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Positive Psychology (emergence of positive psychology in

connection with PWB)

In the past psychology focused more on the mental illness, negative emotions,
psycho-pathology and neurotic personality (Myers & Diener, 1995, etc... ), rather
than… of the human person. There are certainly valid reasons for such.
(which are they?.. post world war) But the recent trend shows that it is shifting
more towards the positive side. (specific characteristics…For instance the
number of psychological abstract citations of ‘well-being’, ‘happiness’, etc.
augmented to 780 articles yearly during the 1980s which shows the increasing
interest of the social scientists and the people in general (Myers & Diener,1995).

During calamity the natural and appropriate concern is with defense and damage
control. Only when there is stability, peace and prosperity the attention may
change to creativity, virtues and other positive emotions of life (Seligman &
Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). Therefore recognizing the positive aspects and
promoting healthy growth is as important as preventing problems and diseases,
and will be more effective in the long run. (Grammar)

Positive conceptualizations of health and well-being of the individual is gaining

impetus and is growing steadily in the field of behavioral sciences. (introduce
gradually PP) Since its inception in early 1990s positive psychology has gained its
momentum. This science and its practices are for understanding the human person
in a positive term: the strengths and the virtues. (Gr)
Park & Peterson (2008) defines Positive psychology as the scientific study of
“optimal experience” – experience which results from ‘being their best and doing
their best’; an experience that makes their life meaningful and worth living. Positive
psychology does not ignore problems, trials and sufferings but challenges and
attempts to understand and to give a meaningful construal that the human
strengths, virtues and goodness are as genuine as weakness, disease, disorder and
psychopathology that deserve equal consideration and attention from
 Good to trace the history of P Psy through the efforts of M Seligman)

Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi (2000) describes the aim of positive psychology as

to begin to catalyze a change in the focus of psychology. Therefore the positive
psychology researchers and practitioners reorient psychology making normal
people stronger and more productive with their actual human potentials helping
them to a richer and more fulfilling experience.

Positive psychological studies and practices are to help people to live better,
happier and productive life by recognizing the strengths and virtues within.
Research in the area of well-being emphasizes on promoting the factors that allow
individuals and communities to thrive. Good health and well-being is one of the key
and action-oriented goals of sustainable development. Practices of basic
sustainability tips are important in our daily lives for sustainable well-being
(Harshmeet Kaur, 2017)

Psychologists’ interest in psychological well-being and happiness is growing

exponentially in these last three decades. This is mainly due to …. positive
psychology that has made such a difference, giving freshness to the old methods
and giving new meaning to the psychological well-being of the individuals in their
strides for happiness and harmony. The aim of the study is to review and raise
hypotheses on the psychological well-being in relation to attachment styles in the
context of the present scenario among the youth.

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