Sustainability Science A Room of Its Own

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Sustainability Science: A room of its own

ustainability science has emerged tions between nature and society toward
over the last two decades as a more sustainable trajectories? How can
vibrant field of research and in- science and technology be more effec-
novation. Today, the field has tively harnessed to address sustainability
developed a core research agenda, an goals?
increasing flow of results, and a growing From its core focus on advancing un-
number of universities committed to derstanding of coupled human–environ-
teaching its methods and findings. Like ment systems, sustainability science has
‘‘agricultural science’’ and ‘‘health sci- reached out with focused problem-solving
ence,’’ sustainability science is a field efforts targeted to urgent human needs.
defined by the problems it addresses As most recently delineated by the World
rather than by the disciplines it employs. Summit on Sustainable Development, Fig. 1. Research characterized by the motivations
In particular, the field seeks to facilitate these efforts include improving access to that inspire it. (Redrawn from ref. 3.)
what the National Research Council has water supplies of adequate quality and
called a ‘‘transition toward sustainabil- quantity, advancing cleaner energy and
ity,’’ improving society’s capacity to use manufacturing systems, mitigating the hu- however, to encompass relevant work in
the earth in ways that simultaneously man health impact of pollution and envi- both the blue-sky theorizing of ‘‘Bohr’s
‘‘meet the needs of a much larger but ronmentally mediated disease, enhancing Quadrant’’ and pragmatic problem solv-
stabilizing human population, . . . sustain agricultural production and food security, ing of ‘‘Edison’s Quadrant.’’ In so doing,
the life support systems of the planet, encouraging more benign trajectories of it serves the quest for advancing both
and . . . substantially reduce hunger and rapid urbanization, and more generally useful knowledge and informed action
poverty’’ (1). making more effective use of environmen- by creating a dynamic bridge between
In early 2005, Bruce Alberts and tal and natural resources to promote pov- the two.
Ralph Cicerone, in their respective roles erty alleviation. Likewise, sustainability The resulting field of sustainability
as outgoing and incoming presidents of science is being applied to devise practical science has been expanding at an accel-
the National Academy of Sciences, pro- protections for the earth’s key life-support erated pace and in multiple directions,
posed that the maturing field of sustain- systems. Special attention in recent years as can be tracked through its (appropri-
ability science might be ready for a has been given to mitigating pressures on ately) virtual ‘‘Forum on Science and
‘‘room of its own’’ in PNAS. After a the global climate, conserving ecosystem Innovation for Sustainable Develop-
committee study and extended discus- services, and protecting biodiversity. Fi- ment’’ (
sion, the PNAS Editorial Board ap- nally, and most ambitiously, sustainability The forum monitors an increasing num-
proved a new section on Sustainability science research is seeking to support the ber of major conferences, including the
Science, which now shares the masthead integrative task of managing particular entire 2007 Annual Meeting of Ameri-
with other long-term residents such as places where multiple efforts to meet mul- can Association for the Advancement of
Physics, Genetics, and Cell Biology. This tiple human needs interact with multiple Science, convened under the theme of
editorial constitutes a progress report on life-support systems in highly complex and ‘‘Science and Technology for Sustain-
the field itself and on the role of PNAS often unexpected ways. able Well-Being.’’ It also reflects an ex-
in fostering its development. Just as sustainability science has panding set of fellowships, programs,
Research relevant to the goals of sus- reached out to contribute to and learn institutes, and even schools devoted to
tainable development has long been from the world of applied problem- training the next generation of sustain-
pursued from bases as diverse as geog- solving, so has it remained closely linked ability scientists. Above all, however,
raphy and geochemistry, ecology and with curiosity-driven research across a the forum documents a growing flow
economics, or physics and political sci- range of disciplines. Efforts to provide of research results, published across
ence. Increasingly, however, a core sus- useful knowledge for solving the very an immense variety of journals and
tainability science research program has practical but highly complex problems disciplines.
begun to take shape that transcends the sketched above has often required fun-
concerns of its foundational disciplines damental advances in our conceptuali- The National Academies and
and focuses instead on understanding zation and understanding of coupled Sustainability Science
the complex dynamics that arise from human–environment systems. This has For two different reasons, PNAS recently
interactions between human and envi- meant that scientists seeking to pro- responded to this growing supply of sus-
ronmental systems. Central questions (2) mote a sustainability transition have tainability science by giving the field a
include the following. How can those needed to tap into, and indeed engage ‘‘room of its own’’ among the journal’s
dynamic interactions be better incorpo- in, cutting-edge research in areas rang- more established sections. First, as the
rated into emerging models and concep- ing from complex systems theory to cul- NAS presidents emphasized when they
tualizations that integrate the Earth tural and political ecology. suggested the PNAS initiative, the Acad-
system, social development, and sustain- Sustainability science is thus most emy has been a leader for more than a
ability? How are long-term trends in usefully thought of as neither ‘‘basic’’ decade in efforts to harness science and
environment and development reshaping nor ‘‘applied’’ research. Rather, it is an technology in the service of sustainable
nature–society interactions? What fac- enterprise centered on the ‘‘use-inspired development. Building on long-standing
tors determine the limits of resilience basic research’’ that the late Donald strengths across the Academies and
and sources of vulnerability for such in- Stokes characterized as ‘‘Pasteur’s
National Research Council, the NAS initi-
teractive systems? What systems of in- Quadrant’’ of the modern science and
centive structures can most effectively technology enterprise (see Fig. 1) (3).
improve social capacity to guide interac- The field reaches out beyond this core, © 2007 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA

www.pnas.org兾cgi兾doi兾10.1073兾pnas.0611291104 PNAS 兩 February 6, 2007 兩 vol. 104 兩 no. 6 兩 1737–1738

ated in 1995 a study that became the best- ability science articles capture no more From theory to implementation,’’ Rob-
selling National Research Council report than 5% of all of the important papers ert Kates and Partha Dasgupta on ‘‘Pov-
‘‘Our Common Journey: A Transition To- published and even then tend to focus erty and hunger,’’ John Schellnhuber on
ward Sustainability’’(1). This was the U.S. on a single discipline or pair of disci- ‘‘Tipping points in the Earth system,’’
contribution to the World Scientific Acad- plines (e.g., ecological economics) or a Barry Bloom on ‘‘Sustainable health,”
emies’ Tokyo 2000 meeting on a ‘‘Transi- single issue area (e.g., agriculture or en- and Bill Turner on ‘‘Land change sci-
tion to Sustainability in the 21st Century: ergy). The committee concluded that ence.’’
The Contribution of Science and Technol- this extreme dispersion was limiting the Over the coming year, the PNAS sec-
ogy’’(4). Leaders of these early Academy opportunities for cross-fertilization and tion on Sustainability Science will seek
efforts helped to found the Initiative on thus inhibiting development of the field. to accelerate its present rapid growth
Science and Technology for Sustainability The committee recommended that the through a number of initiatives. We will
and through it to help shape an increas- Academy provide a dedicated section on intensify our efforts to seek out the
ingly robust and productive international Sustainability Science in PNAS as a best research from around the world,
agenda for sustainability science (2, 5, 6). means of creating a high-profile, high- striving to become a truly international
The Academy followed up on its initial quality, interdisciplinary venue for publi- forum for sustainability science. We will
work by establishing in 2002 a standing cation of the best work produced in the aim to capture more of the new re-
Program and Roundtable on Science and field. search being carried out on fundamental
Technology for Sustainability (http://www7. properties of the complex, adaptive A Room of Its Own at PNAS human–environment systems that are
table/index.html), which is now actively Since its launch a year ago, the PNAS the heart of sustainability science. We
reaching out to engage not only academics section on Sustainability Science has will attempt to expand our coverage of
from around the world but also relevant been attracting an increasing flow of work relevant to some of the most ur-
leaders from government, the private sec- excellent submissions. The complete set gent practical challenges of sustainability
tor, and civil society. The PNAS initiative of papers published to date can be seen not yet well represented in the journal,
was launched in part to provide a re- via a drop-down list on the ‘‘Sustainabil- notably rapid urbanization and the pro-
search-oriented complement to these ity Science’’ page of the PNAS web site vision of adequate water supplies.
other Academy activities that are in the ( Above all, we will be working to make
forefront of the developing field of sus- The list illustrates both the scope and the section a home where scholarship on
tainability science. quality of work in the field, with articles the development and poverty alleviation
A second reason for launching the addressing topics ranging from geogra- dimensions of the sustainability transi-
PNAS section on Sustainability Science phy and macroeconomics, through the tion achieves prominence in the journal
arose in the course of the review con- impact of atmospheric brown clouds on comparable with that now accorded
ducted by the study committee named rice harvests in India, to a comparison the environment and conservation
by the presidents to consider the merits of natural and anthropogenic iron cy- dimensions.
of such a section. The committee found cles. Beyond these and similarly diverse We invite researchers from around
that the field of sustainability science papers submitted to the section, PNAS the world to join us in the adventure of
was growing rapidly, with the number of has invited a number of leading scholars making the Sustainability Science sec-
articles published annually increasing by in the field to prepare special features tion of PNAS as exciting as the field on
15–20% per year over the last decade. on key themes of sustainability science. which it reports. Let us hear from you
These publications are appearing across These include efforts organized by Eli- with your questions, suggestions, and
above all contributions of your very best
a huge range of fields in the natural and nor Ostrom on ‘‘Beyond panaceas:
sustainability science research papers to
social sciences, engineering, and medi- Crafting diverse institutional arrange-
furnish this wonderful new room of our
cine. As a result, there are simply no ments for governing diverse social-
own at PNAS.
dominant journals in the field. The most ecological systems,’’ Pamela Matson and
popular single journals carrying sustain- Gretchen Daily on ‘‘Ecosystem services: William C. Clark, Associate Editor

1. National Research Council Policy Division Board 3. Stokes DE (1997) Pasteur’s Quadrant: Basic Sci- on International Issues, Trieste).
on Sustainable Development (1999) Our Common ence and Technological Innovation (Brookings 5. International Council for Science (2002) Science
Journey: A Transition Toward Sustainability (Natl Institution, Washington, DC). and Technology for Sustainable Development (Int
Acad Press, Washington, DC). 4. World’s Scientific Academies (2000) Transition Council for Sci, Paris).
2. Kates RW, Clark WC, Corell R, Hall JM, Jaeger to Sustainabilit y in the 21st Centur y: The 6. Schellnhuber HJ, Crutzen PJ, Clark WC, Claus-
CC, Lowe I, McCarthy JJ, Schellnhuber HJ, Contribution of Science and Technology. State- sen M, Held H (2004) Earth System Analysis
Bolin B, Dickson NM, et al. (2001) Science ment of the World’s Scientific Academies, May for Sustainabilit y (MIT Press, Cambridge,
292:641– 642. 2000, Tok yo, Japan (Interacademy Panel MA).

1738 兩 www.pnas.org兾cgi兾doi兾10.1073兾pnas.0611291104 Clark

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