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FORM 5-A [See Rule 11-A]        


Statement of Tax Payable by Employer under Sub Section(1) of Section 6-A.
PT Return REF. No.: 1085440124  
1. General Information 

1)Amount of tax payable for the month [or quarter] ending on  2019 JUL
1a)Return type  Original
1b)Return Date  01/08/2019
2)Name of the employer   PUNJAB NATGIONAL BANK 
4)Registration certificate number  308151895 
4a)Office name  PTO-04-Bengaluru
5)Number of employees during the month or quarter in respect of whom the tax is payable is as under:-   
Salary Range Employees Tax Rate Tax Payable
Not less than Rs.15000 and above 6 200 1200
Add interest if any payable under section 11(2) of the Act 0 
Tax paid in original return 0
Grand Total 1200  
Amount Paid under Challan No. .........  dated    ........... (See below for details)

Pay Mode Ref. No. Date Bank Tax Amt. Interest Total Amount
DD 24460386 26/07/2019 Punjab national bank 1200 0 1200

I certify that the employees who are liable  to pay the tax in my employ during the period of statement have been covered by the foregoing particulars. I also
certify that the necessary revision in the amount of tax deductable from the salary or wages of the  employees on account of variation in the salary or wages
earned by them has been made where necessary.
I,Shri ...........................solemnly declare that above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Date:.................  Signature:.....................................  

Place:................  Name and designation:................... 


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