Theory of Architecture: Technological Institute of The Philippines 363 P. Casal Quaipo, Metro Manila

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Technological Institute of the Philippines

363 P. Casal Quaipo ,Metro Manila

Theory of Architecture

Assignment No. 2
Form and Space

Submitted by:
Salvador, Christine M.


Submitted to:
AR. Romeo S. Camacho
Technological Institute of the Philippines
363 P. Casal Quaipo ,Metro Manila

Theory of Architecture

Assignment No. 2
Form and Space

Submitted by:
Yumul, Jayanne A.


Submitted to:
AR. Romeo S. Camacho
Technological Institute of the Philippines
363 P. Casal Quaipo ,Metro Manila

Theory of Architecture

Assignment No. 2
Form and Space

Submitted by:
Lumabao, Myla


Submitted to:
AR. Romeo S. Camacho
Technological Institute of the Philippines
363 P. Casal Quaipo ,Metro Manila

Theory of Architecture

Assignment No. 2
Form and Space

Submitted by:
Poblete, Let Jhon


Submitted to:
AR. Romeo S. Camacho
Technological Institute of the Philippines
363 P. Casal Quaipo ,Metro Manila

Theory of Architecture

Assignment No. 2
Form and Space

Submitted by:
Pedro, Francis


Submitted to:
AR. Romeo S. Camacho
Form and Space
Form refers to the shape or configuration of a building. Form and its opposite, space, constitute
primary elements of architecture. The reciprocal relationship is essential, given the intention of
architecture to provide internal sheltered space for human occupation. Both form and space are given
shape and scale in the design process.

Types of Form
Organic architecture is a philosophy of architecture which promotes harmony between human
habitation and the natural world. This is achieved through design approaches that aim to be sympathetic
and well-integrated with a site, so buildings, furnishings, and surroundings become part of a unified,
interrelated composition.

Architectural geometry is an area of research which combines applied geometry and architecture, which
looks at the design, analysis and manufacture processes. It lies at the core of architectural design and
strongly challenges contemporary practice, the so-called architectural practice of the digital age.
The relationship between abstract art and Modernist architecture was particularly strong in the early
twentieth century. Many painters paid homage to architectural principles in their abstract compositions

Form Transformation
A form can be transformed by altering one or more of its dimensions and still retain its identity as
a member of a family of forms.

Additive Architecture is an approach used by Danish architect Jørn Utzon to describe his
development of architectural projects on the basis of growth patterns in nature.
The roof cutouts are forms that are subtracted from the main. They create space without altering the
shape of the home when viewed from the front or back. Quillin Residence.

Transformation of Forms

A structure that is symmetrical in relation to the vertical axis in the center of the main chamber,
whose dominant functional and artistic importance is expressed both in the plan (circle, square, polygon,
or more complex geometric figure) and in the exterior of the building.
A linear architecture displays a storyboard-type layout that links to a webpage before and a webpage
after the current page. ... This type of structure varies from linear in that instead of jumping forward or
backwards, you are going to subpages or higher pages in the structure.

is visual material arranged around a central point, taking a roughly circular form. See things
branching out from a central point, and you've got radial design. It's everywhere: clock faces, spokes
around a wheel, flowers like daisies, and so on. Artists and designers have also been drawn to radial
design because if offers a clear focal point and simplifies organization.

Consists of forms that are generally equivalent in size, shape and function. These are forms are
visually ordered into a coherent , non- hierarchical organization not only by their close proximity to one
another but also by the similarity of their visual properties.

A grid can be defined as two or more intersecting sets of regularly spaced parallel lines.
Possibilities of Grouping Forms

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