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My universal formula for any performance or interaction with any person:

- Mirror
- Rapport
- Elicite Criteria
- Lead
- Alpha state
- Anchor: state of minds, ideas, linguistic pattern intterupts anything
- Language Patterns: remember the use of high and low pitch, and the use of the
pause, HIDDEN DIRECTIVES, commands hidden within Q's, PRESUPPOSITIONS, as you ...
well ..., as if the idea is already accepted, BINDS & DOUBLE BINDS, the more/less
you x ... the more/less you ..., EMBEDDED COMMANDS, no formal example of it, try to
hide a command in a Q, in a metaphor, in a phrase, quote and so on

Jerome Finley's Thought Veil:

-Rapport could be the single most important thing to achieve while performing
-It's of extreme importance to make the suggestions and inductions of emotional
value, emotion + suggestion = permenant memory
-The Alpha state of mind is extremely important, always perform whatever type of
performance whil the spectator in his/her alpha wave, close your eyes, take a few
deep breath, imagine so and so (make them use or think with their right brain)
-the 5 suggestibility laws: Reverse Action, the people will respond to the stronger
suggestion out of 2, Delayed Action, like post hypnotic suggestion, when A happens
B will happen, by creating a mental expectancy, Law of Repetition, when a person is
told something over and over again he will start to believe it, Law of Dominance,
you're the hypnotist/performer, you're the one in control, remember Anthony's ideas
about this, Law of Association, something triggers another
-the mind's 7 rules:
1. All thoughts and ideas cause a physical reaction, 2. What is expected tends to
be realised, 3. Imagination is more important than knowledge, 4. Once an idea or
suggestion is accepted it remains there util replaced by another, 5. each
suggestion acted upon makes it easier to accept other new ideas and suggestions,
remember the
4-5 steps to follow approach, 6. The body can be broken down by the mind if given
an emotionally charged suggestion long enough, 7. The greater the conscious
the less the subconscious response, remember the right/left brain thing + the alpha
state + go back again and again and again to Jerome's master technique, it's in
short, try a physical suggestion, if not worked at first let them do it entirely in
their mind reality then gradually bring it to the physical world
- start from mirroring for rapport
- we talked about the techniques of pacing and leading, to pace the first thing is
to mirror, every single detail, breathing, blinking, micro expressions and so on
- we can also mirror their state of mind if they are happy angry excited and so on,
here comes the process of merging, is to put yourself exactly in the shoes of the
person, what they feel see, be them for some seconds, here you gonna understand
them and read them very effectively
- if you face any problem, continue pacing and mirroring
- YES SETS, they are extremly important and powerful verbal technique, after the
physical one, let them agree with you, let them comply, yes yes yes suggestion,
yes yes suggestion suggestion, yes suggestion suggestion suggestion, then
suggestion suggestion suggestion, they could agree with anything no matter how
simple it is
- Always on my mind, a good way to rapport, there is something unique and
interesting about you, when they ask you are not clear, so they'll try to do
whatever to be
kind and impress you
- Win-Win realtionships, on a scale of 1-10, what do you need to be 10, so what
you're saying ... is that what you are saying, what you can count/expect of me is
- A Rapport building technique, is to repeat whatever they tell you as, that
exactly what I was thinking
- Eliciting Criteria, is to reach their core criteria and beliefs then starting
giving them as yours, they won't resist it as doing so they are resisting
ask what is important about, whatever they answer A, if you got A what the
importance what it will give you, B, what is the importance of B, they'll answer
with the
very basic ideas, mirror their ideas, share with them the feeling, be with them
- The Swish pattern, I know the technique
- Language Patterns: remember the use of high and low pitch, and the use of the
pause, HIDDEN DIRECTIVES, commands hidden within Q's, PRESUPPOSITIONS, as you ...
well ..., as if the idea is already accepted, BINDS & DOUBLE BINDS, the more/less
you x ... the more/less you ..., EMBEDDED COMMANDS, no formal example of it, try to
hide a command in a Q, in a metaphor, in a phrase, quote and so on
- Energetic Waves & Thought Veil Techniques
- Suggestibility Tests: THE RISING & FALLING ARM TEST: Now close your eyes and
imagine a large bucket filled with sand is fastened to your LEFT HAND/WRIST and it?
VERY HEAVY while your RIGHT HAND is tethered to a rope that is gently tugging your
hand and pulling your wrist and arm UPWARDS making it feel LIGHT AS A FEATHER AND
QUITE RELAXED. And as you IMAGINE these objects fastened to your wrists, notice how
your body begins to respond to your thoughts and suggestions. The power of the mind

is an incredible thing, evidenced by the fact that your LEFT HAND is now beginning
to sag and pull itself down towards the floor while your RIGHT HAND starts lifting
higher and higher into the sky, easily and naturally. Do this now� Up and up and
up, higher, higher and higher your RIGHT HAND lifts into the air. This is the power
your mind and imagination at work! Your LEFT ARM feels heavier and heavier, heavier
and heavier growing tired and weary from the weight of the sand� >> it's suggested
by him that to show the spectator how to hold his hands as a part of mirroring, THE
PENDULUM TEST: the pendulum swing, I'm familir with, also a good choice
- PSYCHOLOGICAL MARKING: mark the objects, whether verbally through the tone pace
and other characters of voice, non verbally by taking a deep breath changing
or doing anything while mentioning the item, physically by taping changing location
and so on, anchoring can be used as well by repeating the anchor and the mark
multiple times, also you can leave some of your items on object like a chair in
chair test for example so it�s marked as yours and so on.
- ANCHORING: Elicit an emotional state in the subject, At the peak of the emotional
state set your anchor, keep re-inducing the anchor, TEST the anchor to see that it
elicits the desired emotional state or reaction/response
- The 3 minutes induction: this is an induction by Dave Elman which I will be using
as the basic structure, more inductions to come later: "Place your feet flat on the

floor and place your hands palm down in your lap. Good. Now just pick a spot on the
wall and stare at that spot without moving a muscle. Take a long deep breath
through your nose and hold it in. Exhale slowly though your mouth and relax� Take a
second long deep breath through your nose, hold it, exhale slowly through your
mouth and intend to relax even more deeply now� Now take a third long deep breath
through your nose, exhale slowly and relax even deeper and deeper still�almost to
point where it feels like you?re drifting off to sleep; deeply relaxed, listening
intently to the sound of my voice and my instructions�that?s good� Now gently allow

your eyes to close down all the way (if their eyes are already closed just say,
�now with your eyes closed? and move onto the next paragraph)�that?s right, all the
closed, becoming even more deeply and deeper relaxed still with every breath and
heartbeat. You?re doing perfectly. Now I?d like you to relax all the tiny little
muscles around your eyes, relaxing them so much that they just won?t work, and they
don?t want to work. And when you?re sure that ALL the little muscles around your
eyes are so relaxed that they just won?t work and don?t even want to work, I want
you to test those muscles so you can see for yourself that they just don?t have to
work for the next few moments. That?s fine, you?re doing perfectly� Now go ahead
and stop trying and send a wave of relaxation from the top of your head to the
of your feet. Allow this wave of deep relaxation to wash over your body easily and
naturally� In just a moment I?m going to pick up your left/right arm by the wrist.
As I do this, I want you to let that arm be completely loose, limp and relaxed,
heavy � just like a soft, heavy blanket. Good. Allow that soft, warm blanket of
relaxation to surround your entire body. Now when I drop your hand back down into
your lap I want you to DOUBLE your relaxation. That?s right � perfect. Just allow
your mind and your thoughts and your stress to melt away for a few moments. This is
good. Now I am going to pick up your right/left arm by the wrist (use the opposite
arm of before) and just let that arm be as loose, limp and relaxed as that (other)
arm is. Very good� When I drop your arm down let yourself sink even 10 times deeper

into this peaceful state of relaxation you?ve found yourself in right now. At this
point you may notice what a profound state of peace and deep relaxation you are
capable of enjoying really feels like. Take a few moments and enjoy it. I?ll wait�
(Pause for a few moments) Now I?ll show you how to clear your mind completely and
achieve a perfect state of mental relaxation as well� I?m going to ask you to start
counting backwards in just a moment from 100 down to 97. Each time you say a
say the words �DEEPER ASLEEP? and double your relaxation, and by the time you reach
97 you?ll be so relaxed that all those numbers will just fade away and disappear
naturally on their own. Expect it to happen, allow it to happen and I promise you
it WILL HAPPEN easily and naturally. Begin counting out loud now, please.
your subject to relax as they count down from 100 to 97). When your subject arrives
at the number 97 say, And there goes the numbers, fading away from your mind very
gently now�
Each time you experience hypnosis in this way you will relax faster and deeper,
deeper and faster still � all the time listening to the sound of my voice and my
instructions� Whenever I say the word �SLEEP? your eyes close and your body
relaxes, easily and naturally, transporting you instantly back into this deep,
state of bliss and relaxation� Each time you experience hypnosis in this way, with
me, you will be able to relax even faster and deeper with each session."

- The Basic Deepener: again this is the basic structure as deepeners might be
around anything, �Allow all of the sounds around you to assist you in relaxing even
�The sound of my voice and my instructions allows/causes you to drift into a
deeper, more complete state of peace and relaxation with each and every moment
it how hypnosis works�? �Sitting there now and listening to my voice and my
instructions CAUSES you to become more deeply relaxed. The more relaxed you become
deeper you drift into a peaceful and powerful state of trance now�? �The faster and
deeper you drift into this natural state of peace and relaxation the better
works for you�? �Each breath you take now causes you to become even more and more
relaxed, easily and naturally�? �Each easy beat of your heart causes you to become
more calm and relaxed now, listening gently and intently to the sound of my voice
and my instructions�? Expect your perfect trance to happen, allow it to happen and
realize that your perfect trance IS happening now in perfect time and in perfect
order�? with fractionation is another technique

- Remember the 5 star opener and the use of it and other mentalism pieces as
inductions >> this way you can perfectly and naturally build rapport and connect

- THE HYPNOTIC BOOK TEST: can be accessed by holding the book with the left hand,
the right index on the right upper corner with the edge to the spectator right on
end of the first foruth of the finger, or, the back edge on the line of the distal
interphalangeal, don't move your fingers and don't apply much pressure, just with
the help of the thumb, pull the pages toward you they'll riffle until they reach
the break

trance state simply by performing mentalism< the idea is to let them think of their

word, the number of letters, the first letter, middle, last and with each piece you
gonna springboard, think of the number, I feel the month of August, think of the
first letter, a common name, I feel the name of X, with each revelation you let
them go even deeper, and deeper until a full trance is reached when you reveal the
piece, here you tell them that everything you say gonna be their reality
suggestion, then do whatever you want

- RELAXATION & VISUALIZATION: let them take cyclical breaths, inhale to the count
of 4, hold to 4, exhale to 4, hold to 4, and do that again

- VISUALIZATION: the light spectrum of colours might be a very good example, to

imagine and see the colours, as they breathe and relax more and more

- Remember the Verbal Pattern interrupt

Anthony Jacquin's Trilby Connection notes:

- The Approach: it's important to approach your subject or audience as the
hypnotist, you're expert, confident, you know what you do, and you're good doing it
engage the emotion of excitment, attention should be on you, the more suggestible
less critical he will be, remove any criticism, give complement, ask questions,
choose people who look fascinated and interested
- Set UP: perfect position, test for compliance, remove any misunderstanding
- Important Language Points: the language is, would you do that, can you do, would
you, would you, now stare in the gap between your fingers 'a direct command',
because in a moment they gonna come together and touch 'stated as a fact', you can
see them getting close 'this is pacing, and it's saying exactly what is going on
that person experience', when you see the fingers are really close to each other
'and when they touch you can allow your eyes to close' you attached them to your
command, just pretend and imagine, this is Elman's language, pretend gonna fire up
the creative part of mind, using the imagination, it's in itself is a suggestion,
and when they're relaxed I want you to hold on that relaxation and test them 'this
is a new addition'
- if I say imagine something do your best ... if I say feel something I want you to
feel it
- Set Piece: Magnetic Fingers, would you place your hand infront of you, can you
close them nice and tight together, bend your elbows like you're doing a prayer,
extend your first fingers 1 inch from each other and focus on the gap between them
because in a moemnt they will touch just like 2 magnets, and you see they're
starting to twitch, and when your fingers touch it's a nice signal, just close your
eyes, and when your eyes are closed take a nice deep breath in, as you breathe out
just allow your hands drift down, Eye Look 'Calof', are left handed or right
handed?! I'd like you to take your right/left 'domenant' index pointing down like
and keep it above your head the whole time around an inch from your hairline, close
your eyes for me, and with your eyes closed I want you to imagine rolling your eye
back as you're looking through your skull, through where that finger is, and when
you seeing their like this spot or colour, keep your eyes fixed on that spot, and
you keep your eyes fixed and as I talk to you you'll find your eyes are stuck
together, and when you keep your eyes on that spot you can try to open them and
find them completely stuck and it's a strange feeling, you can stop trying and just
relax, Eye Look 'Elman', look at me and when you're ready take a nice deep breath
in, and as you breath out allow your eyes to close, I want you to concentrate on
your eyes, and I want you to pretend that every muscle and nerve fiber in your eyes

is so relaxed, they just wont work, I want you to actively pretend and imagine your
eye are so relaxed, every tiny muscle and nerve fiber, in and around your eyes are
so relaxed, they just wont work, if you would hold on to that relaxation, so when
they are that relaxed I want you to hold on that relaxation, and just test them, I
know it's a strange feeling, you can stop testing now and just relax, The Stiff
Arm, you said you're a right handed right?! so can I borrow your left arm, I want
to make a tight fist with this hand, as tight as you can, keep your eyes there 'to
a point on the back of their hand', fixed on one spot, and take a deep breath in,
and as you breathe out just close your eyes, and concentrate on that fist making it
as tight as you can, imagine it right from your shoulder, through your triceps,
into your forearm, getting stiffer and stiffer, your forearm getting tighter and
tighter, your triceps stiffer and stiffer, your wrist like one solid unit,
concentrate on that idea you have a steal bar runing from here 'touch the
shoulder', to here 'the wrist', you find when you try to bend your arm you find it
stiff and rigid, put some effort and try to bend it I know it's a strange feeling,
and when I touch it you can relax your arm, open your eyes and you're ready for
your next instruction, Card Drop 'Calof', you're right handed or left handed, take
this card and hold on the corner of it, as tight as you can between your thumb and
index 'and flex their wrist as possible', and I want you to look at this corner
'the opposite one to the one they are holding', as if you are interested in this
corner, keep staring keep looking, as you look at it I want you to repeat in your
mind, I'm going to drop this, I'm going to drop this, and close your eyes, and keep

picturing the corner while repeating the exact phrase again and again, I'm going to
drop this, I'm going to drop this, and as you keep repeating this in your mind
you'll notice it's interesting to find that your fingers are stuck to the card, you
cannot drop the card as your fingers are stuck to the card, even if you try to
drop it, you'll find the harder you try to drop the card the more you fingers are
stuck to that card, it's a wierd feeling, when I click my fingers of course you can

drop it and let it go

- Set Piece from the Manchurian Approach: Heavy Card "do you know what is the
heaviest card in the deck?!, can you put your hand about shoulder hight, and I want
to look at that spot, if I ask you to focus on that card I want you to look at a
point you give a meaning the corner or any spot, (the more you speak the more their
arm gonna feel tired, and the test will be successful), close your eyes, and when
your eyes closed imagine that card is a weight, it's a heavy weight pushind down
hand, it gonna push your hand all the way down to your leg, keep concentrating on
that idea
- Indutions: The Handshake Induction 'Bandler', you know its pattern interupt,
extend your right hand as if you're shaking, then as they go to shake take their
hand with your left, just look at your hand, look at the lines and focus on one
spot, as that hand moves toward your face your eyes will start to change focus, and
you become aware about your eyes just close your eyes, and sleep 'gentle touch on
the back of their head to signal to them to let go and relax', just relax deeper
deeper, this arm can drift down and as it drifts you can relax into a comfortable
state, and as I say 1 you gonna wake up in the perfect state for learning, Triple
Handshake Induction 'Elman' (shake their hands to hold their hand, then keep
holding their hand and say, look right here underneath of my eye, keep your eyes
right there, in a moment I'm gonna shake your hand three times, the first time I
shake your hands your eyes are gonna feel tight, the second time I shake your hands

your eyes will close but try keeping them on that spot, the third time I shake
you're going to deep sleep of hypnosis, so yes keep your focus on that eye, here I
shake your hand one, your eyes are tight, here two your eyes are heavier and
heavier, 3 'as you're doing this shake bring your other hand in front of their
faces in a
down sweeping motion with a snap and continue' close your eyes and sleep deeper and
deeper, sinking floating and drifting into a deep and nice state of relaxation, a
good trick is as you speak to them before the actual shakes you can gently shake
their hand in an unnoticed motion that is in rhythm with the breathing pattern,
will make their mind more ready and accepting), Ambigous Touch Handshake Induction
'Erickson' (keep holding their hand, just keep your eyes fixed here just look at
here, pause, thats right, take a deep breath in 'as you say this start relaxing
your holding hand and with your other hand soppurt theirs to remain still in the
position', as you breathe out just close your eyes and relax thats right, you'll go
deeper and deeper more relax sinking floating drifting, and I'm gonna count 3 to 1,

as I count your hand can drop down, and as it drops down and the muscles relax you
can do the same thing drop down in inside into a comfortable state and relax, 3
thats right, and all the way down just relax >> the idea is the mind is not
expecting to shake and keep holding, it expects to shake and disengage, and as you
they gonna forget their hand in that position), The Rehersal Induction (are left
handed or right handed?!, in a moment I'm gonna show you how to go into hypnosis, I

want you to have complete control over this, whats gonna happen is this, I'm gonna
take out your wrist, I'm gonna lift it up, and when it go about here 'shoulder
hight' that will be the point where you go into hypnosis, I push it down again and
you'll be back in normal way again, so I'm gonna do this many times, you'll notice
when your hand reach certain point you gonna feel some sensation, your eye gonna
feel heavier, and they wanna close, and I'll push it down so you'll be back into
conversation,so I wanna you to get the sensation and the feeling for this when it
gets up to that point, thats right, you'll feel your eyes gonna be heavier that
be the point where your eyes gonna close, and it'll be hanging their as if it's
held by a wire, and when I push it down you be back again, now I'm gonna lift it
to a certain point, your eyes close, and you relaxed, and go down again, thats
right, again I'm gonna lift your hands, and your hands feels lighter this time,
eyes are closed your hand gonna be hanging their on a wire for a while just relax
and go deeper and deeper and deeper to the sleep, not really a sleep but deep
relaxation of your nervous system and letting go, I'm gonna push your hand down and
you gonna be wide awake full awarness and full alert >> each rehersal you add some
steps, once you feel their hand go by itself, continue with the actual induction
- Deepening: let their head fall down, direct command, go deeper, 2 times 10 times,
link what you're doing to going deeper, as your hand drops, as x done go 2 times
deeper, count down, loops, as you breathe, heart beat, every sound/word, pace and
lead, a pace it to watch what they do and focus on it, or to pace your actions and
words to their so you're with them on the same wave, then lead it to the desired
outcome, as your head fall down, as your eyes flick, as your hand twiches
- Fractionation: you induce hypnosis, wake them up, re-induce, wake, induce and so
on, this gonna put them in
further deeper state of hypnosis
- Remember to let them nod, agree, and comfirm
- Wake them UP, remove any suggestion, charge them with positive energizing idea
and thoughts
- What's coming in The Trilby Connection are some routines and ideas in vol.2 and
the bonus vol, so it's better to either read them or watch them again
- From Anthony's the manchurian approach this is the opening formula: complement,
introduction, question, that's it
- Remember the can you questions!!! instead of how I say, I want you, use the can
you "YES Sets"
- Remember to use the important line while doing the set piece: "when I say 1 2
wide awake you will open your eyes come back to the room and be ready for your next
instruction, or ready to be hypnotised"
- Remember to always complement, thats right your hand is doing so and so, thats
right your eyes are so, thats right, even of nothing is happening, that's right
hand is ...
- A good line from the manchurian approach when you fraction for 3 times the third
time "and when I say 1 2 wide awake you'll open your eyes and be ready to accept
every suggestion I give you"
- From TMA .. everything you do deepen the state .. as the hand lift ... when you
open your eyes ... when you close your eyes ... when your hand is stuck
- a good line can be used sometimes ... everything I say will become your reality,
because you have a super powerful mind ... give some complement or positive words
- emphasize on the word Just for the time
- Some importatn effects from the manchurian approach: the hypno force, you tell
them when I ask you to think of so, you gonna change your mind few times, and you
settle on X, and it'll seem a completely free choice for you, and you'll forget
that you ever been hypnotised, the hypno peek, you gave them the suggestion that
believe you're the greatest mind reader in the world, then you tell them to say a
question you couldn't know the answer to and tell you the answer, then you give

Igor Ledochowski:
- The Basic Steps: build rapport, ABS, YES sets, piggyback, 4 Power Words, Language
Patterns from thought veil
- The 4 stage hypnotic protocol (ABS formula), Absorb attention, bypass the
critical factor, elicit subcncs, 4 lead the response
- Remember the rapport building tips, not too much, not too nice, not too hard, use
a technique that can build instant or hypnotic rapport, try to make people build
rapport with you by making them want to ask
- The signal recognition system: pupil dilation, according the lighting of the
room, mostly there will be dilation, slowing down of the pulse, or fasting as well
be a sign sometimes, you can notice that on the neck or the ankle, change in the
pattern of breathing, most likely a slow down, sometimes a fast breathing according

the suggestion or something you're saying, facial features begin to smooth out and
be symmetrical, a sign that they're elaxing, attention is absorbed, their attention

is fixed, change in people�s blink reflex more to be slower, might be faster and
might even be stoped, change in the swallowing mechanism, immobility of movement,
involuntary muscle twitches, changes in skin colour, or skin tone itself, as more,
or sometimes less blood that comes/goes out from the skin the skin colour might
change as people enter different state of mind, voices will also change, slower,
sometimes will stop speaking, an increase in passive responses, less argumentative,

more agreeable, and more passive, more willing to follow

- Directionalised Language: you want to induce an altered state of mind, this is
done when people are focused on certain ideas or thoughts to the exclusion of
first thing grab someones attention and focus it
- A smooth flow of ideas: verbal agreement "yes sets", plausibility, as the person
enters trance less plausible ideas can more easily be accepted, piggy back
suggestions, where you build a suggestion over another over another, and so on,
linguistic bridges or conjunctions, they're the cement that binds info together,
4 words of power, As, And, Because, Which Means
- Principle 1: Repetition Of Hypnotic Themes, this is done using the 4 words
repeated again and again, Principle 2: Priming Unconscious Responses, the response
to be connected or primed to something inside the mind,Principle 3: Tonality &
Rhythm, will be discussed later, Principle 4: Piggy Back Suggestions, you can piggy
things that are already happening or things that you want to suggest, Principle 5:
The Yes Set
- extremely important exercises:
Exercise 1
(go and read the Erickson's cards, and study them), Exercise 2 (a very very very
extremely important exercise, and a one that I want to keep practicing, is to start

making hypnotic phrases using the themes of, relaxation comfort and learning, using
the 4 power words, as, and, because, and means), Exercise 3 (the same as ex 2 but
this time use the linguistic bridges that are found on the back of the book, this
time try to cut, shuffle them, and pick one at random, and start build your own
inductions, these 2 exercises are really important), Exercise 4 (now take all the
inductions you built and build them in an everyday type of conversation, whatever
your career is), Exercise 5+6 (are about tonality and command and questions
important), Exercise 7 (is to put everything together! take all what you've learned
on this
CD, build and record the inductions, lesten to them and see what you feel, highly
powerful and recommeded), Exercise 8 (start doing what you learned with people,
engage it to your conversation), Exercises 2,3,4,7,8 are the most important and are
a must to be practiced)
- use the piggy back suggestion >> yes-set + compliment + suggestion (the piggy
back using the language patterns from Jerome) = hypnotic suggestion
- Persistence tactics: Persistence Tactic 1: The Hypnotic Triple, repetition
creates reinforcement, which creates the reality at the end, Persistence Tactic 2:
Hypnotic Ideas, is to put the seed suggestion and keep visiting in an indirect way,
Persistence Tactic 3: The Law Of Successive Approximations, is to give one shot of
suggestion take them one step further each time, Persistence Tactic 4: The Law Of
Compounding Effect, for each accepted suggestion, the person becomes further more
suggestible each time like the yes-set.

Nico Heinrich
Entrance (a hands-off induction or suggestibility test that is good and worth a
try, �have you ever noticed that you don�t recognise yourself blinking, as you�re
focusing on the outer world?! However now I mentioned, it you cannot ignore it
anymore, do you feel how your focus is shifting as well?! Every time you try to
concentrate on your surroundings, the next blink will pull you back inside your own
head, it almost feels as if you�re blinking more than you would normally would, the

more you try to keep your eyes open, the more they want to close ... now!�),
Imperceptible coin (this is a routine where you put a coin into their hand and they
the sensation of it, can be used as a suggestion or to build further suggestions,
this is done by simply letting them using their index to draw a circle around the
multiple times they'll eventually loss the sensation of it),

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