangrll;r r:rcated the device arrd iikewise, carne up with a similar
Corporation affect the outcome of the dispute? Explain. (59{,) gadget, also using scrap materia-ls and spare parts of the
cornpany. Thereafter, Francis flled an application for
SUGGES?ED ANSIVER; registrertion of his device with the Bureau of Patents, Eighteen
rnonths later, Cezar fiied his application for the registration
(f) a) SDevelopmentCorporationhasabetterright of tris device with the Bureau of Patents.
to use the logo and tradenarne, since it was the first to
registcr the logo and tradename. (Sectionl23(d), a) Is the gas-saving device patentable? Bxplain.
Intellectual Property Code)
b) Assuming that it is patentable, who is entitled to
S UGGESTED ALTERJVATTTA ATVSWTR : the patenl? Wtrat, if any, is the rernedy of ihe losing pa*y?
(U a) $DeveloprnentCorporationhasabetterright c) Supposing Joab got wind of the inventions of his
to use the logo and tradename, beeause its certlficate o[ employees and also laid claim to the patents, asserling that
reglstration upon which the lnfringernent case is based C)ozar and Francis were using his materia-ls and comparty
remains valid and subsisting for as long as lt has not beerr ttme in making tl-re deirices, will his cl;lim prevail over those
cancelted. (Shangrila Intemo,tional Hotel Illano.gemen t of his ernployees? Explain. (5olo)
u. Cd, 959 SCRA 273lz0tlt,
l?J a) It is patentable beeause it is new, it involves
b) $ince Shangrlla Corporation is not the owncr ur tnventive step a:ld it is industrially applicable. (Section
of the logo and tradename but is merely an affiliate of thc 31, Intellectual Property Code)
international organization which has been usirg them lt
is not ttre oqrner rnd does not have the rights of an owner. b) Franeis is entitled to the patent, because
(section I47, Intellectual Property Code) hc had the earlier filing date (Section 29, Intellectual
Property Code). The rernedy of Ceear is to file a petition
SUGGESTED AI,TERNATIVD AJYSI{ER : ln Court for the cancellation of the patent of Francis on
the ground that he is the true and actual inventor, and
b) The international affiliation of Shangrikr lrk for his substitution as patentee. (Sections 67 and 68,
Corporation shall have no effect on the outcome of thc Intellectual Property Code)
dispute. Section 8 of the Parls Convention provides thut
"there is no automatic protection afforded an entity e) The claim of Joab will not prevail over those
whose tradenarne is alleged to be infringed through tht: Of his ernployees, even if they used his materials and
use of that name as a trademark by a local entity." oompany tirne in making the gas-saving device. The
(Kcbnshi Kaisha Isetg,n u. IAC,2O3 SCRA 583 llggfl lnvention of the gas-saving deviee is not part of their
toglular duties as employees. ($ection 3O.2(a), Intellectual
t2) Cezar works in a car manufacturing cornparrl,
Property Corle)
owned by Joab. Cezar is quite innovative and lorres to tinli, ,

256 25't

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