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Balanga, the capital town of Bataan one of the richest towns in Bataan
and aims to be A world-class University Town (UniverCity) by the year 2020
acknowledged as the center of political, economic, social and cultural
interaction in the region and vision of Provide strong academic atmosphere that
will ensure sustainable development for the city in line with this it has its own
offices that ensure the safety and welfare of its citizen.

Like most people, you already know that smoking is bad for your health.
But do you really understand just how dangerous smoking really is? Tobacco
contains nicotine, a highly addictive drug that makes it difficult for smokers to
kick the habit. Tobacco products also contain many poisonous and harmful
substances that cause disease and premature death.

The City Public Safety Office (CPSO) department of Balanga City

government that implements the City ordinances for the peace and order. The
City ordinance 9, Series of 2016 Section 5 known as All establishments and
public places, electronic cigarettes, and other tobacco product are not
permitted to be sell and City ordinance 20, series of 2010 known as anti-
smoking act this regulation are strictly implemented to the City to have a smoke
free municipality.

As we engage to the On the Job Training at this office this study will give
you insight on how we gathered information on the City ordinance above
specially The City ordinance 9, Series of 2016 Section 5.

Statement of the problem

This study will assess the Intel gathering of Team Echo for anti
selling ordinance of Balanga City, Bataan.

In addition this will also answer the following questions.

1. Why this regulation is important and must be implemented?

2. What are the modes of Criminology Intern on Intel gathering?

3. What are the possible effects in preventing the seller to sell cigarette?

Significance of the Study

This study will be important in determining the stores that sells cigarettes
at Tuyo Balanga City, Bataan and how they will be stopped by the CPSO

In addition, this study will benefit the following,

Seller. They will know the effects of selling cigarettes after the
implementation of ordinance 9, Series of 2016 Section 5.

CPSO marshals. They will easily caught the seller through the help of
Criminology Interns

Future Criminology Interns. They will know the modes of gathering

information and how they will act on the operation when they instructed to do
the same activity.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will discuss the Intelligence Gathering of Team Echo of BHMC
Criminology Intern in Tuyo Balanga City, Bataan. This will include information
on why the ordinance of anti-selling must be strict implemented. This study
only specifies the location Tuyo Balanga City, Bataan.

Area of Responsibility: Tuyo, Balanga City, Bataan

We, Team Echo were assigned to conduct Intelligence Gathering regarding

City ordinance 9, Series of 2016 Section 5. Known as Anti- selling of cigarette
at Tuyo, Balanga City, Bataan. We were task to buy cigarette to all stores
located at the said area and record the transaction and submit it at CPSO head
quarters for the ticketing.



Tuyo Balanga City,

19 10

Based on the table mentioned above, there are 19 stores that we try to buy
and 10 of it caught selling. This data has been collected from 0800H- 1145H,
September 18 – September 21, 2018.

Summary of Finding

Based on my overall observation in Team Echo’s Intelligence Gathering and

buying to the area of Tuyo Balanga City, Bataan, I concluded that in our
operation duration of one week is not enough to stop the selling of cigarette
and this ordinance must be strictly implemented to all stores to achieve 100%
smoke free municipality at Bataan.

There are 19 stores that we try to buy and 10 of it caught selling this stores
was caught from only at Lower Tuyo, Balanga City, Bataan.

Barangay Tuyo is populated barangay of Balanga City and we find hard to

operate without the supervision of the marshal but we must do our work and
submit seller to the office, we encounter different personality when the
marshals went for the ticketing of violation though we’re not scared because
we are doing right for the development and goal of the municipality.


I as part of Team Echo BHMC Criminology Intern after the Intelligence

Gathering about City ordinance 9, Series of 2016 Section 5. Known as Anti-
selling of cigarette at Tuyo, Balanga City, Bataan realize that all store that sells
cigarette will not produce good outcome and only preventing the municipality
of Balanga become smoke free city.

Because of this outcome, I would like to recommend that the City of

Balanga’s leader signed a regulation that preventing all distributors to
distribute, sell to any stores or grocery to stop the selling of any cigarette at
the City second the violations penalty shall raise 3 times higher than the
violation of City ordinance 20, series of 2010 known as anti- smoking because
this seller is the one who causes the people to use cigarette as long as they

I think that it would be helpful for the City to achieve its goal by
implementing this recommendation.



Balanga, the capital town of Bataan one of the richest towns in Bataan
and aims to be A world-class University Town (UniverCity) by the year 2020
acknowledged as the center of political, economic, social and cultural
interaction in the region and vision of Provide strong academic atmosphere that
will ensure sustainable development for the city in line with this it has its own
offices that ensure the safety, welfare and ease of its citizen.

The convenience of the passenger is one of the concerns of municipality.

Public Utility Tricycle is the primary transportation vehicle uses at the City to
transport every passenger safely to the location she/he wants to go. Being
arrogant, refusing and over charging are not permitted and shall be
apprehended and reported to the Public Safety Office of Balanga City.

The City Public Safety Office (CPSO) department of Balanga City

government that implements the City ordinances for the peace and order. The
City ordinance 14, Series of 2014 Article XV Section 5 (h) known as Arrogant
Driver and Article XVII section 116 (e) Overcharging of driver to its passenger
this regulation are strictly implemented to the City to have good and
harmonious relationship to the driver and its passengers expediency.

As we engage to the On the Job Training at this office this study will give
you insight on how we operate the test on the tricycle drivers and how they
violated the City ordinance above specially The City ordinance 14, Series of
2014 Article XV Section 5 (h) and Article XVII section 116 (e)

Statement of the problem

This study will assess the Intel gathering of Team Echo for anti
selling ordinance of Balanga City, Bataan. The City ordinance 14, Series of
2014 Article XV Section 5 (h) and Article XVII section 116 (e) In addition
this will also answer the following questions.

4. Why this regulation is important and must be implemented?

5. What are the modes of Criminology Intern on Intel gathering?

6. What are the possible effects of this Ordinance especially to the driver
and passenger?

Significance of the Study

This study will be important in determining the stores that sells cigarettes
at Tuyo Balanga City, Bataan and how they will be stopped by the CPSO

In addition, this study will benefit the following,

Driver. They will prevent future violation by following the ordinances and
be more respectful to their passenger

Passenger. They will be more aware that if their rights were being violated
by the driver they can report at City Public Safety Office to make the driver
liable and shall ticketed for violation to be disciplined.

CPSO marshals. They will easily caught the seller through the help of
Criminology Interns

Future Criminology Interns. They can used it as a base of information

if they do the same duty.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will discuss the Intelligence Gathering of Team Echo of BHMC
Criminology Intern in Balanga City, Bataan. This will include information on The
City ordinance 14, Series of 2014 Article XV Section 5 (h) and Article XVII
section 116 (e) must be strict implemented. This study only specifies the
location Balanga City, Bataan.

Area of Responsibility: Tuyo, Balanga City, Bataan

We, The Criminology Interns of BHMC were assigned to conduct

Intelligence Gathering regarding City ordinance 14, Series of 2014 Article XV
Section 5 (h) and Article XVII section 116 (e) Balanga City, Bataan. We were
task to apprehend tricycle driver that violates the following ordinances and
submit it at CPSO head quarters for the ticketing.



Municipality of Bataan 15 8

Based on the table mentioned above, We team echo try to caught violating
the ordinances mention above there are 15 Public Utility Tricycle that we try
but 8 of it are positively violate the ordinances . This data has been collected
from 0800H- 1145H, September 24 – September 28, 2018.

Summary of Finding

Based on my overall observation in Team Echo’s Intelligence Gathering in

arrogant driver, refuse to convey passenger, over charging at Balanga City,
Bataan, I concluded that in our operation duration of one week is not enough
to apprehend the arrogant and greedy driver also I observed that other drivers
are kind and always abide with the regulation and ordinances of the city.

There are 15 tricycle we engaged with and 8 of it apprehend and invited to

the office for ticketing and paid penalty for what the commit.

Balanga City is an organized municipality for this it must implement

ordinances to continue its mission and vision unto the future. This regulations
will always be implemented for the city and the better good of its citizens.


I as part of Team Echo BHMC Criminology Intern after the Intelligence

Gathering about City ordinance 14, Series of 2014 Article XV Section 5 (h) and
Article XVII section 116 (e) realize that all there are other greedy and arrogant
driver that must be apprehend.

Because of this outcome, I would like to recommend that the City of

Balanga’s leader formulate a regulation that will enhance this ordinances and
and shall raise the penalty to the violators second the government create a
devise that will put on the tricycle to monitor the transaction and must be link
in the computer at the command because there are people that didn’t know
how to report the violations of the drivers.

I think that it would be helpful for the City to achieve its goal by
implementing this recommendation.

What I learned

During my On the Job Training last September 10 to October 12, 2018

at City Public Safety Office. I learned that the existence of the Public Safety
Office has vital role in implanting the city ordinances and maintain peace and
order within its municipality. They are the most reliable sources of information
within the city after the Philippine National Police. They also monitor 24-7 the
whole City through the CCTV. Because of their mastery in traffic management I
learned how to execute stop and go signal to be able to experience traffic
management and assist the people cross the pedestrian lane.

On this department I also learned the 10 codes uses in 2 ways radio for
them to hide the message to the civilians and other entity that has a plan to
penetrate the department. I was also able to learn that this department has a
3 channels of communication namely; 1st channel is for the CPSO marshals that
was being deployed. 2nd channel is for the Medic that responds to any accidents
like Vehicular Accidents, Self-Accidents, Troubles and other medical assistance.
3rd channel is for the TODA within the City to know the status of the Public Utility

I also learned that all information throughout the City will give unto them
and they will give in on the marshal on field in case of emergency they are
alerted to make the way clear for example the ambulances and other patrol
mobiles to go easily and fast to the location they are intended to go.

Familiarizing Road signs and Demarcation

Road signs will always visible at the road as a Criminology intern that
immerse at Public Safety Office we need to know this signs and how it is being
used for us to know the violations of any person or vehicle that will neglect the

Demarcation, road lines shows the limit and boundaries to all vehicle and
people on the road, For example we used pedestrian lanes to prevent
jaywalking, white continuous lane for the boundary at the sides and other lanes
that are visible to the road to prevent accidents and need to be followed this
lane for the order within the city.


I as Criminology Intern of Bataan Heroes Memorial College

Criminology Department recommend to the City Government to increase
the salary of the City Public Safety Office employee because they are the
most vital department the implementing the ordinances of the City. I also
recommend to give them full equipment in their all fields.

Criminology Intern Batch MATIKAS 2019 with CPSO heads and Employee picture taking at
City Plaza

Criminology Intern Batch MATIKAS 2019 with Sir August picture taking at City Plaza.

Criminology Intern Batch MATIKAS 2019 orientation before entering the command
center. Sir Peni (Pajero)- Man in front, Ma’am Woodruff (B73) girl infront.

Criminology Intern Batch MATIKAS 2019 orientation with Sir Caguiao (Xtrail)

Duty of Posting at Post 5 Entrada of
Public Market assigned as Team
Leader of Echo Team Group 5

Traffic Management at Bagong Bayan

Balanga City, Bataan

Nowadays the numbers of people who use drugs are continuously
increasing. The issue about this is popular and can be seen or heard on
television and radios frequently. Drugs can help ease the pain but it also
makes the people’s life in danger. Using illegal drugs affects the
psychological aspect of the person that intakes it irresponsibly and make
the person out of its control that leads on hurting themselves or worst
hurting others that may lead to a crime. This illegal medicine triggers the
society badly because of the effects that produced by it. The government
takes this situation seriously that’s why they take an action to prevent and
stop this situation.

People being caught using, selling, or carrying illegal drugs might be

arrested and put into confinement to face criminal cases or worst they get
a verdict of life imprisonment. This situation can be avoid through the help
of rehabilitation center in which the person who suffer from the disease of
this illegal substance can go to the institution to undergo process of
programs of treatment and recover for them to return to the community as
good, functional, law abiding citizen.

This study aims to understand the life of every individual who choose
to change their lives for the better. To know the daily routine and activities/
program for the development and rehabilitation of the residents also it
includes seeing the completeness of facilities inside the Bataan Treatment
Rehabilitation Center.

The objectives of this case study are:
 To observe the half a day routine of the resident inside the center.
 To know the program of the center for the development and
rehabilitation of the residents.
 To see the completeness of facility for rehabilitation


As we Criminology Intern went to Bataan Treatment Rehabilitation

Center, I observed a lot to the people; from the employee up to the
residents of the Institution. Their daily routine from morning to afternoon,
the way they cooperate from each other and doing their respective tasks.
In our entry at the institution the confidentiality is strictly implemented at
all times. Sir Noel Manalili brief all Interns with our Professor JO1 Mart Law
Ocampo the do and don’ts inside the center. As we walk inside the
community we heard bell Sir Manalili told us that this is the first call for all
the residents to prepare themselves for morning exercise; fixing their bed
and take their personal hygiene’s this preparation last for at least 15
minutes. This bell was rung exactly 05:30. The next ring of the bell is 05:45
in this case all resident are required to form in the covered court for morning
exercise but in our visitation to the institution the exercise happened inside
the building due to the escape of 2 resident of the community. These was
facilitated by the expediter. When the exercise was done they will form a
single line and go to the mess hall for the breakfast. On this community the
discipline was observed all residents will side step to the visitors or
personnel while they are at line. Once all the tenants have their meal the
expediter will shout “settle” in this case all are mandated to talk to no one
and will stay quiet all who will caught not following the instruction is subject
to confrontation and will punished either by facing the wall or “Tight house”
resident are not permitted to go outside for a day. At around 08:00 am,
Monday all the residents, personnel go to court for the flag raising that
facilitated by the tenant and other employee of the center. Dr. Cerano head
of the institution quoted “we will not script the activities here inside the
community nor hide the situation from you interns; you will see all the
happenings inside and we will not hide the fact that two of our resident
escape here in our facility” on this matter my attention focused on how the
institution settle and continue its activity and routine for the residents.
When the flag raising is finish at about 09:15 in the morning all residents
with the intern proceed at the second floor of the newly established building
to start their activity; Therapeutic Community Morning meeting this activity
emphasize the here and now also it encourages the notion of a personal
responsibility and sharing of one person and at the end residents and staff
meet together on a discussion and manage the activity of the community.
Before the morning meeting the residents have their time for self- reflection
and all the expediters meets to evaluate all the violations that they observed
and listed. Once the meeting is done it is time to start the said meeting.
The flow of the activity follows: National Anthem, Serenity Prayer, Layunin,
Relates, Acknowledgement, Community Concerns, Announcement and Pull-
ups it follows by Thought of the day, Bible words, Word of the day, news
update, entertainment and closing prayer. The activity is very sensitive and
all are required to become serious and observant at all times. It last for at
least 1 hour and 30 minutes. After TC they have break for 30 minutes and
proceed to their respective phases; this phases compose of Evaluation and
Motivation phase, junior phase, senior phase and Re- entry phase. We went
to senior phase they talk about self-formation they assumed officer and
entrusted with responsibility of supervising younger residents. In our
session to this company they talk about the life that will be faced by the 2
residents escaped; many answered that they will not be able to have a
normal life again, worst they will go back using illegal drugs. After this talk
the facilitator asked one senior to tell his commitment to us and to the
institution; He said “Mapapanako ko lang na tatapusin ko tong rehab ko dito
at magiging matatag sa lahat ng pag subok, bilang isang senior tutulungan
ko din yung nakakabatang residente dito na tanggapin yung buhay nila at
mapaayos ito dito sa loob, gagawin ko to para sakin at sa pamilya ko” at
that moment they assured us that they will finish their rehabilitation and
treatment for them to be healed and can go back to their normal life once

The program and its function for the development of the institution are:

1. Residential/ In- house program 8-12 months

Resident live in the facility with daily structured activities using the
Therapeutic Community as the treatment approach.

2. Outpatient program- 6 months

The outpatient program is a structured approach that is designed to assist
client in response to the growing number of individual who have problem with
substance but can still work and perform their daily responsibility.

3. Bagong pag-asa program 6-8 months

The DOH- TRC Bataan special program was created in order to provide the
treatment needs of recovering drug dependents that finished their Residential
Program at the center but did not manage to continue their sobriety and
eventually went back to their drug taking behavior. It was adopted from the
highly structured living of Therapeutic Community Program, Matrix Intensive
Out- patient and spiritual or faith- based Program.
It is hoped to provide a structured treatment program for client and their
families wherein they receive information and assistance in structuring
substance-free lifestyle and support to maintain abstinence from drugs after
finishing program.

4. Family Program – 8-12 months

The family program is designed to assist the client, family member and
significant other to develop greater understanding of the impact of addiction
on their relationship. The program provides hope and realistic expectation
about the recovery experience following treatment. It helps the family to
support their loved one as they manage the pain of addiction as well. It also
seek to educate families on the realities and dysfunction of co-dependency.
The program aims to create an experience that is positive and healing,
educational, spiritual awakening and renewing. To further educate the family,
handbook will be provided to each petitioner

5. After-care program- 18 months
It is broad range of community- based service supports designed to
maintain benefits when the structured treatment has been completed.
A continuation of individual or group counseling and other support, but
usually at a lowest intensity and often by other agencies or organizations. It is
an essential part of the rehabilitation process.

The completeness of the facility.

Every center has its facilities for the rehabilitation of the drug dependents.
As we enter the vicinity the buildings and equipments are noticeable. While we
went to admin the building was fully functional and ready for service to
everyone who will come to the place. The MESA is complete and compose of
different rooms with own functions; like storage of the foods for residents,
prayer room and it has also gym and function hall. The resident’s room is clean
and complete with all equipments like functional fan, cabinets for their
belongings. The center has its own clinic and complete medical equipments like
ECG machine and other tools for medical uses. The kitchen has complete stock
of foods for all the residents and complete kitchen tools for cooking. At present
the center can only accept for almost 150 people that need to be rehabilitate
but there are also new buildings under construction for 300 people. The new
buildings compose of function halls, isolation rooms and complete functional
comfort room. It has also a place for the visitation every Saturday to Sunday
for the quality time of the families and has open space for everyone to have
fun when weekdays because it has functional basketball court. This community
is prepared for the rehabilitation of all residents to become
total person after the stay at the center.


After we went to the rehabilitation center I realized that drug dependence

is not the end of life but instead they have a chance to change and start a new
by means of rehabilitation to any centers and learn to prevent using any
substance by means of following the programs of the institution.

That this institution create program of activities that helps the drug user
heals through time by staying at the center.

That the institution is prepared and complete to the facilities and equipment
for the Drug dependent to live their life normally in the center and it reflect the
readiness of the center for the rehabilitation of residents.


The institution is ready for the rehabilitation of drug dependent though I

recommend that we must have support to their programs and activities to show
our care and loves to the community and add security for them to secured the
residents and prevent escaping; hence the barricade must be improve for the
prevention of flee and intruders.

Criminology Intern of BHMC with JO1 Ocampo at the main gate of Bataan Drug
Treatment and Rehabilitation center last November 05, 2018.

Criminology Intern of BHMC with JO1 Ocampo perticipating at Seniors in their Self-
Formation Phase.

Criminology Intern of BHMC with JO1 Ocampo and Dr. Heads of BTRC.

Criminology Intern of BHMC with JO1 Ocampo and Personnel of BTRC.

What I Learned

During my On the Job Training last October 15 to November 16, 2018 at

Bureau of Jail Management and Penology and Bataan District Jail Balanga City,
Bataan I learned that this 4th Pillar was very important in the Criminal Justice
System. This bureau rehabilitate and develop the Person Deprive of Liberty
(PDL) for the integration to the society.

On my stay for one month in this community I learned the daily routine of
every PDL and the works of personnel. The duty of every staffs was rotation
for every 2 days. We also do the duties of every Jail Officers inside the
community. Like segregating the files of inmates and encoding to the admin.
Become vigilant while on duty at the tower when guarding the PDL’s at the
new building. I also learned how to escort PDL’s when they have court hearing.
On our stay at this bureau we also try and know how to inspect the goods of
the visitors that they will give to their beloved inside the community. Also the
most interesting part of my stay and I truly and will cherish of all the learning
is the experience of grey hounding at the Barangay. I erudite the contraband
inside the jail and must confiscate it. The personnel also instruct us that we
need to be more careful inside and prevent making conversation to the PDL’s
because we don’t know what they think.

I learn and always remember that inside this 4 corner wall is not a prison
but it is a community that is under the healing process through the help of its
personnel for them to be free and start a new life outside the wall.

Most of the time when we hear the word “Jail” different opinions and
judgment are comes into our mind about the people who are in the four corners
of that wall. Negative feedbacks like they do something wrong that’s why they
are put into that place that they do such things that unforgiving in the eyes of
God and man. But, the people who are in jail has also different reasons, different

There are some people being accused in such action that they never do.
People who did something unlawfully are placed inside this community to
rehabilitate, treat and develop to be a law- abiding and productive citizen when
they get out to this temporary shelter. As I stay for almost a month on this
community. As I observed I realized that every person’s life that was confided in
this place has different stories to tell. Many Persons Deprive of Liberty (PDL) has
their own uniqueness and capabilities, they cultivate, bakes bread, sew cloths,
prints on shirt, cooks for there brothers, dance for happiness, teach to be used
by there brother when they are free. Indeed this four corners of stone is not just
a confinement but it is a community of people that has talents to be used and
nurtured until they are able to get outside and continue there life that was being
lost for a span of time. In my stay here at the community as a trainee I never
got bored and realize that I am very lucky to see the life of every persons on this
place. I see the life that was being chained but tries to continue for dreams and
for their family beyond the wall. I saw the sadness to the face of every Person
Deprived of Liberty (PDL). Sometime one PDL approach me and said “OJT kayo?”
I answered “Yes po” he replied politely “Madami na kong na encounter na OJT
dito sana may matutunan din kayo dito. Lalaya na ko dito 4 years and 8 months
na ko dito drugs kaso ko hindi matatapos yung taon na to na nandito pa ko” I
nod and reply “kamusta naman po kayo?” He replied “okay naman mahirap dito
nung una pero nasanay na din ako at natanggap ko na. Guilty yung decision
sakin. Dito ko nakilala si Kristo, dito ko sya natanggap binyagang iglesia ni Cristo
din ako dito” I was amaze for this testimony though only one person tells me his
story I realize one thing. All thoughts and ideas of the people outside that wall
are wrong my thoughts before I go on that community were wrong. We thinks
that they are bad people, when they get out to that jail we will see them as an
ex-convict; a man that will do such bad things again. On that moment I say to
myself such a foul for all the thoughts that was made within me this people was
changed by this community to get healed and treated for them to be ready into
real life outside the iron bars.

And also, this community will not be safe without the personnel who
ensure the humane safekeeping and development of Person Deprived of Liberty
(PDL) the authority that do their duties untiringly for the PDL to have a normal
life inside the Bureau. My OJT here at Balanga District Jail was fruitful and will
never be rotten because of these snappy and disciplined personnel that taught
us the right things to do while we are inside the wall of their premises. They help
us to know the Standard Operation Procedure inside the community and how it
is hard and easy to be BJMP personnel. Hard in a way that you must be mentally
ready and fit in all the circumstances that might be happen when you are on
duty. Easy that when you are in this bureau it is consider as a Family orientated
path in which you can go home at peace and take your off knowing that
somebody will take charge on it also the fact that you are only securing the PDL
that are friendly and disciplined . As a trainee I see and experience every
personnel duty from admin, back alley, back post, tower, new building, gate 1
and gate 2 as a duty that needed to be extra vigilant when visitors are inside the
vicinity especially when you are being posted at tower and new building. At first
I personally got scared to make mistakes and be endorse to the personnel in-
charge on that day but I realize you can make mistakes as an intern and be
corrected for you to make it right and do much better. I also remember when
Sir ocampo say “Wag kayong maging malapit sa mga PDL dahil hindi nyo alam
ano tumatakbo sa isip nila. Minsan kinukuha lang nila loob nyo para mapasunod
nila kayo” it struck me in a sense that every personnel knows it and we need to
obey it for our own safety. “Your master knows best” –unknown. The life of every
personnel I saw was hard knowing that they sacrifice their life for the
commitment to safeguard and ensure the safekeeping of the PDL.

We must not judge them, but instead let us show respect that they
deserve. Being one of the people inside this community doesn't mean that you
have no right to change but instead this community helps people who violate
laws to have the opportunity to change. As a trainee, I myself acknowledge the
heart and passion of PDL to change and salute all the personnel for all their
dedication to this institution. Like what painted inside this commumity wall "All
mandated to do good. -Pope". So let us be aware that this 4th Pillar will make
difference to the people whose inside for a better nation.


As a Criminology Intern and being trained at this bureau I

recommend that next year’s training for the incoming Interns the officer-
in- charge in the Trainee prepare itinerary or a lesson plan for the interns
not to get confuse.

In the bureau I commend their commitment and dedication to this

community to have an atmosphere that helps the PDL continue their life
while being rehabilitate and developed.

To the Local Government I recommend to give more support at this

bureau and help give the needs of the PDL particularly personal hygiene
also the equipment’s of the agency particularly in safety and medical needs.

Releasing of Handcuff to the
wrist of PDL after the court

Accounting of PDL at Santo

Niño with Sir Barrios.

Updating the Board
Population of Male Dormitory.

Greyhound operation at
Santo Niño.

Gift Giving of Criminology
Department to the PDL last

Listening to the 5 Pillars forum and guarding the PDL at the covered court.


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