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27 September 2012 / Vol 489 / Issue No. 7417

ens of millions of people around the world find
it distressingly difficult to breathe owing to a
combination of emphysema and chronic asthmatic
bronchitis — a deadly duo known as chronic obstructive Breathless
pulmonary disease (COPD). A closer look at the problem of COPD
Smoking is the most common trigger for COPD, and we
have mapped the incidence of smoking and the prevalence A radical treatment
of COPD in the United States, a country with fine-grained Shielding the lungs with antioxidants
data on both phenomena (page S2). But there is more to
Cover art: Nik Spencer S7 PERSPECTIVE
COPD than smoking. Evidence is emerging that some
How can genetics help?
people might be genetically susceptible to the disease (S7), Edwin K. Silverman sees hope for patients
Herb Brody, while researchers are picking apart the involvement of
errant immune cells (S15). S8 DIAGNOSIS
Michelle Grayson,
To catch a killer
Mary Carmichael, New treatments for COPD are in development. Hot areas Early detection to improve treatment
Tony Scully, Davina of pursuit involve combinations of agents, as well as novel
drug-delivery systems (S16). Most available treatments only S10 NUTRITION
Art & Design The vitamin D complex
abate COPD’s debilitating flare-ups. One new line of enquiry Can dietary supplements abate the disease?
Wes Fernandes,
Alisdair MacDonald,
is to stimulate the production of antioxidants to neutralize the
free radicals that trigger the violent biochemical cascades that S12 DEVICES
Andrea Duffy Artificial inspiration
Production lead to the lungs’ deterioration (S4). If the damage wrought All options are on the operating table
Donald McDonald, is irreversible, artificial lungs might be an option (S12). And
Kelly Hopkins, Leonora there are tantalizing early results that suggest that vitamin D S15 PERSPECTIVE
Dawson-Bowling, Clues, not conclusions
supplements can at least slow the lungs’ deterioration (S10). Steven R. Duncan summarizes the case
Yvonne Strong
No remedy for COPD will be effective if the condition against COPD–autoimmunity connection
Sponsorship is not properly diagnosed. Indeed, too often, the disease is
Will Piper, Yvette S16 THERAPEUTICS
Smith, Reya Silao
mistaken for other, less serious ailments, and the standard Strength in numbers
doctor’s office test is prone to error (S8). Drugs get tougher with COPD’s symptoms
While the decline in smoking in the West should lower
Elena Woodstock, S18 PUBLIC HEALTH
Hannah Phipps the prevalence of COPD, other parts of the world have a Where there’s smoke
Project Manager rougher road to travel. COPD is expected to grow rapidly in Rates of COPD set to soar in China
Claudia Deasy China where tobacco use, smog and smoky cooking stoves
Art Director portend a future of difficult breathing (S18). COLLECTION
Kelly Buckheit Krause We acknowledge the financial support of Novartis Pharma S21 Rtp801, a suppressor of mTOR
Magazine Editor AG in producing this Outlook. As always, Nature has full signaling, is an essential mediator of
Tim Appenzeller responsibility for all editorial content. cigarette smoke-induced pulmonary
injury and emphysema
Editor-in-Chief Herb Brody T. Yoshida et al.
Philip Campbell Supplements Editor S28 Involvement of surfactant protein D
in emphysema revealed by genetic
Nature Outlooks are sponsored supplements that aim to stimulate All featured articles will be freely available for 6 months.
association study
interest and debate around a subject of interest to the sponsor, while T. Ishii et al.
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tions. The boundaries of sponsor involvement are clearly delineated
For UK/Europe (excluding Japan): Nature Publishing Group,
Subscriptions, Brunel Road, Basingstoke, Hants, RG21 6XS, UK.
S34 Association between fibroblast
in the Nature Outlook Editorial guidelines available at http://www. Tel: +44 (0) 1256 329242. Subscriptions and customer services for growth factor 7 and the risk of chronic Americas – including Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean: obstructive pulmonary disease
CITING THE OUTLOOK Nature Publishing Group, 75 Varick St, 9th floor, New York, NY Si-cheng Xu et al.
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2 7 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 2 | VO L 4 8 9 | NAT U R E | S 1

but it is not the only one. Just 15% of smokers


develop the disease. Presumably, their genetic
makeup predisposes them to lung maladies.
Scientists have known for decades that a
mutation in the enzyme α1-antitrypsin, found
in 1–2% of people with COPD, puts people at
greater risk — especially smokers. In the past few
years, genome-wide screens have netted a slew of
new gene candidates, though not all have been
confirmed as risk factors.
The manner in which smoke particles dam-
age the lungs also remains uncertain. In addition
to imbalances in enzymes such as antitrypsin,
another potential culprit is the immune system.
Most smokers suffer from inflamed airways.
But those who develop COPD endure sustained
inflammation, even after they quit smoking.
Some scientists see this as evidence that COPD is
an autoimmune disease. Supporting the hypoth-
esis, researchers have found that some people
with COPD possess antibodies against some of
their own proteins.
Another potential modulator of the immune
response in COPD is vitamin D. Several studies
have shown that people with COPD are more
likely to have a deficiency in the vitamin, and
the less vitamin D they have, the worse their
lungs work. Vitamin D may squelch the nega-
tive inflammatory response while promoting
beneficial immunity, but researchers have yet to
confirm its effect and work out the details.
H E ALT H IMPACT Pharmaceutical companies are pursuing new

and improved versions of current COPD treat-
ments, such as the bronchodilators that relax air-
way muscles and ease breathing. Both Novartis,
headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, and Pearl
Therapeutics, headquartered in Redwood City,
California, report promising data. And a col-
COPD is one of the world’s biggest killers, but awareness is laboration between GlaxoSmithKline (GSK),
low, diagnosis is often missed, and in many countries headquartered in Brentford, UK, and Thera-
vance, a biopharmaceutical company based
the extent of the problem is not even well-documented. in South San Francisco, California, is running
several trials with a dual-drug combination.
But another combined therapy from GSK and
BY AMBER DANCE a proper diagnosis and treatment for symptoms. Theravance, Relovair, has yielded mixed results
Surveys suggest that COPD is grossly under- thus far. Fortunately, drugs are not the only

orldwide, 65 million people with diagnosed in both developed and developing option. Researchers are also at work on bioarti-
chronic obstructive pulmonary nations. People don’t always report the relevant ficial lungs that they hope could reduce or even
disease (COPD) are gasping for clinical signs, and some doctors do not use eliminate the need for donor organs.
air — and with the World Health Organiza- spirometry, the gold-standard method of Cigarette smoke is packed with free radicals, so
tion (WHO) predicting the disease will vault diagnosis, because they cannot afford the antioxidants — which can neutralize their dam-
from fifth to third in the leading causes of machine or haven’t heard of it. A patient undi- aging effects — have also been tested in clinical
death globally by 2030, their breathless ranks agnosed means a patient untreated, which trials. The results have been inconsistent, perhaps
are set to swell. Governments, scientists and could hasten death. because each medicine only mops up a subset of
pharmaceutical companies are taking several Although reliable numbers on global COPD the different types of free radicals ravaging the
approaches to ease the burden of COPD, both rates are hard to come by, the WHO estimates lungs. Some scientists have now turned their
on the patients and on healthcare systems. that 90% of COPD cases occur in developing attention to Nrf2, a DNA-binding protein that
COPD encompasses both emphysema and nations. COPD is likely to become an especially switches on many of the body’s own antioxidants.
chronic asthmatic bronchitis; patients can suf- serious problem over the coming decades in These treatments will be important weapons
fer either problem or both simultaneously. China, the world’s biggest producer and con- in the fight against COPD. But most are still con-
Emphysema eats away at the lung’s air sacs, or sumer of cigarettes. About a third of Chinese fined to the lab rather than nearing the clinic —
alveoli, so that less surface area is available for people smoke, among the highest rates in the and scientists and health professionals must take
gas exchange. Bronchitis constricts the airways world. Smoking-related diseases are the coun- aim at COPD now if they are to stem its rise. ■
entering the lungs and clogs them with mucus. try’s biggest killer, and COPD alone kills nearly
The winded masses face a disease that is incur- two million people there each year. Amber Dance is a freelance science writer
able, even for those fortunate enough to receive Smoking is the major risk factor for COPD, based in Los Angeles, California.

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It is not a single disease but a constellation of symptoms. Of the ten most common causes of death in the United States,
And comes in two forms: emphysema and chronic bronchitis. COPD is the only one with an increasing death rate.

Men Women
bronchioles 70



Deaths, x1000
30 This sharp rise was
Excess mucus
owing to a change
in how the disease
was classified
Alveoli weakened,
lining destroyed

1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

Patients with COPD suffer primarily because their alveoli, The rise was fuelled partly by a sharp increase of COPD among
or air sacs, lose their elastic quality or are destroyed. The women, who in 2000 became more likely than men to die of the
airways may also become thick and stiff, inflamed, or clogged disease owing to several trends including more women smoking at
with mucus, so that patients can take only shallow breaths. A person dies of a younger age and doctors’ increasing awareness of the syndrome.
COPD-related illness
every four to five minutes
in the United States.

Tobacco smoking is the primary risk factor for COPD in industrialized countries. This map shows the prevalence
of smokers in the United States (in colour) and the prevalence of COPD rates (by elevation).

Other risk factors,

including age and air
pollution, can cause
certain counties with
low rates of smoking
to have a high
burden of COPD.

Smoking and
air pollution are
both risk factors
The mortality rate among native Alaskan people for COPD in
is almost double that of white US citizens. Appalachia.

Smoking rates COPD rates Data for ‘A disease on the rise’ came from the American
Counties are elevated by Lung Association. Data for the map came from the American
COPD prevalence Lung Association and the CDC’s Behavioural Risk Factor
>27 23–26 19–22 15–18 <15 Surveillance System. Map illustrated by Chris Wilson.

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Immune cells taken from the lung seen expressing the protein Nrf2 (brown) which acts as a master switch for genes that encode protective antioxidants.


A radical treatment
Researchers are counting on drugs that activate a master switch for antioxidant genes to
protect lung tissue of COPD patients from an onslaught of free radicals.

BY KEN GARBER and antioxidants. Antioxidant enzymes convert acts as a master switch of genes that encode
free radicals to less reactive molecules, and anti- antioxidants. Nrf2 emerged from obscurity in

moking is the most common cause of oxidant free radical scavengers donate electrons 1997, when biochemist Masayuki Yamamoto
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease to halt free radical chain reactions. In COPD, the at the University of Tsukuba in Japan showed
(COPD), a progressive condition charac- shower of free radicals overwhelms these anti- that it activates an entire class of detoxifying
terized by lung damage, a narrowing of the air- oxidants, causing cell death and tissue damage. enzymes. Among these enzymes are many that
ways and difficulty breathing. No surprise given But clinical trials of antioxidants have mostly generate critical antioxidants.
that each puff of cigarette smoke contains more failed to prove they work as a COPD treatment. Drugs that activate Nrf2, in theory, would
than 1015 free radicals — atoms or molecules That may be because each chemical antioxidant solve the problems of dose and compart-
with unpaired electrons that can react violently molecule can extinguish only one target mol- mentalization that have so far derailed
with other molecules, setting off chain reac- ecule; it is therefore impossible to quench more other antioxidant therapies. To begin with,
tions that damage proteins, lipids, and DNA. “In than a fraction of the excess free radicals even Nrf2-activated enzymes aren’t spent each
excess, [free radicals] will cause injury, and will using high doses of antioxidants. Such anti- time they do their job. “They can effectively
cause impairment in the repair process,” says oxidants behave in a “sacrificial” manner, says regenerate themselves — that’s the beauty of
biochemist Irfan Rahman of the University of Paul Kirkham, a biochemist at Imperial Col- an enzyme,” says Kirkham. “So you need much
Rochester in New York. “That’s what happens lege London. “Once it’s been used, it’s gone.” less of it.” Together, these enzymes neutralize
in lungs in response to tobacco smoke.” Another problem, says Kirkham, is that indi- a variety of free radical molecules, not just
COPD continues to progress long after a vidual antioxidants may not reach the cellular one, and in all important cell compartments.
person quits smoking, and free radicals are compartment where they are needed most. Finally, Nrf2 induces the expression of proteins
partly to blame. COPD involves chronic A new approach to COPD promises to that can repair some of the damage inflicted by
inflammation, and inflammatory cells release solve these problems. Several drug companies free radicals.
abundant free radicals. As a result, the lungs of are developing compounds that activate the Researchers have been studying Nrf2 in ani-
COPD patients exist in a constant state of oxi- DNA-binding protein Nrf2 (nuclear erythroid– mal models of COPD for more than a decade,
dative stress — an imbalance of free radicals related factor 2, also known as Nfe2l2), which and in human tissue. It now appears that Nrf2

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activators may potentially benefit very potently, and because it tar-

COPD patients beyond trigger-
ing antioxidant and detoxification
YIN AND YANG gets many other proteins it could
potentially cause collateral dam-
Cigarette smoke and other toxins cause lung cells to activate
enzymes. Following Yamamoto’s transcription factors NF-κB and Nrf2. In the nucleus, NF-κB age. And although safe at low
discovery, researchers assumed promotes inflammation whereas Nrf2 turns on antioxidant doses (it is derived from broc-
that Nrf2 activators would need genes and dampens inflammation. coli sprouts), sulforaphane can
to be administered early in the be toxic at high doses. Hence an
disease — in particular, before intense search for more selective
the lung tissue destruction typi- Nrf2 activators is underway.
Cells in
cal of emphysema, one of the two the lung Drug companies are already
main manifestations of COPD. Chemicals from heavily involved. In December
(The other is bronchitis, inflam- cigarette smoke or 2011, in one of the largest pre-
diesel exhaust smoke
mation of the bronchi, the main clinical deals ever, Abbott Labo-
airways that go into the lungs.) ratories, headquartered in Abbott
But work by toxicologist Shyam Park, Illinois, agreed to pay
Biswal at the Johns Hopkins Uni- stress US$400 million to Reata Pharma-
versity School of Public Health in ceuticals, based in Irving, Texas,
Baltimore, Maryland, and others Endoplasmic to license Reata’s second-gen-
suggests that Nrf2 activators might reticulum stress eration Nrf2 activators. Abbott
and unfolded
be effective not only in preventing protein response
executive vice president Thomas
COPD progression but in treat- Freyman told investors in January
NF-κB Nrf2
ing advanced cases. And, unlike 2012 that he expected the first of
Antioxidant and
bronchodilator drugs, says Biswal, detoxification genes
those compounds to enter clinical
Nrf2 activators might not just treat trials later in the year. Meanwhile,
the disease’s symptoms but also Inflammation genes Cureveda, a Baltimore, Maryland,
arrest its course. biotech firm cofounded in 2010
In 2004, Biswal’s group found by Shyam Biswal, is screening
that mice genetically engineered compound libraries from the UK
to lack Nrf2 developed early- pharmaceutical company Glaxo-
onset emphysema with more SmithKline for pro-Nrf2 activity.
severe inflammation than did wild-type mice, or no therapeutic benefit in COPD. In fact, Other companies are interested in targeting
and that this was a result of oxidative stress1. says Biswal, “steroids cause more problems Nrf2, including Pfizer and Novartis, which
Moreover, exposing the mice without Nrf2 to in COPD than they help,” mainly because are part of a consortium studying new thera-
cigarette smoke over six months caused com- steroid treatment can lead to pneumonia. An peutic strategies for treating COPD, according
paratively more lung damage. Four years later, explanation for this corticosteroid resistance to Kirkham.
three different research groups reported that emerged in 2005, when pulmonologist Peter Despite their great potential in COPD, Nrf2-
Nrf2 activity declines as COPD progresses Barnes at Imperial College London reported activating drugs present possible safety issues.
in humans — suggesting some protective that oxidants in cigarette smoke inactivated Nrf2 is usually inactive in cells, but is activated
role for Nrf2. Then Biswal’s group found that the enzyme histone deacetylase 2 (HDAC2), by spikes in oxidative stress. Using drugs to
lack of Nrf2 activity in human COPD lungs which normally blocks the expression of keep Nrf2 turned on could disrupt beneficial
caused defective protein clearance, which led inflammatory genes. Corticosteroids reduce oxidative processes in cells. “The cell is actu-
in turn to more oxidative stress and cell death. inflammation by signalling through a receptor ally maintained in a very fine redox [oxidation-
Adding an Nrf2 activator to cells prevented that recruits HDAC2 and represses inflamma- reduction] balance, because it actually needs
these effects. The overall picture emerging tory gene expression. oxidative stress to do some of its signaling,”
from these studies is that Nrf2 is a key stress- But in smokers and says Kirkham. Biswal concedes that continu-
response factor whose absence worsens COPD. “You’ve got to C O P D p a t i e n t s , ous activation of Nrf2 could cause side effects.
Nrf2 may also help clear harmful bact- do the clinical o x i d a t i v e s t r e s s “You’ve got to do the clinical trial and then see
eria from the lungs of COPD patients. Such trial and then inactivates HDAC2 what happens,” he says.
bacteria can cause COPD exacerbations — see what resulting in continu- Then there is the evidence that Nrf2 might
acute and potentially fatal bouts of increased happens.” ous inflammation and increase the risk of cancer. In 2008, a group
coughing, mucus production and shortness tissue damage. at Japan’s National Cancer Research Institute
of breath. Biswal’s group found that adding an By reducing oxidative stress, Nrf2 acti- in Tokyo reported apparent Nrf2-activating
Nrf2 activator to cultures of macrophages (cru- vators can reverse corticosteroid resist- mutations in human lung tumours and in head
cial host defense cells) taken from the lungs ance, at least in cell culture. Biswal and his and neck tumours3. In their report, they con-
of COPD patients restored the cells’ ability to Johns Hopkins colleague Robert Wise are tend that ongoing activation of Nrf2 might give
clear bacteria in culture and in mice2. Biswal’s planning a clinical trial of treating COPD cancer cells “undue protection from their
group went on to show that Nrf2 in mac- patients with the steroid prednisone and inherently stressed microenvironment.” In
rophages activates a scavenger receptor that the Nrf2 activator sulforaphane. “This 2011, two groups reported that in mouse
recognizes pathogenic bacteria and enables would be a logical approach,” says Barnes. models Nrf2 is indirectly activated by
the macrophages to clear infection — thus, in Sulforaphane is already in a phase II mutations that cause hereditary kid-
theory, limiting COPD exacerbations. clinical trial for COPD, sponsored by the US ney cancer in humans. And a group from
Finally, Nrf2 plays a crucial role in overcom- National Institutes of Health. Cells extracted the Cambridge Research Institute, part
ing treatment resistance to corticosteroids, a from the lungs of COPD patients will be tested of Cancer Research UK, found that three
mainstay in asthma therapy, which doctors to see if the drug raises levels of Nrf2. common cancer-causing genes acti-
often prescribe to COPD patients. Unfortun- But sulforaphane is not an ideal Nrf2 acti- vate Nrf2, which may promote tumor-
ately these steroid hormones provide little vator. It does activate Nrf2, but not always igenesis by reducing oxidative stress in

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pre-cancerous cells4. sclerosis. Although DMF wasn’t designed worst,” says Biswal. Harnessing the power of
But, paradoxically, activated Nrf2 can also as an Nrf2 activator, the company claims it Nrf2, that prolifically protective protein, may
have anticancer effects. Several studies have works at least partly that way. And Abbott eventually prove to be the solution. ■
found that Nrf2-activating compounds can and Reata are jointly developing bardoxolone
prevent or suppress cancer in mouse models. methyl, another unintentional Nrf2 activa- Ken Garber is a freelance science writer based
And a recent study found that sulforaphane did tor that’s now in phase III trials for chronic in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
not promote lung cancer in mice. Pharmacolo- kidney disease in type 2 diabetes. Side effects
1. Rangasamy, T. et al. J. Clin. Invest. 114,
gists Mike Sporn and Karen Liby at Dartmouth of bardoxolone methyl have been mild. Side 1248–1259 (2004).
College in Hanover, New Hampshire, explain effects reported for DMF include abdominal 2. Harvey, H. et al. Sci. Transl. Med. 3, 78ra32 (2011).
that Nrf2 can either promote or suppress can- pain, diarrhea, flushing and headaches. On the 3. Shibata, T. et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 105,
cer depending on the cellular context5. other hand, it is too early to assess the risk of 13568–13573 (2008).
4. DeNicola, G. M. et al. Nature 475,106–109 (2011).
Safety concerns about Nrf2 activators in cancer — any cancers would likely take many 5. Sporn, M. B. & Liby, K. T. Nat. Rev. Cancer 8,
COPD have been lessened by trials of two years to appear. 564–571 (2012).
Nrf2-activating drugs in other diseases. Clinical trials should soon determine if Nrf2 6. Lee, S.H. et al. Nature Med. 13, 567–569 (2007).
7. Shan, M. et al. Sci. Transl. Med. 1(4):4ra10
Weston, Massachusetts-based Biogen Idec can help resolve the many problems in COPD, (2009).
recently completed phase III clinical trials from oxidative stress to inflammation. “COPD 8. Chen, K. et al. PLoS One 6, e2033 (2011).
of dimethyl fumarate (DMF) for multiple is a multifactorial disease — it’s one of the 9. Shan, M. et al. Sci. Transl. Med. 4, 117ra9 (2012).

The T-cell connection
What exactly causes the destruction of autoreactive T cells,” says Kheradmand. To disrupt this vicious cycle, pharma-
lung tissue in emphysema? Free radicals Why the body attacks its own lung tissue ceutical and biotech companies could test
definitely contribute, but for half a century, remains unknown. But by isolating the cells drugs they already have in hand that target
the prevailing hypothesis has been that driving this autoimmunity, scientists can these cells and the cytokines they produce.
emphysema, one of the two main aspects identify potential drug targets. Th17 cells, Antibodies specific for IL-17 and its recep-
of COPD, develops when the activity of which secrete the inflammatory cytokine tor have been very effective in clinical trials
proteases — enzymes that digests proteins IL-17, are the main drivers of autoimmunity for psoriasis. As for COPD, “I don’t know if it
— falls out of balance with antiprotease in rodent models of rheumatoid arthritis, is on the radar screen of these companies
activity. Proteases normally help maintain psoriasis and multiple sclerosis. Th17 cells yet, but I think [IL-17] would be definitely an
lung health by clearing roadblocks from are also present in COPD. In 2009, intriguing target,” says Kolls. He is collaborat-
the path of migrating immune cells hunting Kheradmand’s group found that culturing ing with an undisclosed company, testing
pathogenic viruses and bacteria. But certain cells of emphysema patients with whether anti-IL-17 receptor antibodies can
cigarette smoke stimulates immune cells their own T cells drove those T cells to release treat COPD in mice.
such as macrophages and neutrophils to IL-17, which in turn led to the production of Others are more ambivalent. “It would
release too many proteases, and wanton destructive proteases7. certainly be worth studying IL-17 or IL-17
destruction of proteins ensues. Mysteriously Evidence for IL-17 driving autoimmunity receptor blockers,” says Peter Barnes, a
and inexorably, this process continues in in COPD continues to be found. In 2011, pulmonologist and COPD researcher at
COPD patients even after they stop smoking, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Imperial College London. He adds that such
as emphysema slowly suffocates them. pulmonologist Jay Kolls reported that mice trials are planned. But he cautions that Th17
That mystery is now beginning to be genetically lacking the IL-17 receptor did not cells may not play the same role in human
solved, as clues implicate autoimmunity. develop emphysema despite six months of COPD as in the mouse version of the disease;
Th17 cells — a specialized class of CD4+ exposure to cigarette smoke9. More recently, indeed, he says, the evidence for increased
T cells, the cell type that orchestrates the Kheradmand and collaborators at the MD Th17 cells in human COPD lungs is “not as
adaptive immune response — appear to Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, striking” as it is in mice. “The evidence for
be central to the pathology. Therefore, genetically engineered mice to overexpress Th17 cells playing an important role in COPD
therapies targeting these cells might be a one form of IL-17 — IL-17A — and then is not fully established,” he adds.
promising strategy. exposed these mice to cigarette smoke Kheradmand disagrees. She says that
Early evidence for autoimmunity in COPD for four months8. The mice developed an IL-17 is “very much present” in lung tissue
came in 2007, when Farrah Kheradmand, a especially severe form of emphysema along of human COPD patients. And Kheradmand
pulmonologist and immunologist at Baylor with producing more destructive proteases. points out that each case of emphysema
College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, isolated Both studies fingered IL-17 as a culprit in is different, with not all manifesting
CD4+ T cells from the blood of ex-smokers COPD autoimmunity. autoimmunity. Her lab at Baylor College
with COPD6. Elastin is an important structural The picture emerging from these studies is is developing an assay to identify COPD
protein in the lungs’ connective tissue, and that inhalation of cigarette smoke promotes patients with an autoimmune form of the
when Kheradmand added elastin fragments the generation of T cells that express IL-17, disease driven by Th17 cells, and hopes
to these T-cell cultures, the T cells responded which, in turn, causes the production of companies will eventually test their drugs in
by releasing inflammatory cytokines as proteases that destroy lung tissue including such patients. “Wouldn’t it be wonderful,” she
if the cells had encountered a microbial elastin. Then, elastin fragments trigger an asks, “if we can just identify this particular
pathogen. “A large number of patients who autoimmune response involving more IL-17- individual… who does have this autoimmune
have emphysema [who] stop smoking and producing T cells, perpetuating a loop and component, to then offer him these
continue to have the disease will have these more tissue destruction. biologics?” — K.G.

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How can genetics help?
Smoking and COPD have one of the strongest relationships in clinical
epidemiology. But don’t forget the genetics, says Edwin K. Silverman.

any people who develop chronic obstructive pulmonary dis- in nicotine metabolism. Similarly, the chromosome 15q25 region, which
ease (COPD) blame themselves rather than the tobacco indus- contains genes for several components of the nicotinic acetylcholine
try, which continues to promote cigarette smoking though receptor, has been convincingly related to smoking behaviour. The same
the dangers are well-known. This disturbing ‘blame and sham’ attitude region also contains the gene IREB2, which encodes an iron binding
among patients is based on one of the most well-established associations protein that has been potentially linked to COPD susceptibility.
in clinical epidemiology: the causal relationship between cigarette smok- The overwhelming association between COPD and smoking provides
ing and COPD. Exposure to cooking stove smoke from biomass fuels is a unique opportunity to understand the relationships between environ-
also an important COPD risk factor in some parts of the world. mental and genetic influences on risk of disease. In most complex dis-
Although these environmental risk factors are strong, recent research eases, environmental factors are either unknown or difficult to measure.
suggests that genetics also plays a key role in COPD. Identifying genetic Cigarette smoking behaviour, on the other hand, can be accurately quan-
determinants and investigating their functions may lead to important tified. Of course, genes and the environment are intertwined; genetic
progress in COPD pathobiology, diagnosis and treatment. It could also determinants of nicotine addiction may influence exposure to COPD’s
help patients understand that the disease is not their fault. key environmental risk factor. Furthermore, the risk from smoking sug-
Genetics provided one of the first clues regarding COPD pathogenesis. gests that epigenetic factors may also influence COPD pathogenesis8.
A small percentage of patients inherit severe α1-antitrypsin deficiency The next generation of genetic research on COPD will include studies
(A1ATD), a well-characterized, rare syndrome that often includes COPD. of rare genetic variants assessed by sequencing or genotyping the vari-
The discovery of A1ATD nearly 50 years ago led to the protease–antipro- ants in patients’ exomes (the protein-coding portions of the genome) and
tease hypothesis for COPD, which postulates ultimately by sequencing their entire genomes.
that lung destruction results from an excess of Advances in computational biology and phe-
protein-degrading enzymes relative to their
enzyme inhibitors. This hypothesis remains GENETICS COULD HELP notype characterization based on imaging
and clinical observation will also be needed in
important in current COPD pathobiology.
Not all smokers are equally likely to develop PATIENTS REALIZE IT’S coordination with genetic studies to dissect the
COPD syndrome into groups of patients with


COPD. An underlying susceptibility appears different subtypes — an initiative with both
to run in families. Indeed, familial studies diagnostic and therapeutic implications. COPD
of severe, early-onset COPD patients with- is highly heterogeneous, with variable amounts
out A1ATD suggest other genetic risk fac- of emphysema and airway disease. Integrating
tors. Smokers who are first-degree relatives of these subjects are about genetic studies with chest computed tomography (CT) scans has already
three times more likely to develop COPD than are smokers in general. identified the BICD1 gene as a potential determinant of emphysema.
Non-smokers who are first-degree relatives of these subjects are not at However, comprehensive understanding of the complex pathobiol-
increased risk1, suggesting that genetic factors may interact with smoking. ogy of COPD will probably require the integration of multiple -omics
As with other complex diseases — those influenced by multiple genetic data types (for example, proteomics, transcriptomics and metabo-
and environmental factors — many studies of candidate genes have failed lomics) with detailed phenotypic assessment, epigenetics, and genetic
to replicate. Yet subsequent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) variants using systems biology and network science approaches.
have found four genomic regions associated with COPD that meet the Avoiding tobacco smoke will always be an essential public health
stringent standard for statistical significance in genome-wide studies2–5. message. But for millions already suffering, advances in genetics,
Two of these genomic regions, near the HHIP and FAM13A genes pathophysiology and phenotyping may lead to new opportunities for
— the former a member of the developmentally essential hedgehog specific diagnosis and personalized treatment of COPD. ■
pathway, the latter a gene of unknown function — are also associated
with variations in lung function levels in samples taken from the gen- Edwin K. Silverman is chief of the Channing Division of Network
eral population5,6. An association with lung function does not in and of Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts,
itself prove susceptibility to COPD; genes that influence traits that vary and associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School.
among healthy people, such as height, are not always the same ones email:
that influence pathological conditions, such as dwarfism. However, the
1. Pillai, S. G. et al. PLoS Genet. 5(3), e1000421 (2009).
associations of COPD to genomic regions near HHIP and FAM13A are 2. Wilk, J. B. et al. PLoS Genet. 5(3), e1000429 (2009).
convincing. They have been replicated in several studies, and a potential 3. Cho, M .H. et al. Nature Genet. 42, 200–202 (2010).
functional genetic variant that regulates HHIP gene expression has been 4. Cho, M. H. et al. Hum. Mol. Genet. 21, 947–957 (2012).
5. Hancock, D. B. et al. Nature Genet. 42, 45–52 (2010).
found upstream from HHIP7. Further study of HHIP and FAM13A may 6. Repapi, E. et al. Nature Genet. 42, 36–44 (2010).
identify new biological pathways involved in COPD. 7. Zhou, X. et al. Hum. Mol. Genet. 21, 1325–1335 (2012).
The other two regions identified by GWAS, on chromosome 15 and 8. Wan, E. S., et al. Hum. Mol. Genet. 21, 3073–3082 (2012).
chromosome 19, include many genes of interest, including several related The author would like to acknowledge helpful discussions with Craig Hersh,
to nicotine addiction. The chromosome 19q region has been associated Michael Cho, Dawn DeMeo, Scott Weiss and James Crapo. The author declares a
with smoking behaviour; it is the location of the gene CYP2A6, involved conflict of interest

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Impaired lung function, as measured by breathing apparatus, is a sign of COPD, but researchers are looking for easier and more reliable ways to diagnose disease.


To catch a killer
The first symptoms of COPD can be subtle, so the disease often goes undiagnosed.
Researchers are searching for ways to detect the disease and to identify those most at risk.

B Y C A S S A N D R A W I L LYA R D According to the World Health Organization, you”, says James Kiley, director of the division of
65 million people worldwide have COPD, but lung diseases at the National Heart, Lung, and

n 1985, John Walsh began having trouble the exact number is hard to pin down because Blood Institute (NHLBI) in Bethesda, Maryland.
breathing. His doctor diagnosed him with many cases are not diagnosed. Data from the People often attribute their symptoms to normal
asthma, but asthma medications didn’t seem third National Health and Nutrition Exami- ageing or to being out of shape, and thus they fail
to help. John’s non-identical twin brother, Fred, nation Survey in 2000 showed that 24 million to seek medical care. For smokers, there may also
began having similar problems at about the same people in the United States had impaired lung be a sense of “I did it to myself”, says Roger Gold-
time. He too was told he had asthma, but asthma function that might indicate COPD, but less than stein, a doctor who specializes in respiratory
treatments didn’t work for him either. half had received a diagnosis of COPD. medicine at the University of Toronto in Canada.
For years, the two men struggled to find a way Lack of awareness is part of the problem. Because COPD symptoms resemble those of
to alleviate their symptoms. Then, in 1989, John COPD hasn’t garnered the recognition that other other conditions such as asthma, even patients
got a phone call from his brother. “He said, ‘I got chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease who visit the doctor’s office might be incorrectly
good news and bad news,’” John Walsh recalls. and cancer have, says Bartolome Celli, a doctor diagnosed. In the early stages of the disease, peo-
The good news was that the brothers, who were who specializes in lung diseases at Brigham and ple complain of “vague and minor symptoms
40 at the time, finally had a correct diagnosis. Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. that the doctor doesn’t always associate with
The bad news was that they had a genetic form of John Walsh — who is now president of the COPD”, says Leonard Fromer, a family doctor
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) COPD Foundation, a non-profit organization who specializes in lung diseases at the University
— the same disorder that had killed their mother based in Washington DC that advocates research of California, Los Angeles. “It could be some-
when they were 13 years old. and education — and health officials around the thing like ‘I can’t play three sets of tennis any-
The Walsh brothers have a rare mutation in the world are working to change that by launching more. I get tired too quickly’.” In some cultures,
gene SERPINA1 (present in 5% of people with massive awareness campaigns. Meanwhile, the doctor might not even ask about patients’
COPD) that causes them to produce an abnor- researchers are searching for new ways to iden- smoking habits for fear that this might be
mal version of a protein called α1-antitrypsin, tify individuals with COPD. “digging too much into people’s private habits,”
which usually protects lung function. But the says Anne Frølich, a doctor who studies chronic
disease is common, killing millions of peo- A SILENT EPIDEMIC diseases at the University of Copenhagen.
ple each year, mainly as a result of exposure to COPD comes on slowly, typically in individu- Even a textbook case of the disease may be
tobacco smoke or airborne pollutants. als over the age of 50. The disease “sneaks up on missed if the patient doesn’t fit the stereotypical

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COPD profile. Doctors have long been trained in the sputum of COPD patients but not in the normal peak flow are unlikely to have clinically
that COPD is a disease of elderly men who sputum of people without the disease. In addi- significant COPD. Patients who fare poorly on
smoke, says Fromer. In 2001, for example, a tion, the protein fibrinogen, a marker of inflam- peak-flow tests could undergo a more thorough
team of researchers presented 192 general prac- mation, appears to be elevated in the blood of assessment, including spirometry testing.
titioners in the United States and Canada with people who have COPD, but it may be more COPD occurs when the tiny sacs inside the
a hypothetical case description that was indica- useful for predicting future risk of exacerbations lungs, called alveoli, become damaged or chroni-
tive of COPD (Chapman, K. et al. Chest 119, than as a diagnostic tool. One NHLBI initiative, cally inflamed. This damage or inflammation
1691–1695; 2001). When the researchers said the Subpopulations and Intermediate Outcome leads to breathing troubles. Spirometers and
that the patient was a man, 58% of the doctors Measures in COPD Study (SPIROMICS), aims other airflow-sensing devices give doctors infor-
gave COPD as the most probable diagnosis. That to identify molecular markers of disease progres- mation about airway obstruction, but such tests
dropped to 42% when the researchers said the sion. Such markers may enable doctors to “find cannot directly assess damage to lung tissue, says
patient was a woman. Yet, in the United States [pulmonary] lesions extremely early,” Kiley says. Jan-Willem Lammers, head of the respiratory
at least, more women than men are being diag- Besides developing better tools for diagnos- medicine department at the University Medical
nosed now, and more women have died from ing COPD, researchers are also trying to find Centre Utrecht in the Netherlands. This dam-
COPD each year since 2000 — perhaps because ways to target screening efforts. Mass spirom- age can be seen in computed tomography (CT)
women are biologically more susceptible to devel- etry screening doesn’t seem to be a good option. scans. In fact, research conducted as part of the
oping the disease than men or perhaps because, In 2008, the US Preventive Services Task Force COPDGene study, which aims to identify com-
as a group, they started smoking later than men. found that health workers would need to screen mon genetic factors that may subtly predispose
Among men and women, awareness of COPD roughly 450 adults between the ages of 60 and people to the disease, found that CT imaging
is on the rise. In 2007, the NHLBI launched the 69 to pick out a single person who might later can identify lung deterioration in an individual
Learn More Breathe Better campaign. And, in before considerable airway obstruction occurs.
February 2010, an awareness campaign called The guidelines don’t recommend treating indi-

DRIVE4COPD was launched by the German viduals who are asymptomatic, but Walsh and
pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingel- others hope that therapies might one day be able
heim, which markets the widely used COPD to prevent symptoms in those who are found to
medication Spiriva (tiotropium bromide) have early stages of COPD-like lung damage.
together with pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. CT scans aren’t likely to become a screening
Boehringer Ingelheim selected stock-car racer tool just for COPD though. “That’s going to be
Danica Patrick as its celebrity spokesperson, way too expensive, and people are going to be
and the DRIVE4COPD campaign, now led by worried about the exposure to radiation,” Walsh
the COPD Foundation, has screened nearly 2.5 says. However, joint guidelines issued in May
million people via an online questionnaire. Par- 2012 by the American College of Chest Phy-
ticipants are encouraged to share the completed sicians and the American Society of Clinical
questionnaire with their doctor or other health- Oncology recommend that former and current
care professionals. These campaigns may be pay- heavy smokers of 55 to 74 years of age have a CT
ing off. A 2011 web-based survey by the NHLBI scan each year to screen for lung cancer. Those
found that 71% of US adults say that they’re same images could also reveal signs of COPD.
aware of the disease, up from 65% in 2008. Clearly, a diagnosis isn’t a cure. It is unclear
whether detecting the disease early will actu-
SEEKING THE SICK ally benefit many patients. Will it help them live
In addition to lack of awareness, another fac- longer or improve the quality of their lives over
tor that contributes to underdiagnosis is the the long term? Research addressing these ques-
diagnostic test itself. General practitioners and tions is surprisingly scarce, says Mannino.
pulmonary specialists diagnose COPD based Damaged bronchi lead to a build-up of mucus But an earlier diagnosis might have changed
on a patient’s medical history, symptoms and and swollen bronchioles (orange). things for the Walsh brothers. Today, John
a lung function test called spirometry. The test Walsh is hooked up to an oxygen tank when he
requires the patient to blow into a tube as hard develop symptoms of COPD severe enough to sleeps. His lung function is one-third of what it
and fast as possible. A device then measures the require a trip to the emergency department. should be for a man his age. His brother Fred
total amount of air exhaled and the amount of Mannino and Fernando Martinez, a lung Walsh needs oxygen around the clock, and he is
air exhaled in 1 second. specialist at the University of Michigan in Ann waiting for a lung transplant. John can’t help but
Spirometry is simple, but it is not flawless. Arbor, were recently awarded a multimillion dol- wonder how their lives might have been different
If the patient accidentally fails to blow hard lar grant by the National Institutes of Health to had they been correctly diagnosed sooner. If the
enough, the results may mean little. “Thirty develop a more targeted method of diagnosis that men had known that their mother died of COPD
to forty per cent [of the test results are] pretty could be used for screening programmes. They — which they didn’t fully realize until they them-
much uninterpretable,” says David Mannino, plan to combine a series of five simple questions selves were diagnosed — would Fred have taken
an epidemiologist at the University of Kentucky on COPD risk factors — for example smoking up smoking? Did Fred’s lifestyle choices make his
in Lexington. Mannino is interested in devising status, wheezing and a chronic cough — with an disease more severe than that of his brother, who
alternative tests, such as one “where you see easy-to-use, hand-held device that costs about has never smoked?
what happens to a person’s blood oxygen as they US$30 and measures peak flow (the fastest The Walsh brothers can’t change their own
hold their breath.” But this research is still in the speed at which an individual can breathe out). past. John, however, hopes that organizations
earliest stages: Mannino is currently putting Spirometers, by comparison, generally cost sev- such as the COPD Foundation can change the
together grant proposals. Other researchers are eral thousand dollars each, and health workers future for others, and soon, he says: “I’m an
beginning to look for diagnostic biomarkers in need special training to learn how to use them impatient patient.” ■
the blood, urine and sputum. A peptide called correctly. Both factors may have led to the under-
N-acetyl-proline-glycine-proline, a by-product use of spirometers in developing nations (see Cassandra Willyard is a freelance writer based
of the breakdown of collagen, has been found ‘Where there’s smoke’, page S18). Patients with a in New York.

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Vitamin D2, shown in its crystalline form, can be used as a dietary supplement and is being studied for its therapeutic effects in patients.


The vitamin D complex

Many COPD patients are deficient in vitamin D, a condition that can lead to bone problems
as well as difficulty breathing. Can dietary supplements be of help?

BY THEA SINGER That’s for good reason. Vitamin D deficiency In smokers, this proinflammatory response
can lead to osteoporosis and osteomalacia, a is relentless. In the emphysema form of

y sister, Candice Singer, was a smok- fragility and a softening of the bones. Candice COPD, holes appear in the alveoli — the tiny,
ing fiend. Hooked since age 12, she came to know the symptoms, with pains in balloon-like structures in the lungs where
was up to two packs a day by the time her feet and back. And new research suggests oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged.
she started university, eventually rolling her that patients like Candice have other things And in response to noxious stimuli, the
own cigarettes to save money. In 2010, at age to worry about, as vitamin D deficiency may smooth muscle beneath the epithelial and
50, she was diagnosed with chronic obstruc- affect more than the skeleton — even the abil- connective layers of tissue contracts and
tive pulmonary disease (COPD) and needed ity to breathe. expresses adhesion molecules, cytokines,
to wear an oxygen mask at night to regulate her chemokines and growth factors1. Over the
breathing while she slept. A COPD-VITAMIN D LINK? years, this muscle thickens. “Think of it as
When she finally quit smoking, seven COPD is primarily an inflammatory disease. weight lifting,” says Reynold Panettieri Jr,
months ago, her vitamin D level was an alarm- The predominating hypothesis holds that ciga- professor of medicine at the University of
ingly low 8 nanograms of 25-hydroxyvita- rette smoke damages the lung’s tissue, spark- Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. “If you keep
min D (25-[OH]D) — the major circulating, ing an innate immune response. Immune cells, lifting weights, your muscle bulks up — it
though inactive, form of vitamin D and used including macrophages and neutrophils, rush gets thicker. And the problem with thicker
to measure sufficiency — per milliliter of blood into the lungs to protect the cells lining the is that the [airway becomes narrower] simply
serum. The Institute of Medicine (IOM), a airways from the smoke, releasing reactive, by the increased mass of the muscle.” Hence
non-profit group afilliated the US National oxygen-containing molecules along the way. the shortness of breath that characterizes
Academy of Sciences, defines vitamin D Antimicrobial peptides, a group of molecules COPD. Most of the inhalant corticosteroids
sufficiency at over twice Candice’s level — that damage and kill microorganisms, join the and some other medications for COPD aim
20 ng/mL. And The Endocrine Society, an fray, as do pro-inflammatory T cells stimu- to relax that stiffened muscle.
international group of endocrinologists, set an lating the production of antibodies of as yet This is where vitamin D comes in. Nearly
even higher sufficient range of 40–60 ng/mL. unknown specificity. every cell in the body has a surface-bound

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receptor that directs vitamin D to the nucleus. trial’s data and found that those with the most variant in the gene for vitamin D binding pro-
In fact, about 3% of the human genome is severe deficiency — 30 patients with baseline tein were more likely to be deficient in vitamin
regulated by the active form of vitamin D, serum 25-(OH)D levels below 10 ng/mL — had D deficiency5.
1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D5. Studies of human 43% fewer exacerbations over the year. Unraveling whether vitamin D deficiency
cells in culture, have shown that vitamin D That analysis matters, says Panettieri, not- is a cause of COPD requires more clinical
stunts the growth of human airway smooth ing the treatment’s potential efficacy in certain data. Gold and Manson are leading one of the
muscle cells6. This effect, says Panettieri, is subgroups. He explains that vitamin D, in high most extensive of those efforts. Their National
even more pronounced than that induced by enough doses, can act as an anti-inflammatory. Institutes of Health-funded Vitamin D and
inhaled steroids. Moreover, during an infection But, he says, the vita- Omega-3 Trial (VITAL) is just starting; it will
— a common occurrence in COPD patients min D levels induced follow 20,000 participants age 50 and older as
“If we used
given their compromised lungs — vitamin D in Janssens’s study they receive 2,000 international units (IU) of
aggravates the misfiring immune response.
vitamin D in a may not have been vitamin D daily for five years.
Studies have also found a link between more challenging high enough to pro-
vitamin Ddeficiency and autoimmune diseases approach maybe duce an anti-inflam- DEFICIENCY AS CAUSE?
including multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid the study would matory effect. “They At least one study in mice sheds some light on
arthritis2,3, 4. have been simply corrected the the relationship between COPD and vitamin D.
positive.” deficiency but didn’t A team led by Graeme Zosky, who heads the Lung
SEARCHING FOR PROOF Growth and Respiratory Environmental Health at
It is not known whether vitamin D deficiency the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research,

can cause COPD, but there’s evidence that in Subiaco, Australia, fed one group of female
it may be involved in its pathogenesis. One mice a vitamin D-deficient diet and another
epidemiological study found vitamin D defi- group a diet with sufficient levels. They studied
ciency in more that 60% of patients with severe the offspring of both, looking for differences in
COPD, and the more severe the disease, the lung physiology. They measured lung volume
worse the deficiency5. Research presented in and dissected the lungs to take a look inside.
May 2012 at the American Thoracic Society’s The offspring of the vitamin D deficient
annual meeting found that a three-year decline mice — also deficient in vitamin D — had
in a crucial metric of breathing, forced expira- statistically significantly smaller lungs than
tory volume (FEV1), was linked to vitamin D normal: about 18% smaller in female offspring
deficiency. The decline was so steep it is com- and 28% smaller in males7. “Our point was
parable to the effects of smoking6. And a 2011 that vitamin D deficiency isn’t causing gross
study in mice found that vitamin D deficiency structural changes in the lung, but it might be
causes deficits in lung function7. slowing down lung growth,” Zosky says. “What
So if vitamin D levels correlate with the sever- we don’t know is what that means when you
ity of COPD, could a dietary supplement of the put disease on top of it. My suspicion is, if we
vitamin — which the body synthesizes from introduced COPD pathology in these mice, the
the sun’s ultraviolet-B (UVB) — help abate the effect would be much larger.”
debilitating condition? There are few studies My sister Candice, for one, believes her lung
that have given vitamin D to COPD patients. capacity has increased since she started talk-
A randomized, double-blind placebo- ing vitamin D as part of a smoking cessation
controlled study, the gold standard of clinical Former smoker Candice Singer now lives with COPD. program. She began with a daily dose of 10,000
trials, led by pulmonologist Wim Janssens at IUs for four weeks, and continued with a daily
University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium, had use vitamin D as an anti-inflammatory,” he dose of 5,000 IU (The IOM recommends just
mixed results. Patients 50 years of age or older says. “We believe that if we used vitamin D in 600 IU a day for adults up to age 70 and 800 IU
with moderate to very severe COPD were given a more challenging approach to enhance the a day for those 71 and older). Candice can’t
large doses of vitamin D or a placebo at 4-week anti-inflammatory effects, maybe the study separate out the benefits of supplementation
intervals for a year. The researchers then would have been positive, although more data from those of not smoking, but she attributes
recorded the incidence of COPD exacerbations is necessary to prove that.” her improved health to both. She has little
— a worsening of respiratory symptoms over Diane R. Gold and JoAnn E. Manson, pro- trouble carrying her four-year-old daughter
48 hours — and monitored blood serum levels fessors of medicine at Harvard Medical School up the stairs now — whereas before, she says,
of 25-[OH]D. in Boston, Massachusetts, addressed the issue “I couldn’t do that without losing my breath.”
In the supplemented group, mean levels of vitamin D dosing in an editorial accompa-
of 25-[OH]D increased (to 52 ng/mL) com- nying publication of the clinical trial. They Thea Singer is a freelance writer in Brookline,
pared to the placebo group. But there was no cited the benefits of daily versus intermittent Massachusetts.
improvement in the timing and frequency of dosing in other, non-COPD-related vitamin D
1. Banerjee, A. & Panettieri R. Curr. Opin. Pharmacol.
exacerbations, FEV1, or rates of hospitalization trials9. They also suggest that differences in 12, 266–274 (2012).
and fatality8. “The main message of the paper is participants’ physiology, immunology, and 2. Janssens, W. et al. Vitamins and Hormones, Vol. 86
a null message,” says Janssens. genetics may partly explain the null results in (ed. Litwack, G.) Ch. 17, 379–393 (Elsiver, 2011).
Despite discouraging results, Janssens the general COPD population. COPD is not a 3. Holick, M. F. N. Engl. J. Med. 357, 266–281 (2007).
4. Merlino, L. A. et al. Arthritis Rheum. 50, 72–77 (2004).
remains convinced that vitamin D deficiency monolithic disease: muscles thicken and tissues 5. Janssens, W. et al. Thorax 65, 215–220 (2010).
plays a role in COPD are destroyed to varying degrees, and molecular 6. Persson, L. J. P. et al. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med.
NATURE.COM progression and that die- variants in the vitamin D binding protein — 185, A3889 (2012).
Nutritional tary supplements might which transports vitamin D in the bloodstream 7. Zosky, G. R. et al. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 183,
1336–1343 (2011).
advice— The vitamin slow the course of the — affect activation of immune cells including 8. Lehouck, A. et al. Ann. Intern. Med. 156, 105–114 (2012).
D-lemma: disease. Janssens’ team macrophages. In fact, Janssens had found that 9. Gold, D. R. & Manson, J. E. Ann. Intern. Med. 156, took another look at the COPD patients with two copies of a particular 156–157 (2012).

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arah Gilpin is talking to a pair of opales-


cent human lungs. “You guys are so cool,”
she says, peering into a keg-sized glass
bioreactor at Massachusetts General Hospi-
tal (MGH) in Boston. The lungs float inside,
puffing up as 40 litres of soapy fluid is pumped
through their network of blood vessels. Less
than a week earlier, these lungs belonged to a
47-year-old New Yorker, allowing him to take
one last breath before dying of cardiac arrest.
Now, his donated lungs have been stripped of
their cells and genetic material. All that remains
are two cone-shaped objects made of collagen
and other structural proteins, dangling as
though in suspended animation.
Gilpin, a postdoctoral fellow, is using such
protein scaffolds to try to grow a set of bio-
artificial lungs in the laboratory. Together
with Harald Ott, a cardiothoracic surgeon at
MGH, Gilpin is devising a protocol to flush
out the cells from donated lungs that are
ineligible for direct transplantation. Even-
tually, they plan to seed the support struc-
ture with stem cells and to direct these cells
to develop, or differentiate, into the vari-
ous cell types in the lung, thereby rebuilding
functioning tissue. Using the techniques the
lab has developed so far, Ott has already engi-
neered bioartificial rat lungs that can perform
the appropriate gas-exchange functions when
transplanted back into living rats1. Now, he and
Gilpin are scaling up to humans.
Success in their quest would bring good news
to the estimated 65 million people worldwide
who live with chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD), a lung disorder mainly caused
by exposure to tobacco smoke and airborne
pollutants. Medication can often help treat the
symptoms and complications of COPD, such
as breathlessness and chronic coughing. But,
for many people with severe forms of the dis-
ease, the only option is to replace a bad set of
lungs with a good set. Relatively few lungs are
donated, however, and most of these are dam-
aged and therefore unsuitable for transplanta-
tion (see ‘Organ refit’). So, each year, around
Cadaveric or animal lungs might form the framework for new lungs made of a patient’s own cells. the world, only a few thousand patients with
COPD receive a life-saving transplant. New
DE V ICES sources of healthy lungs or devices that serve

the same purpose are desperately needed.
Such technologies are lacking. “Count the
number of devices you can use if your heart is
failing, and you can make a nice long list. But if

your lung is failing, you have very few options,”
says Scott Merz, president and co-founder of
Michigan Critical Care Consultants in Ann
Arbor, a company that designs and develops
‘lung-support’ technologies.
Lab-grown lungs, reconstructed from dam-
The donor lungs of the future — built from collagen or silicone aged donor lungs and seeded with a patient’s
rubber or engineered from donor organs stripped of own cells, offer one attrac-
tive option. What’s more, NATURE.COM
their original cells — might give a new lease of life to these bioartificial trans- Artificial pancreas
COPD patients. plants could have a major to make diabetes
advantage over their more manageable:
BY ELIE DOLGIN natural counterparts: by

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incorporating a patient’s own (autologous) artery through a rod lined with hundreds of
cells, the lungs would be less prone to rejection tubes full of pure oxygen. Oxygenated blood
by the immune system than lungs transplanted then flows back into the femoral vein. This
directly from a donor, and recipients wouldn’t system, which was approved in Europe and All donations accepted
have to take lifelong cocktails of immunosup- a handful of other countries in the past ten
pressive agents. However, considering that years for providing respiratory support for up More than 80% of donated lungs worldwide
Gilpin, on this particular July morning, was to 29 days, has mainly been used as a stopgap are too damaged to transplant. These
only part way through removing the cells for people urgently awaiting lung transplants. lungs can still be used to study tissue-
from her second set of human lungs and that But doctors are beginning to test whether this engineering techniques, such as those
no other team has reported success with this device, and similar technologies, can be used used for generating bioartificial lungs in the
approach on a similar scale, the research is still earlier in the treatment process to avoid the laboratory of Harald Ott, a cardiothoracic
a long way from the clinic. need for transplants altogether. surgeon at Massachusetts General Hospital
“We’re a couple of decades away from hav- Long before needing a new set of lungs, a in Boston. But, with many people dying
ing an autologous, tissue-engineered lung,” says patient with COPD will be well acquainted with while on the waiting list for a lung transplant,
Laura Niklason, a biomedical engineer at Yale the hospital emergency department because of researchers are beginning to explore
University in New Haven, Connecticut, who frequent episodes of severe breathing difficulty. whether the unsuitable lungs might be of
has independently created bioartificial rodent These attacks — called acute exacerbations — immediate benefit to patients, especially if
lungs2. “There are technological hurdles, and occur, on average, two to three times a year in some of the tissue damage can be repaired.
there are stem-cell differentiation hurdles. But people with moderate-to-severe COPD. To give In a 2012 study, a British team of doctors
I don’t think anything is insurmountable.” the lungs a break and help the patient breathe assessed the survival of nearly 1,300 lung-
during one of these episodes, doctors usually transplant recipients, some 500 of whom had
attempt to deliver air through a face mask. received lungs from donors who smoked5,

Although these masks are easier to apply and which is permitted under UK policy. As might
less cumbersome for patients to wear than the be expected, transplant recipients whose
iron lungs of the early twentieth century, mask- lung donors had not smoked survived longer.
based ventilation doesn’t work for everybody. But recipients of smokers’ lungs fared better
For example, individuals who are not fully con- than patients with COPD who remained on
scious and cooperative are not considered good the waiting list. “It’s better to get a lung with
candidates. So, if the mask approach fails, doc- a smoking history than no lung at all,” says
tors turn to more invasive techniques, in which Lorraine Ware, a doctor who studies lung
a breathing tube is inserted into the windpipe transplantation at the Vanderbilt University
and a ventilating machine pushes air directly School of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee.
into the lungs. Such mechanical ventilation can However, before doctors race to
save lives during a COPD attack. But it also sig- transplant suboptimal lungs from smokers,
nificantly increases the risk of pneumonia, and they might consider applying a recently
forcing the air into the lungs can cause injury. developed technique called the Toronto
Lung support devices such as the iLA might XVIVO Lung Perfusion System. Developed
obviate the need for invasive ventilation dur- by Shaf Keshavjee and his colleagues at
ing exacerbations. For example, in a pilot study the University Health Network in Toronto,
of the iLA system reported in June 2012 at the Canada, the procedure involves pumping a
annual meeting of the German Society for protein and nutrient solution into the donor
Internal Intensive and Emergency Medicine lungs and ventilating them with an oxygen
in Cologne, doctors at the University Medical gas mixture for several hours to repair
Center Hamburg-Eppendorf in Germany damage caused by swelling or inflammation.
helped 13 of 14 patients with COPD avoid In a 2011 report, the Toronto team showed
tracheal intubation. that only 15% of suboptimal lungs prepared
Surgeons strip lungs of their original cells. “You have something that breathes outside in this way showed signs of acute organ injury
the patient, allowing the lungs to recover and three days after transplantation, in contrast
In the meantime, many academic and heal rather than being forced to perform by to 30% of the supposedly healthy lungs that
industry researchers are turning to mechani- mechanical ventilation,” says Georg Matheis, were transplanted without such preparation6.
cal devices that can help the lungs to carry out a managing director of Novalung, based in “The advantage isn’t just that we can use
their main function: gas exchange, specifi- Heilbronn, Germany. “This might affect the more lungs but that we also make these
cally the removal of carbon dioxide from the long-term cause of COPD by mitigating or transplants safer and more predictable,” says
bloodstream and the delivery of oxygen. The avoiding the damage inflicted by these exac- Keshavjee, adding that around 20% of organs
first such products are already on the market, erbations.” In this way, patients who are pro- transplanted at the Toronto Lung Transplant
and the next generation of ‘artificial lungs’ is tected against progressive damage by a system Program undergo this perfusion treatment.
not far behind. such as Novalung’s might ultimately live longer (The Toronto program, like those in the UK,
or have an easier time breathing. allows the use of smokers’ lungs, which
OUTSIDE THE BOX Novalung is now moving towards a new Keshavjee says make up 30–40% of lungs
Novalung, a device manufacturer based in iLA design, with a pump that exchanges considered for transplant.)
Talheim, Germany and spun off from Merz’s blood through the jugular veins, in the neck. “This is our first foray into partially
company, is the market leader in lung-support This approach gives patients greater mobility, engineering or repairing donor lungs,”
technologies. The company’s interventional as well as lowers the risk of heart attack and Keshavjee notes. If he succeeds more
lung assist (iLA) membrane ventilator takes other problems associated with an arterial broadly, maybe bioartificial lungs won’t be
blood from a patient’s thigh and circulates puncture. But Novalung is not alone in pur- necessary after all. E.D.
it under ambient pressure from the femoral suing this strategy: another company, ALung

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Technologies based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylva- devices on the same size scale as the structures

nia, is advancing a similar device as an alterna- in the natural lung.”
tive to mechanical ventilation.
In June 2012, at the 58th Annual Confer- SIZE MATTERS
ence of the American Society of Artificial The device still has some kinks that need to be
Internal Organs in San Francisco, California, worked out. For one thing, it would take more
ALung reported success with its Hemolung than 1,000 of them on top of one another to pro-
device, showing that patients with severe vide just one-quarter of the body’s baseline gas-
exacerbations of COPD experienced, on aver- exchange support. And Potkay’s team designed
age, 28% reductions in their blood levels of the device to maximize gas exchange but didn’t
carbon dioxide within 24 hours of the start optimize it to prevent clotting. By more closely
of Hemolung treatment. “We’re bringing the mimicking natural blood-vessel architecture,
technology down to a level of safety, simplicity however, a few research teams have designed
and superior efficacy, all with a lower level of microfluidic chips that circumvent the clotting
invasiveness,” says Scott Morley, a biomedical problem, paving the way for long-term lung-
engineer who heads product management at support devices that could aid even mobile
ALung. The company plans to file for Euro- patients with COPD.
pean approval of the Hemolung system later Joseph Vacanti, a transplant surgeon at
this year. MGH, is leading one such effort. Vacanti helped
Ott to engineer bioartificial rat lungs, but he
POOR EXCHANGE is now focused on developing a microfluidic
Not everyone is convinced that lung-support device. Vacanti’s group has built a device with a
devices offer any real advantage over mechani- bifurcating architecture that closely matches the
cal ventilation for treating COPD. “Right now, branching of blood vessels in the body4. With
the risk–benefit ratio of those two is very close, an eye to miniaturization, his group is now
and it’s hard to tell how that’s going to play out,” working to make the system out of collagen
says Joseph Zwischenberger, a cardiothoracic instead of silicone, a material that introduces
critical-care doctor at the University of Ken- much dead space into the device. “We’ve got
tucky in Lexington, who has been working on a lot of work to do on choosing the best mate-
artificial lungs for about 30 years. “There are rial and making it in the thinnest possible way
those who think the technology has evolved so the size of the thing is either wearable or
to the point where the risk of the devices is less implantable,” says Vacanti.
than the risk of being on a ventilator, and then Across the river from MGH, Jeffrey Boren-
there are a large majority who say, ‘Nope, it’s stein, director of the Biomedical Engineering
just not there yet.’” Center at the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory in
One of the biggest problems with the exist- Cambridge, who has his own microfluidic lung
ing technologies is their tendency to clot: rapid prototype, is focused on optimizing another part
blood cells encounter something akin to a traf- of the design. To reduce the possibility of clot-
fic jam as they flow into and out of the devices. ting, Borenstein and his colleagues are seeding
The devices are also bulky, and only limited gas the channels of their branching gas-exchange
exchange happens as the blood passes over the device with the cells that line blood vessels —
oxygen-filled fibres. Thus, many advocates of endothelial cells — and, so far, they have seen no
lung-support systems are looking to completely decline in the rates of gas transfer. “As we think
redesign the technology and are turning to the about clinical implementation we really want to
science of very small volumes — microfluidics. make this as natural a device as possible so we’re
Using microfluidics “enables you to get not always dealing with these blood interactions
much more surface area for gas exchange with synthetic surfaces,” Borenstein says.
per unit blood volume than the traditional Gilpin, the MGH postdoc, praises the efforts
devices,” says William Federspiel, a bioen- to develop lung-support devices and hopes they
gineer at the University of Pittsburgh and a will soon provide some relief for people with
co-founder of ALung. “That could allow for COPD. But, ultimately, she says, only a pair of
a more compact device that is potentially effi- healthy human lungs can reverse the down-
cient enough to run off room air,” unlike exist- ward progression of this devastating condition.
ing devices, which typically require a tank of She leans her elbows on the lab bench, props her
pure oxygen. A lung-on-a-chip (top), a lung-support machine face in her hands, and gazes at the stripped set of
Some success has been achieved already. (middle) and a bioreactor containing a rat lung lungs. “Seeing this makes me think we have the
Air delivered at near ambient pressures was removed of cells and ready for regeneration. platform,” she says. “You’d never be able to create
able to oxygenate blood in a microfluidic this. Only nature can create this.” ■
device designed by Potkay and his team created a credit-card-sized
Joseph Potkay and device with artificial capillaries that achieved Elie Dolgin is a news editor at Nature Medicine.
Only a pair his colleagues at Case gas-exchange rates far surpassing those of cur-
of healthy Western Reserve Uni- rent devices, without the need for pure oxygen. 1. Ott, H. C. et al. Nature Med. 16, 927–933 (2010).
2. Petersen, T. H. et al. Science 329, 538–541 (2010).
human lungs versity in Cleveland, “We’re pushing the size limits of this technol- 3. Potkay, J. A. et al. Lab Chip 11, 2901–2909 (2011).
can reverse Ohio. In a proof-of- ogy,” says Potkay, who is now at the Veterans 4. Hoganson, D. M. et al. Lab Chip 11, 700–707 (2011).
the downward principle test pub- Affairs Medical Center in Ann Arbor. But 5. Bonser, R. F. et al. Lancet 380, 747–755 (2012).
progression lished in 2011 (ref. 3), “through [such] microfabrication, we can get 6. Cypel, M. et al. N. Engl. J. Med. 364, 1431–1440 (2011).

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Clues, not conclusions
Scientists have some way to go before they can prove that COPD
should be treated as an autoimmune disease, says Steven R. Duncan.

hronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has many inflammation could be proportionally driving harmless (epiphenome-
enigmatic traits. A progressive respiratory disorder that causes nal) autoimmune responses, it is a less than wholly compelling explana-
severe breathing difficulties, it can worsen even after patients tion. Some researchers maintain that particular COPD autoantibodies
stop smoking, may flare up unpredictably without apparent cause, and can be meaningful only if they are not associated with other diseases.
is often associated with other medical conditions such as atherosclero- In reality, however, fundamental immunologic processes are often
sis, osteoporosis, renal dysfunction and cancer. Many characteristics shared among very different clinical syndromes. Hence, the presence of
of COPD could be attributable to pathologic autoimmune processes1. a superficially similar autoantibody in two or more clinical syndromes
And there are increasing numbers of reports that autoantibodies says little about the pathogenicity in any one of those diseases. Someday
against many different lung proteins are often present in COPD someone might discover the autoantibody that is the exclusive cause of
patients2,3.If the underlying cause of COPD were indeed autoimmun- COPD, and then the respective assay will be absolutely sensitive and
ity, new treatments might improve quality of life for patients. specific for this disease. For now, though, this seems unlikely.
Nonetheless, scepticism about the role of autoimmunity in COPD In the meantime, establishing the contribution of any given auto-
still abounds and is probably justified, albeit with several qualifications. immune response to COPD requires, at the least, a demonstration
Some of the uncertainty may be explained by the nuanced and com- of pathogenicity. Autoantibodies can be isolated from patients and
plex biology of autoimmunity4. Low-level reactivity to most (or maybe tested for their effects on human cell targets in vitro2. If auto-immune
even all) of the body’s own proteins is common, and is probably criti- responses are truly pathogenic, there should also be clear evidence of
cal in preventing the immune system from mistakenly launching an characteristic injuries within the target organ2,3. T cells have exquisite
injurious inflammatory response against our own cells and tissues. But specificity for antigens and considerable potential pathogenicity, and
in several studies, patients diagnosed with certain diseases, including are inert to self-antigens in healthy patients. Accordingly, the presence
COPD, have shown significantly higher of autoreactive T-cells is highly abnormal
levels of one or more antibodies that bind and is strong evidence for the presence of
to the body’s own proteins, compared to
demographically matched healthy people. NOT ALL OF THESE ANTIBODIES a pathogenic autoimmune process.
So far, however, few mechanistic stud-
These findings are generally considered
evidence of autoimmunity. SHOULD BE CONSIDERED ies show specific COPD autoimmune
responses that cause injury. Proof that a
Several investigators have used varia-
tions of this approach to identify a “COPD PATHOGENIC, EVEN IF THEIR particular autoimmune response contrib-
utes to COPD will probably require recreat-

autoimmune response.” The increasing ing the disease in an animal model through
availability of high-throughput antigen adoptive transfers of patient-derived
array chips that can detect the presence of pathogenic autoantibodies or lymphocytes
autoantibodies against thousands of pro- — a task that may prove difficult because
teins simultaneously, and the ease by which antigen-specific autoanti- of key differences between the immune systems of mice and humans.
bodies can be discovered, may soon spur a profusion of similar studies. When, as many of us working on COPD anticipate, autoimmune
However, not all of these autoantibodies should be considered patho- mechanisms are more convincingly demonstrated to be factors in
genic, even if their presence is abnormal. The problem lies in under- COPD pathogenesis, clinical trials will have the potential to yield
standing whether a particular one causes or contributes to disease. unprecedented medical advances. Currently available treatments for
Autoimmunity often develops as a consequence of chronic inflam- COPD primarily ameliorate symptoms. Some treatments do attack
mation caused by distinct disease processes4. In all but a few cases, it the underlying inflammation, but not very effectively, and they do not
is unknown how or why initial, narrowly targeted, and appropriate dramatically alter the overall progression of the disease. But modali-
immune responses become misdirected to attack normal tissues and ties to remove autoantibodies or minimize their subsequent produc-
cause disease. One plausible explanation goes that in COPD patients, tion are already available, and several more agents are now being
host defences triggered by microbial infection of the airways promote the developed that could also work5. We may soon have the rationale and
development of autoimmune responses1,2. The tobacco smoke that is the tools to implement novel, and potentially better, therapies for this
number-one risk factor for COPD in industrialized societies is a complex extremely morbid and otherwise unremitting syndrome. ■
mix of highly reactive chemicals that can modify native proteins. These
modified proteins may no longer be recognized as ‘self ’ by the immune Steven R. Duncan is a pulmonary and critical care medicine
system, and can be targeted by an immune response3. physician at the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania.
Most autoantibodies have no apparent pathogenicity. A few, how- email:
ever, are profoundly pathogenic and cause severe tissue damage4.
The trick for researchers is to determine whether observed autoim- 1. Agusti, A. et al. Thorax 58, 832–834 (2003).
2. Feghali-Bostwick, C. A. et al. Am. J. Resp. Crit. Care Med. 177, 156–163 (2008).
mune responses are actually pathogenic, or simply abnormal and 3. Kirkham, P. A. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 184, 796–802 (2011).
harmless. Many studies have found links between autoantibodies 4. Marrack, P. et al. Nature Immunol. 7, 899–905 (2001).
and the severity of COPD. That’s a good start. But because underlying 5. Cancro, M. P. et al. J. Clin. Invest. 119, 1066–1073 (2009).

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relief, and is marketed by pharmaceutical com-


panies Boehringer Ingelheim, based in Ger-
many, and Pfizer, based in Groton, Connecticut.
Now, several new drugs for COPD treatment
are on the verge of being approved by regula-
tory authorities (see ‘Long-acting, daily medi-
cations’). The new candidates are not cures, but
they may offer genuine hope that COPD suffer-
ers can have a better quality of life.

On the surface, the offerings look like sim-
ple replacements for Spiriva and Advair. The
closest to market is glycopyrronium bromide
(NVA237; Seebri), which is awaiting approval
in Europe and has been developed by the phar-
maceutical giant Novartis, headquartered in
Basel, Switzerland. Like Spiriva, this once-daily
drug acts on a set of nerves in the smooth mus-
cle around the airways. “Acetyl-choline acts on
muscarinic receptors found in the muscles sur-
rounding the airways, causing the muscle in the
airways to contract and the airways to narrow,”
explains Dave Morris, who heads global devel-
opment for primary care at Novartis. In patients
with COPD, the new drug competes with ace-
tylcholine, blocking the receptors and prevent-
ing the airways from closing up. It is therefore
classified, together with Spiriva, as a long-acting
Drugs to treat COPD, such as Spiriva, aim to relax the smooth muscle of the airways. muscarinic antagonist (LAMA).
Novartis has carried out three large-scale
T H E RAPEUTICS phase III trials of Seebri. In May 2012, it reported

Strength in
the results of the second trial, GLOW2, at the
American Thoracic Society International Con-
ference in San Francisco, California. GLOW2
was conducted over one year and involved 1,066

individuals: Seebri not only improved lung func-
tion to the same extent as its analogue, Spiriva,
but also took effect quicker. At both 5 minutes
and 15 minutes after inhalation, it produced a
doubling in FEV1, the amount of air that can
be exhaled in 1 second (as measured by blow-
Several new drugs for treating chronic obstructive ing into a spirometer). It has also been clinically
pulmonary disease are about to hit the market, shown to produce greater bronchodilation in the
first 4 hours of use than Spiriva.
with more in the pipeline. GSK is taking a different tack. In July,
together with Theravance, a biopharmaceutical
company based in South San Francisco, Cali-
BY DUNCAN GRAHAM-ROWE narrowing. But traditionally, COPD has been fornia, it applied for regulatory approval in both
treated in much the same way as asthma. For Europe and the United States for a new drug

hortness of breath, a tightening of the relief, patients can inhale short-acting broncho- combination: vilanterol–fluticasone furoate
chest, wheezing and that desperate feeling dilators, which relax the airways: for example, (previously known as Relovair but now called
that you can’t get enough air into your salbutamol, which is marketed as Ventolin by Relvar or Breo). Relvar is similar to Advair
lungs: these are all familiar to asthma sufferers. the London-based drug giant GlaxoSmith- in that it consists of a long-acting β2-agonist
For people with chronic obstructive pulmonary Kline (GSK). Inhaled corticosteroids also (LABA) bronchodilator and an inhaled cor-
disease (COPD), however, such symptoms are reduce inflammation in the lungs and there- ticosteroid. Like Seebri (and Spiriva), Relvar
not fleeting. They are constant and aggra- fore decrease the risk of acute episodes known works on the nerves in the smooth muscles, but
vated by a steady build-up of sputum, shallow as exacerbations, which can leave patients hos- it does so by stimulating β2-adrenergic recep-
breathing and a persistent cough. The most that pitalized for days. For managing symptoms tors, which triggers a biochemical cascade that
patients can hope for in terms of treatment is over the longer term, there are bronchodilator– leads to the relaxation of the smooth muscle in
merely to manage their symptoms as they corticosteroid combinations such as salmeterol– the airways. In phase III trials, Relvar improved
steadily worsen over time. fluticasone propionate (Advair; also marketed lung function compared with placebo or Advair
COPD, unlike asthma, is associated with by GSK), which can ease symptoms for up to 12 when taken over a 12-week period, as measured
tobacco smoking and long-term exposure to hours. Another long-term option is tiotropium by standard spirometry tests.
airborne toxicants, which irreparably damage bromide (Spiriva), which acts by a different GSK has not yet published numbers showing
the lungs, causing inflammation and airway bronchodilation mechanism to provide 24-hour the extent of the improvement. But, according

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Do combination therapies really add value to COPD treatments? The pros and cons of long acting therapies in the pipeline.

Name Main benefit Type of drug Active components Delivery method Doses Adverse effects Stage
per day
Advair Improves lung function Long-acting β2-agonist Fluticasone/ Dry powder 2 Increased risk of Available
for a period of time (LABA) and corticos- salmeterol inhaler non-fatal pneumonia
Spiriva Improves lung function Long-acting muscarinic Tiotropium bromide Dry powder 1 Hives, rash, swelling Available
for a period of time antagonist (LAMA) inhaler and dry mouth
PT003 Efficient delivery, LAMA + LABA Glycopyrrolate and Metered dose 2 Headache, dry mouth Phase II com-
improved lung function (two molecules) formoterol inhaler (MDI) and coughing pleted and Phase
(LAMA + LABA) III to begin 2013
NVA237 Improves breathing LAMA Glycopyrronium Dry powder 1 Headache, dry mouth Phase III
in a matter of minutes bromide (LAMA) inhaler and coughing completed and
approval sought
in Europe
Relvar Once daily instead LABA + inhaled Vilanterol and Dry powder 1 Fatal pneumonia Phase III
of twice corticosteroid fluticasone furoate inhaler reported completed and
approval sought in
USA and Europe

MABA Dual action molecule LAMA + LABA MABA Most likely dry Unknown Unknown Phase II
improves lung function powder inhaler

to a spokesperson, Relvar’s effects last longer as for its novel method of delivery, says Donald bronchodilator by itself,” says Baker. “However,
than those of Advair, so it need only be taken Tashkin, medical director of the Pulmonary we also see the opportunity for a triple-mecha-
once a day rather than twice. A once-daily Function Laboratory at the David Geffen School nism action with an inhaled corticosteroid.”
dose should significantly increase compliance. of Medicine, University of California, Los Ange- Ultimately, this is where the greatest value
“Patients frequently don’t take their second les, who has consulted for the company. Both the may lie — not in the pharmacological precision
dose,” says James Donohue, a pulmonary dis- LAMA and LABA components — glycopyrro- of a single molecule with a dual mechanism of
eases specialist at the University of North Caro- late and formoterol fumarate, respectively — action, but rather in the ease with which it could
lina at Chapel Hill, who has been involved in are established drugs. But PT003 delivers them pass through the drug regulatory system. “The
trials of Spiriva and has worked as a consultant together, bound to particles with a diameter of beauty of this is when it is approved, MABA
to both GSK and Novartis. less than 5 micrometers. In this way, the drug would count as one drug,” says Baker.
molecules are suspended in solution and can In principle, companies hoping to develop
DYNAMIC DUOS be dispensed through a metered dose inhaler, a a triple therapy by adding one drug to this
Patient compliance concerns are also driv- device that many patients find easier to operate MABA would therefore have a low regulatory
ing the development of combination thera- than the commonly used dry powder inhalers. bar, says Tashkin. Normally, triple combina-
pies — the rationale being that patients find it The molecular vehicle also provides an efficient tion therapy would require a six-way study —
easier to take a single medication. Combination means of delivery, ensuring that around half of demonstrating improvement over not just the
therapies also have another advantage. Inhaled the drug reaches its target, as opposed to as little individual constituents but also their various
corticosteroids don’t seem to have strong anti- as 5% with some delivery systems, says Tashkin. combinations — but combining the MABA
inflammatory effects when they are used in iso- Synergistic effects can occur in the lungs even with an inhaled corticosteroid would require
lation. When used in conjunction with separate when LABAs and LAMAs are inhaled separately, a simpler burden of proof.
bronchodilators, however, they’ve been shown but one after the other. However there is preclini- The big question, says Cates, is whether the
to reduce the frequency of exacerbations. This cal evidence that the approach of administering costs outweigh the benefits. For instance, add-
synergistic effect probably arises because “the them simultaneously ing corticosteroids may lower the risk of exac-
β-agonist facilitates the entry of the steroid into through a single erbations but increase the risk of pneumonia.
the [cell’s] nucleus”, Donohue says. So delivering “The big device, as for PT003, Indeed, there have been fatal cases of pneumo-
them as part of a combination therapy has the question of drug may enhance their nia associated with Relvar (although it is not the
potential to optimise this synergy. combinations is effect even further, only drug to carry that potential risk). Accord-
Another effect with ramifications for treat- whether the says Darrell Baker, a ing to Baker, the company is likely to market
ing COPD involves the simultaneous use of a costs outweigh senior vice president the drug at lower doses than those given to trial
LAMA and a LABA. The idea is to open the air- the benefits.” who oversees GSK’s subjects who developed pneumonia.
ways further by simultaneously switching off the respiratory portfolio. Although many of these new drug can-
nerves that tighten the passages while stimulat- If this is the case, then another novel drug, didates hold promise and have short-term
ing the ones that relax them, says Chris Cates, being developed jointly by GSK and Thera- benefits, none of them has yet been shown to
a population health researcher at St George’s vance, could prove successful. The drug is a improve lung function year on year, says Cates.
University of London who studies COPD. single molecule with both LAMA and LABA So until drug companies start to find ways to
Such LAMA–LABA combinations are being properties. Phase II clinical trials of this mus- help repair damaged lungs and reverse the
developed by a company called Pearl Therapeu- carinic antagonist–β2 agonist (MABA) have effects of COPD, there is only one long-term
tics, based in Redwood City, California. Pearl has been promising, says Baker, which when com- ‘treatment’ available to patients, he adds, and
already carried out eight clinical trials on a com- pared to salmeterol “improved bronchial dila- it does not involve taking drugs but abstaining
bination therapy called PT003, and phase III tri- tion across a range of doses”. from them: quitting smoking. ■
als are set to commence in the first half of 2013, Even so, no trial data have been released so
says Colin Reisner, Pearl’s chief medical officer. far, and the company’s plans for this MABA are Duncan Graham-Rowe is a freelance science
PT003 is notable not so much for its chemistry unclear. “We are keen to see how it works as a writer based in Brighton, UK.

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The Pearl River runs through Guangzhou in China, where high levels of smog increase the incidence of COPD.


Where there’s smoke

Air pollution and smoking have made COPD a major problem in China, now compounded
by outdated diagnostics and treatments — and experts say it’s bound to get worse.

BY VIRGINIA HUGHES difficulties. And they have public-health year — a million more than die annually now.
officials worldwide worried about a coming

visitor to China may well notice the epidemic. “We’re just seeing the tip of the ice- SMOKE SIGNALS
country’s smog problem as the plane berg on COPD in China,” says Don Sin, a res- Since the late 1970s, disposable income has
descends. Smog levels in large cities piratory medicine specialist at the University of been on the rise in China and so has the Chinese
such as Beijing and Shanghai frequently dwarf British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, who tobacco industry, which has ramped up produc-
those of other metropolitan centres. Then researches COPD. “In 30 years, [the number of tion and advertising. (However, recent laws have
there’s the cigarette smoke. China, the world’s cases] is going to explode.” banned cigarette advertisements on television, the
most populous country, claims about one-third A large-scale study in China put the preva- radio and in newspapers.) Cigarettes are cheap: as
of the world’s smokers — at least 300 million lence of COPD in 2004 at roughly 8% in people little as 30 US cents per pack, says Sin.
people — who collectively puff 1.7 trillion ciga- who are 40 or older1, in line with rates in the Because of a strong cultural stigma, only about
rettes a year. In rural areas, cigarette smoke per- United Kingdom and the United States. But one in fifty Chinese women smoke. But more
meates buses, shops and even doctors’ offices. because China has seen soaring rates of indus- than half of all men, and about two-thirds of mid-
Beyond cigarette smoke and outdoor air pol- trialization and tobacco use over the past few dle-aged men, do. Smoking is popular among
lution, hundreds of millions of Chinese people decades, and because COPD symptoms aren’t men in the city and the country, among those of
breathe unclean air while working in factories typically noticed until after age 50, public- all educational levels. And a survey of doctors in
and on industrial-scale farms or while cooking health experts say the future is bleak. According six Chinese cities, published in 2007, found that
at wood-burning stoves inside their homes. to Sin, projections based 41% of male doctors smoke, and about 15% have
These airborne toxicants — many of which on current trends and NATURE.COM smoked in front of their patients2.
are by-products of China’s economic boom World Health Organiza- Nature China Smoking-cessation programmes exist, but
— are risk factors for chronic obstructive pul- tion estimates show that covers the best of their impact is minimal. Chunxue Bai, director
monary disease (COPD), an incurable respira- by 2030, COPD will kill 3 Chinese research: of the Respiratory Research Institute at Fudan
tory disorder that can cause severe breathing million Chinese people a University, in Shanghai, says he has launched

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smoking-cessation clinics at 58 hospitals across people who have been exposed to certain dusts
China. But the clinic at his own hospital sees
only about 300 people a year.
In four of six provinces included in one study1, the
or people with lung disease related to a particu-
lar toxin,” she says.
Despite the known link between smoking disease was more common in the countryside, which Another key factor is indoor air pollution.
and COPD, most Chinese smokers do not fully has its own risk factors — such as home cook stoves More than 70% of all Chinese households, and
that throw off toxins and poor healthcare.
appreciate the harm caused by smoking or are 90% of rural ones, use stoves that run on wood,
unconcerned. “They have some knowledge, Urban area Rural area crop residues, coal or animal dung. Burning
but it doesn’t go deep enough to change their these fuels releases particulate matter, as well as
behaviour,” says Frank Hu, a nutrition special- fumes laced with carbon monoxide, formalde-
ist and epidemiologist at the Harvard School of Beijing hyde and free radicals. In 2007, China’s Minis-
Public Health in Boston, Massachusetts, who try of Environmental Protection set emissions
grew up in China. standards for pollutants inside the home, but
China’s high smoking rates explain only part Tianjin
studies that measure air quality in rural homes
of its COPD problem though, because non- have found levels exceeding the standards many
smokers are also at risk. For example, even times over. And exposure to biomass smoke
though few women smoke, women still have increases COPD risk by 2.4 times, according
high rates of COPD. to a 2010 meta-analysis of 15 studies6. “Women
One explanation is that women — 82.5%, being the predominant cooks for families, they
according to one study3 — are exposed to would be exposed to more of that,” says Sin.
second-hand cigarette smoke. Two large stud- Shanghai That might partly explain why the COPD rates
ies in China have pointed to a link between in non-smoking Chinese women are higher in
this ‘passive smoking’ and COPD. The first of rural areas than in cities — the dangerous types
these studies, published in 2007, relied on the Guangdong of stove are more common in the countryside.
Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study, a collec- Sin points to a slew of other factors too.
tion of blood samples and extensive medical About 1.5 million people in China have tuber-
data from more than 20,000 people over age 50 Shanxi culosis, and many areas of China have high
from Guangzhou, the largest city in southern rates of childhood pneumonia and malnutri-
China. In this group, the longer the duration of tion. All three factors increase the risk of COPD
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
exposure to second-hand smoke, the higher the Average prevalence (%) later in life.
likelihood of COPD. The authors of this study
also estimated that, of the 240 million people in DEVICES WANTED
China who were 50 years or older at the time of bacterial endotoxin, and textile workers As recently as a decade ago, COPD research in
the study, 1.9 million non-smokers would die had high levels of respiratory disease. But, at China was scant. Although awareness has grown
because of second-hand smoke4. the time, the US cotton industry suggested considerably in the past few years, scientists still
Similarly, the second study, published in May that workers’ lung problems stemmed from have trouble gauging the full extent of the disease.
2012 by Hu and his colleagues, followed 910 cigarette smoking rather than conditions at COPD prevalence ranges widely from region
non-smoking Chinese women for 17 years. the mills. “Most workers were smokers, so to region, from 5.5% in the province of Shanxi
They found that women who were exposed to it was very hard to tease these things apart,” to 13.7% in the city of Chongqing, according
second-hand smoke were 2.3 times more likely Christiani says. to the large prevalence survey of 20041. Other
to die from COPD than those who were not Thanks to a serendipitous partnership with a studies have found even greater discrepancies
exposed, with cumulative exposure increasing university in Shanghai, Christiani realized that (see ‘COPD in China: Where it’s worst’).
the risk5. China offered a natural experiment to settle the One reason for this variability is inconsist-
But these data are controversial. Studies of debate. In Chinese factories, men and women ency in the methods of diagnosis. Spirometry,
second-hand smoke in Western countries have work side by side; however, whereas most of in which the patient blows as hard as possible
shown a suggestive but not definitive link to the men smoke, hardly any of the women do. for as long as possible into a machine that meas-
COPD. Three other studies in China also did For the past 30 years, Christiani has fol- ures lung capacity, is the global gold standard.
not find an association between second-hand lowed hundreds of people working at two But spirometers are rarely used in China, espe-
smoke and COPD. And COPD rates are up to cotton mills and one silk mill in Shanghai. cially outside the big cities. Even though these
three times higher for non-smoking Chinese His research has shown that even in non-smok- machines are relatively inexpensive for special-
women who live in rural areas than for non- ers, breathing cotton dust causes significant ized medical equipment — several thousand
smoking Chinese women who live in cities, airway blockage. dollars apiece — many doctors, especially in the
even though their levels of second-hand smoke Although China has passed some labour countryside, do not use them. The large COPD
exposure are similar. laws to limit exposure to cotton dust, they’re prevalence study found that less than 7% of par-
“There’s no question that second-hand often not enforced. And many other indus- ticipants diagnosed with COPD had previously
smoke is bad, but the [estimate] for how much tries pose similar threats or worse ones. Coal been tested by spirometry1.
COPD it causes in China is still not known,” says mining, welding, construction, grain process- Instead, Chinese doctors tend to rely on sub-
David Christiani, an environmental geneticist at ing and animal breeding produce their own jective descriptions of symptoms to make the
the Harvard School of Public Health. “It’s much airborne toxicants — including silica crystals, call, which can lead to misdiagnosis as asthma
more than just a simple linear connection.” asbestos and faecal matter — all of which can or a non-chronic form of bronchitis. “People
Christiani became interested in the non- contribute to COPD. go to see their doctor complaining of short-
smoking causes of COPD in the late 1970s, The impact of these occupational hazards ness of breath, and responses would be, ‘You’re
when US health officials were pushing for is evident even in the layout of Chinese hospi- getting old’ or ‘You have bronchitis, take some
regulations to limit workers’ exposure to cotton tals, notes Peymané Adab, an epidemiologist at antibiotics’,” Sin says.
dust in textile factories. The process of turning the University of Birmingham in the UK and Even for individuals who receive a bona fide
fluffy cotton flowers into strong thread throws an investigator on the Guangzhou Biobank COPD diagnosis, medical care and drug treat-
off particles of plant matter, pesticides and Cohort Study. “There are specific wards for ments can be lacking. In Western countries,

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COPD Academy, a programme that has

reached more than 20,000 general practition-
ers across China. A third of the programme
focuses on a COPD drug called Seretide, a
combined anti-inflammatory and bronchodi-
lator that is marketed by GSK. The other two-
thirds — developed with the help of the top
18 respiratory experts in China, according to
GSK — aims to deliver unbiased education on
the basics of COPD diagnosis.
There has also been some regulatory move-
ment on the antismoking front. In the past
few years, major cities in China have banned
smoking in hospitals, restaurants, public trans-
port and other indoor public places, and a
similar nationwide ban was instituted in 2011.
These laws are difficult to enforce, however,
and many smokers blatantly ignore them.
Smoking regulations promoted by promi-
nent doctors and China’s Ministry of Health
have a powerful enemy in the Chinese tobacco
companies, which are controlled by the
One study found that fewer than 7% of COPD patients in China had been tested by spirometry. government at the local and national levels.
“The tobacco companies are much stronger
common treatments for COPD include several inhaled medications used in Western countries. [than the health department] because they have
kinds of inhalants, such as corticosteroids Yet even the cheap drugs present an economic the money,” says Tai Hing Lam, director of the
and β-agonists, that open up the airways in burden for most families, who shoulder the School of Public Health at the University of Hong
the lungs and provide immediate relief from bulk of their healthcare costs without insurance Kong. “That’s why the progress has not been as
symptoms. In the later stages of the disease, or government assistance. One study found good as we would like.” Lam and other experts
many patients use portable oxygen tanks. But that the total cost for a patient with COPD in say that China’s COPD problem will not be
these options are far too expensive for most China was US$1,732 a year — a tremendous curbed until the public makes demands for more-
Chinese patients. amount, given that the average urban Chinese sweeping political changes from its government.
In China, the most common COPD treat- household pulled in only $3,000 per capita in There is a precedent. It happened in the
ments are two inexpensive tablets. One, 2010, according to an analysis of government summer of 2008, when the Olympic Games
called carbocisteine, helps break up mucus statistics by the China Market Research Group. were held in Beijing, and China shut down
and phlegm in the respiratory tract and has Beyond cost, the difference in quality of dozens of nearby factories and ordered half of
antioxidant properties that may slow the pro- life is enormous. all private cars off the road. The Beijing gov-
gression of COPD (see ‘A radical treatment’, The inhalers used ernment also passed smoking bans in schools,
page S4). The other, called theophylline, is a “Only about one in Western coun- hospitals and government offices, and required
decades-old bronchodilator, or respiratory in fifty women tries slow down lung non-smoking sections in hotels and restau-
muscle relaxant, and anti-inflammatory. Theo- smoke, but more deterioration and rants. Air pollution dropped quickly.
phylline is structurally similar to caffeine and than half of all give patients years of But as soon as the festivities were over,
is known for its erratic absorption and harsh men do.” additional mobility. business continued as usual, and many of the
side effects, including nausea, headache and They are also better smoking bans were lifted.
life-threatening changes to heart rhythms. at preventing exacer- All China needs is a wake-up call to realize
Chinese researchers are focused on rigor- bations, which cause intense anxiety and often the significant human and economic burden of
ously testing the effectiveness of their small take weeks to recover from. These flare-ups COPD, according to Christiani. “Once China
drug arsenal. Studies of Western patients have often mean time off from work, making treat- starts recognizing the problem as something
found little benefit to adding carbocisteine or ment costs even harder to bear. that needs to be tackled, it can make some
theophylline to other, reportedly more effec- significant strides.” But for millions of older
tive, treatments. But, in China, where most HAZY FUTURE Chinese people, any hope of avoiding COPD
patients use nothing else, research has shown For now, inhalers are available only to wealthy risks has gone up in smoke. ■
that the two drugs can help. For example, a Chinese citizens. But, as China’s economy con-
2008 report found that in Chinese patients with tinues to grow, so too will its middle class — Virginia Hughes is a freelance science writer
COPD, carbocisteine treatment for one year and its market for more expensive drugs. based in Brooklyn, New York.
reduced the number of exacerbations, or sus- Pharmaceutical giants have taken notice.
tained disease flare-ups, better than a placebo7. A spokesperson for Novartis, headquartered 1. Zhong, N. et al. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 176,
The same was found for theophylline given in a in Basel, Switzerland, says the company 753–760 (2007).
slow-release formulation at doses low enough recently approached a regulatory agency in 2. Jiang, Y. et al. Am. J. Prev. Med. 33, 15–22 (2007).
3. Han, J. X. et al. [in Chinese with English abstract]
to prevent severe side effects8. China about one of its inhalers, a once-a-day
Wei Sheng Yan Jiu 35, 609–611 (2006).
Both drugs are much cheaper than inhal- bronchodilator. Jinping Zheng, deputy direc- 4. Yin, P. et al. Lancet 370, 751–757 (2007).
ants. In 2008, the average annual cost of car- tor of the Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory 5. He, Y. et al. Chest
bocisteine therapy in China was 650 renminbi Disease, says that London-based AstraZeneca chest.11-2884 (23 May 2012).
(about US$90 at the time) for each patient, is investigating COPD in China. And he says 6. Hu, G. et al. Chest 138, 20–31 (2010).
compared with 4,320 renminbi ($580) for that four years ago, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), 7. Zheng, J. P. et al. Lancet 371, 2013–2018 (2008).
treatment with the standard combination of also headquartered in London, launched 8. Zhou, Y. et al. Respirology 11, 603–610 (2006).

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