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Ahmedabad Institute of Technology

CE-IT Department (SEM VII)

Subject Name: Information and Network Security

Subject Code: 2170709

Sr. Questions Ma
No rks
TOPIC:1: Symmetric Cipher Model, Cryptography, Crypt-analysis and Attacks

1 Define Cryptography and Crypt-analysis. Draw and explain conventional cryptosystem. 7

- (Jan-13)
2 Differentiate Symmetric and Asymmetric key cryptography.- (Nov-11) what are 3
challenges of symmetric key cryptography? List out various symmetric key algorithms
- Nov 2016
4 Explain the Conventional security model used for Information security. - (May- 7
5 Define the terms threat and attack. List and briefly define categories of security 4
attacks.- (Nov-13)
6 List and briefly define the security services. OR What is security Services? Explain any 3,7
three types of security services. - (Nov-13, Nov-14)

8 What is Security mechanism? List and explain various security mechanism.- 7

9 What is the objective of attacking an encryption system? Write the two approaches to 7
attack a conventional encryption scheme.- (May-12)
10 Explain Various types of Attack on Computer System.- (May-14) 7
11 When an encryption scheme is said to be unconditionally secure and computationally 3
secure? - (May-15)
12 What is the difference between passive and active security threats? List and briefly 7
define categories of passive and active security attacks. - (Dec-15)
13 Give examples of replay attacks. List three general approaches for dealing with replay 3
attacks. - (Dec-15)
14 Explain data confidentiality,data authentication and data integrity. - (May-16) May-2018 7
15 Write a short note on: Cipher text only attack. Timing attack
16 Discuss the following terms in brief: Passive attack - Cryptanalysis- (Nov-17)
TOPIC:2 Substitution and Transposition techniques

1 What is Play fair cipher with suitable example. - (May-14) May-2018 7

2 Let the keyword in playfail cipher is “keyword”. Encrypt a message “come to the 7
window” using playfair cipher.- (Jan-13)
3 Construct a playfair matrix with the key “occurrence”. Generate the cipher text for the 3
plaintext “Tall trees” OR Construct 5 X 5 playfair matrix for the keyword
“OCCURANCE”. - (May-11, Nov-11, Nov-13)
4 Is playfair cipher monoalphabetic cipher? Justify. Construct a playfair matrix with the 3
key “moonmission” and encrypt the message “greet”.- (May-13)
5 Define the Caesar cipher.- (May-12) 3
6 Construct a Playfair matrix with the key “engineering”. And encrypt the message “test 4
this process”.- (May-12)
7 Use playfair algorithm with key “monarchy” and encrypt the text “jazz”. - (May- 4
8 Using playfair cipher encrypt the plaintext “Why, don’t you?”. Use the key “keyword”. 4
- (Dec-15)
9 Explain monoalphabetic cipher and polyalphabetic cipher by giving an example.- 7
(Nov-13) May-2018
10 Explain Vegenere Cipher.- (Nov-14) 7
11 Which type of substitution is called monoalphabetic substitution cipher? - (May- 1
12 Which two principal methods are used in substitution ciphers to lessen the extent to 2
which the structure of the plaintext survives in the ciphertext? - (May-15)
13 3
Encrypt the message “Good morning” using the Hill Cipher with the key
- (May-11)
14 4
Encrypt the message “Exam” using the Hill Cipher with the key- (May-15)

15 4

Use Hill cipher to encrypt the text DEF. The key to be used is- (Dec-15)
16 Explain generation of encryption matrix in play fair cipher. - (May-16) 7
17 Explain the one time pad scheme.- (May-12) May-18 3
18 Explain rail fence Cipher technique. - (May-16) May 2019 7
19 Explain one time pad cipher with example. - (May-16) what are practical issue of this 7
algorithm. - Nov 2016
20 Explain Attributes of Security.-
21 Briefly explain Classical Encryption Techniques. -
22 Briefly explain Transposition Encryption Techniques.- Nov-2017
23 Compare Steganography with encryption techniques.-
24 Write a short note on Hill cipher-(Nov -16) Nov-2017
25 difference between substitution and transposition technique. - (May 2017)
TOPIC:1: Stream ciphers and block ciphers, Block Cipher structure

1 Define Block Cipher. Explain Design Principles of block cipher.- (Nov-14) 7

2 Draw and explain Feistel’s structure for encryption and decryption.- (Nov-11) 7
3 The exact realization of Feistel network depends on the choice of which 3
parameters?- (May-12)
4 List and explain various types of attacks on encrypted message.- (Jan-13, May- 7
5 Explain the various types of cryptanalytic attack, based on the amount of information 4
known to the cryptanalyst.- (May-11)
6 Explain Cryptanalysis. Discuss any one technique for it. - (May-14) 7
7 Define the term cryptanalysis. Explain various types of cryptanalytic attacks. - 7
8 What are the differences between stream cipher and block cipher?- Nov-2017 Dec 2018
9 Which two methods are used to frustrate statistical cryptanalysis? May 2019
TOPIC:2: Data Encryption standard (DES) with example, strength of DES, Design
principles of block cipher

1 What is the purpose of S-boxes in DES? Explain the avalanche effect.- (May-11) Dec 3
2 Explain the terms diffusion and confusion.- (May-11,Dec-15) 3
3 Define the terms diffusion and confusion. What is the purpose of S-box in DES? Explain 7
the avalanche effect in DES.- (Nov-13)
4 Draw and explain the single round of DES algorithm - (Jan-13) 7
Explain single round function of DES with suitable diagram.- (Nov-11)
Explain single round of DES algorithm. - (Dec-15)
5 Explain the DES encryption algorithm.- (May-12) May 2017 7
Explain DES algorithm with figure.-(Nov-14) Nov-2017
6 Explain Sub key generation Process in Simplified DES algorithm with Example.- 7
(Nov-14) Nov-16
7 Explain limitations of DES in detail. - (May-14) 7
8 Explain scheme for DES encryption. - (May-15) Dec 2018 7
9 With example explain function of s-box in DES. - (May-16) 7
10 Explain various steps of AES in short. - (May-16) Nov- 16 May 2017 Nov-2017 May-18, 7
19 Dec 2018
11 What are the essential ingredients of a symmetric cipher? - Nov-17
12 What is meant by meet-in-the-middle attack in double DES? Explain -Nov-17
TOPIC:1: Multiple encryption and triple DES

1 Explain the triple DES scheme with two keys and write about proposed attacks on 4
3DES.- (May-12)
2 Explain how DES(Data Encryption standard) algorithm observes Fiestel structure. 7
Explain key generation and use of S-box in DES algorithm. May 2019

TOPIC:2: Electronic Code Book, Cipher Block Chaining Mode, Cipher Feedback
mode, Output Feedback mode, Counter mode

1 List various modes of operations of block cipher. Explain any three of them briefly.- 7
(Nov-11). List and explain various block cipher modes of operation with the help of
diagram.- ( Jan-13)

2 Why mode of operation is defined? Explain the simplest mode for block cipher modes 4
of operation?- (May-11)
3 Why mode of operation is defined? Explain the block cipher modes of operation?- 7
Explain Modes of Operation.- (Nov-14) May- 17
4 Explain cipher feedback mode of operation. - (May-15) May - 17 4
5 Explain working of ECB.Why ECB (Electronic code book) is rarely used to encrypt
message? May 2019
6 Why CFB(Cipher feedback mode) encrypted messages are less subject to tampering than
OFB(Output feedback mode)? May 2019
TOPIC:1: Public Key Cryptosystems with Applications, Requirements and
Cryptanalysis, RSA algorithm, its computational aspects and

1 Define congruent modulo. Also Find integer x such that 1.5x≡4 (mod 3) 2.7x≡6 (mod 5) 7
2 Define the following terms briefly. Relative Prime Number- (Nov-11) 1
3 i) Find GCD of 1970 and 1066 using Euclid algorithm. ii) Find all primitive roots of a 7
number 7.- (Jan-13)
4 Write the Euclid’s algorithm and show the steps of Euclid’s algorithm to find 4
gcd(1970,1066).- (May-11)
5 With the help of example explain how can we find out GCD of two numbers using 7
Euclid Algorithm. - (May-14)
6 Write extended Euclidean algorithm.- (Nov-11) 3
7 Explain Euler’s totient function.- (May-12, May-13) 4,3
8 Write two properties of prime numbers.- (May-13) 4
9 Find Euler’s Totient function for n=13,n=14.
10 What is public key cryptography? Compare public with conventional 7
cryptography.- (Jan-13) NOv-2017
11 Write the differences between conventional encryption and public key 3
encryption.- (May-11)
12 Compare public and Private key Cryptography. Also list various algorithms for each. 7
- (May-14)
13 Compare conventional encryption with public key encryption.- (Nov-13) 4
14 What is a trap-door one-way function? What is its importance in public key 3
cryptography?- (Nov-13)
15 Explain the principle of public key cryptosystem and show how it differs from 4
conventional encryption techniques.- (May-11)
16 Give the steps of RSA algorithm.- (Nov-11) Des 2018 4
17 Explain RSA algorithm. - (May-14) May-17 Nov-17 May-18 7
18 Explain Encryption and decryption in RSA algorithm. Also discuss various attacks on 7
RSA.- (Jan-13)
19 Define the types of cryptanalytic attacks. Which cryptnalytic attack can occur on RSA 4
algorithm?- (May-13)
20 Explain RSA algorithm and list the possible approaches to attacking it. - (Nov- 13). 4
Write four possible approaches to attacking the RSA algorithm.- (May-12)
Elaborate various kinds of attacks on RSA algorithm.-(Nov-14) 7
21 In a public key system using RSA, the cipher text intercepted is C=10 which is sent to 4
the user whose public key is e=5, n=35. What is the plaintext M?- (May-11)
22 Calculate ciphertext in case of RSA if p=3,q=11,e=3,M=5.- (May-13) May 2019 3
23 Perform encryption and decryption using the RSA algorithm for p=3, q=11, e=7, 4,3
M=5.- (May-11, Nov-13)
24 Evaluate Euler’s totient function (37). Φ - (May-15) 3
25 The encryption algorithm to be used is RSA. Given two prime numbers 11 and 3 and 4
public key (e) is 3. Calculate the decryption key and Calculate the ciphertext if the given
plaintext is 7. - (Dec-15)
26 Apply Euclid’s algorithm and find greatest common divisor of 28, 42. - (Dec-15) 3
27 Explain RSA algorithm with example. - (May-16) 7
28 P and Q are two prime numbers. P=7, and Q=17. Take public key E=5. If plain text value
is 6, then what will be cipher text value according to RSA algorithm? - Nov 2016
29 Explain the three approaches to attack RSA mathematically 3
TOPIC:2: Diffie-Hillman Key Exchange algorithm, Man-in-Middle attack

1 Briefly explain Diffie-Hellman key exchage with example - (May-11) 7

Write and explain the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm.- (May12, Jan-13)
Explain Deffie Hellman key exchange scheme in detail- (Nov-11)
What is primitive root? Explain Diffi-Hellman key exchange algorithm with proper
example.- (Nov-14)
Explain Diffie – Hellman key exchange. - (May-15) May-18
2 Briefly explain Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Is it vulnerable to man in the middle 7
attack? Justify.- (Nov-13) Dec 2018
3 Briefly explain the Diffie-Hellman key exchange.- ( May-11) Nov-16 May 2017 4
4 Write Diffie Hellman key exchange algorithm. Explain man-in-the middle attack on this 7
Diffie Hellman key exchange.- ( May-13)
5 Explain Diffie - Hellman key exchange algorithm. - (May-16) 7
6 For Diffie-Hellman algorithm, two publicaly known numbers are prime number 353 and
primitive root of it is 3. A selects the random integer 97 and B selects 233. Compute the
public key of A and B. Also compute common secret key.
TOPIC:1: Cryptographic Hash Functions, their applications, Simple hash
functions, its requirements and security
1 Illustrate variety of ways in which hash code can be used to provide message 7
authentication- (May-11)
2 Explain different characteristics of hash function.- (Nov-11) 4
3 Explain Following properties of hash function. 1)one way property 2) Weak collision 7
resistance 3) Compression Function in hash algorithm - (May-11)
4 What is the difference between weak and strong collision resistance?- (Nov-13) 3
5 Write the properties of hash functions. - (May-15) 4
6 Hashing dose not ensures integrity of message in network communication” –
Justify your answer with suitable example.- (Nov-16)
7 Differentiate between hashing and encryption. What are the practical applications of
hashing? Compare MD5 and SHA1 hashing algorithms.- Nov-16
8 Write requirement of hash function and briefly explain simple hash function?- May-17
9 What is the difference between weak and strong collision resistance? Consider the hash 4
functions based on cipher block chaining, What kind of attack can occur on this?
TOPIC:2: Hash functions based on Cipher Block Chaining, Secure Hash
Algorithm (SHA)

1 Explain the general structure of secure hash functions - (Nov-11) 3

2 Explain the operation of secure hash algorithm on 512 bit block.- (May-13) 7
3 What characteristics are needed in a secure hash function?- (Nov-13) 4
4 Explain SHA512 Algorithm.- (Nov-14) 7
5 What characteristics are needed in a secure hash function? - (Dec-15) 4
6 Enlist the practical applications of hashing.- Nov-17
7 Explain the logic of SHA(Secure Hash Algorithm 7
TOPIC:1: Message Authentication Codes, its requirements and security

1 What is the need for message authentication? List various techniques used for 7
Authentication. Explain anyone.- (Jan-13)
2 Is message authentication code same as encryption? How message authentication can be 3
done by message authentication code?- (May-13)
3 How message authentication code can be used to achieve message authentication and 7
confidentiality? - (May-15)
4 How following can be achieved with message authentication code (MAC)? 4
a. Message authentication
b. Message authentication and confidentiality - (Dec-13)
5 What is MAC? Explain HMAC. - (May-16) 7

TOPIC:2: MACs based on Hash Functions, Macs based on Block Ciphers

1 What is cryptographic checksum or message authentication code? Describe the three 7

situation in which message authentication code is used.- (May-11)
2 Explain briefly basic uses of MAC.- (Nov-11) 4
3 What is MAC? Why it is required? Explain HMAC algorithm.- (Nov-13) May 2019 7
4 Illustrate the overall operation of HMAC. Define the terms - (May-12) May-18 7
5 Write a short note on Message Authentication Code. Nov-16
6 State the basic difference(s) between message authentication code and hash function. Nov-
7 Is a message authentication code(MAC) function is similar to encryption. Does MAC
provide authentication or confidentiality? Justify your answer
TOPIC:1: Digital Signature, its properties, requirements and security, various
digital signature schemes (Elgamal and Schnorr), NIST digital Signature algorithm

1 Write the digital signature algorithm - (May-11) May -17 7

Explain digital signature algorithm in detail - (Nov-11) Nov-16
2 Write a note: Digital Signature - ( Jan-13) Nov-2017 May-18 3.5
3 What is Digital Signature? Explain its use with the help of example. - (May-14) 7
4 List the security services provided by digital signature. Write and explain the Digital 7
Signature Algorithm.- (Nov-13)
5 Describe Elgamal digital signature 7
6 What is the principle of digital signature algorithm(DSA). How a user can create a 7d
signature using DSA? Explain the signing and verifying function in DSA. May 2019
TOPIC:1: Key management and distribution, symmetric key distribution using
symmetric and asymmetric encryptions, distribution of public keys

1 Write the key distribution scenario in which each user shares a unique master key with 3
key distribution center.- (May-11).
2 Explain the key distribution scenario and write how does decentralized key control 7
work?- (May-12)
3 What is KDC? With the help of diagram explain how KDC do key distribution.- 7
(Jan-13) Dec 2018
4 What is a nonce in key distribution scenario? Explain the key distribution scenario if A 7
wishes to establish logical connection with B. A and B both have a master key which
they share with itself and key distribution center.- (May-13)
5 Explain different key distribution techniques.- (Nov-11) 7
6 Discus the ways in which public keys can be distributed to two communication 7
parties.- (Nov-13)
7 List and Explain Various Key management techniques. - (May-14) 7
Explain Key Distribution Methods.- (Nov-14)
8 List and explain four general categories of schemes for the distribution of public 7
keys.- (May-12) May-2017
9 Which techniques are used for the distribution of public keys? - (May-15) May-18 7
10 In symmetric encryption, Describe the ways in which key distribution can be achieved
between two parties A and B? - (Dec-15)
11 Explain various general categories of schemes for the distribution of public keys.
TOPIC:2: X.509 certificates, Public key infrastructure

1 Explain X.509 authentication service. - (Nov-11) MAy-2017 7

2 What is the purpose of X.509 standard? - (Dec-15) May 2019 3
3 Explain the one –way and two way authentication in X.509.- (May-12) 7
4 Explain Public key Infrastructure and Public Key Certificates.- Nov -16

TOPIC:1: Remote user authentication with symmetric and asymmetric encryption,

1 Explain Kerberos in detail.- (Nov-11) May 2017 7

Explain Kerberos Authentication System.- (Nov-14) May-2018
2 Explain the ticket granting server(TGS) scheme in Kerberos.- (May-12) 7
3 What problem was Kerberos designed to address? Briefly explain how session key is 7
distributed in Kerberos.- (Nov-13)
4 What four requirements were defined for Kerberos? - (Dec-15) May 2019 3
5 Explain authentication mechanism of Kerberos. - (May-16) 7
6 What is Kerberos? How Kerberos authenticates the users for authorized service access?
7 What is the difference between a session key and a master key? List four general 4
categories of schemes for the distribution of public keys. May 2019
TOPIC:1: Web Security threats and approaches, SSL architecture and protocol
Transport layer security, HTTPS and SSH

1 How we can achieve web Security? Explain with example. - (May-14) web security 7
threats- May -2017
2 Write a note: Secure Socket Layer - (Jan-13) May 2017 May-18 3.5
3 Explain the secure socket layer handshake protocol action.- ( May-13) 7
4 List and define the parameters that define secure socket layer connection state - 7
5 Which parameters define session state and which parameters define connection state in 7
SSL(secure socket Layer)?- (May-12)
6 Explain SSL protocol in detail - (Nov-11, Nov-14) 7
7 Define SSL session and SSL connection. Which parameters define session state and 7
connection state. - (May-15)
8 Define – SSL session and SSL connection. Which parameters are used to define SSL 7
state and SSL connection? - (Dec-15)
9 Write a short note on SSL. - (May-16) 7
10 Explain HTTPS in brief. Briefly discuss the working of SSL Record Protocol. - Nov-17
11 For what purpose Secure Shell(SSH) is useful? Briefly define SSH protocol. 3
Combine Questions:
1 Define the following terms briefly. i) Cryptography (Module-1) iii) MAC (Module-5) 3
iv) Digital Signature. (Module-7)- (Nov-11)
2 Write a note on followings (Any 4). i) Pretty Good Privacy (Module-8) ii) Kerberos 14
(Module-7) iii) Hill cipher (Module-1) iv) Elliptic curve cryptography (Module-4) v)
Diffi hellman key exchange (Module-3) vi) Message Authentication code (Module-5)
- (May-14)

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