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ECE4520/5520: Multivariable Control Systems I.



4.1: Vector norms and quadratic forms

■ Loosely speaking, a system is said to be stable if small perturbations

to its initial state or input result in small changes to how the system’s
state or output evolves over time.

! Sometimes, a system will be designed intentionally to be open-

loop unstable (why?), and then require a controller to stabilize it.
■ Mathematically, we find that there are a number of ways to describe
system stability properties, and we will discuss many of them here.
■ First, though, we need to review matrix norms: We need to be able to
quantify gains that lead to “small” or “large” changes in a system’s

NORM : A measure of length or gain.

■ Properties of a vector norm, where x, y are vectors and ˛ is scalar:

kxk " 0

kxk D 0 iff x D 0

k˛xk D j˛j kxk

kx C yk # kxk C kyk :

Lecture notes prepared by Dr. Gregory L. Plett. Copyright $

c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–2
Vector p-norms

■ The p-norm of a vector is defined as

u nx
kxkp D lim t ˛
jxk j˛ :

■ One common example is the (Euclidean) 2-norm

q p
kxk D kxk2 D x1 C % % % C xn D x T x:

! kxk measures length of vector (from origin).

■ Another common vector norm is the 1-norm

u nx
kxk1 D lim t ˛
jxk j˛ D max jxk j:
˛!1 k

■ A third common vector norm is the 1-norm

u nx nx
uX X
kxk1 D lim t˛
jxk j˛ D jxk j:
kD1 kD1

Quadratic forms

■ The machinery required to understand matrix norms is a little more

■ We spend some time to studying some relevant linear algebra first.

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric matrices ( i.e., A D AT )

FACT : The eigenvalues of symmetric matrix A 2 Rn&n are real.

■ To see this, suppose Av D !v, v ¤ 0, v 2 Cn.

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c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–3
' T ' T
! Then, .v / Av D .v / .Av/ D !.v / v D !
' T
jvi j2 D !kvk22 .
i D1
! Also, .v ' /T Av D ..Av/'/T v D ..!v/'/T v D !' jvi j2 D !'kvk22 .
i D1
■ So, ! D !' , which means that ! 2 R (hence, we can assume v 2 Rn).
FACT : There is a set of orthonormal eigenvectors of A. i.e., q1; : : : ; qn,
such that Aqi D !i qi and qiT qj D ıij . We’ll show this for !i distinct.
■ Suppose v1; : : : ; vn is a set of linearly independent eigenvectors of A.
■ That is, suppose Avi D !i vi ; kvi k D 1.
■ Then, we have viT .Avj / D !j viT vj D .Avi /T vj D !i viT vj .
! " T T
■ This gives ! ( !
i j vi vj D 0 for i ¤ j and !i ¤ !j . Hence, vi vj D 0.

! In this case, we can say that the eigenvectors are orthogonal.

! In the general case (!i not distinct) we must say that the
eigenvectors can be chosen to be orthogonal.
■ Grouping the eigenvectors into an (orthogonal) matrix Q allows us to
write Q(1 AQ D QT AQ D ƒ.
■ Hence, we can express A as A D QƒQ D !i qi qiT .
i D1

Quadratic forms
■ A function f W Rn ! R of the form
f .x/ D x Ax D Aij xi xj

is called a quadratic form.

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c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–4

■ In a quadratic form, we may assume A is symmetric since y D y T , so

y D x T Ax D x T AT x D x T ..A C AT /=2/x,

where .A C AT /=2 is called the symmetric part of A.

■ Suppose that A D AT and A D QƒQT with eigenvalues sorted so
!1 " % % % " !n. Then,

x T Ax D x T QƒQT x

D .QT x/T ƒ.QT x/

D !i .qiT x/2
i D1
.qiT x/2 D !1 .Q x/ I.Q x/ D !1 x T x
# T T T
# !1
i D1

D !1 kxk2 .

■ That is, we have x T Ax # !1x T x.

■ By a similar argument, we can find that x T Ax " !n kxk2, so we have

!n x T x # x T Ax # !1 x T x.

■ Sometimes !1 is called !max and !n is called !min.

■ Note also that q1T Aq1 D !1 kq1k2 and qnT Aqn D !n kqnk2, so the
inequalities are tight.

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c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–5
4.2: Matrix gain
■ Suppose now that A 2 Rm&n (not necessarily square or symmetric).
■ For x 2 Rn, kAxk = kxk gives the amplification factor or gain of A in
the direction x.
■ Since this gain varies with direction of the input x, we might be
interested in knowing:
! What is the maximum gain and corresponding gain direction of A?
! What is the minimum gain of A (and corresponding gain direction)?
! How does gain of A vary with direction?

■ The max. gain is called the matrix norm of A, and is denoted kAk.
■ In particular, the matrix p-norm is defined as
kAkp D sup :
x¤0 kxkp

■ For p D 2, we have already developed the machinery to evaluate the

norm. Consider first the norm squared:
kAxk22 x T AT Ax
sup 2
D sup D !max.AT A/,
x¤0 kxk2 x¤0 kxk22
so we have kAk2 D !max.AT A/.
■ Similarly, the min. gain is given by inf kAxk = kxk D
2 2 !min.AT A/.

■ Note that AT A 2 Rn&n is symmetric and AT A " 0 so !min and !max " 0.
! The “max gain” input direction is x D q1 , the eigenvector of AT A
associated with !max.
! The “min gain” input direction is x D qn , the eigenvector of AT A
associated with !min.
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c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–6
■ For p D 1, it can be shown that
kAk1 D max jaij j;
1#j #n
i D1

which is simply the maximum absolute column sum of the matrix.

■ For p D 1, it can be shown that
kAk1 D max jaij j;
1#i #m
j D1

which is the maximum absolute row sum of the matrix.

Matrix 2-norms via SVD

■ Finding matrix 1- and 1-norms is quite simple. Finding the 2-norm is

more difficult because of the need to find eigenvalues, eigenvectors.
■ We can replace this step with one that is computationally simpler by
using the singular value decomposition (SVD) of A 2 Rm&n, where
rank.A/ D r:
A D U †V T .

! U D Œu1 ; : : : ; ur " 2 Rm&r , and U T U D I , and ui are the left or

output singular vectors of A.
! V D Œv1; : : : ; vr " 2 Rn&r , and V T V D I , and vi are the right or input
singular vectors of A.
! † D diag.#1; : : : ; #r / where #1 " % % % " #r > 0, and #i are the
(nonzero) singular values of A.
■ The above is called a compact SVD. Most often, we compute a full
SVD, where

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c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–7
! U D Œu1 ; : : : ; um " 2 R , and U T U D I ,
! V D Œv1; : : : ; vn " 2 Rn&n , and V T V D I ,
! The matrix † 2 Rm&n is “diagonal”
2 3
2 3 #1 2 0 3
0 0 #1 0 6 ::: 7
6 ::: 0 5 or † D 4
7 6 ::: 7 6
5 or † D 6
6 0 #n 7
0 #m 0 0 #n
4 5
0 0 0
when m < n, m D n and m > n, respectively.
! In this case, #1 " % % % " #r > 0, and #i D 0 for i > r.
! In MATLAB, svd.m and svds.m

■ We often write the full SVD as partitioned:

2 32 3
h i †1 0r&.n(r/ V1T
A D U1 U2 4 54 5,
0.m(r/&r 0.m(r/&.n(r/ T

where A D U1†1V1T is the compact SVD.

■ The matrices U and V form orthonormal bases for the four
fundamental subspaces
! The first r columns of V form a basis for the row space of A;

◆ The row space of a matrix is the set of all possible linear

combinations of its row vectors. It’s the span of the input vectors
x to y D Ax that result in nonzero y.
! The last n ( r columns of V form a basis for the nullspace of A;

◆ The null space of a matrix is the set of all possible vectors x

such that y D Ax D 0.
! The first r columns of U form a basis for the column space of A;

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c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–8

◆ The column space is also the range of the matrix. It’s the set of
all possible outputs y generated as y D Ax.
! The last m ( r columns of U form a basis for the nullspace of A .

◆ The nullspace of AT is the set of all outputs y that cannot be

generated as y D Ax.
■ So, immediately we see some value to the SVD: It gives us the rank
of the matrix, and these four bases, which can give us range space,
nullspace, etc.
■ Also, the SVD is computationally much simpler than an eigensystem
calculation, which makes finding matrix 2-norms far simpler:

AT A D .U †V T /T .U †V T / D V †2V T
so #i D !i .AT A/ and hence kAk2 D #1.

Positive (semi) definite; negative (semi) definite

■ Finally, before continuing to study system stability, we consider some

properties of the gain matrix in a quadratic form.
■ We say that symmetric matrix Q is:

! Positive definite if x T Qx > 0; 8x ¤ 0:

! Positive semidefinite if x T Qx " 0; 8x ¤ 0:
! Negative definite if x T Qx < 0; 8x ¤ 0:
! Negative semidefinite if x Qx # 0; 8x ¤ 0:

For positive-definite matrix Q,

0 < !minŒQ"kxk2 # x T Qx # !maxŒQ"kxk2 ; 8x ¤ 0:

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c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–9
4.3: Lyapunov stability
■ Consider a continuous-time LTV system
P D A.t/x.t/ C B.t/u.t/

y.t/ D C.t/x.t/ C D.t/u.t/:

■ The system is (marginally) stable in the sense of Lyapunov or
internally stable if, for every x.t0/ D x0, the homogeneous response
x.t/ D ˆ.t; t0/x0; t "0
is uniformly bounded (i.e., all trajectories can be bounded by a single
constant vector).
! The effect of the initial condition can not grow unbounded over
time, but can grow temporarily during a transient phase.
■ It is additionally asymptotically stable if, for every x.t0/ D x0,
x.t/ ! 0 as t ! 1:
! The effect of initial conditions eventually disappear completely.

■ It is additionally exponentially stable if there exist constants c, ! such

that for every initial condition x.t0/ D x0
kx.t/k # ce !.t (t0/kx0 k; t " 0:
■ Finally, it is unstable if it is not marginally stable.
! The state may diverge over time, depending on specific x0 .

■ Notice that B.t/, C.t/, and D.t/ have no influence over Lyapunov
stability. All that matters is A.t/.
■ So, we often simply talk about the Lyapunov stability of the
homogeneous system x.t/ P D A.t/x.t/; t " 0:
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c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–10
Eigenvalue conditions for LTI systems

■ For LTI systems, it is relatively simple to transform these definitions of

stability into tests for stability.
■ We know matrix-exponential properties and that ˆ.t; t0/ D e A.t (t0/ .
■ Therefore, a continuous-time LTI system is:

! (Marginally) stable iff all eigenvalues of A have negative or zero

real parts and all Jordan blocks for eigenvalues having zero real
parts are 1 & 1 in dimension.
! Asymptotically stable iff all eigenvalues have negative real parts.

! Exponentially stable iff all eigenvalues have negative real parts.

! Unstable iff at least one eigenvalue has pos. real part, or a Jordan
block for an eigenvalue having zero real part is bigger than 1 & 1.
■ When all eigenvalues have negative real part, we can find c, ! so that

ke At k # ce (!t :

■ Therefore, kx.t/k D ke A.t (t0 /x0 k # ke A.t (t0 /kkx0 k # ce (!.t (t0/ kx0 k.

! Asymptotic and exponential stability are equivalent for LTI systems.

■ Note: This test does not work for LTV systems in general. It’s possible
for R.!ŒA.t/"/ < 0 for all time and still have an unstable system.

Lyapunov stability theorem

■ The eigenvalue test will often be sufficient for evaluating Lyapunov

stability, but some extra properties can be helpful, especially when
extending to understanding stability of nonlinear systems.

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c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–11
■ The Lyapunov stability theorem provides an alternative condition to
check whether a continuous-time homogeneous LTI system is
asymptotically stable.
■ The theorem states that the following five conditions are equivalent:

1. The system is asymptotically stable.

2. The system is exponentially stable.
3. All the eigenvalues of A have strictly negative real parts.
4. For every symmetric positive-definite matrix Q, there exists a
unique solution P to the following Lyapunov equation


Further, P is symmetric and positive-definite.

5. There exists a symmetric positive-definite matrix P for which the
following Lyapunov matrix inequality holds

AT P C PA < 0:

■ We have already proven the equivalence between 1, 2, and 3.

■ To prove the rest, we show that 2 implies 4, that 4 implies 5, and that
5 implies 2 (thus forming a complete circular set of implications).

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c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–12
4.4: Proof of the Lyaponov stability theorem

■ We start by showing that the unique solution to the Lyapunov

equation AT P C PA D (Q is
Z 1
P D e A t Qe At dt:

■ We verify this in four steps. The first step is to show that the integral is
well defined (finite).

! This is true since the system is exponentially stable, so e At and

hence ke A t Qe At k converges to zero exponentially quickly as
t ! 1. Therefore, the integral is absolutely convergent.
■ Second, we show that this integral solves the Lyapunov equation via
direct substitution:
Z 1
AT P C PA D AT e A t Qe At C e A t Qe At A dt:

! But (noting that e At A D Ae At via infinite-series expansion of e At ),

d AT t At T T
.e Qe / D AT e A t Qe At C e A t Qe At A:
! So,
Z 1
d T
h T ˇ1
AT P C PA D .e A t Qe At / dt D e A t Qe At ˇ
0 dt 0
% &
AT t At T
D lim e Qe ( e A 0Qe A0:
t !1

! Because of asymptotic stability, the first term vanishes.

! Because e A 0 D I , the second term becomes (Q.

! So, the proposed solution solves the equation, but we don’t yet
know whether it is symmetric, positive-definite, and/or unique.
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c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–13
■ Third, to show that it is symmetric we compute
Z 1% &T
T AT t At
P D e Qe dt
Z 1! % T &T
At T
Q eA t
D e dt
Z 1
D e A t Qe At dt D P:
! To show that it is positive-definite, we pick an arbitrary constant
vector ´ ¤ 0 and compute
Z 1 % T &
T T A t At
´ P´ D ´ e Qe ´ dt
Z 1
D w.t/T Qw.t/ dt;
which has positive-definite form since Q is positive definite.
T At
! Further, we see that ´ P ´ D 0 only when w.t/ D e ´ D 0, which
can only happen when ´ D 0 for finite time.
! Therefore P is positive-definite.

■ Fourth, to see that no other matrix solves this equation, we proceed

using a proof by contradiction.

! That is, assume that there exists another solution PN to the

Lyapunov equation. If this were so, we would have both



! Then,
AT .P ( PN / C .P ( PN /A D 0:

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c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–14
! Multiplying on the left by e A t and on the right by e At
e A t AT .P ( PN /e At C e A t .P ( PN /Ae At D 0:

! On the other hand,

d % AT t & T T
e .P ( PN /e At
D e A t AT .P ( PN /e At C e A t .P ( PN /e At A D 0:
! Therefore, e A t .P ( PN /e At must be constant for all time, which
requires that P D PN since e At is nonsingular.
■ We have now shown that condition 2 implies 4.
■ It immediately follows that 4 implies 5 if we select Q D I .
■ To show that condition 5 implies condition 2, let P be a symmetric
positive-definite matrix that satisfies
AT P C PA < 0
and let Q D (.AT P C PA/ > 0.

! Consider an arbitrary solution x.t/ to the homogeneous system

dynamics and define the scalar signal
v.t/ D x T .t/P x.t/ " 0:

! This signal is a kind of weighted “energy of the state” for the

homogeneous system.
! For a stable homogeneous system, we would expect this energy to
dissipate over time, which is exactly what we will show.
◆ This idea returns when talking about nonlinear stability, later.
! Taking derivatives of v.t/,

P D xP T .t/P x.t/ C x T .t/P x.t/:

v.t/ P
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c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–15
! But, since x.t/
P D Ax.t/;

P D x .t/ A P C PA x.t/ D (x T .t/Qx.t/ # 0:

! T "

! Therefore v.t/ is a nonincreasing signal and we conclude that

v.t/ D x T .t/P x.t/ # v.0/ D x T .0/P x.0/; t " 0:

! But since v.t/ D x T .t/P x.t/ " !min ŒP "kx.t/k2 , we conclude that
x T .t/P x.t/ v.t/ v.0/
kx.t/k22 # D # ; t " 0:
!minŒP " !minŒP " !minŒP "
! This means that the system is stable. To show that it is
exponentially stable, we combine our known results that

x T .t/Qx.t/ " !minŒQ"kx.t/k22

and that v.t/ D x T .t/P x.t/ # !maxŒP "kx.t/k22 and conclude

P D (x T .t/Qx.t/ # (!minŒQ"kx.t/k22 # (
v.t/ v.t/;
!maxŒP "
or that
P # $v.t/:
! It can be shown (see text) that this converges more quickly than
the exponential
v.t/ # e $.t (t0/v.t0/:
! Since v.t/ converges exponentially quickly, so too must kx.t/k2
since we have already shown that
kx.t/k22 # :
!minŒP "
■ This finishes our proof of the Lyapunov stability theorem for LTI
continuous-time systems.
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c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–16
Solving Lyapunov equations
■ Lyapunov equations of the form
crop up numerous times in control systems, for different reasons.
■ Sometimes we need to solve for X.
■ The equations can be solved by writing them out in terms of Xij .
■ Another way to do it uses the Kronecker product and vectorized
2 3
a11B a12B % % % a1nB
::: ::: 7 :
6 7
A˝B D6
4 5
am1B am2B % % % amnB
That is, the Kronecker product is a large matrix containing all
possible permutations of A and B.
VECTORIZED MATRICES : We can convert a matrix into a column vector
which stacks up each column of the matrix. That is, if

A D Œa1; a2; : : : an"

2 3
6 a2 7
6 7
.A/ D 6
6 :: 7 :
4 : 5
■ A general Kronecker-product rule is:
.AXB/ D ŒB T ˝ A".X/:
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c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–17
■ Three specific special-case rules result:

.PMP T / D ŒP ˝ P ".M / .to be used later in course/

.XA/ D ŒAT ˝ I ".X/

.BX/ D ŒI ˝ B".X/

so, to solve the Lyapunov equation,



.IXA/ C .BXI / D .C /

ŒAT ˝ I ".X/ C ŒI ˝ B".X/ D .C /

˚ T '
ŒA ˝ I " C ŒI ˝ B" .X/ D .C /
.X/ D ŒAT ˝ I " C ŒI ˝ B"
.C /:

X is then found by un-vectorizing .X/.

■ In MATLAB: lyap( )

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c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–18
4.5: Discrete-time Lyapunov stability
■ Consider now the discrete-time LTV system
xŒk C 1" D AŒk"xŒk" C BŒk"uŒk"

yŒk" D C Œk"xŒk" C DŒk"uŒk":

■ The system is (marginally) stable in the Lyapunov sense or internally

stable if for every xŒk0 " D x0 the homogeneous state response
xŒk" D ˆŒk; k0 "x0; k0 " 0
is uniformly bounded.
■ It is asymptotically stable if, additionally, for every initial condition we
have xŒk" ! 0 as k ! 1.
■ It is exponentially stable if, additionally, there exist constants c, ! such
that for every xŒk0" D x0 we have
kxŒk"k # c!k(k0 kx0k; k " k0 :

■ It is unstable if it is not marginally stable in the Lyapunov sense.

■ Note again that the matrices BŒk", C Œk", and DŒk" play no role in this
definition, so we need consider only the homogeneous response
when considering Lyapunov stability.

Eigenvalue conditions
■ A discrete-time LTI system is

! Marginally stable iff all the eigenvalues of A have magnitude

smaller than or equal to 1, and all the Jordan blocks corresponding
to eigenvalues with magnitude equal to 1 are 1 & 1.
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c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–19

! Asymptotically and exponentially stable iff all the eigenvalues of A

have magnitude strictly less than 1, or
! Unstable iff at least one eigenvalue of A has magnitude larger
than 1 or magnitude equal to 1, but the corresponding Jordan
block is larger than 1 & 1.

Lyapunov stability in discrete time

■ The following five conditions are equivalent for LTI systems
1. The system is asymptotically stable.
2. The system is exponentially stable.
3. All the eigenvalues of A have magnitude strictly smaller than 1.
4. For every symmetric positive-definite matrix Q, there exists a
unique solution P to the following discrete-time Lyapunov equation
(aka Stein equation)
AT PA ( P D (Q:
Furthermore, P is positive-definite.
5. There exists a symmetric positive-definite matrix P for which the
following Lyapunov matrix inequality holds
AT PA ( P < 0:
■ These conditions can be proven in a similar way to their
continuous-time counterparts.
■ Now, however, we use the energy function
vŒk" D x T Œk"P xŒk"; k > k0
which evolves according to
vŒk C 1" D x T Œk C 1"P xŒk C 1" D x T Œk"AT PAxŒk":
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c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–20
■ The discrete-time Lyapunov equation guarantees that
vŒk C 1" D x T Œk".P ( Q/xŒk" D vŒk" ( x T Œk"QxŒk"; k " k0:
■ From this, we conclude that vŒk" is nonincreasing, and with some
work that it decreases to zero exponentially quickly.

Solving discrete-time Lyapunov equations

■ In discrete time, a Lyapunov equation takes on the form
■ This may be converted to a standard Lyapunov equation. Let
Ac D .A C I /(1 .A ( I /
Cc D (2.A C I /(1BB T .AT C I /(1 :
■ Expand the continuous-time Lyapunov equation Ac W C WATc D Cc
using these definitions:
.A C I /(1 .A ( I /W C W .AT ( I /.AT C I /(1 D

( 2.A C I /(1BB T .AT C I /(1 :

■ Replace .A ( I / with .A C I ( 2I / and .AT ( I / with .AT C I ( 2I /.
■ Multiply through and simplify to get
W ( .A C I /(1W ( W .AT C I /(1 D (.A C I /(1BB T .AT C I /(1 :
■ Left multiply by (.A C I / and right multiply by .AT C I / and simplify
■ So, with the above definitions of Ac and Cc based on A and B, we can
create a continuous-time Lyapunov equation and solve it for W .

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c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–21
4.6: Stability of locally linearized systems

■ Now, consider a continuous-time homogeneous nonlinear system

P D f .x.t//

with an equilibrium point at x eq . That is, f .x eq / D 0.

■ This gives rise to the locally linearized system

ı x.t/
P D Aıx.t/

with ıx.t/ D x.t/ ( x eq and A D @f .x eq /=@x.

■ If the linearized system passes the Lyapunov stability tests, can we
say anything about the stability of the original nonlinear system? Yes!
■ If f .x.t// is twice differentiable and the linearized system is
exponentially stable, then there exists a ball B ) Rn around x eq and
constants c, ! > 0 such that for every solution x.t/ to the nonlinear
system that starts at x0 2 B, we have

kx.t/ ( x eq k # ce !.t (t0 /kx.t0/ ( x eq k; t " t0 :

! We call this nonlinear system locally exponentially stable.

■ To show this, because f .%/ is twice differentiable, we know from

Taylor’s theorem that
! "
r.x.t// D f .x.t// ( f .x / C Aıx.t/

D f .x.t// ( Aıx.t/ D O.kıx.t/k2/

which means that there exists a constant c and a ball BN around x eq

for which
kr.x.t//k # ckıx.t/k2; N
8x.t/ 2 B:

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c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–22
■ Since the linearized system is
BN (from Taylor’s theorem)
exponentially stable, there exists a
positive-definite matrix P for which N
E (inside B)
B (inside E)
■ Inspired by our proof of the
x eq
Lyapunov stability theorem, we
define the scalar “energy” signal

v.t/ D ıx T .t/P ıx.t/; t " 0:

■ We then compute its derivative #
4ckP k
along trajectories

P D f T .x.t//P ıx.t/ C ıx T .t/Pf .x.t//

D .Aıx.t/ C r.x.t///T P ıx C ıx T .t/P .Aıx.t/ C r.x.t///

D ıx T .t/.AT P C PA/ıx.t/ C 2ıx T P r.x.t//

D (kıxk22 C 2ıx T .t/P r.x.t//

# (kıx.t/k22 C 2kP kkıx.t/kkr.x/k:

■ To make the proof work, we would like to make sure that the RHS is
negative. For example, it would work if we could show
(kıx.t/k22 C 2kP kkıx.t/kkr.x/k # ( kıx.t/k2:
■ To do so, let % > 0 be sufficiently small so that the ellipsoid

E D fx.t/ 2 Rn W .x.t/ ( x eq /T P .x.t/ ( x eq / # %g

centered at x eq satisfies the following two properties:

Lecture notes prepared by Dr. Gregory L. Plett. Copyright $

c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–23
N When x.t/ is inside this
1. E is fully contained inside the ball B.
ellipsoid, we know kr.x.t//k # ckıx.t/k2 and so x.t/ 2 E implies
P # (kıx.t/k2 C 2ckP kkıx.t/k3 D (.1 ( 2ckP kkıx.t/k/kıx.t/k2:
2. We further shrink % so that inside the ellipsoid E we have
1 ( 2ckP kkıx.t/k "
which implies that
kıx.t/k # :
4ckP k
P # ( kıx.t/k2:
■ For this choice of % we have that x.t/ 2 E implies v.t/
■ We therefore conclude that x.t/ 2 E implies that both

v.t/ # % and v.t/

P # 0:
So, v.t/ cannot increase above % and x.t/ cannot exit E.
■ Therefore, if x.0/ starts inside E, it cannot exit this set.
■ P # (kıx.t/k2=2 and ıx T .t/P ıx.t/ # kP kkıxk2 ,
Moreover, since v.t/
we can further conclude that if x.0/ starts within E,
P #(
2kP k
and therefore we can show that ıx.t/ D x.t/ ( x eq decreases to zero
exponentially quickly.
■ In conclusion, if the linearized system is stable, then there exists
some operating regime around x eq for which the nonlinear system is
also stable: any ball B inside E.
■ It can also be shown that if the linearized system is unstable, there
exist initial conditions arbitrarily close to x eq for which the trajectories
do not converge as t ! 1.

Lecture notes prepared by Dr. Gregory L. Plett. Copyright $

c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–24
4.7: Input–output stability: LTV case

■ We now consider a different measure of stability that expresses how

the magnitude of the input affects the magnitude of the output in the
absence of initial conditions.
■ We consider the continuous-time LTV system

P D A.t/x.t/ C B.t/u.t/

y.t/ D C.t/x.t/ C D.t/u.t/:

■ We have seen that the forced response of this system in the absence
of initial conditions is
Z t
y.t/ D C.t/ˆ.t; &/B.&/u.&/ d& C D.t/u.t/:

■ This system is said to be (uniformly) bounded-input bounded-output

(BIBO) stable if there exists a finite constant ' such that, for every
input u.t/, its forced response satisfies

sup ky.t/k # ' sup ku.t/k:

t 2Œ0;1/ t 2Œ0;1/

Time-domain conditions for BIBO stability

■ The following two statements are equivalent:

1. A LTV system is uniformly BIBO stable.

2. Every entry of the system’s D.t/ is uniformly bounded and
Z t
sup jgij .t; &/j d& < 1
t "0 0

for every entry gij .t; &/ of C.t/ˆ.t; &/B.&/.

Lecture notes prepared by Dr. Gregory L. Plett. Copyright $

c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–25
■ To prove this statement, we start with
Z t
ky.t/k # kC.t/ˆ.t; &/B.&/kku.&/k d& C kD.t/kku.t/k:
■ We then define
$ D sup ku.t/k; ı D sup kD.t/k:
t 2Œ0;1/ t 2Œ0;1/

■ Substituting, we can write

(Z 1 )
ky.t/k # kC.t/ˆ.t; &/B.&/k d& C ı $:
■ Therefore, if (Z 1 )
'D kC.t/ˆ.t; &/B.&/k d& C ı
is finite, we have proven our desired result.
■ To show this, we note that
kC.t/ˆ.t; &/B.&/k # jgij .t; &/j

as a consequence of the triangle inequality and therefore

Z 1 XZ t
kC.t/ˆ.t; &/B.&/k d& # jgij .t; &/j d&:
0 i;j 0

■ By our assumption that

Z t
sup jgij .t; &/j d& < 1;
t "0 0
we conclude that
Z t
' D sup kC.t/ˆ.t; &/B.&/k d& C ı
t "0 0
XZ t
# sup jgij .t; &/j d& C ı < 1:
t "0 i;j 0

Lecture notes prepared by Dr. Gregory L. Plett. Copyright $

c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–26
■ This shows that statement 2 implies statement 1.
■ To show the other direction, we show that if 2 is false then 1 must also
be false. This requires two steps.
■ In the first step, we consider
Z t
sup jgij .t; &/j d& < 1
t "0 0
but that some entry in D.t/ is unbounded.
■ Choose arbitrary time t D T for D.t/ to be unbounded, and choose
input 8
<0; 0 # & < T
uT .&/ D
: ej ; & " T

where ej 2 Rk is the j th unit vector in the basis of Rk .

■ Then, the forced response at time T is exactly
y.T / D D.T /ej :
■ Thus, we have found an input for which
sup kuT .t/k D 1
t 2Œ0;1/

sup ky.t/k " ky.T /k D kD.T /ej k " jdij .T /j;
t 2Œ0;1/
where the last inequality results from the fact that the norm of the
vector D.T /ej must be larger than the absolute value of its ith entry,
which is precisely dij .T /.
■ As dij .T / is unbounded, we conclude that we can make sup ky.t/k
t 2Œ0;1/
arbitrarily large using inputs uT .t/ for which sup kuT .t/k D 1.
t 2Œ0;1/

Lecture notes prepared by Dr. Gregory L. Plett. Copyright $

c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–27
■ This is not compatible with the existence of a finite gain g that
satisfies the stability criterion. Therefore, D.%/ must be bounded for
BIBO stability.
Z t
■ Now suppose that 2 is false because jgij .t; &/j d& is unbounded for
some i and j . This will also violate BIBO stability.
■ To see this, pick an arbitrary time T and a “switching” input
<Ce ; g .t; &/ " 0
j ij
uT .t/ D
:(ej ; gij .t; &/ < 0:

■ For this input, the forced response at time T is given by

Z t
y.t/ D C.t/ˆ.t; &/B.&/u.&/ d& C D.t/u.t/;
and its ith entry is equal to
Z t
jgij .t; &/j d& ˙ dij .t/:

■ We thus have found an input for which sup kuT .t/k D 1 and
t 2Œ0;1/
ˇZ t ˇ
ˇ ˇ
sup ky.t/k " ky.T /k " ˇ jgij .t; &/j d& ˙ dij .t/ˇˇ :
t 2Œ0;1/ 0

■ Since we have assumed that the integral of jgij .t; &/j is unbounded,
we also now conclude that we can make sup ky.t/k arbitrarily large
t 2Œ0;1/
using inputs uT .t/ for which sup kuT .t/k D 1.
t 2Œ0;1/
■ This is not compatible with the existence of a finite gain g that
satisfies the stability criteria, which means that condition 2 must hold
for the system to be BIBO stable.

Lecture notes prepared by Dr. Gregory L. Plett. Copyright $

c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–28
4.8: Input–output stability: LTI case
■ For a time-invariant system
P D Ax.t/ C Bu.t/

y.t/ D C x.t/ C Du.t/;

we have that
C ˆ.t; &/B D C e A.t (&/B:
■ We can therefore rewrite our prior stability criterion as finite D plus
Z t
sup jgN ij .t ( &/j d& < 1
t "0 0

understanding that gN ij .t ( &/ denotes the ij th entry of C e A.t (&/ B.

■ Making a change of variable ( D t ( &, we can restate
Z t Z t Z 1
sup jgN ij .t ( &/j d& D sup jgN ij .(/j d( D jgN ij .(/j d(:
t "0 0 t "0 0 0

■ Therefore, we can restate our prior stability observations as the

equivalence between the following two statements:
1. A LTI system is uniformly BIBO stable.
2. D is finite and for every entry gN ij .(/ of C e A( B, we have
Z 1
jgN ij .(/j d( < 1:

Frequency-domain conditions for BIBO stability

■ For LTI systems, a stability test is often easier to do in the Laplace
■ Taking Laplace transforms with respect to temporal variable (,
LŒgN ij .(/" D LŒC e A( B" D C.sI ( A/(1B:
Lecture notes prepared by Dr. Gregory L. Plett. Copyright $
c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–29
■ The ij th entry of this result will be a strictly proper rational polynomial
˛0s q C ˛1s q(1 C % % % C ˛q(1s C ˛q
Gij .s/ D
.s ( !1 /m1 .s ( !2 /m2 % % % .s ( !k /mk
where the ! are the unique poles and the m are their multiplicities.
■ If we were to use partial-fraction expansion to invert Gij .s/, we would
find the intermediate result
a11 a12 a1m1
Gij .s/ D C C %%%C C%%%
s ( !1 .s ( !1/2 .s ( !1 /m1
ak1 ak2 akmk
C C % % % C :
s ( !k .s ( !k /2 .s ( !k /mk
■ The inverse Laplace transform is then given by

gN ij .t/ D L(1ŒGij .s/"

D a11e !1t C a12te !1t C % % % a1m1 t m1(1 e !1t C % % %

ak1e !k t C ak2te !k t C % % % C akmk t mk (1e !k t :

■ We therefore conclude the following

1. If for all Gij .s/, all the poles have strictly negative real parts, then
gN ij .t/ converges to zero exponentially quickly and the system is
BIBO stable.
2. If at least one of the Gij .s/ has a pole with zero or positive real
part, then jgN ij .t/j does not converge to zero and the system is not
BIBO stable.
■ Note that adding a constant finite D to C.sI ( A/(1B will not change
the poles, we can restate the BIBO stability relationship as

1. The system is uniformly BIBO stable.

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c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–30

2. Every pole of every entry of the transfer function of the system has
a strictly negative real part.

BIBO versus Lyapunov stability

■ Systems that are exponentially stable in the sense of Lyapunov are
also BIBO stable.
■ However, the converse is not necessarily true. Consider the example
" # " #
1 0 0
P D x.t/ C u.t/
0 (2 1
h i
y.t/ D 1 1 x.t/:

■ For this system " #

e 0
e At D
0 e (2t
which is unbounded and therefore Lyapunov unstable.
■ However " #" #
h i e 0 0
C e At B D 1 1 D e (2t
0 e (2t 1
and therefore the system is BIBO stable.

! The root of this distinction between types of stability stems from

the unstable part of the system being unobservable.
! We will study this more in the next chapter.

Discrete-time BIBO stability

■ Without going into the details, we simply state the conditions for
discrete-time BIBO stability.
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c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett
ECE4520/5520, STABILITY 4–31
■ In the time domain, the following two conditions are true for a
discrete-time LTV or LTI system:

1. A system is uniformly BIBO stable.

2. Every entry of DŒk" is uniformly bounded and
sup jgij Œk; &"j < 1
k"0 &D0

for every entry gij Œk; &" of C Œk"ˆŒk; &"BŒ&".

■ For an LTI system, we also have

1. A system is uniformly BIBO stable.

2. For every entry gN ij .(/ of CA( B, we have
jgN ij .(/j < 1:

3. Every pole of every entry of the transfer function of the system has
magnitude strictly less than 1.

Where to from here?

■ We have now seen how to determine whether a given system is

stable, using two principal definitions of stability and a variety of tests.
■ What if it isn’t stable? Can we stabilize it? Can we control it?
■ To see if we will be able to do so, we need to understand two
important concepts: controllability and observability.
■ We look at these next.

Lecture notes prepared by Dr. Gregory L. Plett. Copyright $

c 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, Gregory L. Plett

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