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J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech.

158 (2009) 1–3

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Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics

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Visco-plastic fluids: From Theory to Application

This volume gathers together a series of articles that were pre- model, but also gives rise to flow instabilities (e.g., shear band-
sented at the workshop “Visco-plastic fluids: From Theory to Appli- ing) due to viscosity bifurcation. Understanding how yielding arises
cation,” held at Monte Verità, a lovely place in the Italian-speaking on the particle scale is of paramount importance to appreciate
part of Switzerland, with spectacular scenery on Lago Maggiore and empirical bulk-scale idealizations such as the Bingham model.
the city of Locarno. The workshop was organized under the auspices Van Damme showed how adding adsorbing or non-adsorbing
of the Centro Stefano Franscini, the international conference center polymers in a colloidal suspension changes the yield stress and
of ETH Zürich, and hosted 49 participants from 13 countries during bulk-viscosity values, which emphasizes the role played by parti-
the 14th to 18th October 2007 (Fig. 1). It was the sequel to an earlier cle contacts (lubricated or direct) in yielding. Nicot summarized
workshop held in Banff, Canada, in October 2005. the various definitions used in geomechanics to define the yield
The main topic addressed in this workshop was viscoplastic- surface on the bulk and particle scales. Coussot and Alexandrou
ity. In soil mechanics, viscoplasticity refers to a plastic behavior supplemented the Herschel-Bulkley constitutive equation with a
that starts exhibiting time-dependent, viscous effects. For fluid scalar kinetic equation reflecting the changes in particle arrange-
mechanicians, viscoplastic materials are fluids that exhibit a yield ment (breakdown/builtup of links between particles). A more
stress: below a certain critical threshold in the imposed stresses, formal continuum-mechanics approach was proposed by God-
there is no deformation and the material behaves like a rigid solid, dard, who showed that a host of phenomena can be described
but when that yield value is exceeded, the material flows like a using a generalized viscosity coefficient (fourth-rank viscosity ten-
fluid. Practically, such flow behavior appears in many situations, sor).
including slurries and suspensions, certain polymer solutions, crys- From this confrontation between experimental observations,
tallizing lavas, muds and clays, heavy oils, avalanches, cosmetic phenomenological laws and theoretical views of particulate media
creams, hair gel, liquid chocolate, and some pastes. In recent years, in geomechanics and fluid mechanics arose a number of questions
growing attention has been paid to characterizing the rheological that deserve mention. Are there hidden issues with the shape of
behaviors of viscoplastic materials and investigating the key prop- the yield surface in principal stress space (i.e. non-von-Mises yield
erties of various flow configurations. laws) that we have not appreciated so far? Are plasticity theory’s
The workshop was the opportunity to have a closer look at recent flow laws better than the current rate-dependent terms of vis-
achievements in this hectic field and try to collectively think of coplastic constitutive models? Should we pay more attention to
future developments. We also paid homage to the Greek and Cypriot issues of symmetry/invariance and violation of physical principles
communities for their enduring efforts in viscoplastic fluid mechan- (e.g., the second law of thermodynamics)? Is there interest for theo-
ics. During an enjoyable banquet, Evan Mitsoulis was awarded the reticians to explore and understand more of the underlying physics,
Bingham Fluid Medal (not to be confused with a more auspicious e.g. continue the search for microstructural theories to build into
prize) for his research on computational aspects of viscoplasticity, macroscopic flow models?
while John Tsamopoulos was rewarded with a prize for success- The notions of yield surface and post-yielding behavior has
fully computing the shape of the yield surfaces around bubbles in evolved differently in geomechanics and fluid mechanics. As
Bingham fluids (Table 1). illustrated in Chevalier’s experiments and Pastor’s talk, yielding
Part of the objective of this workshop was to promote exchanges of saturated granular materials may be the consequence of a
between scientists from different origins, which made it possible to pore-pressure increase and particle fluidization. This highlights
shed light on a number of topical issues in different ways. Here is a the two-phase behavior of apparently single-phase bulk materi-
brief summary of the different presentations and discussions. als. Another non-trivial question, notably addressed in Wilson’s
The nature of yield stress is a longstanding problem, which squeezing flow experiments, is related to the influence of the
has received considerable attention over the last 20 years. The mean stress (first invariant) on yield stress: once the material has
emblematic question may be the relevance of the Herschel- yielded, does the shear stress still vary linearly with the normal
Bulkley equation to represent the true rheological behavior over stress? Goddard’s theoretical analysis and Pouliquen’s phenomeno-
a sufficiently wide range of shear rates. The tentative answer pro- logical interpretation provided evidence of both shear rate and
vided by Coussot, Bonn, and Molder is that while the notion of normal-stress dependence of the shear stress in dry and saturated
yield stress makes sense experimentally, there is also a critical granular materials. The different talks underlined the gap between
shear rate below which no steady state is observed. This critical classical single-phase viscoplastic models and plastic multi-phase
rate not only contrasts with predictions of the Herschel-Bulkley Coulomb-like theories. To date, there is little connection. Should

0377-0257/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 Editorial / J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 158 (2009) 1–3

Fig. 1. The participants enjoying the sunny conditions of Tecino.

we try to investigate Bingham-type models with pore-pressure- what occurs in opaque materials still offers substantial difficul-
dependent yield stresses? Is liquefaction something we should ties.
consider? Since Glowinski’s pioneering work, a great deal of work has
Whereas earlier experiments focused on viscometric flows in been accomplished to provide robust, fast, and accurate algorithms
rheometers, most recent experimental investigations have been able to cope with viscoplastic behavior. As reviewed by Huilgol
done using more complex geometries. In parallel, image process- and exemplified in a number of applications shown by Picasso and
ing has been extensively used to take measurements and visualize Muravleva, variational methods are now commonly used. In par-
what is going on inside the material. Hogg reviewed recent theoret- ticular, regularization techniques such as augmented Lagrangian
ical results for the dam-break problem (i.e., the sudden release of and related methods have demonstrated their efficiency. Saramito
a fixed volume of fluid onto a surface), while Cochard showed the provided another perspective by showing how an adaptive mesh-
experimental results he obtained with Carbopol samples for this ing strategy can be used to increase the order of a numerical
flow geometry. As shown by Balmforth, another interesting time- scheme.
dependent problem is the Stokes problem, where a viscoplastic Since the Banff meeting, where we suggested using Carbopol 940
material is confined between two parallel walls, one being in oscil- as a suitable viscoplastic fluid, evidence has accumulated that Car-
lating motion, the other being fixed. Chambon used a conveyor belt bopol is far from being an ideal Herschel-Bulkley fluid; in particular,
to investigate the inner structure of a finite volume of Carbopol in a elasticity cannot be neglected at low shear stress. This has led to a
steady regime. Cheddadi, de Bruyn and Mitsoulis showed how flows substantial renewal of interest in elasto/visco-plasticity and plas-
past an obstacle or a falling sphere can be effectively investigated tic compressibility. Recent models and applications were presented
experimentally and numerically. by Saramito, Forterre, Georgiou, and de Souza Mendes. In parallel,
Classical geometries such as the Couette cell still attract much the quest for a genuinely Herschel-Bulkley fluid has been revived.
attention. Compared to other rheometer geometries, wide-gap Cou- Graner’s experiments revealed the value of two-dimensional foams
ette cells are well suited to particle suspensions, but flow-curve to investigate plastic flow problems, but elasticity still plays a role
inference may be more delicate. Wiederseiner and Ancey used in the bulk-stress generation. Several presentations showed that
transparent buoyant-particle suspensions and particle-tracking Carbopol requires relatively long mixing times in order to achieve
velocimetry to estimate the local flow curve. Naccache compared reproducible results. There seems to be some need for guidelines in
different boundaries (grooved surface, vane) to minimize slip preparing Carbopol (and other viscoplastic candidates), a database
effects at the wall. There was little discussion about experimental listing standard Herschel-Bulkley fits as functions of concentration
techniques for measuring the flow properties inside the material; and pH, and more sophisticated viscoplastic models incorporating
although the technology of magnetic resonance imaging has now elastic effects and slip.
matured, it remains an expensive and intensive approach. We are A number of particular applications were also presented. As
on the verge of important developments in image processing that shown by Moyers, Nouar and Rust, interfacial, thermal and convec-
should make flow visualization easier and cheaper, but probing tive instabilities in industrial ducts or in magmatic chambers lead to
Editorial / J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 158 (2009) 1–3 3

Table 1 complex problems in stability analysis. Fester and Slatter explained

List of participants
why determining energy losses in turbulent/laminar viscoplastic
Andreas ALEXANDROU University of Cyprus flows is of great importance for pipeline design and operation. Geo-
Christophe ANCEY Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de materials involved in natural gravity-driven flows have often been
modeled as plastic fluids. Bartelt reviewed some key questions in
Nicolas ANDREINI Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de
the rheology of snow and recast rheological questions in thermody-
Neil BALMFORTH University of British Columbia namic terms by highlighting the role of energy and mass transfers
Eric BARDOU University of Lausanne in snow avalanches. As shown by Bonnoit, McElwaine, and Kowal-
Perry BARTELT WSL/SLF Switzerland ski, there is still a host of questions (e.g., segregation in granular
Daniel BONN University of Amsterdam
flows, behavior of multicomponent fluids) that have received par-
Claire BONNOIT Ecole Supérieure de Physique Chimie
Industrielle, France tial answers so far. Today, in the realm of geophysical flows, it is
Guillaume CHAMBON Cemagref, France still unclear how to forge a symbiotic relation between engineers
Ibrahim CHEDDADI INRIA who use crude shallow-layer theories coupled with Bingham-like
Christophe CHEVALIER Ecole Supérieure de Physique Chimie
drag parameterizations (amongst others) and physicists who are
Industrielle, France
Steve COCHARD Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de
developing more physically-based theories on the basis of labo-
Lausanne ratory data. Can we help to better constrain those former models
Philippe COUSSOT LMSGC France with the latter type of approaches? Turbulence in viscoplastic fluids
John de BRUYN University of Western Ontario seems to be an open field for research: when does transition occur,
Paulo DE SOUZA MENDES Pontifcia Universidade Catlica, Brazil
and how are friction factors affected by viscoplasticity? What is the
Neville DUBASH University of British Columbia
Thierry FAUG Cemagref, France phenomenology of viscoplastic turbulence? Can it be characterized
Veruscha FESTER CPUT, South Africa by relatively simple dimensional scaling theories and ideas about
Yoel FORTERRE EPUM, France the effect of yield stress on the energy containing scales, the inertial
Ian FRIGAARD University of British Columbia range and the dissipation scales?
Lukas GAMPER Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule
The meeting was scientifically rewarding and enjoyable, and
Georgios GEORGIOU University of Cyprus once again encouraged the organization of a subsequent workshop
Assia GHEMMOUR Cemagref, France with the same format. This will be held in Cyprus in October 2009
Joe GODDARD University of California San Diego (∼vpf2009/). Monte Verità was a striking venue for
Franois GRANER University Joseph Fourier, France
the workshop, and we are grateful to Centro Stefano Franscini for
Andrew HOGG University of Bristol
Raj HUILGOL Flinders University their financial and technical support. We thank the editors in chief
Mark MARTINEZ University of British Columbia of the Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics for agreeing to
Jim MC ELWAINE University of Cambridge publish the contributions in this special issue.
Evan MITSOULIS National Technical University of Athens
Peder MOLLER Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris
Miguel MOYERS University of Montreal
Christophe Ancey a,∗
Ekaterina MURAVLEVA Lomonosov Moscow State University Neil J. Balmforth b
Monica NACCACHE Pontifcia Universidade Catlica, Brazil Ian Frigaard c
Franois NICOT Cemagref, France a School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,
Marco PICASSO Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Lausanne b
Olivier POULIQUEN EPUM, France
Departments of Mathematics & Earth and Ocean Science,
Alison RUST University of Bristol University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
c Departments of Mathematics & Mechanical Engineering,
Roberto SASSI University of Milan
Paul SLATTER CPUT, South Africa University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Anja SLIM University of British Columbia
John TSAMOPOULOS University of Patras ∗ Corresponding author.
Henri VAN DAMME Ecole Supérieure de Physique Chimie
Industrielle, France
Sébastien WIEDERSEINER Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de
David Ian WILSON University of Cambridge

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