Case Study 2

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Subject : PA 514-TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT Summer 2019: May 5, 2019 to July, 2019

Name : Camille B Abraham MPA 2-B

Chapter No. and Topic: Chapter 2- Strategic Dimensions of Quality

Quality Case No. and Title: Quality Case 2- A Hospital’s Billing Adds to the Loss of a Daughter

Date of Chapter Report: May 26, 2019

Date Submitted: June 2, 2019


COMPLETENESS/CONTENT ___________ 30 points

PRESENTATION/FORMAT ___________ 5 points

PROMPTNESS ___________ 15 points

TOTAL ___________ 50 points

EQUIVALENT ___________

Case Question:

1. Is Kabuhayan Medical Center at fault in implementing the billing rules of the hospital? Is
there quality in the service of this hospital? Defend your answer.

No in a sense that the hospital had been holding the patient body for almost three days in
stark violation of the law, Republic Act No. 9439, which states that no hospital or medical
clinic can detain a patient on grounds of non-payment of hospital bills and medical expenses.
But in the sense of noblesse oblige, a concept that requires privileged persons and
institutions to exercise social responsibility to the poor, especially in this instance, the
hospital’s indigent customers, and their experience is a violation of their human rights. There
is no quality service given by the hospital. Especially when the hospital wanted to make
money on their huge indebtedness by slapping a 24 percent interest for any balance and
even refuse to release a clinical abstract, preventing the parent to use it in seeking financial
assistance from the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office in the payment of a huge hospital
2. Has the parent decided wrongly in placing his daughter in a private hospital like
Kabuhayan Medical Center? Explain your side.

There is nothing wrong placing his patient in a private hospital. Most probably, it's because of
services and the ease associated with them. You don't have to run from one block to another to
complete formalities, no standing up in endless queues for getting your patients registered. One
doesn't need to wait very long for surgery/procedures or mere investigations which saves a lot
of precious time. Very often we get to hear that government hospital staff is non-cooperative or
rude, which is generally not the case with private hospitals. And with most people opting for
health policy, everyone wants and gets the best of facilities and comfort. But everything carries
a price tag. Nothing comes for free in this world.

The only problem is that we all know that in Private Health Care More flexibility more
money: The level of flexibility you choose for hospital privatization services determine the
money to pay. The more flexibility, the more money you pay. Therefore, be careful when
choosing the indemnity health insurance.

3. Make an assessment of the service quality of Kabuhayan Medical Center in terms of

tangibles, reliability, responsiveness assurance and empathy.

Quality is considered a key factor in differentiation and excellence of services and is a potential
source of sustainable competitive advantage so that its understanding, measurement, and
improvement are important challenges for all health services organizations. There is no question
in terms of tangibles service of the hospital since we all know that it’s a private hospital and we
expected having Neat and well-dressed personnel, Clean and comfortable environment of the
hospital, Modern and up-to-date equipment, Visually appeal of physical facilities. Low
perception and expectation in terms of empathy dimension because of a weak relationship
between the hospital staff with patients and need to improve behavior and communication
between personnel and patients. Reliability/responsiveness dimension, focusing on the process
of care, still requires more attention to meet the patients' expectations regarding this aspect of
quality like in willingness of personnel to help patients, feeling safety and security in interaction
with personnel, and most importantly sincere interest of personnel in solving patients' problems.
Hospitals must design a scheduling system of service provision and be bound to it.

4. What are your suggestions in making Kabuhayan Medical Center a quality hospital to
prevent this type of billing problem to happen.

When it comes to fighting medical bills, consumers are at a disadvantage because regulatory
oversight of health plans is spread among federal and state agencies. A few states have passed
laws that limit surprise fees and ban out-of-network providers from charging you the difference
between their fees and the reimbursement amount, a practice known as balance billing. But
most states don’t have those protections. As a result, consumers are often confused about their
options and don’t know where to go for help.

There are things you can do to help patients, with and without insurance, who can’t afford to pay
for their care.

1. Have the Money Conversation

Discussing costs and options can lead to cost savings for patients without lessening the quality
of care. The problem is that physicians aren't trained to discuss financial matters with patients
and often feel it's inappropriate to bring up money during a patient visit.

However, the fact is that full disclosure of costs encourages patients to plan ahead and pay
more promptly. The more informed the patient is about the approximation of their fees, the more
likely they are to pay.

A good way to start the money conversation is by asking a few questions on the patient intake
form. Ask patients to let you know about any concerns with costs or if they are experiencing
difficulty paying past medical bills. Then, follow up in the exam room.

Your goal should be to bring patients into the decision-making process. For example, something
as simple as prescribing a 90-day supply of medicine can help reduce out-of-pocket costs for
medications. You could also talk with patients about scheduling expensive tests later in the year
when their annual deductibles are more likely to have been met.

2. Be Empathetic to Patient Concerns

With patients increasingly responsible for more of their own health costs, finding appropriate
and affordable care is more important than ever.

3. Offer a Payment Plan

Another option is to allow patients to pay a portion of their fees now and add the balance to a
tab they can pay down over time or when their financial situation changes. Set up credit card on
file and have the patient sign an agreement for a regular monthly charge to pay toward their

5. Create a Sliding Fee Scale

One way you can offer a financial break to both low income and self-pay patients is to create a
sliding fee schedule. Basically, this type of fee schedule provides a discount based on a family’s
income in comparison to the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
6. Accept W hat They Can Of fer

There will be times that patients have the best of intentions to pay yet are simply unable to do
so due to financial difficulties. Having a frank conversation with the patient about what they are
able to pay can help you still receive at least a partial payment for your services while giving the
patient the care they need.

7. Refer Them or Help Them Find Assistance

If you and your patient can't agree on a fee—or you have already maxed the number of low-cost
clients you can afford—send them to a local community hospital or clinic. Many offer low-cost or
no-cost care to patients with proven financial needs.

You can also help your patients afford the cost of their medical care by helping them find the
assistance they need. There are many organizations, both federal and private that provide
assistance for medical and pharmaceutical intervention.

Summer 2019: May 5, 2019 to July, 2019

Name : Camille B Abraham MPA 2-B

Chapter No. and Topic: Chapter 2- Strategic Management and Project Selection

Quality Case No. and Title: Quality Case 2- On Prioritizing Project

Date of Chapter Report: May 26, 2019

Date Submitted: June 2, 2019


COMPLETENESS/CONTENT ___________ 30 points

PRESENTATION/FORMAT ___________ 5 points

PROMPTNESS ___________ 15 points

TOTAL ___________ 50 points

EQUIVALENT ___________

Case Questions:

1. What exact details must the managers submit to come up with a proposal?

A project doesn’t exist until it has been proposed and given the go-ahead. A proposal won’t be
accepted until you do the research and show why the project is viable. In a real sense, this is
the great work of any project. Once you’ve started, then you’re mostly implementing what you’ve
already proposed and responded to issues as they arise. The managers should consider:

 Deliverables. The deliverables are the good or service that will be completed and produced
over the life cycle of the project. They can be anything, really, from a document to software.
But whatever they are must be detailed in the project proposal.

 Timeline. The project has a beginning and an end. Those two points make up the
timeframe of your project. In-between are the various project phases, made up of
milestones, which are then broken down into smaller tasks. The time it takes you to go
from start to finish is your timeline.

 Resources. To get from one point to the next on your timeline you need to have resources.
Resources are anything you need to get the project done, from team members to
equipment. You’ll want to have a detailed list of the resources that are needed for your
project, which will play into the next part of your new project.

 Budget. This is where you calculate the amount of money needed to pay for all those
resources. Make sure that you show the return on this investment, which is the whole
reason for the project in the stakeholders’ minds. Also, define who’s responsible for what.
That must include everyone in the project, from the top on down, including the
stakeholders. They have a role to play, and a cost, too.

2. Is the information given in the case complete to make a good decision? What additional
information is still needed?

The best proposal template must contains historical data, future projections, and the current
situation of the business. The long and short of it is that the background should establish that
something must be done to ensure the long-term viability of the client’s business.

They need an estimate of the cost before they can give it a go-ahead they should also
demonstrate the outcome the clients can expect from the project. Spell out the benefits
succinctly. The advantages can include improved efficiency, reduced costs, or increased sales
among others.

3. How would Ms. Norma Pascua spend the Php2M extra profit? Consider the different
concerns of each manager?

An entrepreneur’s personal and business goals are inextricably linked. Whereas the manager of
a public company has a fiduciary responsibility to maximize value for shareholders,
entrepreneurs build their businesses to fulfill personal goals and, if necessary, seek investors
with similar goals.

Considering of the different concerns of each manager Ms. Pascua should keep everyone
informed and accountable. An important part of staying on budget is to make sure all team
members are aware of the current budget status as well. Keep the project team informed of the
project budget forecast. They must carefully watch budgets throughout the lives of their projects
will keep stakeholders and management happy and thus experience greater project and career

4. In what way should Ms. Pascua decide given this situation? Rationalize your answer.

As the individual responsible for the product’s success, making decisions about the product
collaboratively ensures the team’s buy-in, leverages the team’s creativity and knowledge, and
results in better decisions. Working this way requires facilitation and patience because team
members often have to disagree and argue first before a new solution can be synthesized from
the different ideas and perspectives.

5. Which among the requests of the different managers do you think would really offer
increase sales or reduce costs for the company? Justify your answer.

Managers are utilized in every sector, and the business model relies on their leadership and
ability to operationalize the management structure.

Working as a manager is an accomplishment because it reveals a professional’s ability to

successfully lead, oversee multiple business operations, manage stress, and effectively
communicate with coworkers.

In this case all the them are responsible in the increase sales or reduce costs for the company
since each of them has his own role; Production Manager whom supervise production team to
manage and execute production projects, coordinate with customers to develop project plan and
timelines, work with the team to plan, schedule and perform production activities, assign daily
workload to team members. While the Operations Manager keep his eyes on multiple areas
within the company, assuring productivity and efficiency while seeking to reduce costs. He
manage other key leaders within several departments and guide groups of people to complete
their individual tasks in order to achieve company-wide goals. The Product Development
Manager position is responsible for overseeing product development initiatives for the
organization, provide the highest level of internal and external customer service,& direct
product development efforts on a project basis using quality tools to deliver value added
services to customers.

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