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Assessor’s name:

Applicants without Exemplifying Academic Qualifications for Chartered

Engineer registration

The Individual Case Procedure (ICP) process applies to candidates who have not followed
one of the prescribed exemplifying academic qualifications, detailed on page two, for
registration with the Engineering Council (EngC).

Applicants without the exemplifying academic qualifications must demonstrate the same level
of underpinning knowledge and understanding as that set by the EngC Standard for applicants
with exemplifying qualifications.

Applicants who have not followed one of the exemplifying academic pathways must submit
their career history and education and training record, including any records of experiential
learning, to the Energy Institute (EI) for assessment.

The ICP panel will either:

 confirm you have satisfied the benchmark academic criteria and are therefore eligible for
registration with the Engineering Council; or
 identify any enhancements required to enable registration with the Engineering Council.

If as a result of this initial assessment the EI considers that additional evidence of knowledge
and understanding is required, it shall advise the applicants on the nature and extent of this.
The necessary additional knowledge and understanding shall be demonstrated through:

 successfully completing further qualifications, either in whole or in part, as specified by

the EI, or
 providing additional evidence of having completed recorded work-based or experiential
learning acceptable to the Licensed Member, or
 for applicants seeking registration as an Engineering Technician or ICT Technician, an
integrated assessment by a Licensed Member of their education, training and
competence in employment, or
 submission of a Technical Report which is assessed as acceptable by the Licensed
Member, or
 passing appropriate Engineering Council examinations that were available until May
2012, (no longer applicable) or
 any combination of these.

Applicants will be advised after the initial review, which includes completing this self-
assessment form, which if any of the above options are the most suitable for their individual

Interim Registration Self-Assessment for CEng applicants – V1.2 April 19

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Benchmark academic requirements for registration

Knowledge and understanding are important components of professional competence. Formal
education is the usual, though not the only, way of demonstrating the necessary knowledge
and understanding, and the following qualifications exemplify the required knowledge and
understanding for Chartered Engineers:

 An Engineering Council accredited bachelor’s degree with honours in engineering or

technology, plus either an appropriate master’s degree or Engineering Doctorate
(EngD) accredited by a professional engineering institution, or appropriate further
learning to master’s level*;
 or an Engineering Council accredited integrated MEng degree.

*See for qualification levels and HE reference points.

The Engineering Council website provides a searchable database of accredited programmes.

Please check the Engineering Council website:

Integrated Masters (MEng) Degrees

Integrated Masters (MEng) degrees accredited for CEng registration include the outcomes of
accredited Bachelors (Honours) degrees and go beyond to provide a greater range and depth
of specialist knowledge, within a research and industrial environment, as well as a broader
and more general academic base.

Such programmes should provide both a foundation for leadership and a wider appreciation
of the economic, legal, social, ethical and environmental context of engineering.

Graduates from an accredited integrated Masters (MEng) degree must achieve a systematic
understanding of the learning outcomes described below, including acquisition of coherent
and detailed knowledge, most of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of defined aspects
of the relevant engineering discipline. Some of the learning outcomes will be to levels deeper
and broader than in a bachelor’s programme, the balance of which will vary according to the
nature and aims of each programme. Crucially, graduates will have the ability to integrate their
knowledge and understanding of mathematics; science; computer-based methods; design;
the economic, legal, social, ethical and environmental context; and engineering practice to
solve a substantial range of engineering problems, some of them complex or novel. They will
have acquired much of this ability through involvement in individual and group design projects.
Ideally some of these projects would have industrial involvement or be practice-based.

Requirements for assessment by the ICP panel

When reviewing your application, the ICP Panel will look at all the engineering-based
qualifications that you have completed as well as your career history and training record. A
profile of such qualifications is listed below to enable you to submit the appropriate information
for assessment. The Professional Development Co-ordinator will provide further information
about this.

Interim Registration Self-Assessment for CEng applicants – V1.2 April 19

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Applicant’s name: Reference:
Assessor’s name:

In order to review your career history and qualifications against the requirements of an EngC
accredited academic programme, the ICP Panel will require:
 Completed self-assessment form
 A module breakdown of your qualifications (undergraduate and postgraduate)
 A syllabus for the qualification(s)
 Any other information you feel would support your application
If relevant you can also submit:
 A copy of your final year dissertation, project or PhD etc.
 Any suitable peer-reviewed papers, or section of, where you are the lead author or
where your personal contribution is clear. These should be referenced clearly to the
relevant section.

If you do not possess the module breakdown(s) and course syllabi for the course(s) you
completed, you should obtain them direct from your university or college.

This information should be submitted to the Professional Development Co-ordinator ideally

with your application for membership of EI.

Completing the self-assessment form

The academic learning outcomes listed in the Self-assessment form, are taken from the
Engineering Council requirements for an accredited qualification, which would meet the
educational requirements for CEng registration. They are made up from a combination of
Honours level (H) and Master’s level (M) learning outcomes. The relevant levels of education
should be used to demonstrate each learning outcome. For example, master’s level education
cannot be used to demonstrate an Honours level learning outcome and vice versa. Nor can a
PhD be used to demonstrate that you meet any of these learning outcomes.

When demonstrating that you meet the learning outcomes, you should refer to your academic
studies and/or professional experience. The ICP Panel will be looking for clear, concise,
accurate and relevant examples as to how and where you meet each learning outcome.
You should demonstrate this through your academic studies and by giving detailed examples
of how you have put this learning into practice in your professional career.

If you do not have any professional experience, you should give details of what you have
learned in your studies and how you learned it, attaching a detailed course breakdown as
supporting evidence.

If you are an experienced professional, detailed examples from your professional career may
be sufficient to demonstrate that you meet the learning outcomes.

All applicants should look to write approx. 200 – 300 words per learning outcome.

Your form will need to be signed off by one of your sponsors or line manager who must verify
the form is your own work.

Please return your signed self-assessment in both word and PDR format.

Interim Registration Self-Assessment for CEng applicants – V1.2 April 19

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Assessor’s name:

Within this document, the following terms are used with the meanings stated:

 Understanding is the capacity to use concepts creatively, for example, in problem

solving, design, explanations and diagnosis
 Knowledge is information that can be recalled
 Know-how is the ability to apply learned knowledge and skills to perform operations
intuitively, efficiently and correctly
 Skills are acquired and learned attributes that can be applied almost automatically
 Awareness is general familiarity, albeit bounded by the needs of the specific discipline
 Complex implies engineering problems, artefacts or systems that involve dealing
simultaneously with a sizeable number of factors that interact and require deep
understanding, including knowledge at the forefront of the discipline, to analyse or deal

The level at which these outputs will be delivered is that expected from the relevant
qualifications as they are described in the QAA’s Framework for HE Qualifications in England,
Wales and Northern Ireland ( and in the Scottish Credit and Qualifications
Framework (

Descriptor for a Higher Education Qualification at Level 6:

Bachelor’s Degree with Honours
The descriptor provided for this level of the FHEQ is for any bachelor’s degree with honours
which should meet the descriptor in full. This qualification descriptor can also be used as a
reference point for other level 6 qualifications, including bachelor’s degrees, graduate
diplomas etc.

Bachelor’s degrees with honours are awarded to students who have demonstrated:
a systematic understanding of key aspects of their field of study, including acquisition of
coherent and detailed knowledge, at least some of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of
defined aspects of a discipline
 an ability to deploy accurately established techniques of analysis and enquiry within a
 conceptual understanding that enables the student:
o to devise and sustain arguments, and/or to solve problems, using ideas and
techniques, some of which are at the forefront of a discipline
o to describe and comment upon particular aspects of current research, or equivalent
advanced scholarship, in the discipline
 an appreciation of the uncertainty, ambiguity and limits of knowledge
 the ability to manage their own learning, and to make use of scholarly reviews and
primary sources (for example, refereed research articles and/or original materials
appropriate to the discipline).

Typically, holders of the qualification will be able to:

 apply the methods and techniques that they have learned to review, consolidate,
extend and apply their knowledge and understanding, and to initiate and carry out

Interim Registration Self-Assessment for CEng applicants – V1.2 April 19

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 critically evaluate arguments, assumptions, abstract concepts and data (that may be
incomplete), to make judgements, and to frame appropriate questions to achieve a
solution - or identify a range of solutions - to a problem
 communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-
specialist audiences.

And holders will have:

 the qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring:
o the exercise of initiative and personal responsibility
o decision-making in complex and unpredictable contexts the learning ability needed
to undertake appropriate further training of a professional or equivalent nature.

Descriptor for a Higher Education Qualification at Level 7: Master’s

The descriptor provided for this level of the framework is for any master’s degree which should
meet the descriptor in full. This qualification descriptor can also be used as a reference point
for other level 7 qualifications, including postgraduate certificates and postgraduate diplomas.

Master’s degrees are awarded to students who have demonstrated:

• a systematic understanding of knowledge, and a critical awareness of current
problems and/or new insights, much of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of
their academic discipline, field of study or area of professional practice
• a comprehensive understanding of techniques applicable to their own research or
advanced scholarship
• originality in the application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding
of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and
interpret knowledge in the discipline
• conceptual understanding that enables the student:
- to evaluate critically current research and advanced scholarship in the
- to evaluate methodologies and develop critiques of them and, where
appropriate, to propose new hypotheses.

Typically, holders of the qualification will be able to:

• deal with complex issues both systematically and creatively make sound
judgements in the absence of complete data, and communicate their conclusions
clearly to specialist and non-specialist audiences
• demonstrate self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems, and act
autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional or equivalent
• continue to advance their knowledge and understanding, and to develop new skills
to a high level.
And holders will have:
• the qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring:
- the exercise of initiative and personal responsibility
- decision-making in complex and unpredictable situations
- the independent learning ability required for continuing professional

Interim Registration Self-Assessment for CEng applicants – V1.2 April 19

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ICP assessment
You have six months from the date the EI requests for you to complete the self-assessment
form to supply the completed form and supporting documentation. Failure to do so will lead to
your application being withdrawn. For further information please contact:

Professional Development Co-ordinator

t: +44(0)20 7467 7159

Interim Registration Self-Assessment for CEng applicants – V1.2 April 19

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Interim Registration – Self assessment form for Chartered Engineer (CEng) applicants without accredited qualifications.

Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________

Please use the following criteria to help the Individual Case Procedure (ICP) Panel identify how or where you reach each of the following outcomes.
The Panel will be looking for clear, concise, accurate and relevant examples as to how and where you meet each of these academic learning
outcomes. For example, this can be a specific reference to supporting documentation or a specific example from your academic studies or career
Science and mathematics
Engineering is underpinned by science and mathematics, and other associated disciplines, in this instance as defined by the Energy Institute.
Graduates will need the following knowledge, understanding and abilities:
For office use only:
Please tick one box only:
Outcome How or where you meet this criterion A U N
H A comprehensive knowledge and understanding of
scientific principles and methodology necessary to
underpin their education in their engineering
discipline, and an understanding and know-how of the
scientific principles of related disciplines, to enable
appreciation of the scientific and engineering
context, and to support their understanding of relevant
historical, current and future developments and

H Knowledge and understanding of mathematical and

statistical methods necessary to underpin their
education in their engineering discipline and to enable
them to apply a range of mathematical and statistical
methods, tools and notations proficiently and critically in
the analysis and solution of engineering problems

Interim Registration Self-Assessment for CEng applicants – V1.2 April 19

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H Ability to apply and integrate knowledge and

understanding of other engineering disciplines to
support study of their own engineering discipline and the
ability to evaluate them critically and to apply them

M Awareness of developing technologies related to own


M A comprehensive knowledge and understanding of

mathematical and computational models relevant to the
engineering discipline, and an appreciation of their

M Understanding of concepts from a range of areas,

including some outside engineering, and the ability to
evaluate them critically and to apply them effectively in
engineering projects.

Engineering analysis
Engineering analysis involves the application of engineering concepts and tools to the solution of engineering problems. Graduates will need:
For office use only:
Outcome How or where you meet this criterion A U N
H Understanding of engineering principles and the ability
to apply them to undertake critical analysis of key
engineering processes

H Ability to identify, classify and describe the performance

of systems and components through the use of
analytical methods and modelling techniques
H Ability to apply quantitative and computational methods,
using alternative approaches and understanding their
limitations, in order to solve engineering problems and
to implement appropriate action
H Understanding of, and the ability to apply, an integrated
or systems approach to solving complex engineering

Interim Registration Self-Assessment for CEng applicants – V1.2 April 19

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M Ability to use fundamental knowledge to investigate new

and emerging technologies

M Ability to extract and evaluate pertinent data and to

apply engineering analysis techniques in the solution of
unfamiliar problems.

Design at this level is the creation and development of an economically viable product, process or system to meet a defined need. It involves
significant technical and intellectual challenges and can be used to integrate all engineering understanding, knowledge and skills to the solution of
real and complex problems. Graduates will therefore need the knowledge, understanding and skills to:
For office use only:
Outcome How or where you meet this criterion A U N
H Understand and evaluate business, customer and user
needs, including considerations such as the wider
engineering context, public perception and aesthetics

H Investigate and define the problem, identifying any

constraints including environmental and sustainability
limitations; ethical, health, safety, security and risk
issues; intellectual property; codes of practice and

H Work with information that may be incomplete or

uncertain, quantify the effect of this on the design and,
where appropriate, use theory or experimental research
to mitigate deficiencies
H Apply advanced problem-solving skills, technical
knowledge and understanding, to establish rigorous and
creative solutions that are fit for purpose for all aspects
of the problem including production, operation,
maintenance and disposal
H Plan and manage the design process, including cost
drivers, and evaluate outcomes

H Communicate their work to technical and non-technical


Interim Registration Self-Assessment for CEng applicants – V1.2 April 19

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M Demonstrate wide knowledge and comprehensive

understanding of design processes and methodologies
and the ability to apply and adapt them in unfamiliar
M Demonstrate the ability to generate an innovative design
for products, systems, components or processes to fulfil
new needs.

Economic, legal, social, ethical and environmental context

Engineering activity can have impacts on the environment, on commerce, on society and on individuals. Graduates therefore need the skills to
manage their activities and to be aware of the various legal and ethical constraints under which they are expected to operate, including:
For office use only:
Outcome How or where you meet this criterion A U N
H Understanding of the need for a high level of
professional and ethical conduct in engineering, a
knowledge of professional codes of conduct and how
dilemmas can arise

H Knowledge and understanding of the commercial,

economic and social context of engineering processes

H Knowledge and understanding of management

techniques, including project and change management,
that may be used to achieve engineering objectives,
their limitations and how they may be applied

H Understanding of the requirement for engineering

activities to promote sustainable development and ability
to apply quantitative techniques where appropriate

M Awareness of relevant legal requirements governing

engineering activities, including personnel, health &
safety, contracts, intellectual property rights, product
safety and liability issues, and an awareness that these
may differ internationally

Interim Registration Self-Assessment for CEng applicants – V1.2 April 19

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M Knowledge and understanding of risk issues, including

health & safety, environmental and commercial risk, risk
assessment and risk management techniques and an
ability to evaluate commercial risk

M Understanding of the key drivers for business success,

including innovation, calculated commercial risks and
customer satisfaction

Engineering practice
This is the practical application of engineering skills, combining theory and experience, and use of other relevant knowledge and skills. This can
For office use only:
Outcome How or where you meet this criterion A U N
H Understanding of contexts in which engineering
knowledge can be applied (eg operations and
management, application and development of
technology, etc)

H Knowledge of characteristics of particular equipment,

processes, or products, with extensive knowledge and
understanding of a wide range of engineering
materials and components;

H Ability to apply relevant practical and laboratory skills

H Understanding of the use of technical literature and

other information source

H Knowledge of relevant legal and contractual issues

Interim Registration Self-Assessment for CEng applicants – V1.2 April 19

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H Understanding of appropriate codes of practice and

industry standards

H Awareness of quality issues and their application to

continuous improvement

H Ability to work with technical uncertainty

M A thorough understanding of current practice and its

limitations, and some appreciation of likely new

M Ability to apply engineering techniques taking account of

a range of commercial and industrial constraints

M Understanding of different roles within an engineering

team and the ability to exercise initiative and personal
responsibility, which may be as a team member or

Additional general skills

Graduates must have developed transferable skills, additional to those set out in the other learning outcomes, that will be of value in a wide range
of situations, including the ability to:
For office use only:
Outcome How or where you meet this criterion A U N
H Apply their skills in problem solving, communication,
working with others, information retrieval and the
effective use of general IT facilities

H Plan self-learning and improve performance, as the

foundation for lifelong learning/CPD

H Monitor and adjust a personal programme of work on an

on-going basis

H Exercise initiative and personal responsibility, which

may be as a team member or leader.

Interim Registration Self-Assessment for CEng applicants – V1.2 April 19

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Additional Comments which may be helpful to the Panel in reaching a decision on your application:

Applicant’s Signature: ________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________

I can confirm that I have read the completed self assessment form and verify it is the candidate’s own work:

Sponsor’s / Line Manager’s Name (please print): _______________________________________________________________________

Sponsor’s / Line Manager’s Signature: ________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________

Interim Registration Self-Assessment for CEng applicants – V1.2 April 19

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Applicant’s name: Reference:
Assessor’s name:

For Office Use Only

Please tick one box only on each of the above criteria:

A – Acceptable
U – Unclear
N – Not acceptable

Comments/Areas to be addressed: (Continue overleaf if necessary)

Recommendation:* *Please tick appropriate box

Approve for Interim CEng Further information required:  Additional Learning Required:  Submit a Technical Report: 
registration: 
Please give advice. Please give advice. Please give advice

Assessor’s Signature: __________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________

Interim Registration Self-Assessment for CEng applicants – V1.2 April 19

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