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Chapter 3


Fig. 3.1: Load distribution of slab on beam (dimensions in meter)

3.1 Dead Load Calculation

1. DL at Roof Level
Weight of Slab = 25D = 25 × 0.12 = 3.0 kN/m2
Weight of Finishes = F.F. + T.F. = 0.5 + 1.5 = 2.0 kN/m2
Total weight = 5.0 kN/m2

i. Total weight on each, beam 26 and beam 28

Tributary floor area on the beam = {(1/2) × (3.7/2) × (4.6+0.9)} × 2 = 10.175 m2
Slab weight on the beam = 5 × 10.175 = 50.875 kN

Weight on the beam per metre = (50.875/4.6) = 11.05 kN/m
Self-weight of beam = 25 × 0.30 × (0.45-0.10) = 2.625 kN/m
∴ Total weight on the beam = 11.05 + 2.625 = 13.684 kN/m

ii. Total weight on beam 27

Tributary floor area on the beam = {(1/2) × (2.3) × (2.3/2)} × 2 = 2.645 m2
Total weight on the beam = 5 × 2.645 = 13.225 kN/m2
Weight on the beam = (13.225/2.3) = 5.75 kN/m
Self-weight of beam = 25 × 0.30 × (0.45-0.10) = 2.625 kN/m
∴ Total weight on beam = 5.75 + 2.625 = 8.375 kN/m

2. Dead load at Floor Level

Weight of slab = 25D =25 × 0.12 = 3.0 kN/m2
Weight of finishes = F.F. = 0.5 kN/m2
Total weight = 3.5 kN/m2

i. Total weight on each of the beam 17,19,20,22,23 and 25

Tributary floor area on the beam = {(1/2) × (3.7/2) × (4.6+0.9)} × 2 = 10.175 m2
Slab weight on the beam = 3.5 × 10.175 = 35.62 kN
Weight on the beam per meter = (35.62/4.6) = 7.74 kN/m
Self-weight of beam = 25 × 0.3 × (0.45 – 0.10) = = 2.625 kN/m

Weight of walls = 20 × 0.15 × (3.35-0.45) = 8.7 kN/m

∴ Total weight on beam = 7.74+2.625+8.7 = 19.065 kN/m

ii. Total weight on each of the beam 18, 21 and 24

Tributary floor area on the beam = {(1/2) × (2.3) × (2.3/2)} × 2 = 2.645 m2
Total weight on the beam = 3.5 × 2.645 = 9.2575 kN/m2
Weight on the beam = (9.2575/2.3) = 4.025 kN/m
Self-weight of beam = 25 × 0.30 × (0.45-0.10) = 2.625 kN/m
Weight of walls = 20 × 0.15 × (3.35-0.45) = 8.7 kN/m
∴ Total weight on beam = 4.025+2.625+8.7 = 15.35 kN/m

The dead load acting on each beam of the critical frame is displayed in the following figure:

Fig. 3.2: Dead load acting on critical frame (dimensions in meter)

3.2 Live (Imposed) Load Calculation

1. LL at Roof Level
Live load = 1.5 kN/m2

i. Total weight on each of the beam 26 and 28

Tributary floor area on the beam = {(1/2) × (3.7/2) × (4.6+0.9)} × 2 = 10.175 m2
Total weight on the beam = 1.5 × 10.175 = 15.2625 kN
∴Total weight on the beam = (15.2625/4.6) = 3.32 kN/m
ii. Total weight on beam 27
Tributary floor area on the beam = {(1/2) × (2.3) × (2.3/2)} × 2 = 2.645 m2
Total weight on the beam = 1.5 × 2.645 = 3.9675 kN
∴Total weight on the beam = (3.9675/2.3) = 1.75 kN/m

2. LL at floor level
Live load = 3.5 kN/m2

i. Total weight on beam 17,19,20,22,23 and 25

Tributary floor area on the beam = {(1/2) × (3.7/2) × (4.6 + 0.9)} × 2 = 10.175 m2
Total weight on the beam = 3.5 × 10.175 = 35.62 kN
∴Total weight on the beam = (35.62/4.6) = 7.74 kN/m

ii. Total weight on beam 18,21 and 24

Tributary floor area on the beam = {(1/2) × (2.3) × (2.3/2)} × 2 = 2.645 m2
Total weight on the beam = 3.5 × 2.645 = 9.2575 kN
∴Total weight on the beam = (9.2575/2.3) = 4.025 kN/m

Fig. 3.3: Live load acting on the critical frame (dimension in meter)

3.3 Earthquake Load Calculation using ESLF method

1. Determination of total base shear

Dead Load

(a) Weight of floor, i.e., (Ws+F.F.) = (3.7 × 11) × (4.6 + 2.3 + 4.6) × (3.0 + 0.5)
= 40.70 × 11.50 × 3.5 = 1638.175 kN

(b) Weight of roof, i.e., (Ws + TWF + FF) = 40.70 × 11.50 × (3.0 + 1.5 + 0.5)
= 2340.25 kN

(c) Weight of peripheral beams (Transverse)

= {2(4.6 - (0.35/2) - (0.3/2)) × 2.625} × 2 + {1(2.3 - (0.3/2) - (0.3/2)) × 2.625} × 2
= 55.388 kN

(d) Weight of peripheral beams (Longitudinal)

= 2 × {(3.7 - (0.3/2) - (0.3/2)) × 11 × 2.625} = 2 × 3.4 × 11 × 2.625
= 196.35 kN

(e) Weight of parapet wall (1 m height, 150 mm thick)

= 2 × (40.7 +11.5) × 1× 3.0
= 313.20 kN

(f) Weight of external wall (250 mm thickness)

= 20 × 0.25 × {(3.4 × 11 × 2) + (2 × 2) + (2 × 4.275 × 2)} × (3.35 – 0.45)
= 20 × 0.25 × (74.8 + 21.1) × (3.35 – 0.45)
= 1390.55 kN

(g) Interior beams (Transverse)

= {(2 × 4.275 + 2) × 2.625) × 10
= 276.94 kN

(h) Interior beams (Longitudinal)

= (3.4 × 11 × 2.625) × 2= 196.35 kN
(i) Weight of interior walls (150 mm thick)
Length (Transverse) = {4.6 – (0.35/2) – (0.3/2) × 2 + (2.3 – 0.3)} × 10 = 105.5 m
Length (Longitudinal) = {(3.7 – 0.3) × 11 × 2} = 74.8 m
Height = 3.35 – 0.45 = 2.9 m
Weight = 20 × 0.15 × (105.5 + 74.8) × 2.9 = 1568.6 kN

(j) Weight of Exterior Column per unit height

= 2 × 12 × 0.35 × 0.30 × 25 = 63 kN/m

(k) Weight of interior Column per unit height

= 2 × 12 × 0.30 × 0.30 × 25 = 54 kN/m

Live load

Live load on roof = zero

Live load on floors = 50% of 3.5 kN/m2 = 1.75 kN/m2
Total Live Load on each floor = 40.7 × 11.5 × 1.75 = 819.08 kN

Concentrated mass

At roof
= (b + c + d + e + f/2 + g + h + i/2 + (j + k) × 3.35/2) + 0.0
= (2340.25 + 55.388 + 196.35 + 313.20 + 1390.55/2 + 276.94 + 196.35 + 1568.6/2 +
(63 + 54) × 3.35/2)
= 5054.03 kN

At 2nd and 3rd floor

= (a + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + (j + k) × 3.35) + 819.08
= (1638.175 + 55.388 + 196.35 + 313.20 + 1390.55 + 276.94 + 196.35 + 1568.6 +
(63 + 54) × 3.35) + 819.08
= 6533.383 kN

At 1st floor
= (a + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + (j + k) × (3.35 +4.0)/2) + 819.08
= (1638.175 + 55.388 + 196.35 + 313.20 + 1390.55 + 276.94 + 196.35 + 1568.6 +
(63 + 54) × (3.35 + 4)/2) + 819.08
= 6571.408 kN

Total weight = 5054.03 + 6533.383 × 2 + 6571.408 = 24692.304 kN

Total Base Shear = αh × W = 0.09 × 24692.304
= 2222.307 kN
Base Shear in each frame = 2222.307/12 = 185.192 kN

2. Determination of Design Lateral Loads at Each Floor

Table3.1 Determination of design lateral load at each floor

Level Wi (MN) hi (m) Wihi2 Wihi2/ΣWihi2 Qi (kN)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Roof 5.054 14.05 997.672 0.453 83.84
Third Floor 6.533 10.70 747.963 0.339 62.86
Second Floor 6.533 7.35 352.929 0.160 26.66
First Floor 6.571 4.00 105.136 0.048 8.84
Ground Floor — 0.00
Σ = 2203.7 Σ = 1.0 Σ = 185.192
So, the lateral forces acting on first floor, second floor, third floor and roof are 8.84 kN , 26.66 kN ,
62.86 kN and 83.84 kN respectively.

Fig. 3.4: EQ load acting on critical frame (Dimensions in meter)

3.4 Calculation of lateral load for EQ analysis by RESPONSE SPECTRA METHOD using

From the load calculations done earlier in section3.3 we know that,

Seismic weight of the building = Weight of the first floor + Weight of the second floor + Weight of
the third floor + Weight of the roof.

Weight of the first floor = 6571.408 kN

Weight of the second floor = 6533.383 kN

Weight of the third floor = 6533.383 kN

Weight of the roof = 5054.03 kN

So, total weight = 6571.408 kN + 6533.383 kN + 6533.383 kN + 5054.03 kN = 24692.304 kN

Weight on the frame that is considered for analysis = Weight of building/11

Weight of the first floor to be taken for analysis = 6571.408/11= 597.4 kN = 60.897 tons

Weight of the second floor to be taken for analysis = 6533.383/11= 593.94 kN = 60.54 tons

Weight of the third floor to be taken for analysis = 6533.383/11= 593.94 kN= 60.54 tons

Weight of the roof to be taken for analysis = 5054.03/11= 46.836 tons

Now, the modelling of the frame is done as shown in the figure:

Fig. 3.5:Lump mass acting at each floor for modal analysis

On running the modal analysis in the software we get the following results:

Table3.2: Modal Periods And Frequencies

OutputC StepType StepNum Period Frequency CircFreq Eigenvalue


Sec Cyc/sec rad/sec rad2/sec2

MODAL Mode 1 1.12172 0.8914828 5.601352 31.3751443690014

MODAL Mode 2 0.37263 2.6835773 16.86141 284.307284871485

MODAL Mode 3 0.23605 4.2362575 26.61719 708.474868252711

MODAL Mode 4 0.19161 5.2189419 32.79157 1075.28767019029

So, eigen values

31.375 0 0 0
0 284.307 0 0
𝜔2 = [ ]
0 0 708.475 0
0 0 0 1075.288

Now, we find out the eigen vectors i.e. the displacement at each storey in each mode by the help of
mode shape shown in following figures:

Fig. 3.6 : Mode shape 1

Fig. 3.7: Mode shape 2

Fig. 3.8: Mode shape 3

Fig. 3.9: Mode shape 4

−0.0414 0.0848 −0.0739 −0.0388

−0.0617 0.0565 0.0545 0.0766
Eigen vector 𝛷 = [ ]
−0.0757 −0.0238 0.0568 −0.0795
−0.0822 −0.0822 −0.0725 0.0462

Mode shapes 16



Storey height (m)


-0.1 -0.05 Displacement
0 0.05 0.1

Fig. 3.10: Mode shapes

Table3.3: Modal Participation Factors

Output Case StepType StepNum Period UX UY UZ

Sec KN-m KN-m KN-m

MODAL Mode 1 1.1217 14.7028 0 0

MODAL Mode 2 0.3726 -3.3330 0 0

MODAL Mode 3 0.2360 1.17233 0 0

MODAL Mode 4 0.1916 0.40731 0 0

Modal participation factors:

𝑃1 = 14.7028

𝑃2 = −3.333

𝑃3 = 1.1723

𝑃4 = 0.4073

Table3.4: Modal Participating Mass Ratios

OutputCase Step Type Step Num Period UX UY UZ


MODAL Mode 1 1.12172 0.94472 0 0

MODAL Mode 2 0.37263 0.04855 0 0

MODAL Mode 3 0.23605 0.00601 0 0

MODAL Mode 4 0.19161 0.00073 0 0

Modal participating mass ratio:

𝑀1 = 94.472 %

𝑀2 = 4.85 %

𝑀3 = 0.6 %

𝑀4 = 0.073 %

For medium soil sites,

1 + 15T 0  T  0.1
S a 
  2.5 0.1  T  0.55
g  1.36
 T 0.55  T  4

Now, 𝑇1 = 1.1217 𝑠 ; 𝑇2 = 0.37264 𝑠 ; 𝑇3 = 0.2361 𝑠 ; 𝑇4 = 0.1916 𝑠

S𝑎1 S𝑎2 S𝑎3 S𝑎4

= 1.2124 ; = 2.5 ; = 2.5 ; = 2.5
g g g g

Z I S𝑎
Now, Ak = design horizontal seismic coefficient for mode k = 2 × 𝑅 × 𝑔

We have taken Z=0.36(Zone V) ; I=1.0 ; R=5

A1= 0.044 A3 = 0.09
A2 = 0.09 A4= 0.09

Design lateral force in each mode is given by

Qik = (Ak×Pk×Φik×Wi) in mode k.


0.044 × 14.7028 × −0.0414 × 60.89 × 9.81 −16

0.044 × 14.7028 × −0.0617 × 60.55 × 9.81 −23.71
𝑄𝑖1 = [ ]=[ ]
0.044 × 14.7028 × −0.0757 × 60.55 × 9.81 −29.09
0.044 × 14.7028 × −0.0822 × 46.836 × 9.81 −24.43

0.09 × −3.333 × 0.0848 × 60.89 × 9.81 −15.19

0.09 × −3.333 × 0.0565 × 60.55 × 9.81 −10.07
𝑄𝑖2 = [ ]=[ ]
0.09 × −3.333 × −0.0238 × 60.55 × 9.81 4.241
0.09 × −3.333 × −0.0822 × 46.836 × 9.81 11.329

0.09 × 1.1723 × −0.0739 × 60.89 × 9.81 −4.657

0.09 × 1.1723 × 0.0545 × 60.55 × 9.81 3.41
𝑄𝑖3 = [ ]=[ ]
0.09 × 1.1723 × 0.0568 × 60.55 × 9.81 3.56
0.09 × 1.1723 × −0.0725 × 46.836 × 9.81 −3.51

0.09 × 0.4073 × −0.0388 × 60.89 × 9.81 −0.849

0.09 × 0.4073 × 0.0766 × 60.55 × 9.81 1.668
𝑄𝑖4 = [ ]=[ ]
0.09 × 0.4073 × −0.0795 × 60.55 × 9.81 −1.731
0.09 × 0.4073 × 0.0462 × 46.836 × 9.81 0.778

The peak shear force(Vik) acting in storey i in mode k is given by

Vik= ∑𝑛j=i+1 Qik

−93.23 −9.69
−77.23 5.5
𝑉𝑖1 = [ ]kN ; 𝑉𝑖2 = [ ]kN
−53.52 15.57
−24.43 11.329

−1.197 −0.134
3.46 0.715
𝑉𝑖3 = [ ]kN ; 𝑉𝑖4 = [ ]kN
0.05 −0.953
−3.51 0.778

The peak storey shear force(Vi) in storey i due to all modes considered is obtained by combining
those due to each mode in accordance with modal combination as per clause of IS 1893
(Part1): 2002.
The design values for the total base shear are obtained by combining the corresponding modal
responses. In general, these modal maximum values will not occur simultaneously. To overcome this
difficulty, it is necessary to use an approximation method. One of the method is Square Root of the
Sum of Squares (SRSS), which provides an acceptable estimation of the total maximum response.
Using the SRSS Method,
V1= √(v11 2 + v12 2 + v13 2 + v14 2 )
= 93.74 kN
V2=√(v21 2 + v22 2 + v23 2 + v24 2 )
= 77.51 kN
V3= √(v31 2 + v32 2 + v33 2 + v34 2 )
= 55.55 kN
V4= √(v41 2 + v42 2 + v43 2 + v44 2 )
= 27.17 kN
Determination of lateral force at different storeys
𝐹4 = 𝑉4 = 27.17 kN = Roof force
𝐹3 = 𝑉3 − 𝑉4= 28.38 kN = Force on 3rd floor
𝐹2 = 𝑉2 − 𝑉3 = 21.96kN = Force on 2nd floor
𝐹1 = 𝑉1 − 𝑉2 = 16.23kN = Force on 1st floor

3.5 Comparison of lateral force on different storey calculated by SAP (using response spectra)
and Equivalent static lateral force method:
Storey height (in meters)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Lateral force on each floor(kN)

SAP2000 ESLF method

Fig. 3.11: Comparison of lateral forces obtained by two methods

We have used the lateral forces obtained by “Equivalent static lateral force method” for further
analysis and design purpose.


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