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Introduction to


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Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Five Steps to Improve Your Onboarding Process . . . . . 4-11

How to Build a Strong Company Culture . . . . . . . . . . . 12-15

How to Stay Productive at Your Workplace . . . . . . . . . 16-18

The 5 People You Need on Your Operations Team . . . . 19-24

Managing Workplace Visitor Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-27

Office Security Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-32

Tips to Shape Your Office Space for Agile Working . . 33-36

Office Automation Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37-39

Special thanks to
Managed by Q and
Reno for contributing.

Brought to you by Kisi, a technology-driven physical access solution powered by mobile, cloud and IoT.


A In this guide, you’ll

t Kisi, we’re committed to stream-
lining daily operations at the
workplace. This begins as soon as find:
you walk in the door—a process that Kisi
simplifies with mobile access control. Best practices for employee on-
We spend most of our waking hours
working and as the modern office evolves Productivity tips and tricks for em-
to remote and agile workspaces, our ployees and office managers alike
definition of the ‘smart’ office must
evolve, too. That’s why we created Un- The best vistor policies to keep
locked—the magazine for smart offices. your office secure
The advice and guidance published here
will help you unlock all the tips, tricks Office automation tools to save you
and hacks to reinvigorate your work-life time
...and more!
Unlocked is a publication aimed at pro-
viding the most comprehensive guides,
workspace inspiration and tech hacks to
office managers, operations teams, HR
professionals, and anyone who’s interest-
ed in implementable advice and insight
that will improve your life at work.

Brought to you by Kisi, a technology-driven physical access solution powered by mobile, cloud and IoT.

5 Steps to Improve Your

Onboarding Process

hen you want to improve your boarding program needs to be easy when
onboarding process, it can be your team is responsible for onboarding,
daunting; especially if you’re offboarding and managing people opera-
operating with small information technol- tions—all at the same time.
ogy (IT) and human resources (HR) teams.
If the process is simple, consistent and ef-
Transforming your onboarding process can fective, it can go a long way in providing
save you time and energy so that you can a good first impression for your new em-
focus on more innovative projects. Most ployees and retaining the top performers.
importantly, the maintenance of your on-

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5 Steps to Improve Your Onboarding Process 5

“Data from the consulting firm BCG shows that your

onboarding process has a higher business impact
than you think – it ranks #2 in importance, just after
recruiting. In fact, if you do it well, you can expect to
double your corporate revenue and growth.”

Onboarding, traditionally, is a dry, over- According to Gostick and C Elton, 4 per-

whelming process for new hires—consist- cent of new hires decide after the first day
ing of videos, policy education, sign-ups, if they’re going to stay. In addition, DOL
and forms—but it doesn’t have to be a reported that a structured hiring process
drag. makes them 66 percent more likely to stay.

“You retain The onboarding process will be different

for each organization, as needs, goals, and
your top talent job skills differ, but here are five steps to

when you help you build a top-tier onboarding pro-

cess—one that will excite your new em-
improve your ployees, boost their performance, and give

onboarding you the best chance of retaining them.

process.” Step 1: Automate what

The onboarding process is effective be- you can
cause it directly influences employee mo-
rale, performance and the impact of your We mentioned before that, traditionally,
organization’s business goals from day the onboarding process can be dry. If you
one—all of these elements add up to de- can automate forms, video training, and
fining your company’s culture. policy education, it alleviates some of the
burden on your new employee and once
Effective onboarding programs can im- the boring paperwork is done you can fo-
prove employee performance by 11.5 per- cus on the more exciting aspects of on-
cent, according to Recruiting Roundtable. boarding.

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5 Steps to Improve Your Onboarding Process 6

Step 2: Do something new employee’s interviewers, chocolate, a

mug, and Smartsheet swag.
special for your
employees so they “At the same time that this gift arrives, the
new employee also gets an email describ-
know they’re wanted ing everything needed for a successful
first day: Their agenda, where and when
You want your new hire to know that he or they need to arrive, and what to expect.”
she is wanted and not only feel like they’re - Smartsheet
lucky to be there, but that you feel like
you’re lucky to have them there, too. This small ritual goes a long way for boost-
ing employee morale and has the added
Smartsheet, a work collaboration tool, has benefit of alleviating some of the mystery
found a unique way to welcome their new surrounding their first day.
employees. Their employees receive a per-
sonalized gift at their home a week before
their first day. “It reminds them that we’re
Step 3: Keep it
excited for them, and gives a peek into our personal, and ease
culture.” The “box full of happiness” con-
tains a personalized note from each of the
their anxieties
There are several small steps you can take
to ease a person’s anxiety on the first day,
getting rid of any nervousness they might
have about their new employment:

Ask the receptionist or security

guard to greet them warmly, and
have someone personally escort
them from the door into the office.
Avoid any nervousness by stream-
lining your office access with a
cloud-based access control sys-
tem—share a smartphone key with
them before their first day so they
aren’t stuck waiting outside for

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5 Steps to Improve Your Onboarding Process 7

someone to let them in. This im-

proves their first impression and
makes them feel like part of the
Step 4: Make it
team interactive
Personally introduce them to their When you finally get into the nitty-gritty of
team assimilating your new employee into your
company culture and their new job role,
Provide them with a company ros- consider making the process interactive.
ter, so they know how to contact
everyone Gamification is a popular new trend hitting
HR, and can be very effective in keeping
Encourage others in the office to your new hire engaged during onboarding.
introduce themselves
LinkedIn provides some great ideas on
Pick up where the last interview how to utilize gamification:
left off, and give them an introduc-
tion to the company and their new Rackspace, a provider of managed cloud
job business solutions, fills their initial four-
day onboarding with games, skits, cos-
Go out to lunch (or order in), and tumes, music and a limbo bar to induct
let them spend some quality time their new hires into their company culture.
with their manager
Bazaarvoice, user-generated content mar-
Make every effort to have their keting solutions, sends their employees on
workstation set up before they ar- a week-long scavenger hunt to bring them
rive up to speed on culture and their industry

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5 Steps to Improve Your Onboarding Process 8

Go further than just assimilating new em- approach with them

ployees into your company culture and
industry; it’s important for them to walk Have a conversation about any
away from the onboarding process with a type of bonus formulas or perfor-
full understanding of what will be expect- mance-appraisal forms
ed of them.
Give them an overview of their po-

Step 5: Help them tential career path: What is the pro-

motion criteria, what is their next
understand what will level-up, what resources do you
provide to help them get there?
make them successful
Finally, help them understand how
The final step to to improving your on- high-level decisions are made with-
boarding process is providing a structured in the organization
approach to revealing your new hire’s
goals. As all of these key elements work togeth-
er to create an impressive onboarding
According to Global HR Research (GHRR), process, your team will be working be-
the number one thing your new hire will hind-the-scenes to ensure it’s all going
be interested in when they onboard will smoothly—so who is responsible for the
be learning about their role and what will individual tasks?
make them successful. Help them under-
stand key priorities on their first day. Even
though it might seem like an overwhelm-
ing activity for onboarding, a brief over-
view of the following will help to solidify
the expectations for their role:
Who is
responsible for
Show them the department/team’s
goals and key performance indica-
what during
tors (KPIs) the onboarding
Show them their own individual process?
KPIs and have their manager dis-
cuss their management style and

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5 Steps to Improve Your Onboarding Process 9

Particularly in small organizations, you’re working with a group of two to three people to
onboard your new employees—a herculean feat for several people with other tasks and

When the process becomes streamlined it gets a whole lot easier, because everyone knows
their jobs beforehand. Generally, the onboarding tasks will fall to four people (or groups of
people); HR, IT, the hiring manager and their team.

Team Responsibilities:

Assure that the new employee is

seamlessly assimilating into the
team culture

Be friendly, provide support, and

answer any new questions the new
hire may have to the best of your-

Hiring Manager Responsibilities:

Gather all KPIs, goals, and struc-

tural processes

Provide an overview of your man-

agement style

Provide an overview of company

goals, structure, and expectations

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5 Steps to Improve Your Onboarding Process 10

IT Responsibilities: Human Resources Responsibilities:

Manage the acquisition, set-up and Gather all the necessary paper-
training of any equipment at your work, policy education materials
new hire’s workstation and automate all legal processes

Share a smartphone key, or create Organize a way to boost your new

a physical keycard hire’s morale, whether it’s a gift box
or a team lunch, this step matters
Set up the workstation, and ensure
its functionality and security Answer any questions about com-
pensation, bonus structure, or
Further insights can be found in our company stocks/equity.
IT onboarding checklist
Ensure assimilation into company

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5 Steps to Improve Your Onboarding Process 11

Once everyone understands their role in anyone a reason to speak poorly

the new onboarding process, your new about you or the company
hires will be set up for success. As this
better and more effective way to bring on As both your onboarding and offboarding
new employees rolls out it will start posi- processes are set into motion, you’ll begin
tively impacting your organization. seeing the positive impact that a stream-
lined process can have. Continue to opti-

How to Improve Your mize any processes that new employees

go through to increase your chances of re-
Offboarding Process taining top talent and getting the most out
of new hires—from the time they walk in
It’s often an afterthought, but an offboard- the door to the end of their employment.
ing process can be just as important as
an onboarding process. Employees could
be leaving your organization for a variety
of reasons, and keeping their relationship
with the company consistent is important.

According to Balance Point Payroll, there

are two best practices to keep in mind
when structuring your offboarding pro-

Have a consistent process: Keep

the same process across the board
no matter who is leaving, or why
he or she may be leaving. This will
guard against discrimination

Keep a professional relationship:

It’s important to set the right tone
during the offboarding process,
and keep a good relationship, as
former employees could be your
best way of attracting new talent
and potential clients. Don’t give

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How to Build a Strong

Company Culture

BY Eleanor Whitney
at Managed by Q

ar from being an “extra” or a “perk,” a strong team culture is essential for employee
recruitment, engagement, and retention as your company scales.

In order to ensure that you create a sustainable, scalable company culture be sure you
have these elements in place:

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How to Build a Strong Company Culture 13

Start with your your values. These guide how you imple-
ment that mission and navigate ambiguity
mission and values by defining what is most important to your
To have a lasting impact, workplace cul-
ture and cultural initiatives must be guid- Having a well-defined mission and values
ed by a company’s mission and values. If will help your team know their purpose
your company doesn’t already have a mis- and vision, even if you are in a space with
sion or set of values, work with your team many other companies. To keep your mis-
to define them. sion front of mind, if you have a private
office within your coworking space, you
Your mission statement is a short, written could create a poster with your mission
statement about your company’s goals, and values to post on the wall, or find a
philosophy, function, markets, and com- way to highlight them in your group chat
petitive advantage—it’s supported by or team meetings.

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How to Build a Strong Company Culture 14

Be deliberate about Create regular opportunities for team

members to connect with each other out-
community building side of your office. These can be guided by
your mission and values and could include
events and team a regular weekly coffee break or team
recognition meal, a monthly happy hour, or an annual
day of volunteering.
Coworking spaces are popular in part be-
cause they provide amenities, whether it’s In addition, make sure your team feels
free coffee, beer on tap, or networking connected to each other by regularly high-
and community events; however, planning lighting employee accomplishments and
your own events and creating company contributions. Create time during team
traditions can help form the basis of your meetings for shout outs and appreciation,
unique company culture, one that’s sepa- make a plan for how you celebrate team
rate from your coworking space. birthdays and anniversaries, and create
branded employee gifts that also contrib-
ute to a sense of identity.

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How to Build a Strong Company Culture 15

Collect ideas and Form a “culture committee” with

representatives from different de-
feedback from your partments, in order to get team in-

team put, and help with planning cultur-

al activities

Creating culture should be a collective ef-

No matter your company’s size or phase, a
fort. A strong culture is responsive to em-
strong culture is crucial to creating a great
ployee interests and ideas because when
employee experience and attracting and
your colleagues feel heard, they are more
retaining top talent.
likely to engage with your culture and feel
like they’re part of the team.
To help you create a coherent company
culture, Managed by Q created a free
Even if your team is small, work together
guide, “Creating a Great Company Cul-
to get them engaged in the culture-build-
ture,” based on our experience working
ing process. In order to do so you can:
with thousands of companies across the
United States and helping them to build
Solicit ideas for culture building in
great places to work. Download your copy
team meetings or via a quarterly
for detailed guidance on building a com-
culture survey to learn more about
pany culture your team loves, no matter
your team
where your office is located.

Brought to you by Kisi, a technology-driven physical access solution powered by mobile, cloud and IoT.

How to Stay Productive

at Your Workplace

ome find that the opportunity to mingle and network during the workday makes it
easier to socialize instead of focus. Others find events, company rituals, and office
extras to be distracting. Reports indicate that more people than ever feel distracted
by their open-plan offices and the coworking-inspired mobility of desks and furniture.

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How to Stay Productive at Your Workplace 17

Here are 4 ways to

stay focused at work:

Noise-canceling Utilize applications to

headphones track progress
With the right tools and strategies at your You can rely on an application to track your
disposal, it’s easy to remain productive at progress or productivity. There are numer-
work. For those who get easily distracted ous time management applications for all
by extraneous noises, investing in a pair of smartphone operating systems and many
noise-canceling headphones can be an ex- are free. An alternative to using these apps
cellent solution. This lets you block out the is giving yourself a schedule throughout
extra noise of people networking and col- the day that includes time dedicated to
laborating when you have to work alone. networking and taking advantage of other
When you want to network or collaborate, opportunities. You can also give yourself
just remove your headphones and you’ll an allocated amount of time for a break af-
be ready to go. ter a certain amount of work, such as five
minutes of socializing or getting coffee af-
ter an hour and a half of productivity.

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How to Stay Productive at Your Workplace 18

? ?

Choose a dedicated Ask for help

work space Don’t forget to take advantage of the fea-
tures where you work to boost your pro-
Many people find it much easier to stay
ductivity. There’s a reason many people
productive in an open office environment
prefer working at the office with their col-
if they don’t have the option to move
leagues over working from home. If you
around all day—from couch to standing
are working on something and get stuck,
desk to sitting desk. On the other hand,
ask other people for help, or to sit and
some people will find the ability to choose
think through it with you.
a different spot to sit each day leads to in-
creased productivity. You may do better
with a change of scenery, and this flexibil-
ity lets you move to an unoccupied area
with fewer distractions, but make sure
you’re being honest about what works for
you and structure your seating movements
to avoid distractions.

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The 5 People You

Need on Your
Operations Team

In the past, funding was the biggest need for startups,” says Naval Ravikant, entrepre-
neur and founder of Epinions and, “But today, it’s recruiting.” Whether you’re
part of a large corporation or a small-scale startup company, the success of your orga-
nization depends on the people within your operations team.

It’s not always about quantity. Stocking your team with a few individuals who hold different
skill sets will give your company the diversity it needs.

Let’s take a look at the five people you need on your operations team:

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The 5 People You Need on Your Operations Team 20

1. Order and organization
2. Negotiation and problem-solving skills
3. Ethical practices

The human resources (HR) specialist is re- Qualities to look for:

sponsible for resolving HR issues and sup-
plying talent when the team needs a new Order and organization. This per-
member. This person oversees employee son needs organized files, strong
data maintenance as well as risk and com- time-management skills and per-
pliance management. HR should be able to sonal efficiency
answer the question: “Where is our orga-
nization going and how can we get there?” Negotiation and problem solving.
There will often be two or more op-
The HR person answers HR-related que- posing views, so this person needs
ries, rolls out policy updates, conducts to be able to find an acceptable
surveys and ensures that efficient man- middle ground
agement of resources and operational
risk-control measures are in place to keep Ethical practices. This person will
business operations running smoothly. be the conscience of the company
(as well as the keeper of confiden-
tial information), so make sure he
or she can be trusted with the re-

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The 5 People You Need on Your Operations Team 21

1. Intellectual curiousity
2. Can they adapt to their surroundings?
3. Coding knowledge

“Cloud requires much tighter integration Qualities to look for:

of IT infrastructure. The time for cloud is
now, but success depends on IT operations Intellectual curiosity. Can they
evolving to support the new computing demonstrate how they’ve taken
paradigm,” notes Zeus Kerravala, founder initiative to learn something new?
and principal analyst of ZK Research. Are they familiar with a variety of
systems and operating platforms?
An IT specialist is responsible for setting
up new systems, routine maintenance, Can they adapt to their surround-
like virus protection and keeping the oper- ings? Make sure this person knows
ations team fully connected. This person how to script so that as technology
should be in charge of understanding how changes, they push themselves to
the major technologies interplay, have a keep up
knowledge of design (from system to aes-
thetics to architecture), and be able to Coding knowledge. Often, devel-
build user-friendly platforms. opers and designers may fall un-
der the IT category, which requires
coding skills for ongoing customi-

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The 5 People You Need on Your Operations Team 22

3. THE
1. Strong written & communication skills
2. Both analytical and creative
3. Proven success

With no marketing person in place, how Qualities to look for:

will you get the word out about your com-
pany or product? This person owns the Strong written and communication
marketing strategy (many times this in- skills. Does this person practice
cludes the sales strategy, too), gets your what they preach?
message across to staff and customers
and oversees its implementation. He or Mix of analytical and creative. The
she knows your industry inside out and marketing strategist needs to un-
helps you position your product, differen- derstand numbers, but have an
tiate it from your competitors’ products open, creative mind as well. They
and attract the right people. should be able to come up with
brilliant ideas, but also provide key
This person is also ultimately responsi- metrics and KPIs
ble for deciding your digital promotion
efforts, which is why he or she needs to Proven success. Ask this person to
understand both your company and your prove that they understand market-
buyer personas extremely well. Your mar- ing from an operations standpoint
keting strategist will help create a content
calendar and keep your marketing efforts
in line with your business goals.

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The 5 People You Need on Your Operations Team 23

4. THE
1. Analytical skills
2. Self-management
3. Relevant experience

You may not need a finance person with Qualities to look for:
the same level of training as an accoun-
tant, but due to the relatively small scale Analytical skills. This person should
that startups initially operate at, it’s essen- be able to demonstrate logical
tial that your accounts are in order. thinking to gather and analyze a
variety of financial information
Enter the finance person.
Self-management. Can this person
The finance expert is responsible for plan- perform efficiently and effectively
ning, overseeing, directing and evaluating without direct supervision or guid-
the company’s fiscal performance—and ance? That will make him or her an
making sure that what you have, money asset to your operations team
and resource-wise, is being used effec-
tively. The finance expert develops the Relevant experience. Strive to find
budget to support business goals, man- a finance person who can identify
ages operations to meet budgets, reviews how they’ve successfully advised
forecasts and takes action as needed. This other organizations and what fac-
person also approves all hiring and salary tors informed his or her actions
requirements. that helped create success

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The 5 People You Need on Your Operations Team 24

1. How well they work with others
2. Can they assess existing
information systems?
3. How will they secure your technology?

What’s the plan when the office Wi-Fi goes Can they assess your existing in-
out? Do you fidget with the router or sit formation systems? This person
on hold with your Internet service provid- should be qualified to analyze and
er waiting for answers? What about when report on the functionality of your
your smartphone access control system existing equipment and systems,
acts up? When your office security is on have experience with data security
the line, you need the right support. and disaster recovery
Startups have a clear need for tech sup-
port to navigate through a crisis when a How will they cyber-secure your
customer can’t access an application, or technology? With smaller teams
if he or she doesn’t receive an alert about increasingly attacked by cyber
degrading performance in the infrastruc- criminals, it’s crucial to hire some-
ture. one who can design and deploy a
plan to secure all of your digital in-
Qualities to look for: formation

How well they work with others. Whether you’re looking to hire 20 people
This person must be able to easily, or five, having the right team to manage
clearly and patiently communicate your operations will make a big differ-
and cooperate with employees ence in your ability to perform. With the
during tech flare ups appropriate mix of people, processes and
technology, these roles will help create a
secure, functional and efficient operations

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Managing Workplace
Visitor Policies

comprehensive visitor policy for your office should cover everything guest related,
in order to protect your space from risks of theft. This means access rights, iden-
tification and so on.

What Should Be Covered in a Visitor Policy?

Before planning your visitor policy, remember to make it unique to your industry or com-
pany’s needs. However, there are some universal elements that you should consider while
setting up the policy:

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Managing Workplace Visitor Policies 26

Policy Checklist
Each visitor should be authorized. Is access allowed to employers
Define who and in what way they outside of business hours?
grant access to visitors
Are there any waiting areas for
Means for visitor identification visitors?
(badges, name tags, magnetic
strips, etc.) Are there areas that are restricted
to visitors?
Do you want to differentiate be-
tween different types of visitors? Are visitors allowed to take photo-
Are trainees and temporary work- graphs?
ers treated as visitors or employ-
ees? Can visitors receive access to the
company’s network, or should
Visitor labels or colorful lanyards they be given access with a guest
make visitors easily noticed and username and password?
What disciplinary actions are tak-
It is highly advised that each vis- en against employees who violate
itor signs in and signs out. A visi- the policy?
tor sign-in sheet template can be
found here Should past incidents be docu-
mented and tracked?
Along with filling out a sign-in
sheet is a photo ID document
required? NOTE:
Should visitors be accompanied
by the company personnel at all

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Managing Workplace Visitor Policies 27

Templates for your

visitor policy
Visitor policies can be developed by the the visitor control center. A sign-in sheet
HR department, ordered from a profes- should be kept for a definite period of time
sional organization that creates such poli- in order to track past visitors, if required.
cies or downloaded online and adapted to
your company’s needs. However, it is ad- A comprehensive visitor policy provides
vised that a legal HR professional review guidelines for enabling access for differ-
the policy. ent types of visitors, sets limitations clear-
ly and serves as one of the important as-
Visitor sign-in sheet templates should be pects of workplace security.
available at all times at the reception or at

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Office Security

V ery often, workplace managers don’t take office security seriously until an incident,
such as a break-in or theft, occurs.

Solving physical security problems can be simple, starting with creating a plan for office
security. This can help prevent unnecessary misunderstandings, disruptions and keep your
office a secure and productive place to work.

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Office Security Basics 29

There are three key areas you should focus

on when coming up with an office security According to Verizon’s
Security Report,
1. Secure your employees

Create a secure, transparent and

supportive culture

Keep the workplace safe from un-

authorized access by disgruntled
co-workers and customers
22% of cyber hacks
actually involve the abuse
2. Protect your company’s assets of physical access.

Secure office equipment including On average, these break-

laptops, hard drives and other elec- ins cost:

Keep employee property safe, like

wallets, phones, tablets, and per-
for small businesses
sonal laptops

3. Ensure smooth business
for larger businesses,
Prevent business interuptions, like
lockouts and missing tools
severely impacting a
business’ operations and
Safeguard against liability, like in-
surance, IP protection and lawsuits
even brand image.

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Office Security Basics 30

Designing Your Office How to Securely

Security Plan Onboard Employees
Work with your co-workers to come up The security onboarding begins as soon as
with the right security policies and create a new person is hired. Prepare your front
a plan. These are some key areas you need desk staff to not only help orient visitors
to plan around: but to also act as a gatekeeper to enforce
policies at the door—including making
Office hours: When should the of- sure that NDAs are signed.
fice be accessible? When will the
doors be locked or unlocked? Ensure that new employees are informed
about the security guidelines in your of-
Front desk and reception: What are fice, understand them and are compliant
the processes for visitors or guests with them. They need to know exactly
and front desk staff? what is permitted and what’s not—includ-
ing signing an expected visitor in and out
Secure access: Who has access form, the opening hours, and when the
to sensitive areas and under what office can be accessed or not. Onboard
conditions, including IT rooms, them with your access control system and
communications closets and exec- set restrictions if needed.
utive offices?

Expectations from employees:

What do you expect from
employees at work regarding

Many of these factors may seem obvious

but each is an important step toward a
more secure office. Help yourself make
better decisions around workplace securi-
ty that will benefit your company.

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Office Security Basics 31

What You Need to

Know About Security 2. Electronic access
Systems control systems
These systems send a signal to an elec-
Access Control is the system that al-
tronically wired lock to unlock the door.
lows you to manage who is permitted to
To unlock the door you either use a key-
access your space. By setting permissions
card, fob, or a keypad with a code. How-
and rules around access control you can
ever, you will still be unable to specifically
define which time periods are allowed
track down who has access to your doors
for access and the levels of access some-
as these keycards or fobs can be easily
one needs to have to enter a certain door.
passed around. You will also be unable to
It also keeps track of who accesses the
remove access from specific people.
space, producing event logs that help with
compliance. We’ve written more about ac-
cess control in our “Introduction to Access 3. Mobile app access
Control” guide, you can check it out here.
1. Locks and keys The best type of access control is in the
form of a mobile app. Its benefits are mul-
The most traditional form is a lock and tifold—simple, yet comprehensive, access
key, but keys can easily be copied or lost. management, remote access control man-
There is also no events log for you to mon- agement, and real-time events log.
itor entry logs.

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Office Security Basics 32

Surveillance cameras help record visu- Alarms and sensor systems are a
al activity around entry and exit points of great enhancement to the other compo-
your office or high traffic areas, such as nents of office security, which are access
the front desk or package room. Video sur- control and video surveillance. They al-
veillance systems are crucial for growing low you to monitor your office space to
workplaces and offices where not every- know if an incident is about to happen
one is known to all employees. You should and enable you to step in before damage
typically install one camera for each door occurs. Alerts can help notify you to sus-
and then one or two additional cameras picious changes in the environment, such
for high-transit areas. This gives employ- as someone breaking in or opening a door
ees peace of mind, protects against theft during off-hours. They should include:
and keeps your business running smooth-
ly. They should include: Integration with security cameras
or access control systems—they
Streaming of live footage: You often already include alarm fea-
might want to remotely look at a tures
real-time video stream to see what
is going on in the office Ability to arm or disarm the alarm
Storage of video recording: Com-
panies typically require 30-day You might want a third-party com-
video storage so they can go back pany to monitor your alarm if it’s
in time to review an incident. The more helpful than having them
differences are cloud or local stor- alert you or the police directly.
age, which comes down to price vs
convenience Integration of other sensors into
the alarm ecosystem, like heat or
Access control and intercom in- humidity
tegration to be able to hear the
doorbell ring, check who is there
and unlock the door—all done re-

Advanced solutions also provide alerts

based on motion tracking or face recogni-
tion that add another layer of security.

Brought to you by Kisi, a technology-driven physical access solution powered by mobile, cloud and IoT.

Tips to Shape
Your Office Space
for Agile Working

BY Reno
at Enigma Visual Solutions

gile working is an increasingly popular concept, aimed at empowering employees
and allowing them to work with maximum flexibility. This can mean having less
constraints on working hours or style of working to improve morale, productivity
and overall work performance.

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Tips to Shape Your Office Space for Agile Working 34

This lack of boundaries, however, often share ideas and work together on differ-
necessitates some changes to the work- ent projects. These collaborative spaces
place environment. In this article, we offer should adopt an open plan design where
seven tips to help you shape your existing people do not have to knock on doors or
space for agile working. ‍ move between partitions to get to others.

1. Private Spaces ‍ 3. Facilitate Remote

One of the priorities for a workplace built
to accommodate agile working should be
Working from home and other remote
the availability of private spaces where
working options have grown in populari-
employees can carry out tasks that require
ty and can offer many benefits. A famous
concentration. It is important for office fit
study on Chinese company, Ctrip, found
out specialists to create these spaces and
that employees working from home com-
position them away from common areas.
pleted 13.5 percent more calls and report-
ed higher job satisfaction.
Lack of privacy is one of the most common
complaints employees have in many of-
Meanwhile, a survey of American remote
fice buildings. According to research from
workers found that they feel happier, more
Gensler, 53 percent of people say that it
productive and more trusted. To benefit
is hard to focus with the distraction from
other people doing things around them.
Moreover, the study found that this has
led to a six percent decline in workplace
performance since 2008. ‍

2. Allow People to
Collaborate Freely
While privacy can be hindered by pure
open plan designs, it’s important that agile
working environments include some col-
laborative spaces, where employees can
get together in small or large groups to

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Tips to Shape Your Office Space for Agile Working 35

from this, however, businesses need to

ensure certain measures are in place to fa-
cilitate this. This means providing remote “Create ‘accidental
access to computer networks and ensur-
collisions’ between
ing communication technology is in place.

people in the
workplace who
4. Create might not otherwise
Opportunities for usually meet.”
The best office fit out specialists will be er, while these kind of recreational spac-
able to help you create ‘accidental colli- es have a role to play, it is important that
sions’ between people in the workplace businesses also cater to people who need
who might not otherwise come into con- to get away from colleagues and enjoy
tact. For example, a workplace café may some ‘me time’.
allow people from different departments
to share ideas. According to various pieces of research
compiled by the Harvard Business Review,
“Accidental collisions play a key role in 15 minutes of undisturbed alone time im-
innovation and workplace satisfaction,” proves decision-making abilities and helps
explains Ed Nolan, in an article written people become more resistant to their
for Work Design Magazine. “While these own biases. Did you know 12 minutes of
collisions may be spontaneous, the set- ‘daydreaming’ leads to a 40 percent im-
ting in which they occur is not. Companies provement in creativity?
can thoughtfully create work settings that
drive the unexpected.” ‍ 6. Prioritize
Adjustable Building
5. Let Your Staff Take
Breaks ‍
One of the challenges presented by agile
In recent times, workplace ‘play areas’ working, from a pure office design per-
have become fashionable with companies spective, is dealing with service and re-
like Google boasting about them. Howev- source requirements changing throughout

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Tips to Shape Your Office Space for Agile Working 36

the day. For this reason, organizations, worth exploring is the provision of outdoor
and the office refurbishment companies areas for work to take place.
they work with, need to ensure that office
design services are designed with this in While outdoor spaces may not be possible
mind. everywhere, office refurbishment compa-
nies are seeing more and more requests for
“Flexible spaces mean variable occupan- picnic areas or outdoor tables and chairs,
cies,” says Liza Young, writing for CIBSE so that people can work in natural environ-
Journal. “Building services engineers have ments. Advantages of outdoor working in-
to ensure lighting, ventilation, cooling and clude increased access to natural sunlight
heating are responsive, with excellent oc- and improved access to fresh air. ‍
cupant control.” ‍
Agile working is a growing trend and it

7. Consider Outdoor is no surprise that more employers are

adopting it as a solution for improving mo-
Working Areas rale, productivity, reducing staff turnover
and enhancing overall performance. By
The concept of biophilic design in work- following the seven tips above and work-
spaces is catching on and offering bene- ing with high-quality office fit out special-
fits connected to both productivity and ists, companies can transform their exist-
well-being. One aspect of biophilic design ing office spaces.

Brought to you by Kisi, a technology-driven physical access solution powered by mobile, cloud and IoT.

Office Automation

hen put into practice, office automation might look different for different types
of offices. Automated processes and software should assist you in creating the
flow of your own office, not force a different workflow for your employees.

Defining this workflow gets difficult as more businesses become flexible with their office
time—some businesses may want a smartphone access control system to allow employees
to come and go, while others might need digital video software to connect with co-workers
on the web.

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Office Automation Tools 38

“For me, technology has brought the concept of work outside

of the office,” Madhusudan Thakur, Regional Vice president
of South Asia Regus, says. “What this means is that work isn’t
somewhere you go, it’s something you do. All of this is enabled
through the adoption and implementation of new technology
platforms. For me, a smart office is a physical and technological
platform that allows you to work anywhere.”

- Madhusudan Thakur, Regional Vice president of South Asia Regus

The idea of office automation is to offer your employees flexibility and reliability. If your
office systems aren’t automated yet, we have some suggestions for a few tools you shouldn’t
live without.

Claims and reimbursement: Expensify

Employee Reports expenses and automates approval
File Backup: Seafile
Constantly backups your information to the cloud

File Sharing: Ipswitch

A more secure way to manage file transfers

Contracts: DocuSign
Staffing E-signature technology for your contracts and documents

HR rostering: Planday
Automated tool to help manage shift planning, employee
communication, time clocks and payrolls

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Office Automation Tools 39

Access Mangement: Kisi

Facility Grant and revoke office access to employees, remote
Management workers and visitors

Visitor Management: Ring

See who’s on the other side of your door

Service: Managed by Q
On-demand services from cleaning and maintenance to
supply replenishment

Room Scheduling: Robin

Schedule conference room and hot-desk bookings

Contact forms: Pardot

Productivity Manages contact form submissions to move leads down
the sales pipeline

FAQ: Issuetrak
Automates customer support workflows

Support: Help Scout

Organizes email support requests at scale

CRM: Hatchbuck
Point of contact with customer that introduces human
element back into CRM

Sales, Inventory, Accounts: Sendbloom

Helps sales teams manage and personalize pipelines

Brought to you by Kisi, a technology-driven physical access solution powered by mobile, cloud and IoT.

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Brought to you by Kisi, a technology-driven physical access solution powered by mobile, cloud and IoT.

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