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Dumangas Seventh-day Adventist Elementary School Inc.

3rd Grading- Final Examination

Grade IV


Name: ________________________________ Grade: _____ Score: _____

Direction: Use your answer sheet in answering the questions.

1. It is a part of sentence that gives you an idea if what or who is being talked about in
the sentence.
a. Subject b. Predicate c. Noun d. Rhyming words
2. It is a part of sentence that tells something about the subject.
a. Subject b. Rhyming word c. Predicate d. rhyming words
3. A man painted his house. The subject in this sentence is?
a. painted b. house c. his d. A man
4. The black butterfly is not happy. The predicate in this sentence is?
a. Black butterfly b. happy c. not d. is not happy
5 . Elements of a story that reveals the time and place where the story happened.
a. Setting b. Character c. Theme d. Plot
6. Kinds of noun that usually starts with a capital letter.
a. Common noun b. Proper noun c. Singular noun d. Plural noun
7. It is where the story happened.
a. Character b. Setting c. Theme d. Plot
8. I will go to a new school. The underlined word functions as?
a. Proper noun b. Singular noun c. Common noun d. Plural noun
9. A type of sentence that makes a statement to relay information or ideas. It is
punctuated with a simple period.
a. Declarative sentence c. Imperative sentence
b. Interrogative sentence d. Exclamatory sentence
10. A type of sentence that that gives you a command or request. It is punctuated with a
period or exclamation point.
a. Declarative sentence c. Imperative sentence
b. Interrogative sentence d. Exclamatory sentence
11. A victorious smile formed on his lips. What does the underlined word means?
a. Tricky c. Determined to have one’s way
b. dirty d. having won something
12. Where are your grandparents? This sentence is an example of|?
a. Exclamatory sentence c. Imperative sentence
b. Interrogative sentence d. Declarative sentence
13. Hurray! I passed the Math test! This sentence is an example of ?
a. Exclamatory sentence c. Imperative sentence
b. Interrogative sentence d. Declarative sentence
14. They aren’t listening to the instruction.

a. They we are b. Are we? C. Are they?

15. My sister will go to SM city. What tense of verb is used in the sentence?
a. Present b. Past c. Future d. Now
16. Nicko loves to cook vegetables. Which sentence pattern is observed?
a. S-LV-N b. S-LV-Adj c. S-LV-P d. NONE
17. She ______ the wall yesterday.
a. Paints b. Painted c. Paintted d. Pains
18. Kyllee is ________ girl.
a. sweet b. sweeter b. sweetest b. most sweet
19. Which of the following pairs of word is a homonyms?
a. pay-paid b. sail-sale c. take-took d. make-made
20. Meeting will start _____ Monday.
a. on b. in c. at d. of
Dumangas Seventh-day Adventist Elementary School Inc.
3rd Grading- Final Examination
Grade IV

21. What is the synonym of famous ?

a. Well-known b. un-known c. unpopular d. unfamous

22. Part of a book contains all the references used by the author.
a. glossary b. Bibliography c. index d. body
23. Which of the following is proper noun?
a. animal b. pet c. dog d. Dalmatians
24. Punctuation is used for exclamatory statements.
a. period b. comma c. exclamation point d. question mark
25. Which of the following has incorrect capitalization?
a. April b. May c. dr. d. teacher
26. Simple past tense expresses action happened in the past. What time of expression must be used?
a. now b. later c. Yesterday d. tomorrow
27. Which of the following has correct past form.
a. make-maked b. make-made c. makes-making d. makes-maked
28. Karen and joy _________ to visit the city of love.
a. wanted b. wanted c. wants d. want
29. Teacher ________ to her pupils.
a. listened b. listens c. listeneded d. Listening
30. Tense is used to express general truth.
a. Present b. Past c. Future d. Now
31. She is a nice friend.
a. is she? B. isn’t he? C. aren’t she? D. isn’t she?
32. They aren’t going to the market.
a. is she? B. are they? C. aren’t the? D. isn’t she?
33. I am not going to the mall.

a. am i? B. I am ? C. aren’t the? D. isn’t she?

34. Kind of sentence that has one subject and one predicate.
a. simple b. compound c. complex d. complicated
35. Which statement is a fact?
a. Jose Rizal is not a hero anymore. b. God is good. C. It might rain. d. I love you
36. Statement that states one beliefs and principles.
a. fact b. news c. opinion c. phrase
37. Which sentence is a simile?
a. I hate you b. You look like a Christmas tree. c. You are smart d. listen
38. What figure of speech is used in the sentence? The flowers are dancing in the garden.
a. Simile b. Metaphor c. Personification d. Assonance
39. Name given to a group or unit of person.
a. compound b. collective c. concrete d. abstract
40. Books ____ agent of change.
a. is b. are c. our d. all

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