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Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII) 62 Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII)

7. The Grandmother convinced the writer why every man should learn
OLIVIA READER KEY – VIII an honourable craft to tell him a story of a prince, the king of Persia.
After listening this story the writer decided to buy a saw and hammer
CHAPTER-1 : THE SHEPHERD’S DAUGHTER and a piece of lumber and make a simple chair or shelf for books. Thus
he was convinced.
Page No. 10-13 GRAMMAR
UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT 1. The tree is over the boy
Answer these questions : 2. The birds are sitting under the tree.
1. The Grandmother’s opinion was that one must learn to do some good 3. There are mangoes under the tree.
work, the making of some items useful to man something out of clay or 4. The dog is sitting below the tree.
out of wood or metal or cloth. A man should not be properly ignorant 5. All above is the sky.
of an honourable art. VOCABULARY
2. The writer knew nothing about art and craft. He smoked enough Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of words :
cigarette. The house became full of smoke. So his grandmother wanted 1. heard, listen 2. heard 3. sink, floats 4. drowned
him to learn about some good work. The grandmother disliked his habit 5. invented 6. explored 7. discovered.
of smoking and ignorance about craft.
3. The son told the king that he fell in love with the shephered’s daughter
and wanted to have her for his queen. The king was surprised to hear it.
Last Monday 23 oct. 20..... A fete art and craft exhibition cum sale was
He said that he was the son of the king. How could it be possible to
organised in our school. It was held in our school playground. Many teachers
marry the daughter of a shephered ? But when the king saw his son’s
and students participated in it. They displayed their work in wood, stone
love for the girl was from God. He persuaded to marry his son with the
and clay. They also explained their different techniques of their art. Most
shephered’s daughter.
of their technique arts were different and traditional. One of them that
4. The messenger went to the girl and told about the king’s offer. She said
seemed completely new was “Trash Art”. It is the art using waste materials,
“What labour does he do ?” The messenger replied that he was the son
articles and discarded goods and then making art from them. Many parents
of the king, he did no labour. But the girl said that he had to learn to do
came to see the exhibition. They also purchased many things whatever
some labour if he wanted to marry her.
they liked. I think one must learn some good craft. It will help us to keep
5. One day the son of the king was caught by the theives and the murders.
good environment.
To keep himself safe he did not disclose his identity. He introduced
himself as the weaver of straw rugs. They brought him straw and asked By —
him to weave. With in three days he weaved three rugs and in these Aradhya.
beautiful rugs he wrote a message in persian language and said them READING TEST
“carry these to the palace of king, for each rug. He will give you a A. On the basis of your reading answer the following questions :
hundred gold pieces of money.” When the king saw the rugs. These 1. The name of the chapter is “The Shephered’s Daughter” written by
were made by his son. They were brought to the shephered’s daughter Willian Saroyan.
and she read the message. The king sent soldiers there. The soldiers 2. They placed the king’s son in a large dungeon.
reserved all the captives and killed all the theives and murderers. In 3. They were killing the fattest of men and feeding them to the leanest of
this way, he saved himself through his art. them and making sport of it.
6. Art is powerful. One must learn to do some good work. It is not supposed 4. Because he was leanest of the men and it was not known that he was
to a young man to be ignorant of an honourable craft. Each one of us the son of the king of the persian.
needs to learn this art. 5. He introduced himself as the weaver of the rugs.
Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII) 63 64 Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII)

B. Pick out the words from the passage similar in meaning. GRAMMAR
1. Leanest 2. spared. Fill in the blanks by using ‘Each’ and ‘Every’.
1. Every 2. every 3. every 4. each
CHAPTER-2 : THE CHERRY TREE 5. every 6. each 7. every 8. Each.
Page No. 18-20 VOCABULARY
UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT Fill in the blanks with the sound words given textbook
1. rustling 2. Jingling 3. humming 4. croaking
Answer these questions :
5. Pattering 6. tinkling 7. schreeched
1. Rakesh was eating cherries. He bought these cherries. It took him about
half an hour to walk home. He walked home from mussoorie bazaar WRITING
eating cherries. When he reached the cottage, there were only three Rakesh Kumar
cherries left. 175, The mall
2. Rakesh kept the last seed in his mouth because he was enjoying the Mussoorie
pleasant taste of the seed. He was rolling it round and round on his Aug. 23, 2014
tongue untill all the tang had gone. He placed the seed on his palm and
studied it. Mrs. Krishna
3. The grandfather advised Rakesh that he must put the seed to some use. 143, Shastri Nagar
He went to the corner of the garden where the earth was soft and Delhi
yielding. He pressed the seed into the soil with his thumb. It went right
in. Thus he sowed the seed. Dear Mom,
4. First of all Rakesh circled with pebbles to keep it safe. When one hairy I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirit. In this
caterpillar started making a meal of leaves. Rakesh removed it quickly letter I wish to share my experience of planting cherry tree.
and dropped it on a heap of dry leaves. Thus he saved his tree. One day, I was a coming back from school and purchased some
5. Rakesh was very excited about the tree. He looked at the tree every cherries. The last seed of the cherry remained in my mouth. I enjoyed
morning but it didn’t seem to be growing very fast. So he stopped looking it untill its tang had gone. I asked grandfather if it was lucky. He advised
at it. He allowed himself to look at it properly after a week or two. me to put it some use if I wanted it to be lucky. Then I sowed it in the
6. I. One day, a goat entered the garden when the cherry tree was about soft corner of my garden and forgot about it. One winter morning, I
two feet high. The goat ate all the leaves. Only the main stem and two was surprised to see that it was well rooted. I cared it time to time.
thin branches remained. Now, it has grown and there are cherries on the tree. So the cherry
II. When the new leaves appeared on the tree. A woman cutting grass seed that grandfather told me lucky turned out to be truly lucky. I’m
scrambled down the hillside her scythe (a tool) swishing through the very happy to see my cherry tree.
heavy monsoon foliage. She didn’t try to avoid the tree and the tree Dear mom, you should also come to see cherry tree, whenever you
was cut in two. get time. I’m sure you will come to see it.
Thus the tree was hurt twice. Your loving son
7. The birds liked the sour cherries. Especially the bigger birds such as the Rakesh Kumar
bulbuls, scarlets and minivets. Because these cherries give them taste.
8. Rakesh removed the caterpillar from the tree because, it started making
a meal of leaves. Rakesh removed it quickly and dropped it on a heap A SNOWY EVENING
of dry leaves. Page No. 23-24
9. The tree was so special for Rakesh because, he planted it himself. He
was very excited about the tree. He cared it as much as he could. Where ENJOY THE POEM
it grew and there were cherries on it. He was very happy. So it was a Tick (
) the most appropriate option.
special tree for him. 1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (c)
Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII) 65 66 Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII)

Think and Answer : your father in law’s house ?” She could not answer him as of old. When
1. If we want to achieve our goal, we must not care for temptations she had gone, the Kabuliwala thought about his own daughter who too
in our way. The traveller did not stop to enjoy the beauty of forest as must have grown.
he had a goal to achieve. The journey is the symbol of man’s life. We 7. The writer helped the Kabuliwala by giving him some money and said,
must go on in spite of temptations. “Go back to your daughter, Rehman, in your own country.”
On the basis of your reading answer the following questions : Fill in the blanks with suitable Relative pronoun.
1. The name of the poem is ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’ 1. whom 2. which 3. whom 4. whose
written by Robert Frost. 5. which 6. that 7. who 8. whose
2. The woods symbolize the temptations of life. VOCABULARY
3. Man’s duty is to go on his path in his life instead of taking rest. Fill in the blanks with correct words.
4. It means that a man has to fulfil many duties before his death. 1. soap 2. bread 3. salt 4. paper
CHAPTER-4 : THE KABULIWALA 5. socks 6. rice 7. rope
Page No. 30-34
It is a true story of innocent love of a father. The Kabuliwala went to different
UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT places every year as a peddlar to earn money. He sold nuts and raisins.
Answer these questions : One day, he met Mini, a little five-year-old girl who is very talkative. First
1. Mini was a five-year-old girl. She was a talkative girl. She couldn’t go of all, she was scared to see him and his bag. She thought that he had two
without chattering. Her mother was often anxious for her talkative or three children like her in the bag. But soon they became friends. The
nature. peddlar always gave her gifts, nuts and raisins. He cracked jokes and they
2. Mini was afraid of the Kabuliwala initially. Because she thought that laughed freely. He saw the image of his own daughter in Mini. One day
inside the bag which he carried, there were perhaps two or three children there was a quarrel between the Kabuliwala and one of his neighbours. In
like her and she would also be caught by him. But the Kabuliwala entered the course of quarrel he struck him with knife and was sentenced to several
her door and greeted her with smile. years imprisonment. When he was released, he came to Mini’s house.
3. The Kabuliwala was very kind and gentle man. He often offered Mini It was the day of her marriage. The peddlar was surprised to see her and
nuts and raisins and she listened to him patiently. He gave her gifts thought about her daughter that she also must have grown young. Mini’s
daily, and he had overcome her first terror by judicious bribe. The two father gave him some money and advised him to go back to his own country
became friends. The Kabuliwala cracked her jokes and both laughed to meet his daughter. This way, it is the story of innocent love of a father.
and enjoyed. CHAPTER-5 : A LESSON IN
4. A certain neighbour had owed the Kabuliwala something for Rampuri
shawl. Then he denied for buying it. Therefore, there was a quarrel
between the Kabuliwala and the neighbour. In this course of quarrel, the Page No. 38-42
Kabuliwala struck him with knife. So he was sent to jail. He was not really
an evil man. Unluckily, it had done. He was a kind and gentle man.
5. No, Mini did not remember the Kabuliwala as she grew older. With the Answer these questions :
passage of time, she had many other new friends. The Kabuliwala was 1. Meena was a lady with negative attitue. She had zero positivity for any
sentenced to several years imprisonment. Time passed and she forgot him. subject or any person. She was forever unhappy.
6. The Kabuliwala seemed amazed and astonished to see the appearance 2. The narrator knew her negative attitute. Overall, Meena had never-
of Mini. He could not revive his friendship. She stood before him with ending complaints to explain. So the narrator wanted to avoid Meena
her bride-like face bowed down. He smiled and said, “Are you going to at Bombay’s Flora Mountain.
Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII) 67 68 Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII)

3. When Meena met the narrator again she had been changed to a cheerful Speaker II : The Tuition Trap
lady. She was happy, smiling and looking attractive. Oh, it is a visions problem. I think due to the general awareness of woeful
4. Once Meena saw a poor beggar enjoying life with his five-year-old condition of our state schools, it would be suprising to find someone not
granddaughter. They were laughing, clapping and screaming joyously. engaging a private tutor or two if he could afford it. We, the urban, articulate,
Seeing the scene Meena was at once completely transformed.
and decision making top 5 per cent of Indians, perfectly understand why
5. We learn from this story that one should enjoy the life to the full. Life
only the rarest of rare among our politicians and boureoucrats send their
gives us a lot and we should always be grateful to God for whatever He
has provided to us all. children to state schools. They’re not for people like us, they’re for people
like them. And so, in 21st century India, we are immune to the fact that the
Fill in the blanks with suitable primary auxiliaries. vast majority of Indians will be educationally deficient uncompetitive in
1. Do 2. Is 3. is 4. have most contemporary skills and quite unable to raise their standards of living
5. will have 6. Be 7. is 8. was through the straight route.
VOCABULARY Speaker I : I want to say that your complacency does not get shaken with
Choose the correct word from the brackets for each sentence. the alarming rate of growth of private tuition indrustry. This indrustry is
I II I II exploiting the mediocrity that has been spread to our private schools.
1. idle ideal 2. latter later Attempts by state government to ban private tuition have failed because
3. piece peace 4. stationery stationary
the school management don’t cooperate. Indeed, they often sabotage these
5. straight Strait 6. sore sour
moves. The common practice is to first dry the teachers their just wages
7. rights rites 8. bale bail
and then look the other way when they try to make it up by giving private
tuitions. In some states; teachers are forced to sign bonds that bar them for
Hints : Dear .............. , yesternight I saw a remarkable scene through my
window; it was raining and a poor beggar dancing and enjoying the rain giving private coaching but this promise remains on papers.
with his five-year-old granddaughter; it became a memorable moment of Speaker II : I must add that parents are both perpetrators and victims of
my life; I, on the same moment, became grateful to God and decided to this pernicious system. The hedonism bred by free market principles has
adopt positive attitude towards life; Thank you, see you soon. led to the commodification of education.
.............. 1. (b), 2. (a), 3. (c), 4. (c), 5. (a)
This is the assessment of listening skill for class VIIIth. Listen to the conversation
between two speakers about tuition trap carefully and choose option a, b or c for
each question. You will hear the Recording twice. Page No. 44-45
Speaker I : Hello! How are you? ENJOY THE POEM
Speaker II : I’m fine, what about you?
Tick (
) the most appropriate option.
Speaker I : I’m fine too.
1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (a)
Speaker II : How is your life?
Speaker I : It’s getting along fine. Think and answer
Speaker II : Same here. 1. The poet prays that there should be an ideal atmosphere in India. People
Speaker I : Ok, let’s decide about a tuition trap. What do you think should be fearless so that they can walk with their heads held high. In
about it? India knowledge should be free from any restrictions. The country
Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII) 69 70 Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII)

should not be divided into small groups based on religion, caste 5. The king wanted to reward Matrigupta. The king was impressed with
community or political thoughts. Poeple should be free from the his loyality. So he thought a worthy gift for him. He wanted to make
meaningless old customs and habits. God should himself lead people him the king of Kashmir. He then secretly dispatched message to the
in their thoughts and actions. minister of Kashmir bidding them to crown as king, the bearer of his
READING TEST royal decree—Matrigupta. Then, the next day the king called Matrigupta
On the basis of your reading answer the following questions : and ordered to take that documents to kashmir and give it to the state
1. The name of the poem is ‘Where the Mind is Without Fear’ written by officer. He ordered him to keep it secret. So he was sent to kashmir.
Rabindranath Tagore. 6. It was long and harsh journey to Kashmir in severe cold. Matrigupta
2. The poet is talking about India. was not provided any provisions. He set out on his journey with much
apprehension. But had a doubt if he would be able to fulfil his task. He
3. ‘Dead habits’ means dry rigid customs.
wondered aloud many a time. The roads were long and his body was
4. The poet is saying my father to ‘God’.
weary. Yet his pride and determination gave him pride. He Marched
CHAPTER-7 : THE POET’S DESTINY many a day. He was surprised that he got readily food, drink and shelter
along the way. He saw a dream last night of crossing an ocean and it
Page No. 50-53
was an auspicious sign. He through Kashmiri minister would give him
UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT small reward. At last he reached the land of kashmir.
Answer these questions : 7. Matrigupta was a true poet. He loved his art of writing poetry. When he
1. Matrigupta was dissatisfied with his patrons. Because they took no saw the glow of appreciation in the eyes of the king. He suddenly
interest in his poetry. They were interested in food, wine and luxuries. determined that he would serve him night and day. Though he was not
He thought that he was wasting his talent. One day his friend suggested rewarded but he was not disheartened. He remained loyal and patient. In
him that he should go to the king of vikramaditya of Ujjain. He was the end, he got worthy reward so we learn that the fruit of patience is sweet.
known as a patron of poets.
2. Matrigupta went to the king Vikramaditya and got respected. Then he
Rewrite the following sentences, using introductory ‘it’ :
presented his new composed poem before the king. The king was very
happy to hear his poem. But he did not reward him as he wanted to test 1. It is an in moral act to tell a lie.
his character. Even then Matrigupta was not disheartened because he 2. It is dangerous to play with explosives.
thought him his true master as he saw the glow of appreciation in the 3. It is wise to drive slowly.
eyes of the king.
4. It is silly to argue like this.
3. Firstly, the king did not reward Matrigupta. But he was not disheartened.
5. It is shame to tease the girls.
Then the king thought to test him. He sent one of his trusted minister
6. It is impossible to solve this puzzle.
Vallabha, the keeper of treasury to find out if he speaks ill of the king in
private. But Matrigupta’s reaction was not rigid. He spoke nothing ill 7. It is useless to try again.
and said firmly to Vallabha how could he talk about his master that 8. It is foolish to be extravagant.
way, he must be grateful towards his king. He remained firm, 9. It is rude to interrupt others in conversation.
determined and loyal to the king. 10. It is an offence to bribe to public offence.
4. The king noticed that his clothes were torn and he was covered with Rewrite the following sentences by using ‘to’ infinitive.
dust. He thought that he had made him suffer. An excellent man like
1. I want you not to go there.
Matrigupta was without protection, without relative and without proper
2. Radhika advised me not to touch her books.
means of income and he had not rewarded him. So he said himself
3. Mr. Bajaj allowed me to go alone in the party.
“shame on me”.
Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII) 71 72 Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII)

4. My teacher advised me not to exceed the word limit in literature. CHAPTER-8 : THE LAST STONEMASON
5. I want you to accept his order.
Page No. 59-62
6. We didn’t expect her to do it so early.
7. Remind me to complete the project. UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT
A. Answer these questions :
VOCABULARY 1. Gopal wanted to leave his house and go to Agra to earn money. He
1. vehicles 2. fuel 3. drinks 4. vegetables wanted to work of ashtrays and plates for tourist. He said about his art
that for many years of work. It had given nothing. He was tired working
5. crockery 6. metals 7. weapons 8. furniture
on stones. He further said that time had changed. The stonemason work
WRITING had changed too.
One day, we were playing game on our smart class board and we were 2. Salim was a servant boy. Five years ago, It was Monsoon storm. Salim
caught by our principal sir. As I lived in hostel. Our Principal sir decided was begging for shelter. He was drenched to skin. He was wearing
to punish us. We got different punishments to apologize. Being the leader taffered clothes. The oldman gave him shleter and helped him. He had
of the boys, I got the punishment I had to go to the journey of kashmir bare been working for the old man for the last five years.
footed in too much cold and winter. It was quiet painful journey in severe 3. The old man was working on half finished marble statue. He felt that it
cold. I had been living in Kashmir for three years but going in this situation would be difficult for him to finish his work because his son had left
as a punishment in the hills, I was very disappointed shivering at that time him and went to Agra to earn more money. He was thinking it difficult
even if it was for a single day but it was like killing. I had never gone to complete it as he was feeling weaker. It seemed that he could not
work with the chisel like he used to do but then he became determined
anywhere bare footed other than temples and religious place but the journey
and said that he would complete it alone with the help of God.
in mountaineous region in winter was like gail in heaven. But I wanted to
4. Because all the other had gone to Agra to earn money. His son Gopal
appogiz apologize for my mistake so I could not refuse it. I got blisters on
also left him. They were turning out cheap condle stands paper weights
my foot. I was feeling giddy. But I completed my Journey with determination.
and ashtrays. They did not respect to his skill and old-aged tradition.
It was necessary to stand up in my life.
So the old man said that he would be the last stonemason.
READING TEST 5. Yes, he loved his art. The old man picked up the chisel and hammer.
A. On the basis of your reading answer the following questions : The cool metal of the tools filled him with happiness and confidence.
1. Matrigupta was a poet. He did not want to change his work at any cost. Money did not matter
for him. He worked on sculpture tirelessly from morning till late night.
2. The king did not reward him. Even, then he went to the palace so the
He did not feel hunger or thrust. It means he had passion for him art.
servants made fun of Matrigupta. Thus he loved his art.
3. He did not get disturbed. 6. It means that he was shocked. Something prevented him moving. It
4. He reminded them of king’s greatness and their duties towards king. was Salim’s work. When the old man became tired and unconscious.
5. Matrigupta left them feeling ashamed of their words and drawn towards Salim brought him to his room and made him sleep on his cot. After
some time, the old man woke, he heard the sound of chisel. He thought
the poet. This gradually, he regained respect and love by the court.
that his son, Gopal was back. But when he reached the door. Shock had
B. Pick out the words from the passage similar in meaning.
immobilized him. He could not move. He saw that it was Salim working
1. disgruntle 2. Perturb on statue.
Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII) 73 74 Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII)

B. Who said to Whom : man’s feeling. He becomes disappointed. The old man is emotional and
Who Whom true on his part. On the other hand his son being practical, refuses his father’s
1. Gopal His father (the old man) art as a way to earn money. Because he thinks that this art has lost its
2. The old man Gopal significance in present day life and can’t earn enough money to live a good
3. The old man Salim life. He thinks about his father’s living and earning money for him thus
4. Salim the old man rejected this art as vocation. In a nut shell practicality and emotionality are
5. Salim the old man (Master jee) two different phases in one’s life. They affect one’s feelings and another
GRAMMAR state of decision making. So it cannot be taken out on a single matter for
Write the name of tense in the given blank : definite thought or decision.
1. simple past 2. present continuous
3. present perfect 4. simple future
5. present continuous 6. past perfect This is the assessment of listening skill for class VIIIth. Listen to the extract carefully
7. simple present 8. past continuous and fill in the blanks given below. You will hear the recording twice.
9. future continuous 10. future perfect Dance is an expression of emotions natural to man. He has utilized the
Fill in the blanks with suitable form of verbs. medium to give uent to the feelings of joy, sorrow, anger, bliss and many
1. went, had left 2. hope, will fall more. Indian dance interprets philosophical ideals, myths and legends that
3. arrested, was robbing 4. will make grow out of the nature worship. Bharata Natyam – the most common
5. has been working. classical art of India comes from Tamil Nadu in South India. Its principles
and techniques had been codified in Bharat ‘‘Natyashastra’’ about 1800
years ago. The world Bharata as used in this form of classical dance is
1. working for a little money.
believed to be composed of the first syllables of each of its three main
2. Becoming weaker
elements – Bhava or mood, Raga or melody and Tala or rhythm. ‘Natyam’
3. Unable to see clearly (Having weak eye-sight)
is the continuation of both dancing and acting.
4. Shocked and surprised that one could not say or move.
Bharata Natyam is a sophisticated dance art of Tamil Nadu. Visually it is
5. not giving into the urge.
dynamic anda very precise style of dance. A variety of movements with an
6. being unconscious after seeing something surprised.
7. an eye which is full of doubt or question. emphasis on emphasis on mudras are typical of this style. this basic
Ask students to form their own sentences. posteress are balanced positions with stretches that give it a linear quality.
The style projects an amazingly equal measure of beauty and strength, of
WRITING slow and fast or pure dance and mime. It is a style that lends itself to both
Debate solo and group performances.
Generation gap which prescribes how the ideas of parents of past generation The dance is not only an art and a source of enjoyment, but also a therapy.
are distinguished from their children of modern generation in every case This form of exercise is interesting, symmetrical and increases suppleness
ragarding burning questions of everyday matters. and strength. This Indian classical dance is the only exercise danced bare
Commencing with the old man’s ideas, he was justified and correct on his foot. This process of dancing is like having regular acupressure treatment.
part of giving full justice to his art as a profession for his son in present day It has been found that dance helps to contribute to the conservation of
of life. Because he thought that his talented and beautiful art should not be nutrients. The eye movement improves Myopia and whole process improve
finished at all. His son can earn money to respect and value the art of his Neuro Motor co-ordination. Psychologists say that those children who have
father. But he thinks that it has given them nothing and refused to work on Neuro Motor abilities are well watchers and achievers in to day’s society.
this art and left his father to opt some other vocation. This disturbs the old Exarlier Bharata Natyam was closely associated with rituals and was a form
Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII) 75 76 Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII)

of worship in the temples. But to day, it is practised all over the world as a dedicated as a final resting place for those soldiers. So this speech was
form of art of unparalleled beauty. made to pay rich tribute to those soldiers.
ANSWERS 2. The speaker is president. The forefathers of nation conceived the new
1. (b), 2. (c), 3. (a) Bhava or Mood (b) Raga or Melody (c) Tala or rhythm, nation in Liberty and they firmly believed that all men in the world are
created equal.
4. (c), 5. (b), 6. (b), 7. (c).
3. The nation was engaged in a great civil war at that time. The American
CHAPTER-9 : LAUGH AND BE MERRY nation which was conceived in Liberty and equality of all men had that
time forgotten what their forefathers had given them. Istread of being
Page No. 65-66
one nation they have been divided into factions which were engaged in
a civil war.
Tick (
) the most appropriate option. 4. The deeds made by the brave soldiers and persons would always be
1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (a) remembered by the world.
THINK AND ANSWER 5. Lincoln expected to complete the unfinished task left by the soldiers.
1. We get to learn that we should feel proud that we belong to the great It was the duty of the soldiers to keep the high ideals of the honoured
human race. God created heaven and earth for enjoyment. He filled the dead before their eyes. They should prove that the dead had not died
universe with his great joy. We should draw happiness from his creation. in vain.
We should live happily till death.
2. The poet has presented positive attitude. He advises us to be cheerful.
A. Transform the following Interrogative sentences into assertive sentences :
The main principle of God is joy. By spreading happiness, we can make
1. I can tolerate it no longer.
the world a better place to live in. Even where there is an injustice, we
2. Man is a social animal.
should fight it bravely and cheerfully. The duration of our life on earth
3. Nobody has seen the Taj Mahal.
is brief. We should not waste our time in unhappiness. We are traveller
4. You can not think of leaving me.
on this earth. So we should enjoy our life till death.
5. He will never agree to this proposal.
READING TEST 6. Nobody can touch fire without getting hurt.
On the basis of your reading answer the following questions : 7. I shall never forget my childhood days.
1. The name of the poem is “ Laugh and Be Merry” written by “John
B. Transform the following assertive sentences into interrogative sentences :
1. How can I bear this insult ?
2. They made the best use of the world.
2. Who would like to be a slave ?
3. It means that man should drink deep at the fountain of the mirth.
3. Who does not love his motherland ?
4. It means that we should be cheerful and spread happiness in the world.
4. Does money grow on Trees ?
CHAPTER-10 : THE GETTYSBURG ADDRESS 5. Of what use is the way to treat your elders ?
Page No. 69-72 6. How can I eat all these sweets ?
7. Who does not like to help the poor ?
Answer these questions :
Ask students to make their own sentences—
1. Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president of United State of America.
The Gettysburg Address is a short and famous speech made by Lincoln WRITING
on 19th November 1863. It was made on the occassion on the dedication Worthy Principal, Respected teachers and my dear friend. A very happy
of a graveyard. Brave soldiers had died fighting on the battle field. They and delightful independence to all of you. It is my pleasure and honour to
had laid down their lives for the country. A portion of that land was be here to express my views on “The sacrifice of our forefathers. Dear friends
Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII) 77 78 Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII)

we are living the life of freedom and dignity which is not achieved by us. It 7. The final verdict was that the man was acquitted for the lack of evidence.
has been gifted to us by lots of sacrifices, punishments, wounds and hard Because they were twins. The witness didn’t know whether he had
work of our forefathers. We all know precisely about Mahatma Gandhi, committed the murder or his brother.
J.L. Nehru, Abdul Gaffar khan, Ambedkar saheb, sardar Patel, Neta ji This extraordinary day has an extraordinary end. Out side the court,
subhash chandra Boss. Who fought for freedom and did struggle. They there was a crowd, waiting for the twins. The police tried to drive the
fought not for their own purpose but for nation’s. They took all the crowd away to keep the roadways clear for traffic. One of the twins got
challenges with the whole heart on their head with no marks of fear on pushed on the road right in front of the bus. He was dead and his skull
their face. They fought with Britishers and were in prison also for the sake was smashed just as Mrs. Parker’s had been. The surprising thing was
of freedom. They were wounded thousand of times and were hungry. All that it was divine vengeance. It means if we are doing something wrong,
we can save ourselves from the sight of people but can’t from the sight
these do not ends here, women lost their kids. Many were left to death.
of Almighty God. God has supreme power. He does justice with all in
Many movements were launched against them. Their fights were not for
his own way and it was done.
small period of time against Pardesi people but it was for thirty years that
made our life today with constitution and democracy. GRAMMAR
Again I would recall you all that we should always keep them in our mind. Reported Speech
I would like to end my speech with these words :— 1. Radhika predicted that Ruhani would not go to party.
‘JAI HIND JAI BHARAT’ 2. The principal commanded to bring him a glass of water.
3. Peter remarked that her dress was very beautiful.
CHAPTER-11 : THE CASE FOR DEFENCE 4. Rosy pleaded her father to allow her to go to the trip.
Page No. 80-83 5. John wondered that It was very nice building.
6. Arabella complained that the machine was not working properly which
UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT she had bought before two months.
Answer these questions : 7. Paul promised that he would certainly meet her the next day.
1. The convict was a heavy stout man with bulging bloodshot eyes. All 8. Marry anounced that they were getting married.
his muscles seemed to be his things. He was wearing gloves. He had Correct the sentences if necessary, if no changes are required put a (
hammer in his hand. 1. He asked me what he wanted.
2. Mrs. Salmon lived in Northwood street at no. 15. One day, she was not 2. The shopkeeper assured me that the machine would be delivered the
able to sleep. She heard a door click shut and thought it was her own next day.
gate. She went to the window and saw one (Adam) man was on the 3. 
steps of Mrs. Parker’s house. He had just come out and was wearing 4. Radhika assured her parents that she had no plans to leave school.
gloves and he had hammer in his hand. She saw him drop it into the 5. 
laurel bushes by the front gate. 6. 
3. (i) Mrs. Salmon (ii) Henry MacDougall (iii) Mr. Wheeler (iv) One witness 7. Most people consider that she is the best player in the world today.
at laurel Avenue. 8. 
4. Mr. Henry MacDougall was driving home from Benfleet late. He saw VOCABULARY
that Adam was running down at the corner of the Northwood street. Synonyms :
5. Mr. Wheeler lived the next door to Mrs. Parker. He lived at No. 12 in 1. a track or sign that can be followed
Northwood street. He was wakened by a noise like a chair–falling 2. Proof 3. Judges
through the thin - as–paper villa wall. He got up and looked out of the 4. a piece of evidence 5. Criminal
window and saw Adam’s back as he turned and he saw his bulging eyes. 6. murderer 7. imprisoned
6. Mrs. Salmon had an expression of honesty, care and kindness and slight 8. prosecution 9. Evidence
scotch accent. So she was considered an ideal witness. 10. advise
Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII) 79 80 Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII)

READING TEST day was Christmas day. But when she counted her savings, she found
A. On the basis of your reading answer the following questions : that she had only one - dollar and eighty-seven cents.
1. ‘I’ is the writer in this passage. 2. The total saving of Della was dollar and eighty-seven cents. She had
2. ‘He’ is the man who committed murder. saved the money by bargining hard with the grocer, vegetable man and
3. ‘Divine vengeance’ means ‘justice by God’. butcher.
4. Because they were twins and no one knew who was the murderer. So 3. Della sold her hair to give a good present to her husband Jim on
they would not be able to tell. Christmas day. She didn’t have enough saving to buy a good present.
B. Pick out the words from the passage opposite in meaning. So she sold her hair. She bought a platinum chain for Jim’s watch. Jim
1. dead 2. straight. had a golden watch but he was too poor to buy a chain for it. So Della
WRITING bought it. It was expensive and cost her twenty-one dollars.
Everyone must have different feelings or views after reading this chapter. 4. One was Jim’s gold watch that had been his father’s and his
So ask students to write down their feelings. grandfather’s. The other was Della’s hair that reached below her knees.
It fell about her rippling and shinning like a cascade of brown water.
CHAPTER-12 : THE QUITE LIFE 5. Jim had a golden watch. It had been in his family for three or four
generations. But he was too poor to buy a golden chain for it. Della sold
Page No. 85-86
her hair and bought a platinum chain for Jim’s watch. It was a beautiful
and expensive chain.
Tick (
) the most appropriate option.
6. Jim stopped inside the door. It seemed as if he had turned into a statue.
1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (a)
His eyes were fixed upon Della. He had a strange expression. It was
THINK AND ANSWER neither anger nor surprise. He simply stared at her fixedly.
1. The poet wants to lead peaceful life. He wants to live unseen and 7. Jim bought a set of combs for Della’s beautiful hair. They were beautiful
unknown. He does not want fame. He wants that no one should be sad combs made of pure tortoise shell and had jewelled rims. Jim didn’t
or disappointed on his death. No one should express grief. So he wants have enough money to buy these combs so he sold his golden watch to
to die peacefully. So, he said”.Unlamented let me die“. buy a set of combs for Della as Christmas gift.
2. We should be satisfied with whatever we have. We should not go beyond 8. The story is about the love between a young husband and wife, Jim and
our limits. A satisfied man is who has little wishes and desires. He is Della. The title of the story refers to the Christmas gifts. Jim and Della
happy man. We get to learn “To be happy we must be satisfied with
also give gifts to each other. Both of them sold their dearest things for
whatever we have.”
buying a gift for each other. These gifts show that Jim and Della have
READING TEST great love for each other.
On the basis of your reading answer the following questions : So the title of the story is highly appropriate. The title shows that the
1. The name of the poem is “The Quite Life” written by ‘Alexender Pope’. gifts bought by them were the wisest gifts.
2. The poet is talking who is happy and satisfied.
3. He can get milk from his cattles and clothes from his sneep.
4. He can comfort in winter by fire. Now form five more Yes/No questions using each of the following auxillaries :
1. Is this story interesting ?
CHAPTER-13 : CHRISTMAS GIFT 2. Did you buy the gift ?
3. Could you please give me your book ?
Page No. 93-96
4. Will you sell your watch ?
Answer these questions : Form five more Wh-questions using the Wh-words given below.
1. Jim and Della were husband and wife. Della was counting money 1. When did you buy these shirts ?
because she wanted to give a good present to her husband. The next 2. Why have you come late ?
Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII) 81 82 Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII)

3. Where will you reach tomorrow ? had heard. He entered the school compound and saw nobody except a
4. How did you find my books ? small girl of twelve whose eyes were blind-folded. She was being led
5. Which gift will you buy ? carefully through the flowers beds by a little boy of eight. This increased
Now form five more questions using each of these Wh-words as subject. the curiosity of the writer to know more about the school.
1. Who knows you ? 2. The essential part of Miss Beam’s system is that in order to get a real
2. Which is your book ? understanding of misfortune into the young minds, they are made
3. What is your profession ? participants in misfortunes too. In the course, every child has one blind
4. When is your birthday ? day, one deaf day one maimed and, one dumb day. During the blind
5. Whom was the letter addressed to ? day, their eyes are bandaged. They need help in everything. The children
VOCABULARY are told to help them.
Match the words of Column B with Column A. 3. The children of the school are made to act as blind, lams deaf, maimed
1. (e) 2. (f) 3. (a) 4. (g) 5. (b) and dumb once in the course of term. This gives them an idea of
6. (c) 7. (d)
suffering. They realize that such persons need help at all stages. Thus
WRITING they are made to realize an idea of suffering in the world.
Mrs. Della 4. Most of the children find that the blind day is the worst but some children
Flat No. 23 IInd floor feel that the dumb day is the most difficult day because their mouths
Green Park (Howard)
are bandaged but they have to exercise their will power in order to
Mrs. Peene
Flat No. 18. IVth floor
5. During the blind day, their eyes are bandaged. They put on bandage
SIEBRE colony (Winnypeg)
overnight and they wake blind. This means that they need assistance in
Dear Penne,
everything and other children are told to help them and lead them about.
I hope this letter finds you in good mood. I want to share a personal matter
with you. Last week on 25th Dec. Christmas day, I wanted to buy a gift for In this way, it is educative for both the blind and the helper.
my husband Jim. But when I counted my savings. It was only one dollar 6. The four lines in the verse with which the chapter concludes.
and eighty-seven cents. I decided to sell my beautiful hair. I sold it for Can I see another’s woe,
twenty dollars. Then I bought a beautiful golden chain for Jim’s golden And not share their sorrows too ?
watch. But I was very nervous before Jim’s arrival. Because Jim was very O no, never can it be,
fond of my hair. But Jim was neither angry nor surprised. He had a strange Never, never can it be.
expression to see me. Because he had bought a beautiful set of combs for The theme of the chapter is ‘How can we feel sympathy for the afflicted
my hair and sold his golden watch. Thus we made sacrifice for each other. people.’ It can be produced only by ourselves suffering that way. Miss
But we enjoyed too. Beams taught her pupils how, the blind, the deaf, the dumb, the maimed
Please pay may regards to your parents and love to little Alis. and the lame felt by making them act that way once in the term. In this
Your loving way, they learn the suffering of afflicted people. The writer had seen all
Mrs. Della this when he went back to the town he murmured these lines which are
CHAPTER-14 : THE SCHOOL FOR SYMPATHY related to the theme of the chapter.
Page No. 100-102
1. (a) If he had anything to say for himself.
Answer these questions : (c) he that had already said everything.
1. The writer had heard a lot about originality and teaching method of (d) to get ready to face punishment for his mistakes.
Miss Beam’s school. So he decided to go and see for himself what he (e) that he had no doubt that she would do justice to him.
Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII) 83 84 Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII)

2. (a) Miss Beam asked the writer where he was going. CHAPTER-15 : THE QUALITY OF MERCY
(b) The writer replied that he was going to visit her school.
3. Miss Beam asked the writer why he wanted to go in her school. Page No. 105-106
4. The writer replied that he wanted to see the students who were deaf, ENJOY THE POEM
dumb and blind. Tick (
) the most appropriate option.
VOCABULARY 1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (c)
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb THINK AND ANSWER
Beauty Beautify Beautiful Beautifully 1. Mercy is the mightest in the migtiest because it blesses both the giver
Pleasure Please Pleasant Pleasantly and taker.
Information Inform Informative Informatively
2. The king’s sceptre shows the force of temporal power. It is the attribute
Expression Express Expressive Expressively
Explosion Explode Explosive Explosively to fear. But mercy is above king’s sceptre. It shows majesty and it is the
Courage Encourage Courageous Courageously attribute to G.d. himself.
Wonderous Wonder Wonderful Wonderfully
WRITING On the basis of your reading answer the following questions :
Worthy Principal, Respected teachers and my dear friends, Good morning 1. The name of the poem is ‘The Quality of Mercy.’ Written by William
to all of you. Today, I am before you to express my views on “the Real Aim
of School: Teach pupils to serve humanity and be good citizens.” My dear
friends though simple spelling, adding, substracting, multiplying and 2. Because it falls gently like the rain on the earth.
writing are taught in school yet, the stress should be laid on teaching the 3. It blesses both the giver and the taker.
pupils to be thoughtful so that they could feel for humanity and be good 4. Mercy is the Mightiest in the Mightiest.
citizens. This can be done througha novel method. Acc. to Miss Beam the
students are made to observe during their term one blind day, one deaf CHAPTER-16 : THE FIVE KINDS OF WORKERS
day, dumb day, maimed day so that they could learn how the afflicted Page No. 109-112
persons feel. This will give them a practical training and after experiencing
the trouble themselves, they become sympathatic towards poor persons. UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT
Thus the real aim of the school should be to make the pupils serve humanity Answer these questions :
and be good citizens.
1. There are main five kinds of workers. They are the growers, the diggers,
READING TEST the makers, the movers, the helpers.
A. On the basis of your reading answer the following questions : 2. Growers grow things. They work on land. They are cultivators, the
1. The name of the chapter is “The school for sympathy” written by E.V.
gardeners and shepherds. The farmers or cultivators sow seeds and
2. Because the writer took her (the student) really lame. grow food for us. The gardeners grow vegetables and fruits for us. The
3. She made her students share in misfortunes. shepherds look after cows and sheep. They grow wool. Shepherds also
4. Their eyes are bandaged. It is the point of honour not to peep. Their supply us milk and ghee. They feed and clothe us.
bandage is put on overnight and they wake up blind. 3. The diggers are called the second kind of workers. They spend their
5. The blind need assistance in everything other. Children are told to help
time in digging things out of the ground. Miners dig out coal and iron
them about so it is educative for both the blind and the helper.
precious stones and other metals. They also dig out stone for buildings,
B. Pick out the words from the passage similar in meaning.
1. appreciate and understand roads and railway lines. Some workers dig up clay to make bricks
2. astonished earthen pots and china wares. Thus, the diggers have great importance.
Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII) 85 86 Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII)

4. The makers can not work untill the growers have grown things and the VOCABULARY
diggers have dug up things. Things those are dug out of mines are iron, Explain the difference in the meaning of these expressions by using them in
copper and tin. Things can’t be made one of nothing. Cloth is made sentences of your own.
from cotton. Machinary is made from iron and coal. So the workers of 1. look at : I was scared because the police was looking at me.
this type make use of material supplied by growers and diggers.
look for : What are you looking for in the dark ?
5. The movers are fourth type of workers. They are very useful and
2. get up : I get up early in the morning.
necessary. These workers help in moving things from one place to
get through : He got through the examination.
another. They move things to the desired places. So a lot of workers are
3. cut down : We need to cut the answer down to 50 words.
busy in moving things. They are railwaymen, cart-drivers and motor-
drivers. cut out : I made a shape cut out of paper.
6. The helpers do not grow, dig, make or move things. They serve people 4. fall out : The two brothers fell out over some property.
through their service. The teacher teaches, the doctor cures, the fall through : The plan fell through for want of money.
policeman, the soldiers and the priest do important things for us. They 5. put through : He put his first through a glass door.
guide us. They give us the help that we need. They are helpful to society put up : Put your hand up if you need mare paper.
in various ways. put up with : I can put up with you any more.
7. To divide the work as much as possible is called division of labour. It 6. breakout : The broke out in cold sweat.
has a great importance. The early men did all the work himself, but break through : He had finally managed to break through her reserve.
now men have learnt to divide the work among them. One man build 7. carry-on : we should carry on our struggles.
house, another make chair and table another grows corn and so on. carry-out : carry out the orders of your teachers.
This is better way to do the work. By doing the same kind of work one
can do it for more quickly and easily. So it is important to divide the work.
Paragraph on “Division of Labour”.
The early man did everything himself. In 21st century, we are living in an
Change the following sentences into passive voice :
age of specialization. Men have learnt that it is much better to divide the
1. Their work was done very carefully by them.
2. The crops are being cultivated by the farmers. work among them. Now, one man build house, another makes chair and
3. The students were being taught by the teacher. table, another grows corn and so on. We can easily see that this is a better
4. Was the assignment completed by you ? plan. By always doing the same kind of work we can do it far more quickly
5. My pocket has been picked. and easily. Practice makes a man perfect. So nowadays all work is divided
6. Why had they been attended by the master ? up as much as possible. Previously a pin was not made by a man but by a
7. Will my advice be acted upon by you ? dozen or more, each doing his particular bit of the work. One straightened
8. This work should be finished by him. out of the wire, another cut it into lengths, another sharpened the point,
9. When will the things have been brought by them ? another put the hand on, so on. This plan is called ‘division of labour’.
10. The mighty wrestler can be fought with by me.
Read the following sets of instructions and fill in the blanks by using passive
voice. People are seldom aware that their comfortable living depends upon the
First of all, ghee is poured into the pan. Which is then put on fire. Some work of several thousand of people. The first thing for instant almost
amount of cumin seeds salt and chilli is put in the pan. Then the glass of everyone look forward to in the morning is a cup of tea. This cup of tea
washed rice is poured. It is left for sometime. Then two glass of water is embodies the work of thousand of people. This can be easily shown
put in it and it is covered with plate. After some time, the mixture is stirred considering the number of things. We require to prepare a cup of tea such
well and rich should be served hot. as clean drinking water, tea, sugar, milk, gas, burner, pot, crockery, strains,
Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII) 87 88 Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII)

spoon and so on. Considering first the supply of clean drinking water. In chair. Jim went to Mr. Goggles, requesting him to bend him his spirit
large cities, this is rendered possible because of the constrution of huge level. Maria was advised to hold him the light. Uncle Podger needed
reserves and great cost and regular maintainance of water supply system Tom to hang the picture.
by hundered of workers. 3. Uncle Podger lifted up the picture and dropped it. It came out of its
Tea is grown in distant plantation and make available to the consumers frame. He tried to save the glass. In doing so he cut his finger. Having
through a vast network employing hundred of workers. Considering further
received the cut, he ran round the room in search of his handkerchief.
the machinery require for sugar mills. The production of this machinary
He could not find it because it was in the pocket of the coat. He got
involve a long chain of processes operations minning of coal an iron ore.
irritated. He rebuked all that they were six and could not find out his
Manufactures of steal and machine tools in which thousands of workers
are employed. The same arguement hold good regard with the supply of coat. Then he got up and found that he himself was sitting on his coat.
the production of other items such as gas burner, crockery spoon etc. require 4. In the second attempt, Uncle Podger dropped the nail and forgot where
the service of hundred of workers and recall how agreegated we are if the he placed the hammer. All the members got busy in finding the hammer
milk van is late in the morning may be because its tyre has burnt on the for him. Then he lost the sight of the mark he had made on the wall
way. This may be due to its poor maintainence or bad condition of the where the nail was to go in. Each of them discovered it in different
roads a good cup of tea indeed thus represents the work of several hundred places and he would call them take the rule, remeasure it and became
of persons.
confused. In this way he made everyone confuse. About the midnight,
the picture was up. Everybody was dead tired except uncle Podger.
1. The work of several thousand of people.
5. Uncle Podger stood on the chair leaning at an angle of 45 degrees. He
2. Is a cup of tea.
3. Clean drinking water, tea, sugar, milk, gas, burner, pan, crockery. wanted to reach a point three inches beyond his reach. He lost his balance
4. Is grown in distant plantation. and fell on to the piano. A fine musical effect was produced.
5. Processes operation, running of coal and an iron ore. 6. The whole story is full of amusing incidents. We enjoy much when uncle
6. The milk van is late in the morning. Podger sends a girl for nails and after, a boy was sent to let her know
7. Its tyre has burn on the way or due to poor maintainence or bad condition the size. Uncle Podger puts all the members in troubles.
of the roads. (Note : You can write incident of handkerchief, coat or when nail was
8. Several hundreds of people.
slipped. Whatever you like.)
Page No. 117-121 Change the following sentences into passive voice :

UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT 1. Let the poor be helped.

2. Let a noise not be made
Answer these questions :
1. Uncle Podger decided to hang a picture on the wall which had come 3. Let the door be closed.
from frame maker’s shop. It was standing in the dining room. When 4. You are ordered to give me the nail.
Aunt Podger asked her husband what he intended to do with the picture. 5. You are ordered/requested to bring me a glass of water.
He impatiently replied that he would himself do what he needed. 6. Let the bell be rung.
2. He sent a girl to buy six pence worth of nails from the market. He forgot 7. You are ordered/advised/requested not to disturb me—
to tell the size of the nails. Therefore he sent one of the boys to tell the 8. You are ordered/advised/requested not to waste my time.
size of the nails. He told Will to get his hammer. Tom was asked to 9. You are ordered/advised/requested not to raise objection.
bring him the rule. Then he needed the step–ladder and the kitchen 10. You are ordered to carry out my order./Let my order be carried out.
Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII) 89 90 Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII)

Change the following sentences into indirect speech : CHAPTER-18 : ON HIS BLINDNESS
1. Rohan advised me to work hard.
Page No. 124-125
2. I ordered my maid to give me a cup of tea. ENJOY THE POEM
3. Jolly requested him to do him a favour.
Tick (
) the most appropriate option.
4. The teacher ordered the students to write an essay.
1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (b)
5. Johan advised me to post that letter at once.
6. My father ordered to get out of that room. THINK AND ANSWER
7. The police man advised to obey the law of country. 1. It means that those who are ready to work are also as good servants as
VOCABULARY those who actually do it. The poet wants to say that we should have
1. (d) 2. (g) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (f) complete faith in God.
6. (b) 7. (e) 2. The poem conveys a very good moral. The poet tells us that God’s will
Sentences : Ask students to form their own sentences.
is supreme. His ways are just. He does not need man’s work. He wants
WRITING : DIARY ENTRY that we should do our duties without grumbling what ever God does,
Today, It was very tiring day. It was a scene of great excitement and does right. We should have complete faith in God.
confusion. A picture had come from the frame maker’s shop. It had to be
hung on the wall. Chaos and fuss created when Uncle Podger decided to
do it himself. He took off his coat and started. I was asked to bring him a On the basis of your reading answer the following questions.
rule. I had to stand there to help Uncle Podger. He assigned the work to all 1. The name of the poem is ‘On His Blindness’ written by ‘John Milton’.
members. He lifted the picture and dropped it . It came out from its frame. 2. The poet thinks that God demands the same kind of work from a blind
He tried to save the glass and cut himself. He sprang round the room in as from a man with eyes.
ulter confusion looking for his handkerchief and coat. He failed to find it 3. The murmur is whether God demands work from him although. He
because it was in the pocket of coat and he himself was sitting on the coat. has himself made him blind.
when the nail was dropped he forgot where he had placed the hammer.
4. God does not need either man’s work or the return of his own gifts.
The ulter confusion was created when he lost the sight of the nail mark. He
rebuked all. I was very tired. At midnight it was hung on the wall. I thanked CHAPTER-19 : THE KING OF COMEDY
God to be hanged the picture on the wall. Thus it was tiring day. Page No. 130-133
Answer these questions :
A. On the basis of your reading answer the following questions.
1. Charlie Chaplin was a small, dark haired boy. He looked thin and hungry
1. The name of the chapter is ‘Uncle Podger Hangs a Picture’ written by
but his blue eyes were determined. He was always in rags. He was
‘Jerome K. Jerome.’
2. ‘‘We’’ are ‘the family members’ of Uncle Podger. often seen waiting outside the back entrance of London theatre.
3. Because each of the member discovered the different place where the 2. Charlie’s childhood and boyhood was painfully hard. It was not possible
nail was to be fixed. to get some work. He was always in rags. First of all he travelled for a
4. He would take the rule to remeasure. while with song and dance act called “The Eight Lancashire lads”. He
5. He wanted half-thirty one and three-eight inches from the corner. played a part of dog. He had to sleep in crowded together each night in
B. Find the words from the passage, opposite in meaning. different places. As they lay in bed they listened to the sound of drunken
1. Fool 2. take. fighting in the street outside.
Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII) 91 92 Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII)

3. Charlie had been born into the life of theatre as his parents were music 5. taking tea. 6. steal the things
- hall performers. His father had died and his mother wasn’t really able 7. to buy a new car. 8. to leave this coaching at once.
to look after Charlie and his brother sid. She was often sick in mind and VOCABULARY
had to be sent in the hospital. Even when she was in home with them, Synonyms :
she seemed to live in a different world. So Charlie did not receive 1. heat 2. annoyance 3. act as if
affection and attention from his parents. 4. contented 5. initate 6. Extremely large
4. In his boyhood, Charlie did not get work easily. Once he travelled for a 7. Popular
while with a song and dance act called “The eight Lancashire lads”. He Sentences :
played a part of dog. When he couldn’t get work, he had to wander Ask students to form their own sentences.
about the city streets. He found food and warmth whenever he would. WRITING : BIO SKETCH
Even he did not have enough to eat to keep alive, he thought himself Charlie Chaplin was born on 16th of April 1889. He reached Hollywood in
the greatest actor in the world. With this belief in himself, he became 1914 and got fame as an actor. He acted in sound and silent films in 1920
successful. After thirty years, he was the guest of the kings. and got too much popularity. His famous films are “The Great Dictator”
5. The people who don’t understand English can enjoy Charlie’s films and “The kid” which were published in 1931-1940. He went to Europe in
because they are mostly silent. It is not what he says that makes us 1951. He settled in Switzerland in 1977 and died there.
laugh. His comedy doesn’t depend on words or language. It depends
on little actions which means the same thing to people all over the world.
A. On the basis of your reading answer the following questions.
6. He had belief in himself, that he was the greatest actor in the world. He
1. The name of the chapter is “The king of comedy” written by “Carol
always made the people laugh with his comedian activities. He pretented
to be what he was not and never could be a rich successful, important
2. He played the role of “Little Tramp.”
man. It was hopeless and impossible that it made the people laugh.
3. He made us laugh with his mad, unexpected attempts to escape his
This was the secret of Charlie’s success.
cruel fate.
7. Charlie’s boyhood was painfully hard but he knew how to make people
4. We should face the ups and downs of life smilingly.
laugh. He had belief in himself. With the passage of time he became
5. He looked like weak, frightened and foolish.
successful, he was the guest of the kings rich, successful and famous
B. Pick out the words from the passage similar in meaning.
people of many nations were his hosts. Everyone wanted to meet him.
1. destroy 2. Frightened
Pictures show him in the company of men like churchill, Einstein and
Gandhi. He had become almost a royal figure in the bright new world CHAPTER-20 : SOUND AND FURY
of cinema— Charlie Chaplin, the king of comedy. Page No. 139-140
A. Fill in the blanks with infinitive and gerund. Answer these questions :
1. to earn 2. to get 3. to look 1. Mr. Penne was doing research work. He wanted to finish it soon because
4. miming 5. to join 6. to fame. Prof. Leverett was putting pressure on him.
B. Complete the sentences by using infinitive or gerund. 2. Mr. Penne wrote a sentence- ‘Kate, with a sigh rose from his knees.
1. irritate for all dresses. 2. to write an essay. Miss lore pointed out that it should be rose from ‘her’ kness instead of
3. to solve this type of sums. 4. to join a new company. ‘his’. Mr. Penne replied, “No it errs, it should be ‘his’.
Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII) 93 94 Key to Olivia English (Class-VI to VIII)

3. Mr. Penne wrote the second sentence “when kate– scene that cortland VOCABULARY
never..........” Miss Lore pointed out that it will be more grammatical 1. Floor 2. Fare 3. Pore
correct to say ‘when kate saw’ instead of seen. Miss Lore thought it to 4. Meat 5. Idle 6. Plain
be ‘seen’. Because she interrupted Mr. Penne before completing the 7. stair 8. right
sentence. That’s why confusion arises.
4. Miss Lore was an assistant with research of Mr. Penne. They were
08 : 29 : 38 am
working. She did not have enough patience to listen the complete
sentence. She interrupted Mr. Penne before completing the sentence. So 13 — Apr.— 2014

Mr. Penne advised Miss Lore to wait for the conclusion of the sentence Mr. Penne,
then it would be possible to get his meaning more intelligently. Today, when I reached at my home that my granny is seriously ill. So I’ve
5. Listening is a mental ability. Miss Lore did not have enough patience to to go there tomorrow. So I won’t be able to come tomorrow.
listen the full sentence. It creates a lot of confusion. Confusion created Please manage.
due to homophones. Mr. Penne spoke a sentence “The sun himself had Miss Lore
rows .......”. Before the completion of the sentence, Miss lore pointed
out that it should be had risen instead of rose. So Mr. Penne got irritated.
This is the assessment of listening skill for class VIIIth. Here you will listen a
So he started speaking slowly with desperate deliberation.
beautiful poem. Listen is it carefully and fill in the blank given in your book. You
6. Miss Lore did not have enough patience to listen a sentence fully. When
will hear the Recording Twice.
Mr. Penne spoke “He had forgotten his fair ........”. At once she
Whose woods there are I think I know His house in the village, though, He
interrupted and said how he had got the conductor to ........... She thought
will not see me stopping here. To watch his woods fill up with show. My
it ‘fare’. Then Mr. Penne completed his sentences “He had forgotten his
little horse mint think it queer. To stop without a farm house near. Between
fair and visions of night in the practical light of soper moon”. Then the
the woods and frozen lake. The darkest evening of the year. He gives his
confusion removed.
harness bells a shake. To aik if there is some mistake. The only other sound’s
7. Homophones are the words similar in pronunciation or speaking but
the sweep of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely dark and
different in spellings and meanings. The Homophones used in text are
deep. But I have promises to keep.
—scene— seen, sighs - size, Nun-none, rows-rose, fare-fair, etc.
And Miles to go before I sleep.
GRAMMAR And Miles to go before I sleep.
Fill in the blanks by using correct form of verbs given in the brackets : ANSWERS
1. over eat, will become 2. would win 1. woods, 2. The horse, 3. Farm house, 4. Evening, 5. harness, 6. Lovely
3. were 4. stop, will feel dark and deep promise to keep before I sleep before I sleep.
5. would have telephoned 6. had tried
7. had taken
Complete the following sentences : 
1. I would surely give you. 2. I would buy Mercedes car.
3. You would have saved. 4. You will get up early.
5. We would have won the match. 6. He will get passed.
7. You will be ill.

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