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GATE - 1992 Electronics and communication Engineesing (40 x 2 = 80 marks) la. 12 13. 14, Relative to a given fixed tree of a network, (a) Link currents form an independent set, (b) Branch voltage form an independent set (©) Link currents form an independent set (@) Branch voltage form an independent set For a 2-port network to be reciprocal, @ ©) Yay =H (©) hy, = hy, (@ AD-BC=0 For the series R-L circuit of the given first figure, the partial fissure diagram at a certain frequency is shown in the given second figure. The operating frequency of the circuit is eee, oh ae * . a oT ‘eta P13) (a) equal to the resonance frequency (0) less than the resonance frequency (©) greater than resonance frequency (d) not zero. For the compensated attenuator of the given figure, the impulse response under the condition RC, = R,Gis ae © Rae fO «) Rew © RR” R, ee Rem 7 1.5. Of the four networks, NN, Ny and N, of the given figure, the networks having identical driving point functions are ft} {e my Th (®) NiandN, (® N,andN, (@) N,andN, (© NyandN, 1.6. A linear time-invariant system is described by the slate variable model Eh se} i-e9f] x} "L 0 -2}be}"L x] (a) The system is completely controllable (8) The system is not completely controllable (c) The system is completely observable (d) The system is not completely observable. ke 7. A process with open-loop model G(s) = 7557 is controlled by a PID controller. For this process (@) the integral mode improves trensient performance (W) the integral mode improves steady-state performance (©) the derivative mode improves transient performance (d) the derivative mode improves steady-state performance. ame system has the characterise 1.8, A linwardisere tic equation, 2" 0.81z = 0. The system (o) isstable (0) is marginally stable (6) is unstable (@) stability cannot be assessed from the given information. 19, Bode plotof a stable system is shown figure. The function of system is --~- 1.10. Given a unity feedback system with open-loop — s+ Dee) the given transter the 2010 /Deende transfer function, G (a -The root locus plot of the system is of the form 1.11. A semiconductors irradiated with light such that carriers are uniformly generated throughout its volume. The semiconductor is n-type with Np = 10” per cm’. If the excess electron concentration in the steady state is an = 10" er em’ and ift, = 10, sec {minority carrier life time] the generation rate due to irradiation (2) is 10 eh pairs/em*/s 0) is 10% eh pairs/em'/s (6) is 10 eh painsem’ys @ cannot be dete: insufficient Ma A P= N jusction .. series with a 100 ohms resistor, is forwart {ased so that a current of 100 mA flows. if the voltage across this ved as the given data is 143, 1s. 1.16. 17. bination is instantaneously reversed to 10 V al =0, the reverse current that flows through the diode att = 0is approximately given by (@ Oma (6) 100m (0) 200ma () 50 ma ‘An infrared LED is usually fabricated from ( Ge © Si (0) Gaas (@) GaasP. |. Ina transistor having finite B, the forward bias across the base emitter junction is kept constant and the reverse bias across the collector-basejunc- tion is increased. Neglecting, the leakage across the collector-base junction and the depletion region generatin current, the base current _. (increase /decrease/remain ‘An n-channel JFET has a pinch-off voltage of V,=-5V, Vp (max) = 20V, and 8,,=2mA/V. ‘The minimum ‘ON’ resistance is achieved in the JEFT for (@) Vog=-7 Vand Vy, =0V () Vog=7 Vand Vg =0V (©) Veg = 0V and Vog =20V (@) Vog=~7 Vand Vg = 20V ‘The JFET in the circuit shown in the given figure has an Ipg.= 10mA and V, = 5 V. The value of the resistance R, for a drain current Ip = 64 mA is (elect the nearest value) ye | () t:00hms (ADO () 560 ohms (@) 1 kiloohm. ‘Ahop amp. has noe voltage of nV ans ideal in all other respects. If this op. amp. is used in the circuit shown in the given figure, the ‘output voltage will be (select the nearest value) (@) Imv aly 1.18. Ifthe transistors in the given figure have high 119. 12. 122, values of P and a Vig of 0.65 volt, the current J, flowing through the 2 kilo ohms resistance will The circuit of given figure, uses an ideal op amp. For small positive values of V,,, the circuit works as (@) ahalfwave rectifier , (®) adifferentiator = ™ (© a logarithmic amy (@ an exponential amplifier. ‘Assume that the operational amplifier in given figure is ideal. The current, I, through the 1 K ohm 1.23, 1.24, Choose the correct statement(s) {ror the following (a) PROM contains a programmable AND array anda fixed OR array (® PLA contains a fixed AND array and a programmable OR array (©) PROM contains a fixed AND array and a programmable OR array (@) PLA contains a programmable AND array and a programmable OR array. Given figure shows the circuit of a gate in the Resistor Transistor Logic (RTL) family. ‘The circuit represents a “8 —% resistoris...... (@) NAND (® AND Py (©) NOR ( OR 4 1.25. The initial contents of the 4-bit serial-in-parallel- ama ie out, right-shift, Shift. Register shown in given [ figure is0110. After three clock pulses are applied, the contents of the Shift Register will be ‘The 6 V Zener diode shown in given figure has zero zener resistance and a knee current of S mA. o] ‘The minimum value of Rso that the voltage a Co it does not fall below 6 V is i t 7 @ 0000 ® 0101 1 () 1010 (@) 1111 (@) 1.2K ohms (®) 80 ohms 1.26. In an 8085 micraprocessor system with memory (© 50 chms (@ Oohms mapped 1/0, (a) 1/0 devices have 16-bit addresses The logic realized by the circuit shown in given figure is, — @ FeA.c © F=B.C W FeAaC (@) F=B+C (0) 1/0 devices are accessed using IN and OUT instructions (© there can be a maximum of 256 input devices and 256 output devices (@ arithmetic and logic operations can be directly performed with the [/O data. 127, The following program is run on 8085 microprocessor : Memory Address in hex Instruction 2000 LXISP, 1000 2003, PUSH H 2008 PUSH D 2005 CALL 2050 2008 POP H 2009 HLT At the completion of execution of the program, the program Counter of the 8085 contains and the Stack Pointeer contains. : 1.28. Dual-slope integration type Analog-to-digital converters provide (a) higher speeds compared to all other types of A/D converters (b) very good accuracy without putting extreme requirements on component stability (©) 00d rejection of power supply hum (@) better resolution compared to all other types of A/D converters for the same number of bits 1.29. Which of the following signals is/are periodic ? (@) S(t) = cos 2t + cos 3¢ + cos 5t © S(t) =exp (xt) (©) S$) = exp 71) sin 10nt (4) S(t) = cos 2t cos 4t 130. If G (represents the Fourier transform of a signal g (#) which is real and odd symmetric in time, then (2) GG) is complex () G (his imaginary © Cis real (4) G is real and non-negative. 131, The maximum power efficiency of an AM modus lator is (@) 25% (®) 50% © 75% * (@) 100% 1.82, Fora random variable x following the probability density function, p (x), shown in given figure the ‘mean and the variance are, respectively, te @) 1/2and 2/3 ( land4/3 (@ Aand2/3 @ 2and 4/3. 1.33, ‘The bit stream 01001 is differentially encoded us- ing ‘Delay and Ex OR’ scheme for DPSK trans- mission. Assuming the reference bit as a‘I’ and assigning phases of ‘0’ and x for 1’s and 0's re- spectively, in the encoded sequence, the transmit- ted phase sequence becomes (@) xOxx0 ( Oxx00 (©) Oxnnd (@) xx Onn 1.34. Coherent demodulation of FSK signal can be ef- fected using (@ correlation receiver () Bandpass filters and envelope detectors (©) matehed filter (d) discriminator detection. 1.35. Source encoding in a data communication system is done is order to (@ enhance the information transmission rate (6) reduce the transmission errors (©) conserve the transmitted power (d) facilitate clock recovery in the receiver. 1.36. A transmission line whose characterstic imped- ance is a pure resistance (a) must be a lossless line (b) must be a distortionless line (©) may not be a lossless line (@) may not be a distortionless line. 1137. Which of the following statements is/are correct ? (a) All the resonant frequencies of a microwave cavity are harmonics of a single frequency (0) No two of the resonant frequencies of a microwave caity are harmonics of a single frequency (© Resonant frequencies of a microwave cavity form distinct sets of harmonically related frequency (@) None of the above, because a microwave cavity does not resonate at a number of frequencies. 1.38. Two dissimilar antennas having their maximum directivities equal, (@) must have their beamwidths also equal () cannot have their beamwidths equal because they are dissimilar antennas (©) may not necessarily have their maximum power gains equal (@) must have their effictive aperture areas (capture areas) also equal. 139, The beamwidth-between-first null of uniform 1.40. In a multicavity magnetron, strapping is linear array of N equally-spaced (element employed primarily spacing = d), equally-excited antennas is deter- () to prevent mode jumping, mined by (@) to increase the seperation between the (a) Nalone and not by d resonant frequencies in the x-mode and in the (®) dalone and not by N adjacent modes (co) the ratio, (N/a) (€) to reduce the back heating of the cathode (d) the product, (Nd) (4) to increase the output of the magnetron, ANSWERS L1@d) 1.2(bc) 13a) 140) 1.560) 16(b) 17%) 1.86) 1.9(%) 1.10(0) L1@ LBRO LBC LMC) 1156) 116@ 1170 1.180) 1.19 120¢4 121) 1.22) L.23(ed) 124d) 1.25 (0) 1.26 (ad) 1.27(1) 1.2864) 1.29(08) 1.300) 1.310) -1.32@) 1.33 (4) 1.34 (0) 1.35 (aD) 1.36 (cd) 1.37) 1.98) 1.994) 1.40000)

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