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5/18/2019 Reforms Developments in Indian Capital Market



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Recent Developments in Capital Market of India Principles of Good Layout for an What is Credit Card? Meaning
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The Indian capital market has witnessed major reforms in the decade of 1990s
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and there after. It is on the verge of the growth. Demand Secondary Data

Thus, the Government of India and SEBI has taken a number of measures in Limitations of Planning in Top Inventions and Discoveries
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order to improve the working of the Indian stock exchanges and to make it
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Image or picture of SEBI Bhavan (House) in Mumbai, India. BANKING Planning First Primary Important
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Reforms in Capital Market of India What is a Bank ? Introduction, Management By Objectives

Definition and Features of Bank (MBO) - Peter Drucker MBO
The major reforms undertaken in capital market of India includes:- Different Types of Banks - What Decision Making Process In
are Various Kinds of Banks ? Management - Problem Solving
1. Establishment of SEBI : The Securities and Exchange Board of India
Commercial Banks - Definitions, Authority, Responsibility and
(SEBI) was established in 1988. It got a legal status in 1992. SEBI was Primary Secondary Functions Accountability In Management
primarily set up to regulate the activities of the merchant banks, to control
Balance Sheet of Commercial Principle of Delegation of
the operations of mutual funds, to work as a promoter of the stock exchange
Bank - Liabilities and Assets Authority - Importance of Delegation
activities and to act as a regulatory authority of new issue activities of
How to Open Bank Account ? 7 Organisation - Organizational
companies. The SEBI was set up with the fundamental objective, "to protect
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the interest of investors in securities market and for matters connected
therewith or incidental thereto." What are the Advantages of Decentralisation Advantages and
Opening Bank Account ? Limitations of Decentralization
The main functions of SEBI are:-
Saving Account Bank - Meaning, Managerial Leadership - Leader
01. To regulate the business of the stock market and other securities
Features and Advantages of It Qualities - Leadership Theories
Fixed Deposit Account of Bank - Human Resource Management -
02. To promote and regulate the self regulatory organizations. Meaning, Features, Advantages Human Resource Development
03. To prohibit fraudulent and unfair trade practices in securities market. What is Current Bank Account ? Motivation Motivational Factors
Its Features and Advantages Incentives Theories of Motivation
04. To promote awareness among investors and training of intermediaries
about safety of market. Recurring Deposit Account In Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs -
Bank - Meaning and Features The Theory of Human Motivation
05. To prohibit insider trading in securities market.
What is a Cheque ? Definition - Frederick Herzberg's Two Factor
06. To regulate huge acquisition of shares and takeover of companies. Kinds and Types of Cheques Theory - Motivation Hygiene Factors
2. Establishment of Creditors Rating Agencies : Three creditors rating What are Features of Cheques ? Douglas McGregor's Theory X
agencies viz. The Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited Main Characteristics of Checks and Theory Y - Employee Motivation
(CRISIL - 1988), the Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency of What is Crossing of Cheque ? Scroll Top
Different Types of Check Crossing 1/3
5/18/2019 Reforms Developments in Indian Capital Market
India Limited (ICRA - 1991) and Credit Analysis and Research Limited David McClelland's Achievement
Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
(CARE) were set up in order to assess the financial health of different - The Advantages of ATM Machine Motivation, Manifest Need Theory
financial institutions and agencies related to the stock market activities. It is Marketing Mix and 4 P's of The
E-Banking - Online Banking -
a guide for the investors also in evaluating the risk of their investments. Main Advantages of E-Banking Marketing - Management Article

3. Increasing of Merchant Banking Activities : Many Indian and foreign What is Market Segmentation ?
Principles of Good Lending Every
commercial banks have set up their merchant banking divisions in the last Importance In Modern Marketing
Banker Follows - Loans
few years. These divisions provide financial services such as underwriting 5 m's of advertising and
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facilities, issue organising, consultancy services, etc. It has proved as a advantages of advertising
Commercial Banks - Loan Types
helping hand to factors related to the capital market. Quality Control Total Quality
Duties and Responsibilities of
4. Candid Performance of Indian Economy : In the last few years, Indian Computer Operator in Bank Management TQM Quality Circles

economy is growing at a good speed. It has attracted a huge inflow of

Nationalisation of Banks in India -
Foreign Institutional Investments (FII). The massive entry of FIIs in the Introduction Objectives Demerits
Indian capital market has given good appreciation for the Indian investors in
Narasimham Committee Report I
recent times. Similarly many new companies are emerging on the horizon of 1991 II 1998 - Recommendations
the Indian capital market to raise capital for their expansions.
New Economic Reforms of the
5. Rising Electronic Transactions : Due to technological development in Banking Sector In India - Brief
the last few years. The physical transaction with more paper work is Functions of Reserve Bank of
reduced. Now paperless transactions are increasing at a rapid rate. It saves India (RBI) - Credit Policy of RBI
money, time and energy of investors. Thus it has made investing safer and
hassle free encouraging more people to join the capital market.

6. Growing Mutual Fund Industry : The growing of mutual funds in India

has certainly helped the capital market to grow. Public sector banks, foreign
banks, financial institutions and joint mutual funds between the Indian and
foreign firms have launched many new funds. A big diversification in terms of Administrative Law

schemes, maturity, etc. has taken place in mutual funds in India. It has given Advertising
a wide choice for the common investors to enter the capital market.
7. Growing Stock Exchanges : The numbers of various Stock Exchanges Business Development
in India are increasing. Initially the BSE was the main exchange, but now
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after the setting up of the NSE and the OTCEI, stock exchanges have
spread across the country. Recently a new Inter-connected Stock Exchange Distinguish Between
of India has joined the existing stock exchanges. Economics
8. Investor's Protection : Under the purview of the SEBI the Central Education
Government of India has set up the Investors Education and Protection Fund
(IEPF) in 2001. It works in educating and guiding investors. It tries to protect
the interest of the small investors from frauds and malpractices in the capital Industrial Psychology

market. Kalyan City

9. Growth of Derivative Transactions : Since June 2000, the NSE has Management
introduced the derivatives trading in the equities. In November 2001 it also
Marketing Research
introduced the future and options transactions. These innovative products
Production Planning
have given variety for the investment leading to the expansion of the capital

10. Insurance Sector Reforms : Indian insurance sector has also

witnessed massive reforms in last few years. The Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority (IRDA) was set up in 2000. It paved the entry of the
private insurance firms in India. As many insurance companies invest their
money in the capital market, it has expanded.

11. Commodity Trading : Along with the trading of ordinary securities, the
trading in commodities is also recently encouraged. The Multi Commodity
Exchange (MCX) is set up. The volume of such transactions is growing at a
splendid rate.

Apart from these reforms the setting up of Clearing Corporation of India Limited
(CCIL), Venture Funds, etc., have resulted into the tremendous growth of Indian
capital market.

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5/18/2019 Reforms Developments in Indian Capital Market

Reforms Developments in Indian Capital Market

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