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Reflection about best article:


All articles that was presented by our classmates were relatable and significant but one
article caught my attention and that is the article of Fatima Alyssa Sheena Kalinggalan titled
“Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones”. This article is interesting to me because as a
student I can relate to this. And I know that this topic is very important to us because students like
me are one of the most users of it and we should know all things about it. This article tackles about
the mobile phones and its impacts to the students.
As we all know, mobile phones are important in our daily lives. We used it as a means of
communication and entertainment. As Alyssa Kalinggalan presented her article about this, I
realized that this small device has many uses in most convenient ways. It helps us students to do
our tasks faster and easily without hassle in finding information from the books and journals. By
just searching the topic that we need, it will automatically provide the information that we need in
our studies. It also helps us during emergencies because we can use it to contact our parents and
relatives if there is something happening to us by just dialing the corresponding number of that
certain person. I also realized that there are some disadvantages in using mobile phones. One of
this is that the excessive use of mobile phones can lead to several problems such as poor eyesight
because of too much exposure to radiation. Some of them experience pain in their stomach because
of skipping meals just for it. It can also distract the students especially when studying that instead
of spending time for reading and studying their lessons, they tend to spend it in playing mobile
games and using social medias such as Facebook for entertainment. They tend to procrastinate
which becomes the reason of their late submissions of their requirements given to them by their
teachers. And now I understand that our mother is right every time they tell us that mobile phones
is just a distraction for us students who do not know how to use it properly. And I also learn that,
when we are soaked up in our mobile phones we are just wasting our precious time in doing and
engaging in unimportant things which cannot help us to improve and learn something.
Since mobile phones is prevalent nowadays, we should know that this device is not just
for entertainment and enjoyment just because the majority are using it, but, because we use it for
important and essential use only. Although, we can use it sometimes for enjoyment, but, we should
not let it corrupt our mind and we should not abuse the use of it because there’s no one who can
experience the effects of it but you yourself. I know it’s hard to avoid the use of it because I myself
had a hard time in doing it, but what I wanted to say is that, we should learn how to use our mobile
phones properly without neglecting our duty in our studies and school works. It is not bad to have
enjoyment sometimes we just have to prioritize first the important things before anything else.

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