Week2assignment 1

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Teaching Major: Computer Science

Step 9

Step 4

Grades 9-12 Computer Science Courses Level 1


Designed to provide foundational understandings of concepts in computer science that are

Necessary for students to function in an ever-changing technological world. Through these standards,
students will explore, apply, and move toward mastery in skills and concepts related to Computational
Thinking and Problem Solving; Data and Information; Algorithms and Programs; Computers and
Communications; and Community, Global, and Ethical Impacts.

Step 10

I will use the same idea that the video has for students to develop their skills in problem solving and
group working. They will be using the same program tinkerCAD and will construct the Effiel Tower with
a group of two or three. They should be able to get a somewhat close resemblance to the Effiel Tower,
and it does not have to be spot on because this project will give them a general idea of what computer
programing is. At the end of the project, they should be able to explain how they approached this
problem and what problem-solving skills di d they do to obtain the structure that they built.

Step 12

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