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No Peserta : 19050715710296
Sekolah : SMKN 1 SAMBENG

1. Analyze parts of the learning activities throughout Module
2. Provide comments on each of the activities including its
Strength and weaknesses.
3. Share your opinion about the contribution of this particular
Module to improve your professional competencies.
4. Write your work in the space available here.

Learning activity 1:
In this activity, I have learned a number of personal letters for different purposes,
personal letter’s social functions, text strructures, and lexico-grammatical features of
personal letter in regard to a certain context of situation. I also have learned comparing
social functions of personal letter regarding a particular context of situation, target
receiver, point of interest and importance; comparing the structure of each report text,
including layout, generic structures and detail information; comparing lexico-
grammatical feaures of certain personal letters by determining choice of word (diction),
expressions, the use of tenses, punctuation marks. Also, I have learned constructing a
personal letter; replying to a personal letter for different context of situations.

Learning activity 2:
In this activity, I have learned how to understand, apply and compare the social
functions, text structures and lexico-grammatical features of a number of
announcements in regard to different context of situation; how to construct
announcement by utilizing social functions, text structures and lexico-grammatical
Learning activity 3:
In this activity I enjoyed learning what an analytical exposition is and how to write it,
how to apply, and compare the social functions, text structures, and lexico -
grammatical features of a number of analytical exposition texts in regard to the
contexts of situation;

And given opportunities to identify the differences and similarities of several analytical
exposition texts as compared to other texts from varied contexts of situation.

Learning activity 4:
In this activity I learned some Hortatory Exposition texts by observing the text’s social
function, structure, and lexico-grammatical features. I also have compared the
contextual differences and similarities between the hortatory exposition texts in
regard to the social functions, text structures, and lexico-grammatical features.

I think the series of learning activities in this module is systematic and
diverse. Very helpful in understanding all the material provided, ranging from personal
letter, announcement, analytical exposition and hortatory text. Some activities begin by
giving theoretical terms, identifying examples and providing practice. Some of them
presented the video and concluded what was the basis of the theory. By providing
different cycles for each learning activity, this is more challenging and also provides
opportunities for critical thinking. Learning becomes meaningful. But on the other hand I
consider that the activities in this module are very crowded, sometimes I feel under
pressure to fill in all the activities contained in this module. Time allocation is not in
accordance with the number of assignments given, even almost every day I do each
exercise in this module until late at night or maybe even until a half past one am. I really
hope the next session will consider the authority of this situation. Learning activities
must be rearranged appropriately with the available time allocation, so that we as
students can achieve learning outcomes optimally. And also next module will be better
if the text is submitted in one file for one activity. The student will be easy to send the
task and the lecturer will be easy to check it.

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