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Gonzales, Alexcis A.
Olivo, John Michael E.
Valentine, Peter Andrei E.

Thesis Presented to the Faculty of

Senior High School Department of the College for Research and Technology
in Partial Fulfilment for the Completion of the Subject
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion
Under the Supervision of Ms. Lea Machado

March 2018

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Survey Questionnaire

Dear Respondents:

Thank you in advance for your contribution to complete this survey, your
feedback is important for us to complete our research study.

Please answer the following questions provided below. Put a check (/) that will
correspond to your answer. We rest assured that all information gathered will be treated
with utmost confidentiality.

Sincerely yours,

Gonzales,E.,Olivo JM & Valentin, P.

Part I. Profile of the Respondents

Name (Optional): ______________________________________

I. Profile of the respondent.

1.1 Gender
( ) Male
( ) Female
1.2 Age
( ) 15 and below
( ) 16
( ) 17

( ) 18 and above

1.3 Strand

( ) ICT-2A ( ) ICT-2C

( ) ICT-2B ( ) ICT-2D

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II. Part 2. Please read each statement carefully. Provide us with your rating
using the Rating Scale below

Rating Scale:
5 –Always 3-Sometimes 1-Never
4 – Often 2-Rarely
QUESTIONS 5 4 3 2 1

1. Playing video games affect my studying.

2. Playing video games wasting my time.

3. Can’t sleep early because of playing video

4. Playing video games help me to improve
my skills in technology.
5. It lessen my effort that I giving in any
works when i play video games.
6. I consider playing video games as my
7. I am enjoying my playing video games.

8. I had friends when I’m playing video

9. It feels good when i won in playing video
10. It makes me more aware about technology

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Many of us have stayed up late more than once playing our favourite computer or video
games. And some of us have even heard complaints from our families and significant others
about the amount of time we spend playing video games rather than with them and their studies.
Maybe a few of us have even wished we could sneak in a game while we were at work. But this
is really a problem nowadays.
It might be. Psychologists and scientific researchers are beginning to recognize that
playing too much video game is a growing phenomenon. News stories are bringing creating a
growing awareness of the problem, and some gaming companies are even facing lawsuits from
bereaved parents.
An video game is a video played over some form of computer network. This is usually
the internet or equivalent technology, but games have always used whatever technology was
current.Because of this, the researcher was prompted and desires to know if the selected high
school students are not studying or focusing well to their studies just to play video games and
what are the possible effects of this said topic. This study is trying to show the relationship
of the academic performance and playing video games to the selected College for Research and
Technology SHS. The result of this study will depend upon the response of the said population.

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The research entitled seek “FACTORS INFLUENCING SELECTED GRADE 12

following questions.

1. What are the factors influencing in playing video games?

2. How these factors affect because of playing video games?
3. Are these factors important to consider in playing video games?

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The goal of this research is to show the importance and know the factors need to
consider as a student. We also are aiming to the successful help in recommending the
proper use of being aware of playing video games in terms of technology.

1. To know the importance of knowing the factors in playing video games.

2. To show the possible factors need to consider.
3. Explain the impact of playing video games.

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Gamers – a person who plays a game, especially a role-playing game or computer game.
Phenomenon - a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially
one whose cause or explanation is in question.
Lawsuit - a claim or dispute brought to a law court for adjudication.
Bereaved - be deprived of a close relation or friend through their death.
Hindrance - a thing that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to
something or someone.
Hypothesis - a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of
limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.
Permeates - spread throughout (something); pervade.
Feasible – a possible and practical to do easily or
Impact - the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another.
Wisely – a manner; having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgement.
Exclude - remove from consideration.
Academic performance - academic achievement or performance is the outcome of education,
the extent
to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals.
Sneak - move or go in a furtive or stealthy way.
Awareness - knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.

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The researcher conducted this research to know the effects of playing video games towards the
academic performance of the selected high school students of College for Research and
Technology SHS Further more, this research aims to give significance the following:

 For the students, they will know what are the emotional and physical effects of playing
video games. They will be more conscious on the said effects. They will know what are the
bad impacts of playing video games every time and they will realize that playing too much
video games is not worth their money.

Teachers, they will be giving more attention to the students.

There are also teachers who tried and played video games too. They can help and let their
students explore deeper words, meanings and thoughts that the students learned from
different video games. In longer time, they will have fun and at the same time they are also

 School, students usually get to know more of their classmates or schoolmates in other grade
levels when the play video games.

 Community, most video gamers gain friends within the games they play, even though they
haven't seen those friends in person. There is a bonding happening and it can build a strong

 And parents, they will be benefited by they will have more time and communication with
their children. They surely know how to limit their child from playing video games by
guiding them wisely.

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The scope of our study is for finding effects of playing video games to the academic performance
of the students.

The study is delimited only for the Grade 11 and 12 students in College for Research and
Technology the main purpose of our study is to point out the effects of playing video games and
aims are determining whether playing video games hinders their accomplishment of their home
works. The study only focuses
on video games and its relation to the academic performance of the selected students.
However, the study excludes the effects of video games to their behaviour.

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According to Gentile, Dilll, (2012) time passes by, it appears that the video game
industry has sparked its mass popularity through most of one genre: violence. Game developers
have acquired the efficient tools needed to improve graphics of video games, whether it may be
characters in the game, objects, or even facial expressions. Perceptively, developers aim to get
the most response out of their consumers, and one way to do it is to develop a graphics of a game
to an extent where gamers are immersed into the virtual world, giving them and the game a
realistic feel to the touch. Unfortunately, violent video game is no exception to this innovation.
Violent video games that involve open-world experience or first person shooting have attracted
many gamers because it could be classified as a higher most level of immersion. You get to
become somebody else and learn about the virtual world itself. However, those virtual worlds do
not come with the same, and very real, consequences if one decides to shoot somebody or steal
someone’s possessions. Most people see this as entertainment, a way to escape the troubles of
the real world. But what do you do if you bring the virtual characteristics with you back to
reality? This is what you call passive aggression, which is defined as an indirect expression of
hostility towards anyone or anything. The virtual characteristics of anger and hatred can be
considered a very realistic influence, and there are negative effects to that. But how does one
come to be influenced by something that isn’t real? It would be logical to assume that someone’s
children can be passive aggressive due solely to a violent video game they can be playing, but I
think that there should be more awareness to other considerable factors to elaborate on why there
is an influence in the first place. So instead of making violent video games the enemy, and the
child the victim, shouldn’t we look into other possible factors inside, and outside, the video
According to Gentile (2012) The time factor is an obvious and frequent topic brung up in the
argument between violent video gaming and passive aggression. Violent is different from
Aggressive. People confuse passive aggressive behavior with violent behavior, and in result
parents get concerned over whether their children will be influenced to become violent, or
criminal, synonymously, in their future. However, a study conducted by Douglas Gentile tested
the amount of “hostility” that an adolescent would express against an authority figure after
playing violent video games, whereas the hostility shown would be as much as arguing, and as
follows: “arguing is less aggressive than fighting, (2) the target of arguing is an authority figure,
rather than peers, and (3) there is very little arguing modeled in violent video games whereas
there is a great deal of physical aggression modeled in violent games. Therefore the adolescent
mind is not completely influenced by the violence modeled in gaming, but merely influenced to
antagonize certain figures if the adolescent dislikes something about a person, especially
authority figures that sustain control over them. In summary, children are not strictly violent, but
are influenced to become more argumentative due to the images of violence in the game. Some
studies propose that another factor would be the emotion of a player before he or she plays a
violent video game. In an experiment that measured the level of anger in children as they played
video games, graduate students that conducted the study concluded that.

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There are several factors mentioned above that can contribute to passive aggression. However
parents, gamers, and policy makers alike would be more concerned about the direct effect of
violent video games on people. Would the awareness of these several factors affect the violent
content of video games in the industry? Gamers, especially those that are aggressive, may let
their attitudes take over and in result deny the negative effects it has on them due to their false
perception of hostility towards them. Is the very denial of one’s aggression an indicator that there
should be a cap to the amount of time that a person plays a violent video game?.While more
questions come to mind, there still remains yet other sides to this violent video gaming coin…
sides that even defend against the negative connotation of passive aggression.

According to Rott,( 2014).The Demographic. Even in the world of video gaming, a gender divide
forms amongst the demographic, manifesting in the virtual world and the real world as an
inferior and life-threatening hostility towards women in the gaming industry . Women are being
verbally harassed and threatened by men when it comes to criticizing women roles in especially
violent video games. Some threats and harassments included death threats, hacking, and cyber-
bullying. In attempt to find resolution, a movement known as #Gamergate brings this issue to
light by having female gamers and game developers alike in the industry speak out about their
experiences with death threats from anonymous people on the web and even being deprived of
their private information to be leaked . As the growth in women demographic in video gaming
increases, there is an increase in gender divide and harassment given that gaming is mainly
presumed as a male dominant leisure. On the contrary, it can further contradict the negative
outlook on women as they engulf themselves and their opinions into the violent virtual worlds.
Anita Sarkeesian, a female video game journalist and victim in #Gamergate, critiques the classic
scroll and jump game known as Super Mario, discussing the role of Princess Peach: “women are
often relegated to the role of damsel in distress — a prize to be won or a goal to be achieved”. At
the same time, Sarkeesian mentions even darker turns for women roles: “How sexualized female
bodies often occupy a dual role as both sexual playthings and the perpetual victims of male
violence,” she says, in a video that cuts to a scene from the Assassin’s Creed game series where a
man asks about a prostitute. Female Game developer Zoe Quinn was also part of #Gamergate. It
could possibly imply that women are becoming stronger in their opinions towards the gaming
industry, and however it may be put, women are defending themselves against the aggressions of
cyberbullying and trolling that come with violent video gaming.
For Education. There were situations in which the aggressive effect of video games on children
can actually help their cognitives skills in terms of education about the world around them. Texas
A and M student Christopher J. Ferguson writes “Blazing Angels or Resident Evil? Can Violent
Video Games Be a Force for Good?” a scholarly analysis on how video games are portrayed by
society and why violent video games in particular are often portrayed negatively. He describes
these perceptions as a sort of “moral panic” that violent video games are possibly correlated with
real-life violence, even claiming that past statistical studies dedicated to this research is blatantly
weak and flawed. In fact, he points out the positive effects in playing a violent video game such
as increasing one’s virsuospatial memory, a “process related to attending, scanning, selecting,

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processing, and mentally altering visual information.” He even conducts an analysis to prove that
visuospatial cognition is apprehended by subjects more than the actual violent acts in a game: “A
recent meta-analysis of studies examining the effects of violent video games on visuospatial
cognition (Ferguson, 2012b) found that, after controlling for publication bias effects, video
games still had a moderate effect on visuospatial cognition (r .36) where as no effect was found
in studies of aggressive behavior (r .04). These results appear to support the earlier suggestion
that cognitive information can be transmitted more easily via video games than can moral
information or personality traits.” (Ferguson,2012)

For profession. The world of violent video games has evolved to an extent where skill in a
particular game outputs reward and profession. In the Spring of 2013, a competitive gaming
match took place between two teams over the violent first person shooter known as “Call of
Duty: Black ops 2” where live audiences came to watch these two teams beat each other in the
game while it is all recorded by professional cameramen and even sports-casted by specialized
commentators as would a National Basketball Association game would play out. What the
analysis and the professional gaming match have in common is the observation that violent video
games are used for reasons other than leisure, and are endorsed to influence that the leisure is
seen in a more entertaining light rather than a bad influence. It hasn’t yet become questionable as
to why competitive gaming associate with strictly combative and violent games. Also, it hasn’t
become measurable as to how well does visuospatial memory have in relevance to academic
performance and skill. Even the connection between virtual violence and real-life violence is
skewed, according to Ferguson, due to the fact that “the crime-rate for the nation has decreased
progressively while video games became more graphic and violent” (Ferguson, 2012). Even
the particular aggression of competitive gamers is not only triggered by the violent game itself,
but also by the stress that a live audience inflicts and the spoils that are on the line when one
wins for it is treated like a professional sports event.

There are scenarios where passive aggression can be beneficial, but also detrimental. Violent
video games can drive a gamer either way, if it is presented in a proper environment. Of course,
any interfering realities of life such as puberty, or profession, or even education can get in the
gamer’s way. However societies are not tolerant when those particular people start arguing with
authority figures or they start to hurt themselves and others physically or mentally. Gamers are
people, and any person should be able to distinguish between what is right to society and what is
wrong. Passive aggress
Parents are not the only kind of people that are concerned about their aggressive children.
The brevity of aggressive attitudes have gone to an extent that policy makers argue over the
disciplines of children who play violent video games. Their argument is that “if you control for
physical aggression at time one and ask if violent video-game playing predicts an increase in
physical aggression at time two, the answer is yes” (Beth,2010).

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QUESTIONS 5 4 3 2 1

1. Playing video games affect my

2. Playing video games wasting my time.

3. Can’t sleep early because of playing

video games.
4. Playing video games help me to
improve my skills in technology.
5. It lessen my effort that I giving in any
works when i play video games.
6. I consider playing video games as my
7. I am enjoying my playing video games.

8. I had friends when I’m playing video


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9. It feels good when i won in playing
video games.
10. It makes me more aware about
technology development.

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QUESTIONS 5 4 3 2 1

1. Playing video games affect my

2. Playing video games wasting my time.

3. Can’t sleep early because of playing

video games.
4. Playing video games help me to
improve my skills in technology.
5. It lessen my effort that I giving in any
works when i play video games.
6. I consider playing video games as my
7. I am enjoying my playing video games.

8. I had friends when I’m playing video

9. It feels good when i won in playing
video games.
10. It makes me more aware about
technology development.

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Interpretation and Analysis:

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Chapter V





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Name: Alexcis A. Gonzales

Age: 18
Birth Date: March 11, 2000
Birth Place:
Religion: Roman Catholic
Citizenship: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Educational Attainment
Kabulihan Elementary School
Eduardo L. Joson Memorial High School
College for Research and Technology

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Birth Date:
Birth Place:
Civil Status:
Educational Attainment

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Birth Date:
Birth Place:
Civil Status:
Educational Attainment

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