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Education for Future Leaders

Jln. EngkuPutri, Batam Center 29464, Batam, Indonesia

S.Y. 2019 - 2020


Subject : General Science

Class : VIII
Semester :1
Teacher : Yeva Olensia, M.Pd

Start/End time: 07.30/08.50 Topic: Plants Subtopic/s: Photosynthesis; Mineral salts for plants; Plants and water; Flowers; Pollination;
Session/Week: 4 x 2 periods/ 2 weeks Fertilisation; Fruits

Vocabulary, terminology and phrases: photosynthesis, word equation, chlorophyll, chloroplasts, glucose, sugar, starch, biomass, cell, cytoplasm, xylem, phloem, stomata, air
space, cuticle, wilt, turgid, flaccid, diffusion, minerals, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, deficiency.

Lesson objectives Timings Planned activities

Define and describe photosynthesis, and use the word equation Beginning
2 x 40 min - Recall: seven life processes from Stage 7 (movement, reproduction, sensitivity,
nutrition, respiration, excretion, growth)
- Student answer the teacher question: Where do plants get their nutrition from?
- Elicit what learners can remember from their previous study of photosynthesis.
(word equation of photosynthesis)

- Explain that in stage 9 learners should replace ‘biomass’ with ‘glucose’ in the word
- Explain that this word equation is a way of describing that light energy is
transferred to chemical energy in glucose.
- Learners draw a labelled diagram of a plant cell. They identify the structure of
chloroplasts and their function. Explain that chloroplasts contain a green pigment
called chlorophyll.
- Learners draw a diagram summarising the important solids (e.g. sugar and starch),
liquids (water) and gases (carbon dioxide and oxygen) in photosynthesis.
- Learners make the conclusion about photosynthesis
Understand the importance of water and mineral salts to plant growth 2 x 40 min Beginning
- Revise previous learning by asking learners: Define and describe photosynthesis,
and use the word equation.
- Learners observe the picture that show plant that are stunted (small) and yellow
- Explain the using of Ajinomoto as fertilizer

- Explain Ajinomoto contain Monosodium Glutamate
- Explain that Monosodium glutamate consist of Sodium that can replace the
potassium function of NPK fertilizer.
- Explain the examples of mineral salt and their function
- Show pictures of plants that are suffering from mineral deficiencies. Ask: How do
plants get the minerals they need?
- Show pictures of plants that are suffering from water
- Explain the function of water for support, transport, cooling and photosynthesis

- Conclude that minerals and water are needed by plants for healthy growth.
Deficiencies can cause characteristic symptoms in plants.
- Investigate “effect of MSG, eggshells, NPK fertilizers and banana on plant growth
by project at school.

Understand sexual reproduction in flowering plants, including 2x40 Beginning

pollination, fertilisation, seed formation and dispersal minutes - To assess prior learning, ask learners to identify the different parts of a selection of
locally occurring flowering plants.


- Learners match each part of flower name and function in group.

- Teacher and learners review the result of group discussion about part of flower and
their function
- Teacher explains that the flower is the part where sexual reproduction takes place.
- Learners identify male and female reproductive parts. Include ovules and egg cells
in the ovary and pollen in the anthers.
Ask the student about the summary from the subtopic
Understand sexual reproduction in flowering plants, including 2x40 Beginning
pollination, fertilisation, seed formation and dispersal minutes - Revise previous learning by asking learners: identify the male and female
reproductive parts from the structure of flower
- Identify stigma and anther from the structure of flower

- Teacher explain that anther produce fine yellow powder.
- Teacher explain that fine yellow powder produced by anther are pollens
- Teacher explain that stigma make seeds with the pollen
- Teacher explain that pollen consist of pollen grains
- Learners Identify pollen as the male sex cell and the ovule as the female sex cell.
- Learners observe video human reproductive system (sperm cells can swim to find
an egg
- Explain that pollen grains is a male reproductive cell of plant and they can’t swim
- Teacher asks learners: How pollen can travel from anther to stigma (pollination) ?
- Learners observe that moving of pollen from anther to stigma is helped by
- Teacher give an example of pollinator
- Student mention the other example of pollinator
- Learners observe video to illustrate “self-pollination” and “cross-pollination”.
- Student observe the video fertilization of human
- Teacher asks learners: How pollen can travel from anther an egg in ovule
- Learners observe the picture “fertilization in a flower”
- Learners explain the process of fertilization in flower
- Teacher explain the seed and fruit formation

Students make the conclusion from the sub topic: definition of pollen, pollination,
pollinators. The examples of pollinator and explain the seed and fruit formation.
Doing exercise “and of unit 1 question”
Values integration


Materials/ Media/ Reference/Resources

Cambridge Coursebook and Workbook

Laboratory apparatuses

Write down the page of the assessment if

Attach it

Q&A: question / answer

D: discussion
O: observation
M: marked work

Notes for the next lesson:

To be filled up after the end of the session/week.

Batam, 1 Juli 2019

Acknowledged by: Noted: Checked by: Prepared by:

Principal Cambridge Coordinator Science Coordinator Science Teacher

Yansen Yonatan, M.Th Lennie Limawan Jacinto, Ph.D Yansen Yonatan, M.Th Yeva Olensia, M.Pd

Head Master’s Note


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