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8.1 THE QUESTION OF ARRAYS noise requires the use of adequate spatial sampling
(and usually field arrays), while ambient noise is best
Array design in 3-D surveys requires careful con- overcome by an appropriate choice of source type,
sideration. A good treatment of arrays in 2-D surveys source strength, and fold.
can be found in Vermeer (1990). If a receiver array is Arrays in the source line direction should comple-
used, it should be as simple as possible. Circles, box ment arrays in the receiver line direction as much as
patterns, or in-line arrays are commonly used today possible (Vermeer, 1998a). Figure 8.1 shows the differ-
because of the ease and efficiency of their layout. A ent array combinations that may be considered. Fig-
designer may place a major emphasis on an intricate ure 8.1a is a single source point being recorded by a
receiver array, but this message may be hard to con- linear receiver array, the series of midpoints indicates
vey to the field personnel who may not understand possible smearing in the receiver line direction. Figure
the necessity of carrying out instructions accurately. 8.1b shows the areal midpoint sampling that might
In such cases, the designer must work with the field happen with a combination of linear source and re-
personnel directly to achieve meticulous placement of ceiver arrays. This areal midpoint coverage is
the arrays. summed as one trace. Figure 8.1c indicates the mid-
In 3-D surveys, source energy arrives from many point coverage that can be achieved with a single
directions. The array response varies dramatically de- source and an areal receiver array. The greater the
pending on the azimuth between point sources (e.g., number of elements in a receiver array, the larger is
dynamite) and receiver arrays. If geophone arrays are the areal midpoint coverage. Such areal arrays are ef-
laid in-line, the response from a point source fired fective in reducing back-scattered noise.
from an in-line position will be attenuated, while a
broadside source into such an array will not be af-
fected by the array. Because of this variation, many 8.2 GEOPHONE ARRAYS
companies prefer no arrays at all when recording 3-D
data with single-hole dynamite source points, and use Figure 8.2 illustrates a five-element geophone array
omnidirectional arrays such as circles or clustered ar- response oriented east-west to energy arriving from
rays. various directions. Figure 8.2a shows the array re-
Field tests for linear versus podded geophone ar- sponse in a linear plot, while Figure 8.2b shows the
rays have indicated that there may be situations response in a radial presentation. Note the poor atten-
where arrays can attenuate reflections more than uation of broadside energy, at 90° (north) and 270°
groundroll does (Wittick, 1998). The tests included (south), and good attenuation at 0° (east) and 180°
in-line as well as cross-line recording, i.e., the wave- (west). Figure 8.2b shows the 2-D array response with
fields hit the geophone groups linearly as well as 0° being in-line to the geophones, i.e., east-west. A
broadside. cross-sectional display of the array response is shown
Regone (1998) has shown that dense wavefield at the bottom of each figure, e.g. at 209.8° in Figure
sampling through the use of areal grids of receivers is 8.2a. The location of each profile view is indicated by
effective in reducing scattered noise. Direct-arrival a thick black line through each 2-D response.

130 Arrays

Fig. 8.1. Midpoint coverage for: a. a single source into a linear geophone array (after Vermeer, 1998a), b. a linear
source array into a linear geophone array, and c. a single source into an areal geophone array.

Fig. 8.2a. Geophone array response (linear).

8.5 Stack Arrays 131

Fig. 8.2b. Geophone array response (radial).

8.3 SOURCE ARRAYS etry. Accordingly, arrays will be laid out differently.
The theoretical response should be evaluated before
Figure 8.3 shows an array response of a simulated proceeding with a particular design.
four-vibrator drag in the north-south direction. Note
the good attenuation at 90° (north) and 270° (south)
and poor attenuation, or full response, at 0° (east) and 8.5 STACK ARRAYS
180° (west). Typical patterns are four vibrators with 10
m between pads (40 m effective array length) moving Stack arrays have been discussed by Anstey (1986a,
up 5 m (or less) at a time. In the example of Figure 1986b, 1986c, 1987, 1989). The 2-D stack array ap-
8.3a, the distance between pads is 5 m and move-up is proach creates an even, continuous, uniform succes-
5 m, for a total of four sweeps. The effective array sion of geophones across the CMP gather. In land op-
length is 35 m; the response of four vibrators is shown erations, split spreads are used with the following
as a radial pattern in Figure 8.3b. geometrical parameters imposed:
group length is equal to the group interval,
the source interval is equal to the group interval,
Figure 8.4 indicates the combined response of the the source points are between the groups.
receiver and sources arrays. It is important to note These stack arrays depend on the trace offsets from
that these graphs are the theoretical response in an their respective source points. If isotropic noise is as-
ideal situation with the geophone arrays and source sumed, the 3-D stack array becomes a 2-D array
arrays arranged orthogonally. This particular array formed by different offset traces. Thus, the response at
provides good noise attenuation in all directions. Each each azimuth is the same. Because 3-D CMP bins al-
layout method has its own particular recording geom- ways contain traces of differing offsets, the stack array
Fig. 8.3a. Source array response (linear).

Fig. 8.3b. Source array response (radial).

Fig. 8.4a. Combined 2-dimensional array response (linear).

Fig. 8.4b. Combined 2-dimensional array response (radial).

134 Arrays

effect is different in each CMP bin and is often negligi- 8.7 SYMMETRIC SAMPLING
ble because of the irregular offset mix at each CMP.
Vermeer (1998a) supports the idea of symmetric
sampling as well. Anything that is done on the re-
ceiver side should be done on the source side as well.
Hence the source and receiver station as well as line
intervals are equal. The maximum offset is measured
Ongkiehong and Askin (1988) have taken the stack in the in-line direction and it is equal to the maximum
array approach one step further by imposing equal offset measured in the cross-line direction. This re-
array lengths for the source and receiver patterns. sults in equal in-line and cross-line fold also. Any re-
For symmetric sampling, the number of elements ceiver arrays are mirrored as source arrays. As men-
in each array, whether source or receiver, should be tioned in the previous section this is an ideal scenario,
the same. Their conclusion is that any deviation which requires compromises in practical situations.
from homogeneity in the fundamental sampling operator
is ultimately detrimental. In 3-D field acquisition,
such symmetric sampling may not be economi-
cally possible, and some compromises need to be

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