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Creating void inside the square

grid 10 10
model elastic
gen circle 5,5 2.5
model null region 5,5

Creating a sloping embankment on the prepared ground surface

grid 12,20
gen (0.0,0.0) (0.0,1.0) (0.5,1.0) (0.5,0.0) i 1 5 j 1 11
gen (0.5,0.0) (0.5,1.0) (1.2163076,1.0) (1.2163076,0.0) i 5 13 j 1 11
gen (0.5,1.0) (0.96630764,2.0) (1.2163076,2.0) (1.2163076,1.0) i 5 13 j 11 21
model mohr i=1,4 j=1,10
model mohr i=5,12 j=1,10
model mohr i=5,12 j=11,20

Creating a sloping embankment of concrete media and on the red soil

prepared ground surface
grid 15,25
gen (0.0,0.0) (0.0,1.5) (1.0,1.5) (1.0,0.0) i 1 7 j 1 13
gen (1.0,0.0) (1.0,1.5) (3.0,1.5) (3.0,0.0) i 7 16 j 1 13
gen (1.0,1.5) (2.5,3.0) (3.0,3.0) (3.0,1.5) i 7 16 j 13 26
model mohr i=1,6 j=1,12
model mohr i=7,15 j=1,12
model mohr i=7,15 j=13,25
group 'concrete:concrete' notnull j 23
model elastic notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
prop density=2400.0 bulk=156 shear=180 notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
group 'concrete:concrete' notnull j 24
model elastic notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
prop density=2400.0 bulk=156 shear=180 notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
group 'concrete:concrete' notnull j 25
model elastic notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
prop density=2400.0 bulk=156 shear=180 notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
group 'concrete:concrete' notnull j 21
model elastic notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
prop density=2400.0 bulk=156 shear=180 notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
group 'concrete:concrete' notnull j 22
model elastic notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
prop density=2400.0 bulk=156 shear=180 notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
group 'concrete:concrete' notnull j 19
model elastic notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
prop density=2400.0 bulk=156 shear=180 notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
group 'concrete:concrete' notnull j 20
model elastic notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
prop density=2400.0 bulk=156 shear=180 notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
group 'concrete:concrete' notnull j 18
model elastic notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
prop density=2400.0 bulk=156 shear=180 notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
group 'concrete:concrete' notnull j 16
model elastic notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
prop density=2400.0 bulk=156 shear=180 notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
group 'concrete:concrete' notnull j 17
model elastic notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
prop density=2400.0 bulk=156 shear=180 notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
group 'concrete:concrete' notnull j 15
model elastic notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
prop density=2400.0 bulk=156 shear=180 notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
group 'concrete:concrete' notnull j 14
model elastic notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
prop density=2400.0 bulk=156 shear=180 notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
group 'concrete:concrete' notnull j 13
model elastic notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
prop density=2400.0 bulk=156 shear=180 notnull group 'concrete:concrete'
group 'Red soil:Red Soil' j 12
model elastic group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
prop density=2.01 bulk=175 shear=15 group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
group 'Red soil:Red Soil' j 11
model elastic group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
prop density=2.01 bulk=175 shear=15 group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
group 'Red soil:Red Soil' j 10
model elastic group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
prop density=2.01 bulk=175 shear=15 group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
group 'Red soil:Red Soil' j 9
model elastic group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
prop density=2.01 bulk=175 shear=15 group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
group 'Red soil:Red Soil' j 8
model elastic group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
prop density=2.01 bulk=175 shear=15 group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
group 'Red soil:Red Soil' j 6
model elastic group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
prop density=2.01 bulk=175 shear=15 group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
group 'Red soil:Red Soil' j 7
model elastic group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
prop density=2.01 bulk=175 shear=15 group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
group 'Red soil:Red Soil' j 5
model elastic group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
prop density=2.01 bulk=175 shear=15 group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
group 'Red soil:Red Soil' j 4
model elastic group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
prop density=2.01 bulk=175 shear=15 group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
group 'Red soil:Red Soil' j 3
model elastic group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
prop density=2.01 bulk=175 shear=15 group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
group 'Red soil:Red Soil' j 2
model elastic group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
prop density=2.01 bulk=175 shear=15 group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
group 'Red soil:Red Soil' j 1
model elastic group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
prop density=2.01 bulk=175 shear=15 group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
Creating a foundation with the finer mesh near the footing
grid 50,50
mod ela
gen 0,0 0,4 4,4 4,0 ratio 0.8,1.0 i 1 11 j 1 11
gen 0,4 0,7 4,7 4,4 ratio 0.8,0.9 i 1 11 j 11 40
gen 0,7 0,9 4,9 4,7 ratio 0.8,1.0 i 1 11 j 40 51
gen 4,0 4,4 7,4 7,0 i 11 40 j 1 11
gen 4,4 4,7 7,7 7,4.0 ratio 1.0,0.9 i 11 40 j 11 40
gen 4,7 4,9 7,9 7,7 i 11 40 j 40 51
gen 7,0 7,4 11,4 11,0 ratio 1.2,1.0 i 40 51 j 1 11
gen 7,4 7,7 11,7 11,4 ratio 1.2,0.9 i 40 51 j 11 40
gen 7,7 7,9 11,9 11,7 ratio 1.2,1.0 i 40 51 j 40 51
model null i 1 10 j 40 50
group 'null' i 1 10 j 40 50
group delete 'null'
model null i 40 51 j 40 50
group 'null' i 40 51 j 40 50
group delete 'null'

grid 30,35
gen 0,0 0,6 10,6 10,0 i=1, 31 j=1,31
gen 0,0 0,1.5 10,1.5 10,0 i=1,31 j=1,7
gen 0,1.5 0,3.5 10,3.5 10,1.5 i=1,31 j=7,17
call C:\mduncan.fis
gen 0,3.5 0,6 10,6 10,3.5 i=1,31 j=17, 31
gen 4,6 4,6.5 6,6.5 6,6 i=1,31 j,32,36
group 'Soil-Clay:low plasticity' j 17 31
model mohr group 'Soil-Clay:low plasticity'
prop density=1900.0 bulk=1.33E6 shear=8E5 cohesion=6000.0 friction=24.0 dilation=0.0
tension=0.0 group 'Soil-Clay:low plasticity'
model mohr notnull group 'Soil-Clay:low plasticity'
prop density=1900.0 bulk=1.33E6 shear=8E5 cohesion=6000.0 friction=24.0 dilation=0.0
tension=0.0 notnull group 'Soil-Clay:low plasticity'
group 'Soil-Sand:well-graded' j 7 17
model mohr group 'Soil-Sand:well-graded'
prop density=1800.0 bulk=1.33E7 shear=8E6 cohesion=0.0 friction=33.0 dilation=0.0
tension=0.0 group 'Soil-Sand:well-graded'
model mohr notnull group 'Soil-Sand:well-graded'
prop density=1800.0 bulk=1.33E7 shear=8E6 cohesion=0.0 friction=33.0 dilation=0.0
tension=0.0 notnull group 'Soil-Sand:well-graded'
group 'Rock:limestone' j 1 7
model mohr group 'Rock:limestone'
prop density=2700.0 bulk=2.26E10 shear=1.1E10 cohesion=6720000.0 friction=42.0
dilation=0.0 tension=1580000.0 group 'Rock:limestone'
model mohr notnull group 'Soil-Clay:low plasticity'
prop density=1900.0 bulk=1.33E6 shear=8E5 cohesion=6000.0 friction=24.0 dilation=0.0
tension=0.0 notnull group 'Soil-Clay:low plasticity'
model elastic notnull group 'Rock:limestone'
prop density=2700.0 bulk=2.26E10 shear=1.1E10 notnull group 'Rock:limestone'
group 'User:concrete' j 32 35
model elastic group 'User:concrete'
prop density=24.0 bulk=1.60007E7 shear=2.2E9 group 'User:concrete'
; error --> group 'Black soil:black Soil' group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
;> group 'Black soil:black Soil' group 'Red soil:Red Soil'
; *** Specified group does not exist
group 'Rock:Sandstone' group 'Rock:limestone'

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