Vladimir M. Cvetkovic, Faculty of Security Studies

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• Date and place of birth: 08/02/1987, Kragujevac

• Age: 32
• Citizenship: Serbian
• Research field and area/areas (at most five): disaster, hazards, risk, disaster risk management, disaster
• Education:
o Undergraduate Studies of Criminalistic, The Academy of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies,
Belgrade, 2006-2010. year (10.00), corresponding fields: criminalistic, security, disaster;
o Postgraduate Studies of Criminalistic, The Academy of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies,
Belgrade, 2010-2012. year (9.90), theses - Management in disasters caused by misuste of weapons of
mass destruction; corresponding fields: security, disaster management, risk management.
o PhD Studies of Security, Department disaster risk management, University of Belgrade, Faculty of
Security Studies, 2012-2015. year with thesis Title: Citizens preparedness for responding to natural
disaster caused by flood in Serbia (9.80) corresponding fields: security, disaster

• Name, family name and title of the Ph.D. thesis supervisor: Vladimir Jakovljević, PhD thesis – Citizens
preparedness for responding to natural disaster caused by flood in Serbia, 2015.

• Dates of appointments (researcher and scientific titles, i.e., equivalent titles in higher education):
o Teaching Associate, 2011-2013, Academy of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, Belgrade,
teaching subjects: disaster risk management, security in emergency situations; prevention and
suppression of fires, explosions and accidents; crisis management.
o Professor Assistant, 2013-2017, Academy of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, Belgrade,
teaching subjects: disaster risk management, security in emergency situations; prevention and
suppression of fires, explosions and accidents; crisis management.
o Assistant Professor, 2017-present, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies, teaching
subjects: disaster risk management; management of protection and rescue activities in disasters;
methodology for disaster risk management; system of prevention and reduction of disaster risk.

• Employment history:
o 2006-2006. year – The Ministry of Internal Affairs, police offficer in Kragujevac;
o 2011-2016. year – The The Academy of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, Belgrade;
o 2017 – present – The University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies, Belgrade.

• List of selected publications:

During the ten-year career he has published over 200 research papers and 14 scientific monographs - Link.
o Cvetković, V. M., Öcal, A., & Ivanov, A. (2019). Young adults’ fear of disasters: A case study of
residents from Turkey, Serbia and Macedonia. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 35,
101095. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2019.101095, IF 2.568, M21, ISSN 2212-4209.
o Cvetković, V. M., Roder, G., Öcal, A., Tarolli, P., & Dragićević, S. (2018). The role of gender in
preparedness and response behaviors towards flood risk in Serbia. International journal of
environmental research and public health, 15(12), 2761. DOI:
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2019.101095, IF 2.568, M21, ISSN 1660-4601.
o Cvetković, V. M., Ronan, K., Shaw, R., Filipović, M., Mano, R., Gačić, J., & Jakovljević, V. (2019).
Household earthquake preparedness in Serbia: A study of selected municipalities. Acta geographica
Slovenica, 59(2), 27-43. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3986/AGS.5445, IF 0.773, M23, ISSN 1581-8314.
o Cvetković, V., Dragičević, S., Petrović, M., Mijalković, S., Jakovljević, V., & Gačić, J. (2015).
Knowledge and perception of secondary school students in Belgrade about earthquakes as natural
disasters. Polish journal of environmental studies, 24(4), 1553-1561. DOI:
https://doi.org/10.15244/pjoes/39702, IF 1.186, M23, ISSN 1230-1485.
o Cvetković, V., Noji, E., Filipović, M., Popović-Mančević, M., Kešetović, Ž., & Radović, N. (2018).
Public Risk Perspectives Regarding the Threat of Terrorism in Belgrade: Implications for Risk
Management Decision-Making for Individuals, Communities and Public Authorities. Revija za
kriminalistiko in kriminologijo, 69(4), 279-298. WOS: 000457816800006, M23, ISSN 0034-690X.

• Citation number (excluding self-citations) from SCOPUS or WoS citation databases.

o According to official data PUBLONS sum of times cited is 20, H-indes is 3, average citations per item
is 1.8, and average citation per year is 4.0. Link
o According to official data scientific network ,,Research gate“ 2019. godine, he has 16.05 (RG scores).
420.7 (total research interest), 13 h-index, 350 (citations), 105 (recommendations) i 35.000 readings.
o According to official data ,,Google schoolar citations“ he has 501 (citations), h-index 13 i i10-index 15.

• Project history:
o Research member of International scientific research project – Horizon 2020 project DAREnet -
Danube river region Resilience Exchange network targeting the Call topic: SEC-21–GM-2016/2017:
Pan European Networks of practitioners and other actors in the field of security. The mission of the
project is to create preconditions for objective scientific and practical support to all relevant entities and
organizations in charge of natural disaster management caused by flooding of the Danube River –
2017-2022. year;
o Research member of National Research Project – Development of Institutional Capacities, Standards
and Procedures for Fighting Organized Crime and Terrorism in Climate of International Integrations“ –
2015-2017. year;
o Research member of scientific research project implemented by the Academy of Criminalistic and
Police Studies called – National security of the Republic of Serbia and Security Integrations – 2014-

• Awards, prizes, etc.:

o Danubius Young Scientist Award for 2017 from the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science, Research
and Economy (BMWFW) and the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM) for
extraordinary achievements in scientific activity and output;
o Scholarship OSCE for the third year of doctoral studies at the Faculty of Security Studies, 2015/2016.
o Grant by the Fund for Young talents of the Republic of Serbia for the undergraduate students of final
years (2009/10);
o Awarded scholarship of ''Eurobank EFG scholarships for the best students Serbia'' within the project
''We invest in European values", due to excellent results in the areas of criminal and police and security
studies, 2009;
o Award for the best student of the first, second, third year at the Academy of Criminalistic and Police
Studies in Zemun, 2nd October 2007, 2008. i 2009. year for 10.00 average;
o Award for the first student in the rank of the graduates from the Academy of Criminalistic and Police
Studies in Zemun, 2nd October 2010, silver badge award;
o Elected on the Municipal Assembly of Lapovo as the best student in the history of the municipality,
o Awarded as the one of the best cadet with grade average of 5:00 in the High School of Interior in
Sremska Kamenica, 2008.

• Reviewing scientific journals and grants

o Founder and Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, publisher:
Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management;
o He has reviewed over 50 scientific papers in national journals and publications (security, science,
security and police) and in international journals/proceedings SCI/SSCI list – Link:
 International Journal – Health Science Journal: Analysis of Gender Differences in Disaster
Preparedness for Nankai Trough Earthquake. (2019)
 International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction: Affect provides feedback about cognition
to influence natural hazard likelihood and perceived response preparedness. (2019)
 International Journal – Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk: Spatial-Temporal Snapshots of
Global Natural Disaster Impacts Revealed from EM-DAT for 1900-2015. (2018);
 International Journal of Architectural Heritage: Accidental impacts on historical and
architectural heritage in port areas: the case of Brindisi. (2016);
 International Journal – Heliyon: Perceived Farmland Vulnerability to Climate Change Risks
in Varied Ecological Settings of Northwest Ethiopia. (2017).

• International scientific collaboration and mobility

o Founder and Principal of Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management in Serbia,
2018. The Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management is a non-governmental, non-
profit organization for research in the field of Disaster Risk Management.
o As founder of Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management he collaborat with more
than 60 scientist from all around the world. Beside that, he participated in a lot of collaborative
international research related to disaster risk management. He participated in more than 50 international
o As Danubius young scientist for Serbia 2017, he was in Joint Research Center on a few days to meet
scientist from disaster risk management field;

• Skills and other facts relevant to the Project

o Seminar completer: “Safety of students in school buildings” which is provided by the Program catalog
of continuous professional development of teachers, educators and associates for school years
2014/2015 and 2015/2016;
o Completed basic specialized course for inspectors in the field of civil protection and risk management,
o Completed basic course for firefighter-rescuer for a period of 4 months in the Department for
Emergency Situations of the city of Belgrade, acquired title firefighter-rescuer, 2012;
o Professional practice in the Department of Emergency Management during 2011

• Link to the Public RIS page (istrazivaci.gov.rs) and to another database of researchers if available (e.g.,
Google Scholar, ORCID, etc.):
o Researcher ID: J-3501-2015;
o ORCID: link
o Research gate: link
o Academia.edu: link
o Google schoolar citations: link
o Disaster Risk Manageent blog: link
o RIS: link
o Publons: link

• For the PI: past experience in research leadership, participation in project administration, introduction
of young people into scientific research, supervision of final papers/theses and other management

Throughout his career, he has designed and realized more than 50 scientific research studies using quantitative
or qualitative research traditions in disaster risk management field. As the founder of Scientific-Professional
Society for Disaster Risk Management he has included more than 40 young people in various scientific and
research activity related to disaster risk management. As assistant professor, he was a mentor in a lot of
o Mumović, N. (2019). Evacuation from residential buildings in emergency situations caused by fires.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies.
o Filipović, B. (2019). Examination of the impact of demographic and socio-economic factors on the
level of preparedness of citizens for response to emergencies caused by forest fires in Prijepolje.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies.
o Mlinar M. (2019). Public perception оf possibilities of terrorist misuse of chemical weapons:
implications on disaster risk management process. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security
o Perić, J. (2019). Demographic and socio-economic perspective of flood risk perception of natural
disasters: a case study Belgrade. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies.
o Svrdlin, M. (2019). Gender dimension of citizens' vulnerability to natural disasters caused by the
2014 floods: the Svilajnac case study. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies.

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