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Ferrer vs.

Ferrer Answer: I graduated from Cebu

Institute of Medicine, batch
Presentation of Witness 2008.
for the Petitioner
7. Counsel: Do you have a
Direct Examination- Dr. Margie Sy license, if any?
Answer: I am a licensed physician.
I am Margie Sy, 36 years old, married,
resident of Cebu City.
8. Counsel: Were you licensed
by proper authority?
Answer: Yes, I have an PRC ID to
We offer the testimony of the witness to prove it.
prove the credibility and qualification of
the expert witness, the genuineness of the 9. Counsel: Is this the ID you
psychological report and assessment, the were referring to?
psychological incapacity of the Answer: Yes.
respondent, and for all other matters, Your Honor, we would like to have
facts and circumstances relevant and this psychological assessment
material to this case. marked as P- 10
 Qualification of the expert
witness 10. Counsel: After being licensed
 Existence of patient-doctor as a physician, did you
relationship immediately specialize in
 HPD and its seriousness psychiatry?
Answer: No.
 Severity and effect on marital
11. Counsel: What did you do
after being licensed as a
1. Counsel: What is your
physician, if any?
Answer: I was a resident doctor of
Answer: I am a psychiatrist
Chong Hua hospital for 1 and a
half year.
2. Counsel: Where do you
Answer: Spring Clinic Institute of
12. Counsel: What else, if any?
Answer: After that, I was specifically
in the practice of psychiatry for
3. Counsel: Can you prove it?
3 years around 2012 to 2015,
Answer: Yes.
under the supervision and
mentorship of Dr. Alex Junia.
4. Counsel: How?
Answer: By a certification from my
13. Counsel: What else, if any?
Answer: From the latter half of 2015,
I was already specializing in
psychiatry under my own clinic.
5. Counsel: Is this the
certification you were
14. Counsel: How long have you
referring to?
been practicing your
Answer: Yes.
Your Honor, we would like to have
Answer: I have been practicing
this psychological assessment
professionally for a total of
marked as P- 9
almost 4 years now.

6. Counsel: Where did you

graduate medical school?
15. Counsel: In a span of four
years, how many patients did 23. Counsel: How did she become
you have? your patient?
Answer: I lost count, I have too many. Answer: She was referred to me by
her husband as he was worried
that Cynthia did not take the
16. Counsel: Can you say around death of their child very well.
100 patients?
Answer: Yes, around that number. 24. Counsel: Do you have any
other patients, if any, that
is/are related to Cynthia?
17. Counsel: What is the most Answer: Yes.
common psychological
illnesses you help your 25. Counsel: Like whom?
patients with, if any? Answer: Her husband and her two
Answer: I have helped treat patients brothers?
with schizophrenia, major
depressive disorders, panic 26. Counsel: What were they
attacks or anxiety, sleep consulting from you, if any?
disorders or post-traumatic Answer: Her husband was suffering
stress disorders. from anxiety, while both of her
brothers had post-traumatic
Present the psychological report
stress disorders (PTSD)
18. Counsel: Showing this
document to you, are you 27. Counsel: What are your usual
familiar with the same? interactions with the patient
Answer: Yes since she came to you?
Your Honor, we would like to have Answer: She undergoes through tests,
this psychological assessment therapy, interviews and
marked as P- 11 counseling.

19. Counsel: How so? 28. Counsel: Have you

Answer: I prepared this document encountered, if any, patients
myself. It was my with similar symptoms as
psychological assessment of a Cynthia?
patient. Answer: Yes, I have.

20. Counsel: Is the signature

appearing on the last page 29. Counsel: What was your
above the name Dr. Margie Sy diagnosis, if any?
your signature? Answer: After almost a year of
Answer: Yes sessions, I diagnosed her with
Your Honor, we would like to have Histrionic Personality Disorder,
this signature on the same also known as HPD.
document to be marked as P-
11.1 30. Counsel: Based on your
extensive experience as
21. Counsel: Is the name psychiatrist, do you consider
appearing on this document your ability substantial
“Cynthia Manalo- Ferrer” enough to give such a
your patient? diagnosis?
Answer: Yes Answer: Yes, I have had other
patients with HPD before
22. Counsel: How long has she
been your patient?
Answer: Around six years since she 31. Counsel: Can you please tell
came into my clinic for this Court what Histrionic
consultation. Personality Disorder is?
Answer: Histrionic Personality of attention – that trumps all other social
Disorder is a personality norms on how to act
disorder caused by a
combination of genetic and
environmental influences, the 38. Counsel: What else, if any?
actual development of which is
usually triggered by a life Answer: They are easily swayed by
situation. opinions of others. They tend to believe
that their relationship with others are
stronger that they really are
32. Counsel: What is it
characterized by, if any?
Answer: It is characterized by a
pervasive pattern of excessive 39. Counsel: What else, if any?
emotionality and attention Answer: As to their communication style
seeking. Most patients with this – style over substance, it is difficult to
condition do not believe they find substance but is a very theatrical
need therapy or help, making way of presenting themselves
diagnosis difficult.

40. Counsel: What else, if any?

33. Counsel: What else, if any?
Answer: People with HPD are Answer: Those are the common traits of
frequently labeled as divas or a person with HPD.
attention-seekers. They thrive
on seeking attention, pull 41. Counsel: Did you immediately
people in orbit with them. diagnose her with HPD?
Answer: No. There were other prior
34. Counsel: What do you mean, diagnoses.
if any?
Answer: A person with HPD will act 42. Counsel: Like what other
theatrically or dramatically to diagnosis, if any?
draw attention to themselves Answer: Many people who have HPD
through exaggerated emotions receive a diagnosis after they go
and expressions. into therapy for depression or
anxiety, usually following a
35. Counsel: What else, if any? failed relationship or other
Answer: They have intense seeming personal conflicts. In this
emotional state, their emotions patient’s case, she suffered
shift rapidly, as opposed to real major depression for about a
feeling of emotion month, as well, prior to my

36. Counsel: What else, if any? 43. Counsel: So, according to your
Answer: They value their physical diagnosis, is it possible for HPD
appearance as a tool to manipulate to coexist with depression?
people and to continue to be the center of Answer: Yes.
44. Counsel: What do you mean,
if any?
37. Counsel: What else, if any? Answer: The emotional roller coaster,
the lack of stable relationships,
Answer: They are inappropriately and the unfillable craving for
seductive or provocative actions where attention wear on them. In
other people would not accept as relation to this, a comorbidity
acceptable behavior, there’s a lack of exists between HPD and
filter as to when actions are appropriate depression.
or inappropriate mainly because of the
driving force of wanting to be the center
45. Counsel: How so? Can you Answer: It is because HPD is not a
please elaborate to this very apparent mental illness
Honorable Court how it came that you see quickly. It would
to be? only be after a lot of sessions
Answer: In psychology, comorbidity that her symptoms became
refers to more than one obvious.
disorders or diseases that exist
alongside a primary diagnosis, 52. Counsel: Is it curable?
which is the reason a patient Answer: Generally, yes, through
gets referred and/or treated. psychotherapy sessions.

46. Counsel: What else, if any? 53. Counsel: If so, for how long?
Answer: You can remember the word Answer: It depends on the patient’s
because the prefix, co-, case.
indicates that things go
together, and when we think of 54. Counsel: What about
serious illnesses, it can Cynthia?
sometimes make us feel Answer: Chances are close to
morbid. HPD is a self-esteem unlikely, in Cynthia’s case.
driven disorder. Naturally,
depression comes along with it 55. Counsel: In a scale of 1 to 10,
since if the patient does not how severe is her HPD?
receive enough attention she Answer: I would say 8 or 9
seeks from others, this creates
such anxiety and depression 56. Counsel: So, is it still curable at
which affects her behavior. that rate?
Answer: Yes, however, in this case,
47. Counsel: How severe was her even the patient doesn’t
depression when she came to recognize her condition.
Answer: Not quite. 57. Counsel: What do you mean, if
48. Counsel: Why do you say so? Answer: The patient refuses to admit
Answer: When she came to the clinic that she has HPD. It would then
for consultation, it would be difficult to prescribe the
mostly be about her concern on proper medication and therapy
regaining her previous weight to cure her or improve her
so she could go back to the condition.
work she loved to do, which as
for her, involved dancing on 58. Counsel: So, are you saying
stage. It was more about her that in her case, her condition
weight issues rather than what is incurable?
her husband believed to be Answer: Yes
caused by their child’s death.
59. Counsel: What are
49. Counsel: What about her HPD, circumstances or events, if any,
was it severe? that gave rise to her condition?
Answer: It was. Answer: Personality disorders are
normally triggered by a life
50. Counsel: In your expert event or trauma experienced by
opinion, how serious was her a person. In Cynthia’s case, the
HPD? trigger of her HPD was the
Answer: I would say 8 of 10. It was a abuse she had experienced as a
very difficult diagnosis. child.

51. Counsel: Why do you say 60. Counsel: How does this relate
difficult? to her HPD?
Answer: That was what triggered her them because of her HPD. She
condition possesses traits which cannot
allow her to be in a true and
61. Counsel: What is a trigger? long-term relationship.
What does it mean?
Answer: A trigger is a reminder of a 68. Counsel: Like what traits? Can
past trauma. This reminder can you please elaborate?
cause a person to feel Answer: It would start off as
overwhelming sadness, anxiety, something good in the courting
or panic. stage but if her partner cannot
maintain pampering her or
62. Counsel: Would it mean that giving her compliments to keep
her HPD sprung since her high self-esteem, she would
childhood or teenage years? find it from somebody else.
Answer: Yes
69. Counsel: What else, if any?
63. Counsel: How so? Answer: Most people call this
Answer: This past trauma that cheating, but a patient with
Cynthia experienced as a child HPD will not see this as
makes her continually anxious something wrong because this
and consistently troubles her is part of the process of her
self-esteem. As a reaction to satisfying her self-esteem
this trigger, she would behave needs.
in such a way to forget this
trauma by keeping her self- 70. Counsel: What else, if any?
esteem high. Answer: She would always be
uncomfortable in situations
64. Counsel: Can you elaborate, wherein she is not the center of
if any? attention and would act very
Answer: It is because of this abuse she dramatically, as though
had experienced, to cope up performing before an audience,
with this trauma, her brain gives with exaggerated emotions and
a stimulus that makes her act expressions, to maintain this
differently. attention.

65. Counsel: What do you mean,

if any? 71. Counsel: What else, if any?
Answer: After such trauma, when Answer: This causes her to either
Cythia started to get suitors and dress provocatively or exhibit
realized how she so loved the inappropriately seductive or
attention she was given, flirtatious behavior, or even
opposite to the trauma she both.
experienced, it became a part of
her personality. Since it brought
up her self-esteem, she 72. Counsel: What else, if any?
continued doing whatever it Answer: She would also be sensitive
takes to keep having that to criticism or disapproval.
attention, so she keeps feeling
73. Counsel: What else, if any?
66. Counsel: Will this have any Answer: She would be bored by
effect on her marriage, if any? routine, be self-centered and
Answer: Yes rarely show concern for others.

67. Counsel: How?

Answer: Cynthia did not have any 74. Counsel: What else, if any?
past relationships. This is Answer: Because of her HPD, she
because she cannot maintain would maintain these by being
so manipulative as to engage in
pathological lying and sticking
to them as if it were of her real 81. Counsel: What else, if any?
memories. Answer: Also, as she does not have
the concept of fidelity, she is
prone to cheating with multiple
75. Counsel: What do you mean, partners she would evaluate as
if any? someone more fit or supportive
Answer: It means that in order to keep of her self-esteem needs.
having a good image of herself
and for people to keep giving
her attention, she would do 82. Counsel: What else, if any?
whatever it takes, whether it be Answer: Also, because of her
socially appropriate or not, to manipulative nature that comes
keep the attention she so seeks. with her HPD, she is a
pathological liar incapable of
giving proper and honest
76. Counsel: So, are you saying responses to her partner.
that because of her HPD, she
cannot perform any or most of 83. Counsel: Is her HPD so grave
her marital obligations? to have any effect on her
Answer: Yes. marriage, if any?
Answer: Yes
77. Counsel: How so?
Answer: Like I said, she does not 84. Counsel: How so?
know that whatever it is that she Answer: She is incapable of truly
is doing like cheating, is loving her partner as her self-
something that is wrong. love is so great, it will just leave
Basically, she has a need, and her partner broken into pieces,
she does everything to satisfy it. physically, emotionally and
It is something uncontrollable psychologically.
and uncurable.

No further questions, your honor.

78. Counsel: How so? My witness is ready for cross
Answer: It would be useless for any examination, Your Honor.
efforts to be done by anyone to
convince her otherwise since
she will not accept it as the
correct way of doing. Qualifications
a. Must have a valid license to
79. Counsel: In that sense, what is practice medicine in the
she incapable of doing to Philippines as certified by the
protect her marital relation Professional Regulations
with her husband, if any? Commission.
Answer: Achieving emotional or b. Must have graduated from a
sexual intimacy is difficult. She Psychiatry residency training
may play a victim or try to program in a Philippine
control their partner using Psychiatric Association, Inc.
seductiveness or emotional accredited institution.

80. Counsel: What else, if any?

Answer: As she is more concerned of
herself and is truly self-
centered, she is incapable of Major Depression is a mood disorder
giving any type of support to that presents feelings of extreme
sadness, loss of interest or
her partner.
pleasure, decreased energy, feeling
of guilt or low self-worth,
disturbed sleep or appetite and
poor concentration.

According to reports by WHO,

depression will be the second
leading cause of disability by 2020
and it could also be the second
largest killer after heart disease by
2020. Depression affects millions
of people worldwide.

Anxiety disorders are a group of

mental illnesses that cause people
to feel extremely frightened,
distressed, or uneasy during
situations in which most other
people would not experience the
same feelings, as defined by the
National Alliance on Mental
Illness (Nami).

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