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Example Sentences In

English - 2
Example Sentences of Joy

Short Sentences for Joy

● I feel all the joy and the strength of being with you.
● Too much the influence of joy or sorrow?
● Think of me only as one who takes joy in loving you.
● Much to her surprise and joy the letter was from Mark.
● He felt his heart beat quicker, a sudden joy possessed him.
● My greatest joy is in dreaming of the day when we shall meet again.
Example Sentences of Hypocrite

Short Sentences for Hypocrite

1. Of the hypocrite no more!
2. He was a hypocrite and a tyrant.
3. I have been a hypocrite long enough.
4. What a choice old hypocrite he was!
5. He had never been a hypocrite about the war.
6. The hypocrite dare not go to confession, probably, and so keeps away.
Example Sentences of Nostalgia

How to use Nostalgia in Sentences?

1. He had brought back to her a sudden powerful nostalgia for the life she had once known.
2. Isagani regarded him with attention: that gentleman was suffering from nostalgia for antiquity.
3. She looked back with a touch of nostalgia on the busy schooldays, and mourned anew for Elsie, who had allowed her to
give love.
4. No, if there were an altar and a service to placate nostalgia it would not be that fisherman who would most attend that
5. It has all the nostalgia of a half-forgotten dream, and yet it is so confidently set forth that we may enter its background
without difficulty.
6. This nostalgia must be the rebound from the war, of which he had heard so much, which made men weak, or lazy, or
Example Sentences of Sagacity

How to use Sagacity in Sentences?

1. But he did not trust so much to natural sagacity as wholly to neglect the help of books.
2. Johnson rose, feeling he had done well and impressed his sagacity upon his chief.
3. His sagacity made him conjecture that the destination of the armament was Egypt.
4. His stern sagacity tramples on the roses with which our romance would surround Love in a Cottage.
5. Of these the third is the only one favored by the ethics and political sagacity of enlightened nations today.
6. Men of large calibre have an unusual sagacity in sifting the unessential from the essential as also the false from the true.
Example Sentences of Derision

How to use Derision in Sentences?

1. Poverty in such a land is not merely privation, it is to live in derision and contempt.
2. Henceforth ballooning would not be regarded with derision and unbelief in England.
3. Her horrid grin of derision brought a flush to his cheek; he faced her quite coolly.
4. Many a time since then has the same derision been awakened by this claim of Christ.
5. He was seated upon a throne of jet, and his arms supported in derision by two prize-fighters.
6. For years the bands of the British regiments played it in derision of the provincials.
Example Sentences of Tenacious

Short Sentences for Tenacious

1. Loose mould is made more tenacious by pouring water upon it.
2. The tenacious politician who wore the crown was not yet beaten.
3. But systems are tenacious of life in proportion as they are hoary with age.
4. It, however, coagulates very soon, and becomes as hard and tenacious as glue.
5. He knew that here was a bold and tenacious spirit, kin to that of Grant.
6. The fellow endeavoured to swing himself free of the other's tenacious grasp.
Example Sentences of Zealous

How to use Zealous in Sentences?

1. At seventeen he preached his first sermon and all his life was a zealous divine.
2. We were met together at the house of one of the most zealous and fanatical believers.
3. Toward noon he went down-stairs to continue his zealous efforts in the kitchen.
4. Dicky, already zealous at work as exampled in rush bag-making, listened with wistful pride.
5. Hence arose the rigid scheme of necessity, for which Hartley is so zealous an advocate.
6. After the death of the Pope, his executors were even less zealous for the completion of the tomb.
Example Sentences of Haughty

How to use Haughty in Sentences?

1. He sought out the man he knew must be Colonel Roth by his haughty air and his stripes.
2. The ladies bowed with that kind of haughty acknowledgment which shows that compliments from such a source are
3. In a blaze of haughty contempt he let his jackal see that he was understood and appreciated at his proper value.
4. Intrenched in their possessions the landed class looked down with haughty disdain upon the farming and laboring
5. Then the girl turned and walked towards him with as haughty a carriage as ever a society belle could boast.
6. His only expression was that of haughty self-content; but there was no real pride in his bearing, and no reserve.
Example Sentences of Sullen

Short Sentences for Sullen

1. Ada flushed a sullen red.
2. All day it lay there sullen and morose.
3. She retired behind a sullen scowl.
4. The sullen blood rose darkly in his face.
5. Through sullen swirling gloom we jolt and roar.
6. The Indians were sullen and angry.
Example Sentences of Amicable

How to use Amicable in Sentences?

1. The delay seemed to be contemptuous slighting of a possible overture of amicable settlement.
2. However amicable this arrangement seemed, it did not smother the flames of discord.
3. An amicable arrangement, however, was made between all the parties at interest.
4. Such, should any of these disputes occur, might always be their amicable termination.
5. We exchanged port and sherry, and a most amicable understanding found its way down with the wine.
6. Hugo and Humphrey had not before been on such thoroughly amicable terms as they were to-night.
Example Sentences of Eloquent

How to use Eloquent in Sentences?

1. Seating himself near her, he poured into her ears words eloquent with love and tenderness.
2. This work is an eloquent plea for the noble and independent pursuit of Agriculture.
3. He was an eloquent pleader for the principles in which he believed, but he had no faculty whatever for projecting himself
into the picture.
4. It was too dark for her to see the expression on his face, but the quiver in his voice was eloquent of hardly-restrained
5. Yves was so eloquent and earnest a preacher that he was continually receiving requests to attend other churches, which
he never refused.
Example Sentences of Optimistic

How to use Optimistic in Sentences?

1. Few are optimistic enough to hope that we can change this condition very rapidly.
2. They were cheery and optimistic over the completion of their new model aero-hydroplane.
3. Not a single fact or historical example is cited in support of this optimistic theory.
4. His optimistic faith has driven the poet into a realm into which poetry never ventured before.
5. It has often been pointed out, that the Christian religion is by turns optimistic and pessimistic.
6. Hatred is a product of the fear that cannot be taken up into the optimistic moods, and thus be transformed.
7. A few weeks after everything was knocked sky-high, and what is left of all these optimistic ramblings?
8. Victoria was the prophet of the actual, picking out with optimistic eye its singular abundance of blessedness.
Example Sentences of Deft

How to use Deft in Sentences?

1. What manner of thing was that pirouet in the deft execution of which he felt an honest exultation?
2. With deft but trembling hands the crew work to secure the cable which follows the line.
3. With the deft fingers of a woman she was lifting and laying out the handsome uniforms one by one.
4. He stood leaning against the casing, watching her floury hands at their deft work.
5. She sat down on a bench, took the cup in her hand and looked earnestly at the deft piece of work.
6. A deft active man, we say; what he undertook to do is nimbly and successfully done.
Example Sentences of Facade

How to use Facade in Sentences?

1. Motion appeared in the curved facade of sleek brown heads and bodies in front and to the sides.
2. The facade on the gardens, which is absolutely the same as the others, looks westward.
3. Two blocks away stands the facade of the fine old stone church that has been a ruin now for years.
4. A long low facade with the central door in a square porch; the whole grave but serene.
5. The San Miniato has an arcade, of course not pointed, upon the facade and the interior.
6. The content of the phobia has about the same importance for it as the manifest dream facade has for the dream.
Example Sentences of Facetious

How to use Facetious in Sentences?

1. Now what there is either facetious or satirical in this, we confess we cannot conceive.
2. Is there not a facetious allusion or two which might as well be reserved for posterity?
3. Quaintness, however, is an essential requisite in the placard of the facetious lecturer.
4. Irritated at his facetious tone and bantering manner, the girl plainly showed her resentment.
5. A group of some twenty men had collected, and they soon began to make facetious remarks.
6. Mr Craigie himself brought it into the schoolroom and delivered it with much facetious mystery.
7. Three facetious bagmen exercise their wit by puzzling the waiter with low French slang.
8. Thereupon Joseph struck a facetious note, and for half an hour made himself very agreeable.
9. Mr. Bolton was in no state, physically or mentally, for facetious conversation.

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