Sam Kidel Google Data Center Documentation

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№ 014

Sam Kidel
“Live @ Google Data Center,
Council Bluffs, Iowa”
EBM(T) ISSUE № 014
“Live @ Google Data Center, Council Bluffs, Iowa”
Sam Kidel

Title: “Live @ Google Data Center, Council Bluffs, Iowa”

Recorded by: Sam Kidel
Length: 12min11sec
Produce year: 2016
Exhibition date: 4th July ~ 4th Sep 2016 (JST)

This piece simulates a live performance of この作品はアイオワ州、カウンシルブラフスに存在するGoogleデータ

computer music at the Google Data Centre in センターでのコンピューター音楽のライブパフォーマンスをシミュレート
Council Bluffs, Iowa. します。

The composition takes its inspiration from this
image, which was released from Google's Data れる音符やリズム、メロディーと、そこで起きるかのように生まれる音を
Centre in Iowa in 2012, and is a dialogue 形づくる意図的なインプットの間のダイアローグです。
between algorithmically generated notes,
rhythms and melodies, and my formative Googleサーバールームの写真から想像される建築プランを元に、ソフ
input in sculpting the emerging sound as it is トウェアを使用し、空間の反響やその特徴をシミュレーションし、仮想空
generated. 間に楽曲を流しています。
私はこれをミメティック(mimetic)*1 のハッキングのように考えたいと
Using architectural plans extrapolated from 思います。アノニマスのようなハッカーグループが模倣したウェブサイ
photographs of Google's server room at this トを作り、そのコンテンツに干渉したり弄ぶかのように、私は、完全に保
site, I use software to simulate the space's
reverb characteristic, feeding the composition
into it. *1 芸術形式としての「マイム」。例えれば、古代ギリシャ劇。また、文
I like to think of this as mimetic hacking. Like すことが可能ということも意味している。
the Anonymous hacks that create mirrors of
websites in order to meddle and play with the
site's content, I mirror the physical dimensions
of this protected data centre in virtual space,
bouncing sounds off the walls of the virtual
Aerial perspective on sound diffusing through the simulated Data Centre

Sam Kidel

Sam Kidel is a Bristol-based artist working primarily with electronic music. He is a member of the groups
Young Echo and Killing Sound, and releases music under his own name and as el kid and
SUPERMARKET!. His most recent release for The Death of Rave, ‘Disruptive Muzak’, centres around
recordings of him playing his ambient compositions down the phone to UK Government officials. More
recently, he has organised a conference on The Politics of Ambience (in Oxford, UK) and produced a DJ
mix for Thump (Vice) inspired by the Telepathic Fish ambient music parties that took place at illegally
squatted venues in London in the early 90’s.

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