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for facilitating Student Induction

About the Workshop
Whatever is said is a Proposal

Do not assume it to be true/false

Verify it on Your Own Right

It is a process of Dialogue

A dialogue between me and you, to start with

It soon becomes a dialogue within your own self

Approach to the workshop
Non-prescriptive content

It places proposals before you for your

consideration and exploration ;

 You are expected to verify these proposals from

your life experiences.

 You will be required to reflect and verify so that

you understand the theme critically and are able
to evaluate the importance of the same .
What is the current status of an individual?
Current state
Many advances have taken place through the use of science,
technology, management, medicine...

we are the most comfortable generation in terms of materials

and facilities.

But let us ask ourselves, how we really feel about the state of
affairs today.
As individuals are we satisfied with where we
are today?
As a society do we believe that the direction
in which we are heading is desirable?
Think about it !
Which of the following is your predominant fear ?
 Fear of Natural Calamities

 Fear of Wild Animals

 Fear of the Inhuman Behaviour of Human Being

Is this on the increase or decrease?

Is this a reason for concern?

At the level of individual:
- dissatisfaction and self contradiction
- increasing pressure due to competition
- decline in health in spite of excellent medical facilities
At the level of family and work place:
- deprivation
- complaints, fights, inter-personal tensions
- injustice, hat redness
- disintegration of family
At the level of society:
- tendency to snatch, exploitation
- poverty and unemployment
- war
At the level of nature:
- imbalance, resource depletion, pollution

Think about it !

What exactly is amiss? Do human beings learn to

behave and be in a certain way?

How does this happen? Can this process be

influenced or directed?

Where lies the solution?

As an educator is this an important question to

Need for Value Education
What is the Role of Education?
Is it to facilitate the earning of money?
earning a degree?
getting a job?

Basic Human Aspiration and the Expectation from Education
The basic human aspiration is happiness & prosperity; and it's continuity

The expectation from education is to facilitate:

1. Understanding the aspiration – i.e. understanding "What to Do"
2. Learning the skills to achieve the aspiration – i.e. Learning "How to

Are both required or we can do with just one of them?

Deciding “What to Do” or “What is Valuable” – Example
Without clarity on the first question, without understanding what to do,
even if we are going about doing things in an efficient and effective
manner… we are not sure where we want to reach, what is our goal

Our program becomes a jumble of choices like 1-Goal

- Complete school
- Get admission to a good college
- Get a degree
- Get a job
2-Current Position
- and so on…

So while we progress in skills, it is difficult to find out if we are making

progress or not

As a human being, it is important to understand what to do (what is

valuable for human being), and then, how to do
Complimentarity of Value Education & Skill Development
We need to understand “what to do”
And we need to learn “how to do it”
Both are required

Understanding “what to do” = Value Education

Learning “how to do” = Skill Development

What would be the priority between these two?

The priority is:

1. Value Education (Understanding ‘what to do’)
2. Skill Development (Learning ‘how to do’)

There is complementarity between Values & Skills

The Need for Value Education has been Repeatedly Expressed
“Every committee* on framing education policy has easily agreed
that education on human values should be imparted…
1. The Education Commission -1882
2 .The Universities Commission - 1902
3 .Government Resolution on Educational policy - 1913
4 .The Calcutta University Commission- 1917
5 .The Hartog Committee- 1929
6 .The Sapru Committee -1934
7 .The Abbot-Wood Report, 1936
8 .Zakir Hussain Committee -1937
9 .The Sergeant Report- 1944
10. The University Education Commission (S Radhakrishnan)- 1948
11 .The Secondary Education Commission-1952
12 .The National Committee on Women's Education-1958
13 .D.S. Kothari Commission- 1964
14 .Yashpal Committee Report -1993
15 .National Knowledge Commission-2005
16 .S. Muthukumaran Committee-2007

The need for value education is keenly felt

Analysis of the Current State
Year Literacy Values
1947 12%
2011 74% Declining
The Supreme Court said today
that the education system in the
country has failed to achieve its
objective and it has to be
reformed immediately.
It is unfortunate that today
education instead of reforming
the human behaviour, in our
humble opinion, appears to
have failed to achieve its

Analysis of the Current State
Little interest in learning, unsure of what they wish to do in life
– even in premier institutions

Under tremendous pressure (parents, peers, TV...)

Manifest problems – self-centredness, acute competitiveness and

insensitivity towards others, indiscipline and violence, addiction to
drugs etc in the extreme cases, and depression and apathy towards
life itself, leading to suicide...

Graduates tend to join into a blind race for wealth and position. Their
skills are often used only to accumulate wealth

Other aspects of life including relationships in family and work place,

understanding of society and public good, remain neglected
Deciding “What to Do”
“what to do” is “what is important” is “what is valuable”

Do we want to be able to decide "what to do” and “what not to do” on

our own right or
Do we want to be dependent on somebody else to decide for us?
(this somebody may be a group of people, it may be the society or the
education system)

If we are not able to decide as to what is valuable what is not valuable

on our own right then:
1. Someone else is programming us as to what is valuable what is
not valuable
2. Unconsciously we keep accepting those things as values
3. We are busy with how to implement them, how to realize them and
materialize them
Consequences of Unfulfilled Expectations from Education
Our education is, by and large, turning out highly skilled job-seekers
without ensuring definite human conduct. While some are able to
get jobs…
Most of the graduates are, by and large:

1. In a state of confusion (not having right understanding)

2. Living in opposition (not having the capacity to live in relationship

with the other human beings – in family or in the larger society)

3. Having a feeling of deprivation (not having the capacity to identify

the need of physical facility and the skills & practice for sustainable
production of more than what is required, leading to the feeling of
prosperity in family)

Can we decide “What is Valuable” on our own right?
Is it desirable for us to decide what is valuable for us, what is
meaningful, what is right, what is wrong, what is innate in us?

To decide what we want to achieve, how do we want to live:

As individuals
As a member of the family
As a member of an institution... As a society
As an unit of nature

Can we decide these on our own right? This is the issue, this is the
essential point

Is this possible?
We need to explore into this further
The Need for Value Education
We saw that the first issue is that we need to understand “what to do”?
And we need to learn “how to do it”?

To understand “what to do”, we need Value Education

Second, in order to ensure this we need to get into the details of things,
for which we need a holistic perspective

To develop a holistic perspective, we need Value Education

So, that is the need of Value Education

This is not just the responsibility of educational institutions but but the
combined responsibility of
1. Parents & Family Members
2. Formal Education (School, College etc.)
3. Society (Media, Role Models etc.)

When all three have gone wrong, are shaking, where do we start?

We have to start with ourselves, wherever we are, in whatever role we

are in (and we are certainly in one or more of these three roles)
The most effective can be education, particularly higher education,
whose graduates are going to start contributing in society shortly
Human Values in Education – 2011
2005 IIIT Hyderabad (AP) – an experiment
2009 AKTU (prev UPTU) – a large scale experiment [ 700 C]
2011 PTU (Punjab) – a high speed, large scale experiment [ 325 C]
Encouraging results...

HE President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s Message to the Nation – 2006
Dr. Kalam, the then President of India, had 4
personal discussions about this,
recognized its potential and spoke about
the effort in his address to the nation on
the eve of Independence Day in Aug 2006

“… being practiced by Prof Ganesh Bagaria, … Prof Rajeev Sangal…

and their teams … [it] is a ‘teachable human value based skill’… This
process of imparting self-knowledge would promote a learning
atmosphere, where this whole movement of inquiry into knowledge, into
oneself, into the possibility of something beyond knowledge would bring
about naturally a psychological revolution.. From this comes inevitably
a totally different order in human relationship and therefore society
as a whole. The intelligent understanding of this process itself can
bring about a profound change in the consciousness of
Source: 24
Natural Expansion of Human Values in Education – Oct 2016
2005 IIIT Hyderabad (AP) – an experiment
2006 IIT Kanpur (UP) – an experiment
2009 GBTU & MTU (now UPTU) – large scale experiment [ 700 C]
2011 PTU (Punjab) – a high speed, large scale experiment [ 325 C]
Encouraging results
2012 HPTU, Hamirpur (HP) [ 46 C]
2013 JNKVV, Jabalpur (MP) [ 6 C]
2013 JNTU, Hyderabad (AP) [ 462 C]
2013 Collegiate Education, Andhra Pradesh (17 Univs) [2500 C]
2013 Galgotias University, Greater Noida [ 3 C]
2015 IIT (BHU) Varanasi [ 1 C]
4000+ Colleges in 40+ Universities in 9 states in India

2013 Royal University of Bhutan [ 8 C]

All Colleges of Higher Education in Bhutan
Understanding the Basic
Guidelines, Content & Process
for Value Education
Content of Value Education
Holistic, All Encompassing

Covers all 4 dimensions as an Individual:

1. Thought
2. Behaviour
3. Work
4. Understanding/Realization
Eg. In Thought – we want to have clarity (a state of resolution,
solution) NOT confusion (a state of problem)

Covers all 4 levels as a Society:

1. Individual
2. Family
3. Society
4. Nature/Existence
Eg. As a Family, Society – we want Fearlessness / Trust
NOT fear (due to mistrust / opposition)
Process of Value Education
- Universal
Whatever is studied as value education needs to be universally applicable to
all human beings and be true at all times and all places. It should not depend
on sect, creed, nationality, race, gender, etc.

- Rational
It has to be amenable to logical reasoning.
It should not be based on blind beliefs.

- Verifiable
The student should be able to verify the values by checking with one's own
experience, and is not asked to believe just because it is stated in the course.

- Leading to Harmony
Values have to enable us to live in peace and harmony within our own self as
well as with others (human being and rest of nature).

Value Education Moral Education
Proposal, Self Verification Do’s & Don'ts

Understanding, Knowing Preconditioning, Assuming

Self Motivated, Unconditional Externally Motivated, Conditional

- Self Discipline (Lo&vuq”kklu) - Fear / Incentive

- Swatantrata (Lora=rk) - Partantrata (ijra=rk)

Process of Value Education – Self Exploration
Whatever is said is a Proposal (Do not assume it to be true)
Verify it on Your Own Right – on the basis of your Natural Acceptance

It is a process of Dialogue
A dialogue between me and you, to start with
It soon becomes a dialogue within your own self

izLrko gS ¼ekuas ugha½

tk¡pas & Lo;a ds vk/kkj ijA
viuh lgt LohÑfr ds vk/kkj ijA

;g laokn dh izfØ;k gSA

;g laokn vkids vkSj esjs chp 'kq: gksrk gS] fQj vki eas pyus yxrk gSA
Process of Value Education
UNDERSTANDING on the basis of self-verification and experiential

Whatever is said is a PROPOSAL.

The PROPOSAL is to be EXPLORED within oneself:
a) On the basis of one’s own Natural Acceptance
(The student is NOT expected to ASSUME it to be true or false)
a) On the basis of one’s own VERIFICATION in living

This is a natural process of self verification and experiential

validation that leads to understanding

It is not a process of assuming things (Do’s & Don’ts) as given

Some of Your Questions May Be…
Is there a need for values in today's world? The need is urgent

Can values be taught in the classroom? We have to facilitate

the student to
discover values
within themselves

Is this teaching effective? In the experiments

so far, the results
have been quite

Can our teachers teach it? Preparation required

Will our students be interested in it? Communication

We need to explore into these and such other questions…

Sum Up
Need – To have the clarity about
1. "what to do" / Human goal, Human purpose, we need to know what
is valuable for Human Being – values, value education
2. "how to do" / Program for fulfillment of human purpose – skills,
technical education

1. Universal – all time, all place, all individuals
2. Rational – logical, appeals to reasoning
3. Natural – to human being & to nature
4. Verifiable – through one’s own experience
5. All Encompassing – covering all aspects of human existence
6. Leading to Harmony – among human beings and with nature


as the Process for
Value Education
Process of Self-exploration = Self-verification
Whatever is stated is a Proposal (Do not assume it to be true/ false)
Verify it on your own right

1 Verify 2 Experiential Validation
on the basis
Of Live according to it
your 2a 2b
Acceptance Behaviour with Work with
Human Beings Rest of Nature

Mutual Happiness Mutual Prosperity

Which process is Naturally Acceptable to you?

A process of self-exploration on your own right, leading to understanding in

A process of do’s & don’ts, in which you assume what is said, without verification
Tendency, What I Am Natural Acceptance
Under the given circumstances, Given all the choice, what is
what one ends up accepting acceptable naturally

Natural Acceptance (LoHkko) Natural Acceptance (LoHkko)

Preconditioning, Peer pressure,
Sensation (ÁHkko] ncko) Leads to harmony (happiness)
May change, depends on other, Does not change with time
the situation, circumstances… Does not change with place
different for different people Does not change with person
Uncorrupted by preconditioning

We can directly see it, refer to it.

We can observe our state
- When we live according to it
- When we live in contradiction to it
Tendency, What I Am Natural Acceptance
Under the given circumstances, Given all the choice, what is
what one ends up accepting acceptable naturally

Natural Acceptance (LoHkko) Natural Acceptance (LoHkko)

Preconditioning, Peer pressure, 1. Innate, Intact
Sensation (ÁHkko] ncko)

May change, depends on other, Does not change with time

the situation, circumstances… Does not change with place
different for different people
Does not change with person
Uncorrupted by preconditioning

We can directly see it, refer to it.

We can observe our state
- When we live according to it
- When we live in contradiction to it52
Tendency, What I Am Natural Acceptance
Under the given circumstances, Given all the choice, what is
what one ends up accepting acceptable naturally

Natural Acceptance (LoHkko) Natural Acceptance (LoHkko)

Preconditioning, Peer pressure, 1. Innate, Intact
Sensation (ÁHkko] ncko) 2. Invariant

May change, depends on other, Does not change with time

the situation, circumstances… Does not change with place
different for different people
Does not change with person
Uncorrupted by preconditioning

We can directly see it, refer to it.

We can observe our state
- When we live according to it
- When we live in contradiction to it53
Tendency, What I Am Natural Acceptance
Under the given circumstances, Given all the choice, what is
what one ends up accepting acceptable naturally

Natural Acceptance (LoHkko) Natural Acceptance (LoHkko)

Preconditioning, Peer pressure, 1. Innate, Intact
Sensation (ÁHkko] ncko) 2. Invariant
3. Universal
May change, depends on other, Does not change with time
the situation, circumstances… Does not change with place
different for different people
Does not change with person
Uncorrupted by preconditioning

We can directly see it, refer to it.

We can observe our state
- When we live according to it
- When we live in contradiction to it54
Process of Self-exploration, Self-investigation
1. It is a process of dialogue – between me and you, to begin with. It
soon becomes a dialogue within your own self
2. It is a process of dialog between what I am (tSlk eSa g¡w) and my
Natural Acceptance or what I really want to be (tSlk gksuk eq>s lgt
Lohdk;Z gS = LoRo)
3. It is a process of Self-exploration, Self-investigation  Self-evolution
4. It is a process of knowing oneself and through the self, knowing
Nature and the entire existence
5. It is a process of recognizing one's relationship with every unit in
nature/existence; and fulfilling that relationship
6. It is a process of knowing Human Conduct (ekuoh; vkpj.k) and
living according to it
7. It is a process of living in harmony within, living in harmony with
others…living in harmony with entire existence

LoRo Lora=rk LojkT; 55

Scope of this Workshop
Knowing your Natural Acceptance
What you really want to be

Living in accordance with your Natural Acceptance

Living in harmony within

Living in harmony with others… with the entire existence


Sum Up
Content of self-exploration = basic human desire
= happiness, prosperity  continuity
Process of self-exploration = self-investigation

The Purpose of this Workshop/Course is to Initiate the Process of Self-

exploration, Self-investigation in you, so you can be aware of your
natural acceptance (swatva), live in harmony within (swatantrata) and
ultimately live in harmony with the entire existence (swarajya)
Desire (pkguk) – Aim, Objective, Purpose
Desire (pkguk – Aim, Objective, Purpose

To Become To Do/Get To Be
Ckuuk ikuk gksuk
Doctor Service, Money, Respect… Happy & Prosperous
Engineer Make Things, Money, Respect … Happy & Prosperous
IIT Engineer Make Things, Money++, Respect++… Happy & Prosperous
Mother Take Care, Trust, Respect, Guidance…Happy & Prosperous
Farmer Grow Things, Money, Respect… Happy & Prosperous

Politician work for people, Money++++, Respect++++ Happy & Prosperous

Thief Get Things, Money, Respect… Happy & Prosperous

Steps toward Goal Basic Human Goal
Not the Goal Desire, Aim, Objective, Purpose

Check within Yourself! vius esa tkap dj ns[ksa!
What do we all want?
ge lc dh pkguk D;k gS\

We can examine this within ourselves

bls ge vius esa tkap dj ns[k ldrs gSaA

Desire pkguk
Do we want to be happy?
D;k ge lq[kh gksuk pkgrs gSa\

Do we want to be prosperous?
D;k ge le`) gksuk pkgrs gSa\

Do we want the continuity of

happiness and prosperity?
D;k ge lq[k] le`f) dh fujarjrk
pkgrs gSa\

Desire pkguk State of Being gksuk
Do we want to be happy? Are we happy?
D;k ge lq[kh gksuk pkgrs gSa\ D;k ge lq[kh gSa\

Do we want to be prosperous? Are we prosperous?

D;k ge le`) gksuk pkgrs gSa\ D;k ge le`) gSa\

Do we want the continuity of Is there continuity of our happiness

happiness and prosperity? and prosperity?
D;k ge lq[k] le`f) dh fujarjrk D;k gekjs lq[k] le`f) dh fujarjrk gS\
pkgrs gSa\

How to fulfill our Basic Human Aspirations


Is this alone Sufficient?

To fulfill human Basic Human Aspirations, we

Relationships Physical

What is our Expectation in them?

For Human Being, both Physical Facility and Relationship are Necessary

For animals:
necessary & adequate
i’kq ds fy,
laca/k lqfo/kk For human beings:
necessary but
not adequate
ekuo ds fy,
ijarq iw.kZ ugha

Right Understanding is also Necessary for Human Being

in the self

PHYSICAL For animals:

RELATIONSHIP necessary &
(laca/k) FACILITY
with human (lqfo/kk) For human beings:
beings with rest of nature necessary but
not adequate
Are all 3 required? Is something redundant? Is anything more required?
Are we working on all 3?
If all 3 are required, what would be the priority*?
*Working on the high priority makes it easier to deal with the lower priority
Human Consciousness, Definite Human Conduct
in the self

- Trust
- Respect
-… with human
being with rest of nature


(mHk; lq[k) (mHk; le`f)) 69
Transformation (ladze.k) = Development (fodkl)

Transformation& Progress
in the self

with human (lqfo/kk)
being with rest of nature
tho psruk
(mHk; lq[k) (mHk; le`f)) 70
Transformation (ladze.k) = Development (fodkl)

Role of Education-Sanskar: Enable Transformation
The role of education is to facilitate
the development of the
competence to live with Definite
Human Conduct

f”k{kk dh Hkwfedk Ekkuo esa fuf”pr

Ekkuoh; vkpj.k ls thus dh
;ksX;rk fodflr djuk gSA

Parents, teachers
and society has a
role to play in this
Self-Discipline, Self-Confidence Lovuq'kklu] vkRefo”okl
Assuming Imitate vuqlj.k (0-3) Family
ekuuk ifjokj
Follow vuqdj.k (3-6)
Relationship vkKkikyu@vuq'kklu (5-9) School
laca/k fo|ky;
Right Self-verif
lgh Tkk¡p University
The child is swatantra…
Self Discipline (10…)
Knowing, not just assuming
Lo&vuq'kklu Society
Is following internally guided lekt
vkRefo”okl discipline (right understanding)

tkuuk which is fulfilling for the child &
for others
Self-Discipline, Self-Confidence Lovuq'kklu] vkRefo”okl
Assuming Imitate vuqlj.k (0-3) Family
ekuuk ifjokj
Follow vuqdj.k (3-6)
Generation Obedience/Discipline
Relationship vkKkikyu@vuq'kklu (5-9) School
laca/k fo|ky;
Right Self-verif
lgh Tkk¡p University
Self Discipline (10…)
Every next generation is more
Lo&vuq'kklu Society
vkRefo”okl In harmony within
In harmony with family
tkuuk In harmony with society
In harmony with nature/existence
Self-Discipline, Self-Confidence Lovuq'kklu] vkRefo”okl
Assuming Imitate vuqlj.k (0-3) Family
ekuuk ifjokj
Follow vuqdj.k (3-6)
vkKkikyu@vuq'kklu (5-9)
Self-verif Wrong Domination
Tkk¡p xyr 'kklu University

Arbitrariness euekuh fo”o&fo|ky;


Self-Discipline, Self-Confidence Lovuq'kklu] vkRefo”okl
Assuming Imitate vuqlj.k Family
ekuuk ifjokj
Follow vuqdj.k
Self-verif Wrong Domination
Tkk¡p xyr 'kklu University

Arbitrariness euekuh fo”o&fo|ky;

The child is partantra…
Opposition nz®g
Is still assuming, not knowing
Revolt fonz®g (by other) lekt
Is still going by externally
Struggle lađkZ
enforced discipline (fear/
incentive)… which may not be War ;q)
fulfilling for the child nor for others
Self-Discipline, Self-Confidence Lovuq'kklu] vkRefo”okl
Assuming Imitate vuqlj.k (0-3) Family
ekuuk Next ifjokj
Follow vuqdj.k (3-6) Generation
vkKkikyu@vuq'kklu (5-9)
Self-verif Wrong Domination
Tkk¡p xyr 'kklu University

Arbitrariness euekuh fo”o&fo|ky;

Every next generation is less
developed Opposition nz®g (8-12)
In more contradiction within Revolt fonz®g (by other) lekt
In more opposition with family
Struggle lađkZ (13-30)
More struggle in society
More conflict with nature/ War ;q) (30…)
Self-Discipline, Self-Confidence Lovuq'kklu] vkRefo”okl
Assuming Imitate vuqlj.k (0-3) Family
ekuuk Education-sanskar
Next Follow vuqdj.k (3-6) ekuoh;
Obedience/Discipline f”k{kk-laLdkj
Relationship vkKkikyu@vuq'kklu (5-9) School
laca/k fo|ky;
Right Self-verif Wrong Domination
lgh Tkk¡p xyr 'kklu University

Arbitrariness euekuh fo”o&fo|ky;

Self Discipline (10…)
Lovuq'kklu Opposition nz®g (8-12)
Revolt fonz®g (by other) lekt
Struggle lađkZ (13-30)
Knowing War ;q) (30…)
Program for Continuity of Happiness
To understand the Harmony at all levels of my Being
1. Harmony in the Human Being
2. Harmony in the Family Scope of Understanding
3. Harmony in the Society
4. Harmony in Nature/Existence

To live in Harmony at all levels of my Being

1. As an Individual
2. In Family
3. In Society Scope of Living
4. In Nature/Existence

Course/Workshop Content: Right Understanding

Understanding Harmony:
Education –

1 RIGHT UNDERSTANDING - Harmony in the human being

(le>) - Harmony in Family
- Harmony in Society
in the self - Harmony in

Living in Harmony at
Sanskar – Living

(laca/k) - Individual
(lqfo/kk) - Family
with human - Society
being with rest of nature - Nature/Existence


(mHk; lq[k) (mHk; le`f)) 80
Role of Education-Sanskar: Enable Transformation
The role of education-sanskar is to facilitate the development of the
competence to live with Definite Human Conduct by ensuring all 3
(Right Understanding, Relationship and Physical Facility) – in every
Human Being
gj ekuo dks fuf'pr Ekkuoh; vkpj.k ls ;qDr djuk& le>] laca/k] lqfo/kk
rhuksa dks lqfuf”pr djuk( ;g f'k{kk&laLdkj dh ftEesnkjh gSA
Parents, teachers & society/environment have the responsibility of
providing such education-sanskar
Education – Developing Right Understanding (WHAT TO DO)
f”k{kk & lgh le>ukA
Sanskar – Commitment/ Preparation/ Practice for Right Living
. Preparation includes Learning Right Skills & Technology
laLdkj & lgh TkhUks dh fu’Bk@ rS;kjh@ vH;kLkA
lgh gquj@ rduhdh dks fodflr djukA 81

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