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Ropers The Chemist

Mr Anup Morzaria
Yogi Pharmacies
3-5 High Street
Great Dunmow


Community Pharmacy
Patient Questionnaire (CPPQ)

Ropers The Chemist


1 Northleigh House
Thorverton Road
Matford Business Park
Mr Anup Morzaria
Ropers The Chemist t 01392 823766
Yogi Pharmacies
3-5 High Street f 01392 824767
Great Dunmow
Essex e
CM6 1AB w
12 April 2018

Dear Mr Morzaria

Please find enclosed a report outlining your patient feedback from the Community Pharmacy Patient
Questionnaire (CPPQ). The reports have been designed to give pharmacies the opportunity to easily identify
how well their services are supporting the community.

The report displays all aggregated patient responses in the form of tables, graphs and patient demographics.
Benchmarks from pharmacies who have also undertaken the survey with CFEP have been provided for the
evaluation questions.

All patient comments are displayed in their entirety without compromising the confidentiality of the patient.
Details of how scores are calculated can be found in the report. To aid in the interpretation of your results a
reference guide is also provided to help relate scores to skills covered by the five pharmacy patient care

Once the pharmacy team have taken time to read the CPPQ report, guidelines for discussion have been
enclosed. This will assist in designing the structure of, and approach to, the discussion of patient feedback.
This may help to pinpoint areas where your service provision is achieving well and not so well, working out
any proposed changes. This guide is in a workbook format which can be used as a means of sharing your
results and action plans with your PCT.

I hope the report and supporting documentation will help you to interpret and reflect your patients’ feedback.
If you would like to obtain information about aspects of your pharmacy not currently included in this survey,
CFEP can advise on and include further questions in subsequent CPPQ surveys or provide bespoke surveys
when required. In addition CFEP runs a well established patient survey specifically to obtain feedback on the
pharmacist/patient relationship.

Please contact the office on 01392 823766 or if you require further information
about your reports or details of further surveys.

In order to enable us to improve our services we would be grateful if you could complete a feedback form
using the following link:

Yours sincerely

CFEP UK Surveys Reports Team

Registered Address: CFEP UK Surveys Ltd, 6 Providence Court, Pynes Hill, Exeter, Devon EX2 5JL Company No 05781518 Company registered in England
Ref: 221132/47583/9015/51

CPPQ Report Contents

For ease of understanding, interpretation and reflection on patient feedback, the report has been collated by question
as outlined below

Survey Question Page

Q1 Why did you visit the pharmacy today?

Frequency distribution of responses (Table 1) 1
Specified other reasons for visiting the pharmacy - free text Apdx1
Q2 If you collected a prescription today, were you able to collect it straight away,
did you have to wait in the pharmacy or did you come back later to collect it?
Frequency distribution of responses (Table 2) 1
Q3 How satisfied were you with the time it took to provide your prescription
and/or any other NHS services you required?
Frequency distribution of responses (Table 3) 1
Q4 Thinking about any previous visits as well as today’s, how would you rate
the pharmacy on the following factors?
Frequency distribution of responses (Table 4 & Graph 1) 2
Percentage scores for Q4 and Q5 and (Table 6) 4
Percentage scores for Q4 and Q5 in ascending order of performance (Graph 3) 4

Q5 How would you rate the pharmacist and the other staff who work there?
Frequency distribution of responses (Table 5 & Graph 2 ) 3
Percentage scores for Q4 and Q5 and (Table 6) 4
Percentage scores for Q4 and Q5 in ascending order of performance (Graph 3) 4
Q6 Thinking about all the times you have used this pharmacy, how well do you
think it provides each of the following services?
Frequency distribution of responses (Table 7 & Graph 4) 5
Scores and comparisons (Table 8) 5
Q7 Have you ever been given advice about any of the following by the pharmacist
or other pharmacy staff?
Frequency distribution of responses (Table 9 & Graph 5) 6
Q8 Which of the following best describes how you use this pharmacy?
Frequency distribution of responses (Table 10) 6
Q9 How would you rate the pharmacy where you received this questionnaire?
Frequency distribution of responses (Table 11) and pie chart (Graph 6) 7
Percentage score (Table 12) 7
Q11, 12 & 13: Patient profile
Age, gender, carer details 8

Q10 Patient comments: How could the service from the pharmacy be improved? Apdx2
Supporting material
Score Calculations Apdx3
Pharmacy Performance Reflection Guide Apdx4
Five Patient Care Domains Apdx4a
Sample questionnaire Apdx5

Copyright © 2007 CFEP

Ref: 221132/47583/9015/51

Page: 1 Total number of patients surveyed: 159

Q1 Why did you visit the pharmacy today?

Table 1: Frequency distribution of responses for Q1

No. of % total of
To collect a prescription for: responses responses

Yourself 101 64%

Someone else 33 21%

Both 20 13%

Not specified 5 3%

Other 0 0%

Q2 If you collected a prescription today, were you able to collect it straight away, did you have
to wait in the pharmacy or did you come back later to collect it?

Table 2: Frequency distribution of responses for Q2

No. of % total of
responses responses

Straight away 83 52%

Waited in pharmacy 60 38%

Came back later 7 4%

Not specified 9 6%

Q3 How satisfied were you with the time it took to provide your prescription and / or other NHS
services required?

Table 3: Frequency distribution of responses for Q3

No. of % total of
responses responses

Not at all satisfied 0 0%

Not very satisfied 0 0%

Fairly satisfied 7 4%

Very satisfied 142 89%

Not specified 10 6%

Copyright © 2007 CFEP


Page: 2 Total number of patients surveyed: 159

Q4 Thinking about any previous visits as well as today's, how would you rate the pharmacy on the
following factors?

Table 4: Frequency distribution of responses for Q4

Very Fairly Fairly Very Don't Not

poor poor good good know specified

a) The cleanliness of the pharmacy 1 0 1 157 0 0

b) Comfort and convenience of the waiting 1 1 35 121 1 0


c) Having in stock medicines/appliances you 1 0 6 149 0 3


d) Offering a clear and well organised layout 1 0 5 150 0 3

e) How long you have to wait to be served 1 0 5 149 1 3

f) Somewhere to speak without being 1 0 15 134 7 2


Graph 1: Frequency distribution of responses for Q4




% of responses

60 Very good
Fairly good
Fairly poor
Very poor
Don't know
40 Not specified




4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f

Copyright © 2007 CFEP

Ref: 221132/47583/9015/51

Page: 3 Total number of patients surveyed: 159

Q5 How would you rate the pharmacist and the other staff who work there?

Table 5: Frequency distribution of responses for Q5

Very Fairly Fairly Very Don't Not

poor poor good good know specified

a) Being polite and taking the time to listen 1 0 0 157 1 0

b) Answering queries you may have 1 0 0 158 0 0

c) The service you received from the 1 0 0 157 0 1


d) Service received from other pharmacy staff 1 0 0 157 0 1

e) Providing an efficient service 1 0 0 158 0 0

f) The staff overall 1 0 0 157 0 1

Graph2: Frequency distribution of responses for Q5





Very good
% of responses

Fairly good
Fairly poor
Very poor
Don't know
40 Not specified




5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f

Copyright © 2007 CFEP

Ref: 221132/47583/9015/51

Page: 4 Total number of patients surveyed: 159

Q4 & 5 Summary

Table 6: Percentage scores for Q4 and Q5

Your National mean and quartiles %
Score Mean Q1 Median Q3
%* Score Q2

4a The cleanliness of the pharmacy 99 96 95 97 98

4b Comfort and convenience of the waiting areas 92 88 85 89 93

4c Having in stock medicines/appliances you need 98 94 93 95 97

4d Offering a clear and well organised layout 98 95 93 95 97

4e How long you have to wait to be served 98 94 92 95 97

4f Somewhere to speak without being overheard 96 88 86 91 94

5a Being polite and taking the time to listen 99 97 96 98 99

5b Answering queries you may have 99 97 96 98 99

5c The service you received from the pharmacist 99 97 97 98 99

5d Service received from other pharmacy staff 99 97 96 98 99

5e Providing an efficient service 99 97 96 98 99

5f The staff overall 99 98 97 98 99


*Benchmarks are based on data from 758 surveys completed by 318 pharmacies surveyed between April 2007 and March 2013
with 50 or more responses.
Graph 3: Percentage scores for Q4 and Q5 in ascending order of performance


Mean score (%)




4b 4f 4c 4e 4d 4a 5a 5c 5d 5f 5e 5b

The Pharmacy The Pharmacist and staff

*See appendix 3 for score calculation

Copyright © 2007 CFEP

Ref: 221132/47583/9015/51

Page: 5 Total number of patients surveyed: 159

Q6 Thinking about all the times you have used this pharmacy, how well do you think it provides
each of the following services?

Table 7: Frequency distribution of responses for Q6

Not at all Not very Fairly Very well Never Not

well well well used specified

a) Providing advice on health problem 0 0 9 126 19 5

b) General advice on leading a healthy lifestyle 0 0 9 107 39 4

c) Disposing of medicines you no longer need 0 0 5 100 48 6

d) Advice on services or information from 0 0 7 112 36 4


Graph 4: Frequency distribution of responses for Q6




no of responses

Very well
Fairly well
Not very well
Not at all well
Never used
60 Not specified



6a 6b 6c 6d

Table 8:Scores and comparisons for Q6 Your National mean and quartiles %
Score Mean Q1 Median Q3
%* Score Q2

6a Providing advice on health problem 98 94 93 95 97

6b General advice on leading a healthy lifestyle 97 92 90 93 95

6c Disposing of medicines you no longer need 98 97 96 97 98

6d Advice on services or information from elsewhere 98 94 93 95 97

*Benchmarks are based on data from 758 surveys completed by 318 pharmacies surveyed between April 2007 and March 2013
with 50 or more responses.
*See appendix 3 for score calculation

Copyright © 2007 CFEP

Ref: 221132/47583/9015/51

Page: 6 Total number of patients surveyed: 159

Q7 Have you ever been given advice about any of the following by the pharmacist or other
pharmacy staff?

Table 9: Frequency distribution of responses for Q7

Yes No Not specified

No. of % total of No. of % total of No. of % total of
responses responses responses responses responses responses

Stopping smoking 13 8 116 73 30 19

Healthy eating 20 13 107 67 32 20

Physical exercise 19 12 114 72 26 16

Graph 5: Frequency distribution of responses for Q7



no of responses


80 No
Not specified




Stopping smoking Healthy eating Physical exercise

Q8 Which of the following best describes how you use this pharmacy?

Table 10: Frequency distribution of responses for Q8

No. of % total of
responses responses

Just convenient today 3 2%

One of several pharmacies you use 4 3%

Pharmacy you choose to visit if possible 144 91%

Not specified 8 5%

Copyright © 2007 CFEP

Ref: 221132/47583/9015/51

Page: 7 Total number of patients surveyed: 159

Q9 How would you rate the pharmacy where you received this questionnaire?

Table 11: Frequency distribution of responses for Q9

Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent Not specified

0 0 4 71 80 4

Graph 6: Pie chart for Q9

Very good
Not specified

Table 12: Percentage score for Q9

Your National mean and quartiles %

Score Mean Q1 Median Q3
%* Score Q2

Q9 Rate the pharmacy 87 83 79 83 87

*Benchmarks are based on data from 758 surveys completed by 318 pharmacies surveyed between April 2007 and March 2013
with 50 or more responses.
*See appendix 3 for score calculation

Copyright © 2007 CFEP

Ref: 221132/47583/9015/51

Page: 8 Total number of patients surveyed: 159

Q11, 12 & 13 Patient Profile: age band, gender and carer details

Age band (years)

Number %

16-19 1 1%

20-24 1 1%

25-34 8 5%

35-44 15 9%

45-54 30 19%

55-64 34 21%

Over 65 66 42%

Not specified 4 3%


Number %

Female 74 47%

Male 42 26%

Not specified 43 27%

Carer Details

Number %

Carer 15 9%

Carer for under 16s 28 17%

Neither 111 68%

Not specified 9 6%
If the number of responses exceeds the number of patients surveyed then patients fall into both groups

Copyright © 2007 CFEP

Ref: 221132/47583/9015/51

Total number of patients surveyed: 159

Appendix 1
*Specified other reason for visit from Q1 (why did you visit the pharmacy today)

25-34 Female Prescription.

35-44 Female Prescription from GP.

35-44 Female Prescription collection.
35-44 Female To collect son's meds.
35-44 Female Prescription.

35-44 Male Prescription repeat.

35-44 Male A prescription.

35-44 Not specified Poorly daughter.

35-44 Not specified Antibiotics and prescription.

45-54 Female Pick up prescription.

45-54 Female Pick up prescription.

45-54 Male With a friend.

45-54 Not specified Prescription.

45-54 Not specified Prescription.
45-54 Not specified Collection.
45-54 Not specified Collect a prescription.
45-54 Not specified Prescription.
45-54 Not specified Prescription.

55-64 Female Collect prescription.

55-64 Female Collect.
55-64 Female Needs medication prescribed.
55-64 Female Collect medication.
55-64 Female To buy some cream and prescription.

55-64 Male Collect prescription.

55-64 Male Prescription.
55-64 Male Collect prescription.

55-64 Not specified Collect prescription.

55-64 Not specified To collect my mother's prescription.

Over 65 Female Prescriptions.

Over 65 Female Prescription.
Over 65 Female Get tabs.

Over 65 Male To bring my partner.

Over 65 Male Purchase of men's toiletries.
Over 65 Male Pharmacy advice.
Over 65 Male Prescription.
Over 65 Male Collecting prescriptions.

Not specified Not specified To collect prescriptions.

Copyright © 2007 CFEP

Ref: 221132/47583/9015/51

Total number of patients surveyed: 159

Appendix 2
Patient comments: How do you think this pharmacy could be improved?

35-44 Female The pharmacy staff are excellent and supportive. The problem is with the
pharmacy at the doctors surgery. Ropers always bend over backwards to
help me.
35-44 Female Always very friendly and helpful. Great service.
35-44 Female Lovely staff, very polite and caring.
35-44 Female Always excellent advice, friendly faces.
35-44 Male Prescription always on time without fail!
35-44 Male No, very friendly and helpful with me.
35-44 Not specified Nothing at all. All excellent and helpful staff very friendly.
35-44 Not specified Staff are fantastic, always happy, chatty. I actually look forward to popping
45-54 Female Friendly, warming staff.
45-54 Female Fantastic service - always!
45-54 Female Best pharmacy I have ever visited. Superb customer service and all super
friendly, helpful staff. Thank you so much!
45-54 Female Excellent, friendly, personal service. Broad range of goods. Helpful advice.
Highly recommend.
45-54 Female Super efficient and friendly staff.
45-54 Not specified It's a great pharmacy and lovely staff.
45-54 Not specified Always pleasant experience visiting Ropers. Thank you.
45-54 Not specified Clear and efficient chemist with very helpful supportive staff (always with a
45-54 Not specified Excellent service always.
45-54 Not specified Great staff.
55-64 Female Lovely people.
55-64 Female All people working here have excellent attitude. They can help always.
You all search for advice always. Excellent. Thank you all.
55-64 Male Very good always.
55-64 Not specified Always helpful, polite and extremely efficient and knowledgeable.
55-64 Not specified Good pharmacy - so no comments.
55-64 Not specified They are always excellent.
Over 65 Female Unfailingly efficient.
Over 65 Female Always have excellent attention from my pharmacist! Trust them implicitly.
Over 65 Female All great.
Over 65 Female Caring, friendly and expert knowledge.
Over 65 Female Couldn't ask for any better and helpful staff.
Over 65 Female Very good and more than helpful.
Over 65 Female This pharmacy we could not do without. Excellent in every way.
Over 65 Female Invariably welcoming and efficient.
Over 65 Female All staff are helpful, cheerful and it's a joy to come in whatever the reason.
Over 65 Female Service provided is as good as it can be within the confines of the
Over 65 Male Really good attentive service. Always helpful.
Over 65 Male The service at this pharmacy is first class.
Over 65 Male The staff here are always polite and very approachable they take time with
my wife and myself when we visit and we feel we can ask anything. It is
always friendly atmosphere and we wouldn't go anywhere else.
Over 65 Male Excellent service.
Over 65 Male Always received prompt, efficient and friendly service. Pharmacy at top of
league, do not see how improvements can be made when already the

Copyright © 2007 CFEP

Ref: 221132/47583/9015/51


Percentage Score Calculations

Each individual score for the evaluation questions below in the CPPQ is expressed as an average (mean) for all
patients who completed the question. They are expressed as a percentage of the maximum possible score, so
the best possible score in each case is 100. Unrated responses* (Don’t know or not specified- blank) are not
used in the percentage score calculations
Questions 4,5 and 6 follow a four point rating scale
Total number of patients surveyed 159
Very Fairly Poor / Fairly Good / Very Good / Dont Know / Not
Rating for Q4, 5 & 6 Poor/ Not at Not Very Well Fairly Well Very Well Never Used Specified
all well

Percentage Score (%) 0 33.3333 66.6666 100 n/a n/a

Very Poor Fairly Poor Fairly Good Very Good Dont Know Not
Example Q4 Specified

Cleanliness of the pharmacy 1 0 1 157 0 0

No of responses x % rating (1 x 0) + (0 x 33.3) + (1 x 66.6) + (157 x 100) =99% mean

= percentage score
Total no. responses - no. unrated (159 -0*)

Question 9 follows a five point rating scale

Total number of patients surveyed 159
Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent Not
Rating for Q9 Specified

Percentage Score (%) 0 25 50 75 100 n/a

Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent Not

Example Specified

Overall rating of the pharmacy 0 0 4 71 80 4

No of responses x % rating (0 x 0) + (0 x 25) + (4 x 50) + (71x 75) + (80x 100) =87% mean
= percentage score
Total no. responses - no. unrated (159 - 4*)

Percentage Distribution Calculation

Q1, Q2, Q3, Q7 and Q8: Tables show the distribution of patient ratings for these questions. The number of
patient responses in each rating category is shown and from these the percentage of ratings in each category
has been calculated.
If you require further explanation of your report please contact the office on 01392 823766 or email at

Copyright © 2007 CFEP

Ref: 221132/47583/9015/51

Pharmacy Performance Reflection Guide
This table is an easy checklist to help you relate your scores from the Community Pharmacy Patient Questionnaire
with the skills covered by the patient care domains. Simply refer to you pharmacy results and identify areas on which
you would like to improve. Find that area on the table and then work your way down to see the domains you can focus
on to improve your performance.

Five patient care domains

Your %
Access Coordination Information Environment Relationships

4a The cleanliness of the pharmacy 99

● ●
4b Comfort and convenience of the
waiting areas

4c Having in stock
medicines/appliances you need

4d Offering a clear and well
organised layout

4e How long you have to wait to be
● ● ●
4f Somewhere to speak without
being overheard

5a Being polite and taking the time
to listen

5b Answering queries you may have 99
● ●
5c The service you received from
the pharmacist
● ● ●
5d Service received from other
pharmacy staff
● ● ●
5e Providing an efficient service 99
● ● ● ● ●
5f The staff overall 99
● ●
6a Providing advice on health
● ● ●
6b General advice on leading a
healthy lifestyle
● ● ●
6c Disposing of medicines you no
longer need
● ●
6d Advice on services or information
from elsewhere
● ●

Copyright © 2007 CFEP

Ref: 221132/47583/9015/51

Five Patient Care Domains

Patient Domain Description

Access Waiting times for appointments, waiting to be seen, telephone access to

(access & waiting) pharmacy

(safe, high quality coordinated Patient’s confidence and trust in clinical care, staff knowledge of
care) condition. Organisation and coordination of care

(better information, more choice) Information about care, involvement in decisions and choice of treatment,
information about medicines, tests and reasons for treatement

Environment Cleanliness, being kept informed while waiting, pain control and respect
(clean, friendly,place to be) and dignity

Relationships Listening and communication, time available and opportunity to discuss

(building relationships) anxieties and fears

Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education:

Copyright © 2007 CFEP

Ref: 221132/47583/9015/51

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