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Excellency, Prof. DR. KH. Abdul Ghofur, as the great Master of Sunan Drajat Islamic Boarding School
Honorable, Mr/Miss……………………. As the director of ………..(Nama lembaga)
Respectable, all of the teacher of………………….
And all of beloved friends

In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful. All the praise and thank be to allah the lord of universe who
has created the world for human being.
Our expectations, May sholawat and salam always be delivered to our great prophet Muhammad SAW, The last
Messenger of Allah who has successfully reformed human being from darkness to the lightness namely “Dinul Islam”
Well the happy audience
Standing in front of you all, I am as the presenter would like to deliver the agenda for the meeting tonight.
 The first agenda is opening
 The second agenda is reciting the Holy Qur’an
 The third agenda is reciting Sholawat
 The forth agenda is some speeches by some speakers
 The fifth agenda is correction and suggestion and
 The last agenda is closing.

Well the happy audience, those are the programs for our meeting activity to night.
 And the first agenda is opening.
Ok, lets open our meeting activity by reading suratul fatekhah together. Al-fatekhah……… thank you very much
for your opening.
 Well my brothers and sisters. The second agenda is reciting the Holy Qur’an. It is going to be read by
Mr/Mrs………………………. to Mr/Mrs………………………. The floor is yours
Thank you very much for the raider. May all of us get the blessing of Al-Qur’an. Amin allahuma amin
 And now the third agenda is reciting Sholawat. It is going to be read by Mr/Mrs………………………. to
Mr/Mrs………………………. The floor is yours
 And now the fourth agenda is speeches by some speakers. And for the first speaker, I am going to call
Mr/Mrs………………………. The time is yours. Well, may the speech be useful for us.
The second speakers is Mr/Mrs………………………. The time is yours
The third speakers is Mr/Mrs………………………. The time is yours
The forth speakers is Mr/Mrs………………………. The time is yours
Thank you very much for all of speakers. And the next agenda is correction closing. It will be presented by
Mr/Mrs………………………. Here I am as the presenter of this meeting program, so sorry if I have many mistakes
during my presentation. That’s all and the last I say wassalamu’alaikum warihmatullahi wabarokatu.
For Mr/Mrs………………………. Times is yours.

Dear brother and sister. Ladies and gentlemen.
 First of all. Lets pray and thanks to unto our God Allah SWT. Who has given us some mercies and blessing so
we can attend and gather in this place in good condition and happy situation
 Secondly, my place and solution always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW. The last messenger of God.
Who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness, from the stupidity to the cleverness. From Jahiliyah to
Islamiyah. Namely Islamic Religion
 Thirdly. I don’t forget to say thank very much to MC who has given me time to deliver my speech, under the
title……………….. (Pembahasan)
 That’s all my speech. May what have I deliver be use full in our life in this word. Amin… and
The last I say Wassalamu’alaikum warohmatullahi wa barokatu.

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